This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 573 We never treat those who help us badly

Wasteland ol official website. ltg

Player communication section. ltg

The players who were active in Hope Town opened a separate post, shared the information they collected in the settlement, and started discussing it. ltg

Since the hotly debated posts on the forum are basically related to the newly liberated Boulder City and the upcoming wave, this post does not have much discussion heat, and is basically communicated by several players of the Burning Legion. ltg

But there are advantages to having fewer people. ltg

Everyone was basically discussing strategies and plots, and no one came out to mess around. ltg

Fang Chang: “In the 44th year of the Wasteland Era, the Ministry of Production signed the ‘Revival Law of the Yunjian Province’ and confiscated the information of the Ministry of Technology in ltgt

All research institutes in Yunjian Province, including Gestalt life forms, project-related research equipmentltgt

Give. ”ltgt

"Due to the accumulation of conflicts for too long and the negotiation process being too simple and crude, the peaceful integration turned into armed conflictltgt

A sudden explosion caused some experimental subjects with unstable DNA to escape. Some of the experimental subjects fled inland, and some along the ltgt

Activities along the coastline... These information are recorded in detail in the library of the Great Rift Valley. I remember ltgt a few months ago

It is included in the official website settings collection. ”ltgt

"It is a reasonable guess that the researchers who fled to the wasteland did not give up their mission and traveled through the mountainsltgt

Shui came to Jinchuan Province and found Singularity City after the War and Construction Committee was disbanded in 45 years of the Wasteland Era, and met the local residents.

The citizens reached a cooperation, continued the research on Gestalt life forms, and turned a small number or even most of the survivors into ltgt

mutants. ""The current Qi tribe is the descendants of those survivors a hundred and fifty years ago. ”ltgt

After briefly sorting out the information Lao Bai collected from the priest, Fang Chang expressed his conjecture. ltg

After hearing his conjecture, some players were immediately shocked. ltg

Ye Shi: "Damn...are the residents of Singularity City crazy?!" ltgt

Murderous Dagger: "It's okay to actively become a mutant..." ltgt

Fengfeng: "It's not necessarily crazy. Put yourself in my shoes. Suppose you are a billionaire, and now youltgt

Standing in front of him was...or a group of top scholars with various titles. They tell you they are ltgt

They are studying technology that can reverse cell aging, but now there are evil forces eyeing their immature research.ltgt

research results. As long as you are willing to give them shelter and sponsor them to complete their research, not only you, but all mankind can use ltgt

on this novel technology. ”ltgt

Fang Chang: "Your example is actually not accurate enough. The pie drawn by the 'Gestalt Life Body' is comparable to the fragrance of cell agingltgt

There were many, and the survivors at that time had just escaped from the protection of the War and Construction Committee, and they were all facing severe practical survival challengesltgt

Experience... The people standing in front of you now are not only a group of scholars with top titles, but also people under the influence of 'traitors'ltgt

Scholars who are persecuted by "them", they may also bring some black boxes. You can not only get material rewards by supporting themltgt

Li, morally you have the upper hand, everyone will support you, even if you accidentally take a little detourltgt

road. (Squint)"ltgt

Even if the imbalance of responsibilities and obligations and the gap between reality and ideals are the root cause of the crisis, the production department's plan ltgt

The plan was just an advance prediction of the crisis, but the military operation of Yunjian Province was indeed the one that lit the fuseltgt

A match. ltg

In the eyes of the vast majority of survivors at that time, those in the production department were traitors, and Ideal City even betrayed itself.

own ideal. ltg

A group of researchers who were persecuted by the production department but still did not forget their mission are ltgt with tragic heroes.

Halo. ltg

When the War and Construction Committee collapsed, no matter whether they went to Singularity City or Boulder City, they would definitely be affected by the local ltgt

Acceptance by residents. ltg

Most of those who could still lead everyone forward in that desperate era had a glimmer of ideal in their heartsltgt

of. ltg

Ye Shi: "But mutants... obviously don't have that kind of technology! (laughing and crying)" ltgt

Fang Chang: "That's not it for the time being. Don't forget, whether they are mutants or clones that grow eight times faster, they are all ltgt

Yes, a by-product of the Gestalt ‘living body’. Although this by-product is not perfect yet, it is already better than this ltgt

The primitive life forms on the planet are too perfect. A certain investment opportunity is in front of you, what do you have?

