This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 558 The Battle of “Faith”

Downstairs of the Jushi Military Industrial Building.

He looked up at the sky, where the murderous dagger stood like a baboon, and said with a sad look on his face.

"Damn it! Why can't I fly!"

The good names standing aside were all given to the dog. He glanced at his excavator-like hands and said with a playful smile.

"With your two iron lumps, taking you is like taking two less people. If you scratch your head, the plane will be demolished. You'd better save yourself."

The Kidney Fighter patted him on the shoulder.

"That's right, save it."

Murderous Dagger said with a sad look on his face.

"I want to dismantle this thing."

He now feels the pain of alien players.

Regardless of whether it is ugly or not, the fact that it cannot use conventional weapons is uncomfortable enough.

If I had known, he should have followed Mosquito's lead and installed a spine with a little more slots, and installed the two big fists as extra prosthetics, instead of directly replacing the two original arms.

This makes more sense.

"Rich people..."

"You're too much of a spoiler."

Kidney Fighter and Good Dog looked at this guy with envy.

The cost of modifying the mechanical prosthesis is not free, and may account for one-third or even one-half of the total price depending on the situation.

Murderous Dagger smiled sheepishly.

"Don't panic, you can sell it second-hand, hehe."

The Kidney Fighter rolled his eyes, betraying his self-comfort.

“How the hell would you buy this thing!”

Not wanting to get entangled in this regretful issue, Murderous Dagger changed the topic and said.

"By the way, why don't you go with the plane?"

The Kidney Fighter sighed.

"Hey, I won't accompany you."


Murderous Dagger raised his hand in excitement and wanted to pat Brother Shen on the shoulder, but he was so frightened that the latter ducked away in a cold sweat.

"Fuck! Do you want to kill me?"

All the good names are given to dogs: "Hahahaha!"

After preparations were completed, twelve trucks drove toward the east gate of Boulder City and drove out of the city along the road under the viaduct.

On the other side, two Viper transport planes also left the tarmac, their belly engines spraying plasma plumes.

Like two dragonflies flying one behind the other to the south.

Sitting next to the cabin window, Chen Yutong looked at the gradually shrinking giant wall and the ruins of high-rise buildings outside the giant wall, with his eyes in trance.

Several cows and horses on the same plane looked at Ms. Chen's back and played jokes about the animal world on the communication channel.

"Spring is coming."


"It's the breeding season for animals again."

"The male turtle is lying on his back -


"Shut up."

Knowing that he couldn't argue, Lao Bai simply pinched the heads of the most dancing guys.

Everyone was honest for a while.

But not long after, a few restless guys started muttering in the private microphone again.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that that guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Lao Bai, couldn't hold back his loneliness." Ye Shi smacked his tongue and said with a smirk.

Kuangfeng glanced at him helplessly.

"Why are you so excited about my partner?"

"Don't you care about me, brother?" Ye Shi chuckled and turned his attention to Fang Chang, "By the way, where is your Dolly? Why don't you give her a gift?"

Fang Chang coughed.

"It's enough that I didn't ask her to send me to the door... Saying that you are so worried, you should worry about yourself."

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, but soon came to his senses and said with a smile.

"What do I have to worry about...I never play games anywhere."

Seeing the young man's confident look, Fang Chang chuckled, suddenly his eyes moved, and he said pointedly.

"Don't feel embarrassed. It's not uncommon to have a partner these days."

Seeing Fang Chang winking with himself, Kuangfeng was slightly stunned for a moment, then smiled in realization. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

He nodded and said meaningfully.


Without waiting for Ye Shi to speak, Fang Chang continued. First update

"Let's just talk about Wasteland OL. In fact, there are a lot of players who are talking about partners with NCs, but most players care about privacy and rarely disclose it to other people."

For example, he himself never shows affection in public. It's just that the good brothers in the group are so enthusiastic that everyone on the official website knows about it.

Ye Shi scratched his head.

