This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 576 Funds are burning

In the hotel at the entrance of Songguomu Farm, candlelight flickered in the simply decorated guest room. Wu Wenzhou, who had been unable to fall asleep, was pacing back and forth in the room.

Things are getting bigger and bigger...

At first, he just promised Yang He to provide some help to the mercenary and take Yang He's six-year-old daughter out of the Zhao mansion.

Whether it was for the sake of his kindness or for his own interests, he planned to help.

This doesn't require a lot of risk.

Although Yang He was his leader, he did not do this through him;

They use mercenaries hired from outside.

After the incident, he could have lied and claimed ignorance.

And if Yang He completely withdraws from Pinecone Wood Farm and stays loyally,

And he drew a clear line with Yang He, and he will be the royal businessman of Songguomu Farm in the future.

Although Yang He also persuaded him to go together, relying on the principal accumulated in the past, even if they didn't

You can still make a lot of money using the resources of Pinecone Wood Farm.

However, without even thinking about it, he politely declined. Compared with the illusory freedom, he

More thirsty for power and wealth.

He is very aware of the difference between himself and Yang He. That guy may have enjoyed enough, but

I haven't tasted that fascinating taste yet.

Maybe in the future he will make the same choice as his former boss, but that will have to be after

After he found a large sum of money.

Now taking the risk to leave, not only all the previous efforts to please the master have been lost,

All his previous efforts were in vain, and he would never be able to live the life he dreamed of.

However, after seeing what happened in Hope Town, I had a conversation with the guy named Fang Chang.

After a detailed discussion, a basin of cold water was poured on his head.

To make money, you have to have life to spend it. Maybe the boss is right.

People here have gone crazy.

Therefore, he agreed to the conditions offered by the alliance without hesitation and helped the soldiers of the alliance.

Entered the settlement.

In exchange, the Alliance would send a plane to remove him and his family from the plantation

Take it away.

However, what he didn't expect was that things deviated from the track he had imagined from the beginning.


The people of the Alliance have never thought of quietly investigating the sanctuary and hiding there.

Instead, he was planning a more terrifying and bold conspiracy.

What he didn't expect even more was that when they were in Hope Town, they were captured by Captain Luo Feihui.

The eyeliner was focused on, and the ambitious guy also got involved.

No matter how stupid he is now, he has come to his senses. I was wanted!

But it can't be said that the alliance deceived him, it's just that these cunning guys didn't

Just say all the plans in your heart.

After all, it is better to infiltrate carefully and bribe relevant personnel to obtain information.

Taking over the farm and catching the relevant people for interrogation slowly is also a kind of investigation.

And much more efficient.

not only that.

If the alliance controls the entire farm, his family will naturally be safe, and

It can be regarded as completing the exchange conditions he proposed.


Is it really that smooth?

He couldn't help but look at the darkness outside the window.

Isn’t it too quiet this night?

There was a knock on the door.

The sudden sound startled Wu Wenzhou, who was fidgeting.

He hurriedly walked to the door.

His hand was on the doorknob, but he didn't open the door immediately. He asked cautiously first.



It was quiet outside the door, not a sound could be heard. The knock on the door seemed to have gone far away.

Yes, but he could be sure that the person was still at the door because he did not hear the leaving feet.


Feeling uneasy in his heart, he held the doorknob with his left hand and reached into his pocket with his right hand.

Inside, he held the revolver in his pocket and gently opened the safety.

Then, he gritted his teeth and opened the door. Standing at the door is the owner of the hotel. He

Li Liangchuan, an acquaintance.

Seeing that familiar face, Wu Wenzhou breathed a sigh of relief instantly, and his pounding heart immediately calmed down. His whole body seemed to have lifted hundreds of pounds of weight off his body.

heavy burden.

Damn it, you knocked on the door and didn't say anything, you really want to scare me to death!

The man standing at the door didn't speak. He just stood there as if sleepwalking, staring straight at him.

Look at him, keep your mouth shut and say nothing.

Stunned by that empty gaze, Wu Wenzhou swallowed nervously and tried to

Then he called his name.


The man still didn't respond, and Tong Kong stood there lifelessly.

Something was wrong, and Wu Wen finally felt something strange in his heart.

Zhou Xiang retreated into the guest room, took out the revolver in his pocket, and pointed it at

Killed the man's head. He roared with a ferocious expression.

What are you doing? Pretending to be a ghost!

It seemed that he finally had a little reaction to the threatening voice, or maybe he was influenced by it.

Something woke him up, and the innkeeper slowly lowered his eyes to look at him.

Staring closely at those lifeless eyes, Wu Wenzhou swallowed and retreated again.

He stood in front of the wooden table by the window, and while aiming at the head, his index finger was already on the trigger.