What is the reason for rejection? (Squint)"ltgt

Gale: "Singularity City is actually better than Boulder City. At least Jinhe City doesn't have mutant slime molds or ltgt."

There was a nuclear attack. Although the industrialization rate was not as high as that of Boulder City, there was no serious survival crisis and there was no shortage of food. I think this may be why those researchers chose Singularity City as the ltgt

The reason for the new base area. ”ltgt

Lao Bai: "Then some residents sacrificed themselves under the temptation of the Gestalt life form and became mutant ltgt

people? ”ltgt

Fang Chang: "Based on the information you got from the priest, it's probably like this. And it's probably 80% of it later

For some reasons, they eliminated the original residents and installed ltgt on the mutants who did not have penises.

Tintin. ”ltgt

Gale: "I heard that the reason why the earliest mutants had no reproductive organs was to prevent the spread of DNA.ltgt

It should not be difficult for those researchers to add back what was deleted. ”ltgt

Quit smoking: "But why do they do this..." ltgt

Kuangfeng: "Who knows? Maybe the original residents of Singularity City had no structure. (Squints)"ltgt

Fang Chang: "Actually, it's easy to understand from another perspective. Someone promised your grandfather that he would definitely complete ltgt in twenty years.

You have no doubt that the new life form will turn everyone into a more perfect new human being. As a result, you took over grandpa’s ltgt

Ben, looking at himself, is almost turning into a grandfather, and his promise has not been fulfilled. ”ltgt

"At this time, a bunch of powerful eunuchs in the settlement lost their temper every day. They claimed that their sacrificesltgt

and dedication have been deceived and asked you to change them back, but neither you nor the scholars you sponsor can do anything about it. ltg

After all, this is unfinished technology. No one has been to the future to see how far it is from the end. You can only retreat ltgt

Please secondly satisfy their other least put their penis back on. ”ltgt

"Anyway, this technology is almost completed. Everyone says so. You will believe it after saying it too much. Wait for the last piece of ltgt

The puzzle is complete and everything will be fine. ”ltgt

"Then a new problem arose. I don't know from which day, there was a group of people in the settlement who had never been a human for a day.ltgt

Kind of mutant. They found that they could knock out those weak bamboo poles full of bad ideas with one punchltgt

In the past, not only did they live longer, they almost never got sick or caught colds, but they just looked a little less popular ltgt are free to use your imagination as to what this meant in the wasteland at that time. ”ltgt

"When more than 99% of the entire settlement is a new generation of mutants, and they join ltgt out of worship of violence

Their old humanity, the era of the old humanity is over. ”ltgt

"Except for a few radicals, they will remember where they came from, where they are going, and continue their previous plans."

Plan and continue to complete the 'Gestalt Life Body' that I don't know when it will be completed. But most mutants will recognize ltgt

Because they are already in their most perfect form, and what they need to do now is to open up the survival of mutants in this worldltgt

Space will completely turn old humans into livestock in a breeding farm. ”ltgt

"Some old humans will be loyal to them or cooperate with them in order to become a member of the mutants and ltgt

and the chance to survive in the new world. ”ltgt

Gale: "From this perspective, the routes and programs of the Mutants and the Torch Church are extremely complex.ltgt


Ye Shi: "No wonder they can pee into a pot..." ltgt

Lao Bai: "By the way, Fang Chang, how was your conversation with the caravan captain at Pinecone Farm?"ltgt

Fang Chang: "That matter has been settled... He promised to cooperate with our investigation in the settlement. As ltgt

In exchange, we only need to take his family along with us when we retreat. ”ltgt

Quit smoking: "666!"ltgt

Kidney Fighter: "Awesome! As expected of Brother Fang! The most lifelike man in the server! (Funny)"ltgt

Fang Chang: "Get out!"ltgt

Ye Shi: "But then again, why are these female businessmen running away one by one?"ltgt

Kuang Feng: "Isn't this obvious? I smelled the lake before, but this time the fire burned to my eyebrows. ltgt


Vault 404's browsing room. ltg

Chu Guang, who was leaning on the sofa, read the posts on the forum and made a second ltgt of the information collected by the frontline players.

tidy. ltg

It just so happened that at this time, the Alliance Biological Research Institute completed the analysis of the remains of the prosthetic mutant. Heya personally ltgt

I brought the analysis report over. ltg

"The analysis results are out. There is a genetic difference between the mutants in Jinhe City and the mutants in Qingquan City."