"Actually, there are not many...First of all, language is a problem, and secondly, culture and habits are also another aspect."

He didn't know what others thought, but he always felt that it was weird to fall in love with NC.

It’s just a stand-alone game.

The problem is this!

Especially for games under testing, in theory, the development team is collecting player data all the time, and it is impossible to

Fortunately, we are having sex with each other behind closed doors in the game, but it is live broadcast on the big screen in the conference room.

When he thought about doing that kind of thing, with countless people standing next to him, he couldn't help but clasp his toes on the ground, and at the same time, he felt a sense of admiration for the big-eyed brother.

How did he stand up in that situation? !

It’s simply impossible!

"Then you are wrong," Fang Chang smiled faintly as he looked at Ye Shi, whose eyes were hooded, and continued, "In the face of feelings, what you said is not a problem at all."

Ye Shi asked softly.

"Even if it is broadcast live——

"Ahem! The development team will not peek into players' private lives... I asked Aguang and he told me." Fang Chang interrupted Ye Shi in the middle of his words.

Good guy.

After laying the groundwork for a long time, I almost got myself involved.

Seeing Fang Chang's embarrassed expression, Ye Shimiao laughed knowingly.

"I believe it!"

Ignoring the boy's malicious smile, Fang Chang cleared his throat, regained his composure and continued.

"In short, there is nothing surprising about being in a relationship with an NC. Especially the residents of the shelter, they have their own attraction buff for most wastelanders. In addition, wastelanders are more enthusiastic and unrestrained in personality, and they have some sense of normal existence. Even if a player who is not very strong suddenly finds someone, it is normal."

Ye Shi frowned and looked at him.

"what do you want to say in the end……"

Kuang Feng suddenly spoke up.

“I heard that Teng Teng seems to have many suitors.

. "

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment.

Without waiting for a second, his face quickly turned red into an apple.

"Wait... What does this have to do with Teng Teng?! Why did the topic suddenly jump to -"

"Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a rich woman."

Ignoring Ye Shi's incoherence, Fang Chang gave Kuang Feng a well-done look and continued with a knowing smile.

"Even if you suddenly get married one day, it's actually nothing to be surprised about."

Guangfeng couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Haha, you are so bad."

Fang Chang raised his eyebrows at him.

"the same as you."

Quit smoking: “Hahaha!”

The cabin was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Ye Shi, who had been talking a few seconds ago, now looked at the wilderness outside the cabin with a look of sadness on his face, and closed his mouth.

Looking at Ye Shi, who had turned off his microphone, he quit smoking and coughed twice after laughing enough, then turned around and said a few words to Ye Shi again.

"Hey, you just like to bully Brother Ye Shi, and I, an honest person, can't stand it anymore!"

Fang Chang and Guang Feng subtly averted their eyes.

"Isn't this boring bragging?"

"That's right! This kid also makes fun of me..."

But speaking of it, Fang Chang was quite surprised.

I didn’t expect this guy to be such a...

The 800-kilometer flight is only two hours for the Viper. A group of good buddies were chatting and laughing on the plane. This trip was not boring at all.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Already looming on the mist-shrouded horizon. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

of Jinhe City.

Concrete buildings stand on lush plains, edged by rolling hills and forests.

Jinhe City does not have as high-density and concentrated buildings as Qingquan City. There are only a few urban areas with high-rise buildings, and most urban areas are closer to the layout of a modern city. A towering center is surrounded by a plain cement box. .

"What a big city..."

“It feels bigger than the real city!”

"That's no nonsense. There was an Era of Prosperity before the Wasteland Era. According to the description of the Era of Prosperity in the official website settings, there is no trace of the Era of Prosperity in reality."

Looking in the direction of Jinhe City, Fang Chang clicked on V's map and compared it with the real terrain to confirm the approximate locations of several mission coordinates.

At this time, the NC pilot sitting in the co-pilot seat suddenly said

"There seems to be something going on near the landing site."

Anticipating that work was about to come, everyone stopped joking and looked serious.