Connection... Most of the mutants in this area spread from there. ”ltgt

After walking to the sofa opposite Chu Guang and sitting down, Heya stretched out his index finger and lightly swiped in the air, pushing the blue window in front of him. ltg

"This is a detailed analysis result."ltgt

He stretched out his index finger to open the blue holographic window and glanced at it briefly. ltg

The dense data and various graphics above were beyond the scope of his knowledge, but he believed in Heya's ltgt

Professional level. ltg

"Where's that in the desert?" Hea said concisely. ltg

"According to the samples sent by Kaituo City...the correlation between the two is very low, I tend to think that they are ltgt

Source different branches. ”ltgt

"A branch of different origin refers to..." ltgt

"To put it simply, their ancestors are mutants born from different research institutes, and each of them was in the original ltgt

Made some basic improvements. I remember that there is also a research institute on the west coast that is engaged in the research of "Gestalt Life Forms"ltgt

Yes, the clones of the Legion are the by-products of that kind of research facility. ”ltgt

When he said this, a trace of emotion appeared on Hea's face, and he continued. ltg

"To be honest... I'm actually quite surprised. In that special period when material resources were scarce, those technical staff still lgt

Being able to use limited equipment to produce such outstanding research results. ”ltgt

As a singularity technology isolated outside the 'horizon' of human civilization, gestalt life forms were learned in the prosperous eraltgt

The academic world is constantly climbing the mountain without any results. Even with the rich DNA sample library provided by the colonial planet, the research ltgt

Research progress remains slow. ltg

One can imagine how difficult this magnificent project is. ltg

However, in the early days of the Wasteland Era, the most desperate era, various settlements still retained certain ltgt

The ability to develop new technologies can make some unexpected improvements on existing results. ltg

This is actually quite difficult. ltg

"Indeed, if you put aside the negative impact of imperfect technology, what they do is indeed quite good."

When surprising. ”ltgt

Looking at Heya with a look of emotion on his face, Chu Guang suddenly thought of something and continued. ltg

"By the way, the alliance troops have collected some interesting clues in the south, which may be related to Vault 117."

Point of association - "ltgt

Before his Hua Ying fell, Heya stood up from the sofa with a loud sound and put his hands on the coffee table. ltg

"Where is she!?"ltgt

Chu Guang, who had not come back to his senses, was stunned by her sudden reaction. ltg


"Karen!" Staring at him intently, Hea said excitedly, "My mentor! Where is she!?" ltgt

"Ahem...don't get excited yet."ltgt

Looking at Heya who was almost poking her nose in her face, Chu Guang coughed lightly and signaled her to calm downltgt

Come. ltg

Finally realizing his gaffe, Hea's cheeks turned red, and she quickly sat back on the sofa, with her fist on her lipsltgt

Bian coughed lightly. ltg


"It's okay, I understand."ltgt

After all, I have been sleeping for nearly twenty years, and when I open my eyes, everything has changed. That Professor Kallen is probably her in this ltgt

My only relative in the world. ltg

According to the news obtained from Vault 401, the professor is most likely still alive and following the Torch peopleltgt

Went to the south. ltg

Chu Guang also had many questions in his mind and looked at Xiao Qi, he said. ltg

"Xiaoqi, please help me make two cups of black tea."ltgt

Xiao Qi pouted, her expression a little unhappy, but after hearing Chu Guang’s order, she still obeyed it very obedientlyltgt

Voice. ltg

"Okay, Master."ltgt

After a while, x-16 walked in with graceful steps, placed two cups of black tea on the table, and politelyltgt

He nodded slightly, and then exited the viewing room gracefully. ltg

Looking at Heya who was gradually calming down, Chu Guang spoke slowly. ltg

"I don't have any specific information about your mentor, but the residents of my shelter are in Jinchuan Province."