"Let me see."

Moving to the left side of the cabin, Lao Bai looked in the direction of Dust Town and tapped his index finger on his helmet.

The power armor's helmet comes with a zoom function, and you can see clearly at this distance even without a telescope.

After staring in the direction of Chenchen Town for a long time, Lao Bai's brows gradually furrowed.

"Militants were found near Chenchen Town, with a size of about a hundred men... There are too many obstructions, and the specific number cannot be confirmed."

Kuangfeng said with a serious expression.

"Are you going to release the drone?"

Lao Bai nodded.

"To be on the safe side, let's send a drone over to take a look."

No nonsense, Guangfeng immediately opened the drone backpack, took out a Y-1 Firefly drone with folding rotors, and threw it out of the cabin like a paper airplane.

The drone slid by inertia for a while, then quickly opened its two pairs of folded rotors and sped towards the target airspace.

Just as Guangfeng was operating the drone to fly over the target, Lao Bai continued to give orders in a deep voice.

"There is an abandoned logging camp two kilometers north of Chenchen Town. A group of people followed me and landed in the open space on the south side of the logging camp and walked to Chenchen Town."

"The second group is on standby in the air, with weapon safety turned on, ready for support at any time."

The pilot sitting in the front driver's seat gestured.


The two Vipers parted ways in the air, one dropped in height and flew toward the ground, while the other continued in the direction of Dust Town.

At the same time, Chenchen Town, a few kilometers away, was bustling with activity, with a dark group of people standing outside the two-person-high fence gate.

They were in high spirits, some were carrying farm tools, some were carrying rifles, and they were shouting something at the people inside the door.

A missionary in a robe stood at the front of the team, looking haughtily at the survivors behind the walls.

Emotions brewed for a moment.

He raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop yelling, then faced the closed gate in front and spoke in a solemn and loud voice.


"Hold your knees to the Son, kneel on the ground and pray for forgiveness from the fire. This is your last chance."

"Otherwise, all of you will be relegated to the status of slaves, and your descendants will have to work under the scorching sun all day long. Even after death, your labor will not be lifted."

"I only give you two minutes to think about it."

After saying these words, he hurriedly turned around and retreated into the crowd behind him, letting the believers beside him continue to call the door.

He had already finished pretending, and obviously this guy didn't want to be exposed to the enemy's gun for too long.

Looking at the ferocious guys outside the fence gate, the residents of the town invariably had a trace of fear written on their faces.

But I'm afraid of returning.

Thinking of the three gods living in the town, most people settled down, held the thing in their hands tightly, and stood ready behind the one-meter-high low wall.

Go to hell with the torch!

Go to hell with the Holy Son!

The invincible true god is standing behind them, and has hunted everything. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Count the wolves and hyenas who covet them.

They already have their own patron saint, and they won't trust those intangible guys!

Wearing the "Hunter" exoskeleton specially designed for the Death Claw, the garbage picker level 99 was standing by the window on the third floor of the town office, squinting at the people outside the town, thinking about how to get rid of those guys with minimal casualties.

It's a pity that Brother Mouse's combat effectiveness on the frontal battlefield is too poor, and he is only good at sneak attacks. The new agility type is not very good, but he can't be said to be very strong.

Needless to say, for the survivors in the town, if two people died, their morale would collapse, and in the end they would have to rely on their own output 80% of the time.

But standing outside was a team of 100 people...


Standing next to Mr. Garbage, the mayor with gray temples swallowed and nervously whispered a reminder.

"Sir... there are too many of them. If there is a fight, we may suffer."

His name is Qin Baitian, he is the mayor elected by the villagers of Chenchen Town, and he is also the gray prophet of the Great Horned Rat Cult. Error-free updates

To be honest, he didn't really understand what the Horned Rat Cult and the Gray Prophet were, but it was indeed the first time he saw the talking rat and the Death Claw, so he believed them immediately.

His idea is very simple and simple. Whoever can keep the residents of the town safe, he and the residents of the town will recognize who is the god here.

At first, Qin Baitian was extremely devout to the Horned Rat Cult, but now the surrounding settlements seem to believe in the Torch Cult.

As a maverick, they were not only squeezed out by the surrounding survivor settlements, but now they were also troubled.

It was a bit embarrassing to say it, but seeing such a battle, he was somewhat discouraged.

It would be great if the big horned deer god could rule this land together with the holy son who holds the torch high. He wouldn't mind adding an extra stick of incense to the temple.

The garbage man had no intention of giving in, and he didn't notice the mayor's thoughts. He stared out the window and cursed.

"I'm not blind... Damn it, why are there so many people in that Hope Town?"

"I'm afraid it's not just Hope Town... some of the new faces are probably from other settlements."

After carefully glancing at the big lizard next to him, Qin Baitian continued cautiously and tactfully.

"Sir, it's not a good idea to go against all the survivors, especially since I heard that they seem to have won over the mutant tribes in this area. Those green-skinned guys are even worse. How about we talk to them? .”

Good guy!

And hooked up with a mutant!

These people must not be allowed to stay!

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Mr. Junk's eyes, and almost at the same time, a "whooshing" sound passed through the air above the town.

Before anyone could recover, the flames of the explosion bloomed on the roof of the small town mill, and then the billowing smoke engulfed the windmill.

Screams could be heard one after another in the streets, including the faint cry of babies. Nearby residents rushed over with buckets to put out the fire. The morale of the militiamen standing behind the low wall was shaken.


These lunatics used all their artillery!

The sound of artillery can be faintly heard here, but it is impossible to see where the shells are flying from. It is precisely because of this that a trace of panic arises in everyone's heart.

"Time is up."

The missionary closed the raised cuffs and looked away from his watch, looking at the chaotic town in front of him.

A hint of imperceptible viciousness flashed across Gujing Wubo's pupils, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You are asking for your own death."

This is the only remaining settlement in the entire Jinhe City that has not been included in the diocese. He will not allow it to be dedicated to the bishop.

There is such a stain on the human map.

If these ignorant mud-legged people refuse to embrace glorious evolution—

Then go to hell!

Seeing that the windmill that he had built was blown off its roof, Mr. Garbage, who was standing on the third floor watching the battle, suddenly became furious and shouted out the window.

"What the hell!"

"Hit me!"

. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

There was no need for him to give orders at all.

The religious lunatics outside the low wall had already taken the lead in launching an attack. They used the slopes and tree trunks as cover and fired in the direction of Dust Town with the rifles in their hands.

Not to be outdone, the survivors in the town relied on the one-meter-high low wall as a bunker, mounted their rifles on the top of the wall and fired outwards, or fired through shooting holes.

Thanks to the weapons inventory saved by the previous mayor's business with the alliance, they not only have automatic rifles such as ld-47, but also two Maxim machine guns, which are no less powerful than those religious lunatics.

The only disadvantage is probably the support firepower on the opposite side.

From time to time, one or two cannon shots were heard in the distance, and along with the sound of whooshing through the air, the town bloomed with exploding sparks.

Although it was not very accurate and did little harm to the militiamen near the low wall, it undoubtedly had a heavy blow to the morale of the survivors in the town.

Their homes were all destroyed by the shells. Those houses were built brick by brick by them, and their families might even live in those houses!

But at this moment, they have no choice but to fight.

After all, looking at the eyes of the lunatics outside, I'm afraid that even if they surrender, those people will never let them go.

Gunfire broke out inside and outside the town, and the battle entered a fever pitch just as it began.

Although those militants did not undergo any strict training, they fought surprisingly bravely and their morale was extremely high.

Junk Jun always feels like something is wrong.

It has only been half a year since the Torch Church spread to this area. How could these "monks" who were halfway to become monks be brainwashed into this way?

Just as he was thinking this, he soon saw a strange scene on the battlefield in the distance.