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During the activities in a place called Hope Town, we investigated that a group of shelter residents came to the settlement 20 years ago ltgt

, and traded some supplies from them with medicines. ”ltgt

"There is only one clinic in that town, and the doctor who works in the clinic is now the pastor of the town. He is very fond of that ltgt

Some people still have some impressions... According to his memories, those shelter residents stayed in the town for a while, buying ltgt

I bought a lot of supplies and also asked about Singularity City. ”ltgt

"Singularity City..." Chewing the word quietly, Hea's eyes were filled with confusion. ltg

Chu Guang asked looking into her eyes. "Didn't you hear your mentor talk about that place?"ltgt

Hea shook her head. "No..."ltgt

"That's it..." Chu Guang thought for a moment and continued, "If that's the case, I'm more inclined to ltgt

They collected clues about Singularity City from the wasteland, and after understanding what happened a century and a half agoltgt

Later, he took the initiative to contact that 'odd' tribe. ”ltgt

Unless there is a special mission to perform, most blue jackets tend to contact survivors on the surface. Those peopleltgt

He might even have been to Stonehenge, but was disappointed with the arrogant nobles and left on his own. ltg

Singularity City is also a settlement in the War and Construction Committee's blueprint, and they do have reason to try their luck further south. ltg

Hea muttered to herself. "What on earth...does she want to do."ltgt

"I don't know, but according to the results of our investigation, it happened to be the Qi tribe that showed aggressiveness ltgt twenty years ago

At the initial time point, I prefer that the residents of Vault 117 have reached a certain ltgt with them since then.

This kind of agreement... There should be no church at that time, and the torch should be just a torch. ”ltgt

Looking at the hot steam on the teacup and Heya who was silent in the mist, Chu Guang sighed softly, ltgt

continued. ltg

"I promised you that I would tell you the clues I collected about Vault 117, but I hope you won't

There is too much psychological burden. ”ltgt

"Well..." Hea nodded slowly, but the confused expression revealed the emotions in her heart.ltgt

legacy. ltg

In her impression, her mentor was a very kind person, kind, capable, and brave, and he treated her ltgt

It's like her mother. ltg

She tried to understand what Professor Kallen was doing, but the closer she got to the truth, the more she felt like ltgt

It fell into a thick fog. ltg

Working with mutants...what do they want to do? ltg

Didn’t they agree that after the gate is opened, a beautiful new world will be rebuilt on the surface? ltg

Heya vaguely remembered what her mentor once told her. ltg

One day in the future, she will have a long dream, but don't worry, wait until she recovers from that short dream ltgt

When I woke up and opened my eyes again, there was already a peaceful and fertile land outside. ltg

Thinking about it now, the crisis that would overturn Vault 117 had probably been decided since then, and ltgt

Her mentor had decided from the beginning that she was going to stay. ltg

"I...if only I hadn't fallen asleep."ltgt

The ten fingers clasped the teacup tightly, and Hea, who lowered his head, stared at the sparkling water in the cup, looking at the dripping water.

Looking at those eyes that were also sparkling. ltg

Seeing her lowered eyes, Chu Guang comforted her softly. ltg

"Maybe...but thinking about it from another perspective, now might not be the best arrangement." He sometimes thought about it. ltg

It would be great if I could travel through time earlier. ltg

When he raised his head, he saw a devastated wasteland. He always felt that when he opened his eyes, there were many irreparable things.ltgt

have already happened. ltg

But at this time, he would also think, if he really woke up earlier, would the situation be different? ltg

It might be worse, maybe. "That's right..."ltgt

He raised his sleeves and rubbed the corners of his eyes, and a cheerful smile appeared on Hea's face again. ltg

"It would be nice if I could talk to her in person."ltgt

Chu Guang nodded seriously. ltg

"There will be a chance."ltgt

The night is getting darker in the urban area of ​​Jinhe City. ltg

Standing on the roof of an abandoned building, Garn looked quietly in the north direction, his eyebrows like a caterpillar squeezed into ltgt

A ball. ltg

Og set out in the morning. ltg

Logically speaking, this point should have come back long ago. ltg

However, it was quiet in the north, with no movement at all. ltg

He couldn't help but have an ominous premonition in his heart. ltg

At this moment, a mutant sentry came running from the stairwell with a groan, kneeling on one knee ten steps behind himltgt

Down. ltg

"Og, there is no news. Hope Town is in a mess."ltgt

"They held a banquet there, with human bones, discarded weapons, and more than two hundred of our corpses."ltgt

"Two hundred?"ltgt

Jia En had a look of astonishment on his face. He turned his burly body and looked at the sentry who was kneeling on the ground. ltg