I saw a Torch Church believer whose arm was broken by the machine. He should have been rolling on the ground in pain, crying for his father and mother, but he didn't say a word. Instead, his dark face showed a sickly flush.

The pain seemed to be transformed into something else.

After discovering the abnormalities on those people, Mr. Garbage suddenly felt a chill in his back.

"Damn it! These lunatics are on drugs!"

A forceful voice came from the communication channel.

"Isn't this obvious? That Naguo! They obviously ate it!"

Mr. Garbage was immediately shocked.

"Damn it! Naguo still has this effect?!"

Forcing people to do something difficult: "Nonsense! Have you forgotten that 'fugue' state? Those magicians have a way to make people

Staying sane while going crazy! "

There are similar examples in reality. For example, during World War II, the German army widely used meth as a "battlefield."

And these drug addicts seem to be even better. Not only do they take drugs, but they also mix drugs with religion, reaching a double fanaticism both physically and mentally.

Even though their intestines fell out, those guys continued to fight without fear, just like they had just started the server.

Mr. Garbage felt a bit troubled.

If this trend continues, even if they can hold on, they will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Just when Jun Jun was in trouble, the v on his arm suddenly flashed, and then a familiar voice came into his ears.

"What's the situation over there? Why did the fight start?"

Lao Bai!

Reinforcements are coming!

The light of hope bloomed in the amber pupils, and when he heard the extremely reassuring voice, Mr. Junk screamed excitedly.

"Good brother! Come on, give me a hand!"

After a burst of electric current, the voice in the communication channel became clearer.

"Don't worry...what's going on with those people?"

Mr. Garbage said dumbfounded.

"Who knows! As soon as they came up, they clamored for us to join in some glorious evolution. We refused, and then they opened fire!"

Lao Bai: "Red name?"

Junk Jun: "That's necessary! They made the first move!"

Since it is a popular name, there is nothing to hesitate about.

Almost at the same time as the words fell,. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Two rockets drew an arc in the air and landed on the position outside the fence gate.

The flames of the explosion soared into the sky and instantly engulfed dozens of militants who had left their bunkers and moved forward.

Then rapid gunshots came from the air, and orange tracers rushed toward the woods outside the fence gate like a rushing rain. ·No error in the first release~~

The situation on both sides of the offense and defense reversed instantly!

Mr. Garbage, who was standing by the window, excitedly waved his paws into fists.

"Haha! Nice fight!"

Qin Baitian stared blankly at the lizard shaking his fist outside the window, and then at the burning sea of ​​fire in the distance outside the window. The horror in his eyes gradually turned into admiration.

"Big Horned Rat...Oh no, God, Big Horned Deer..."

This gentleman is truly the incarnation of a god!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed for his previous wavering of faith, and lowered his head piously.

I am really blind.

In order to make up for this sin of disrespect, he is willing to serve this gentleman for the rest of his life!

Completely unaware of the change in the expression of the mortal next to him, the unsatisfied Garbage Man clung to the window with his claws and jumped downstairs with a howl.

He stepped heavily on the brick-paved street, leaving two hollows in the smooth road. He lowered his body and rubbed the ground with the tips of his hind paws, his amber pupils flashing with bloodthirsty light. .

"It's hunting time!"

He is so good at the job of collecting people!

We can’t let the brothers of the Burning Legion steal all the limelight!

Like a runaway wild horse, Mr. Junk seized the opportunity to enter the field, quickly crossed his own position, roared open the wooden fence door, and rushed towards the smoke-filled position waving his sharp claws.

In just one breath, two thugs were torn apart by him.

In a trance, he saw the whistling claws and the devil-like face, the missionary in gray robes. The astonishment on his face gradually turned into a bone-deep horror.

"Devil! Devil!"

He screamed and ran backwards as if lifeless.

Does that big-antlered deer god really exist? !

For a moment, his faith, which was clearer than diamonds, wavered slightly.

But then again, what about the antlers of the big-horned deer god?

Why didn’t he see….

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