"Are you sure? There are so many?"ltgt

The sentry nodded his head as if he was pounding garlic. ltg

Yes, many brothers died. By the way, I also picked up such a big bullet casing. ltg

As he said that, the sentry reached behind his back with his right hand, took out the shell casing he saw on the battlefield, and respectfully handed the ltgt forward.

go. ltg

Gaen reached out and picked up the thick bullet casing, pinched it with two fingers, and brought it close to his nose, his brows furrowedltgt

Tighter. ltg

At this time, a voice with a hint of aging came from the direction of the stairwell. ltg

This is not the weapon of 039 Iron Tower, this is specially designed for us. ltgt

Garn looked towards the stairwell and saw a hunched figure standing there. ltg

That was Gomo, the high priest of the clan, and the only old man he respected who was on the side of the secularists.

people. Compared with those corrupt old guys, he is one of the few good people who really cares about the tribe. ltg

Seeing Garn looking over, the old mutant continued slowly. ltg

"They are from the alliance, so they can't be wrong."ltgt

"These people are well prepared. The ones stationed in Hope Town are probably just outposts. The people you sent out to ltgt

There's no news yet, and it's probably very bad. ”ltgt

The corner of Jia En's mouth twisted into a cruel smile. ltg

As if he had vented his anger early, he crushed the bullet casing on his fingertips into a twisted ball of waste and threw it in the ltgt

on the ground. ltg

"No matter who dares to go against us, I will make them regret coming into this world."ltgt

Gomo nodded slowly and said respectfully. ltg

"I believe you have this strength, but to be on the safe side, we'd better discuss it with our alliesltgt

Down. ”ltgt

"The guys in the north have designed troublesome things for us, and we have to prepare more reliable things for our warriorsltgt

weapons. ”ltgt

With a hint of alertness in his eyes, Garn nodded slowly. ltg

"Well, it is indeed a problem."ltgt

Although he is covered in muscles, the muscles have not grown into his brain. ltg

The humans in the north have designed special weapons for them, and they also have to find ways to forge stronger helmetsltgt

Only A will do. ltg

Those guys who call themselves Torches happen to be experts at this. ltg

If those guys don't want to see their plan go to waste, they'd better figure it out for them. ltg

The next morning. ltg

The barricades at the entrance to Hope Town have been removed, and a line of loaded trucks is parked in front. Twenty or so heavily armed LTGTs

The soldier stood aside and was ready to set off. ltg

Half of these warriors were Xiao Yu wearing exoskeletons, led by Luo Yu. The other half is the Burning Legion ltgt

players, led by elder brother Fang. ltg

The rest of the players followed Lao Bai back to the military base at the junction of the provinces to stand by. ltg

According to the NPC named Wu Wenzhou, too many people can easily arouse suspicion. After all, these six trucks are equipped with ltgt

The total amount of goods carried was only about one million silver coins. How could He De afford such a luxurious mercenary group? ltg

Except for Xiaoyu who found it inconvenient to take off his exoskeleton, Fang Chang and several other players left their exoskeletons with Lao Bailtgt

Let's help bring it back to the military base. ltg

"...Don't forget our agreement." Walking next to Fang Chang, Wu Wenzhou's eyes flickered and he lowered his head.

The voice warned nervously. ltg

Those mutants scared him yesterday. ltg

Now he somewhat understood why his leader was eager to get away from the farm. ltg

Fang Chang gave him a reliable look with a bright smile on his face. ltg

"Don't worry, we will never treat people who help us badly."ltgt

"Of course I believe you...Seriously, it would be great if you were willing to expand your territory here, and we would also ltgt

No need to leave home and go north. ”ltgt

After leaving these words, Wu Wenzhou turned around and returned to the truck, grabbed the intercom hanging on the center console and shouted "ltgt"

son. ltg

"Let's go!" The vehicle started to move. ltg

Ye Shi climbed into the truck and sat next to Luo Yu, and suddenly looked up at the woods nearby. ltg

Noticing his movements, Luo Yu asked doubtfully. ltg

"What's wrong?"ltgt

"...It's nothing." Looking away from the woods, Ye Shidi mumbled, "I felt someone was there just now."

Looking over here. ”ltgt

But he didn't feel any killing intent. ltg

Maybe it's the NC in town...ltgt

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