From those turbid holes, he saw the desire for flesh and blood!

That is the look in the eyes of a hungry beast when it sees its lone prey, walking in the wasteland.

Having been around for many years, he will never be wrong!

There's something wrong with this guy! There is definitely a problem!

Don't come here! I warn you! Come here again and I will shoot——! Ahhh


He vented his anger and fear with a roar, and looked at his friend who staggered towards him.

He pulled down his index finger on the trigger.

Bang bang——!

The explosion of gunpowder resounded in the room, and the bullet shattered his friend's gun without any suspense.

The head, carrying the plasma and brain plasma lake, arrived in the corridor.

Don't blame me for warning you. Staring at the body on the ground, leaning against the table

Wu Wenzhou was panting hard, but before he could recover, one after another appeared.

The figure at the door made his expression change instantly.

One, two, three. That's a group!

Wearing waiters' uniforms, they looked like zombies, with a pair of abyss-like eyes.

Looking at him, he opened his mouth and made a low sound like mud.


Uh-huh - like a rushing torrent. They pounced. ah

Ahhhh! The frightened Wu Wenzhou used his revolver to fire at the crowd rushing in.

Fire wildly

Accompanied by the explosion of gunshots, gunfire flashed in the half-closed window.

Like a candle swaying in the evening wind.

After a while, a pool of scarlet blood splashed on the window, and then spread

There was a twisted face and bloody handprints, completely covering up the warm light.

At the same time, in the center of the settlement.

The magnificent mansion that belonged to the farmer was also covered in a bloody atmosphere at this moment.

shrouded. Aren't you looking for me?

Now that I am in front of you, why are you silent? quack quack

Along with that voice, there was dry laughter, echoing in the dead silence hall.

It's unspeakably weird.

Everyone immediately looked up and saw a middle-aged man standing on the second floor picking up the sky.

In the stands, his turbid eyes looked over the guardrail at the people standing in the hall.

He seems to have been waiting here. Wait for them to come over on their own.

After a quick glance at the image on v, Fang Chang's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at it again.

That man's eyes were filled with surprise.

Zhao Tianqian? !


Luo Gan?

Fang Chang stared at that person intently.

Luo Yu glanced at him hastily, his eyes seeming to ask what you were talking about.

However, Fang Chang did not answer.

Just now, he thought of a possibility. Although it sounded a bit unbelievable,

But this can explain why the sanctuary is an absolutely safe place. And from a non-religious scientific perspective

Because that thing is not on the ground at all.

It is precisely because he is not on earth that anyone can theoretically listen to his blessings.

sound. And as long as he wants, he can appear anywhere.

Hearing that name, a strange smile appeared on the man's face.

Haha. Did you react? A little faster than I thought.

Ah, so that’s it.

Fang Chang looked at him calmly, his expression gradually becoming dignified.

Glancing at the expression on Fang Chang's face, the dog swallowed his saliva at the good name.

I asked hastily, both nervously and excitedly.

What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand? !

He can understand a few Chinese couplets. But after listening to it for a long time, I was confused.

Fang Chang gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence.

Mind interference device!

Mind.Interference? ! Luo Yu glanced at him unexpectedly, wondering why he suddenly

Then mention that thing.

Does that thing have anything to do with the current situation?

Fang Chang stared at the man intently and said calmly.

Do you still remember the characteristics of the mind interference device? The higher the mind, the more messages it can receive.

The more specific the information, the smaller the impact. The lower the mind, the more information it can accept

Less, but relatively more affected.

His Adam's apple moved and he continued.

Excessive consumption of Naguo will cause people to enter a state of fugue. If that is the case

In terms of state, the mental state is probably close to zero.

The real gospel may not be that pill!

It's a mind interference device working somewhere!

The real effect of that pill is not clear

This is not about suppressing addiction reactions!

It's something that amplifies the signal or assists in analyzing the signal.

Of course, this is just his guess. But one thing is for sure!

From the time they arrived at Pinecone Farm—no, it should have been earlier, that guy

They have already been targeted!

The man standing on the balcony on the second floor had a fierce look in his eyes.

Goliath, kill them! One roar and one -!

The moment the man's voice fell, Roshan sitting on the ground let out an ear-splitting sound.

There was a deafening roar, and the windows of the entire building were shattered outwards by the terrifying sound wave.


Several players standing in the hall covered their ears. Although the pain was blocked, everyone

Human hearing is also almost malfunctioning.

In order to capture the thief first, Good Dog quickly raised the muzzle of his gun and hit the man standing with two bangs.

He picked up the abdomen and shoulders of the man in the stands and burst out a string of blood beads without saying a word.

Fall backwards.

I didn't expect this boss to be so stubborn. The good dog stared in surprise, then frowned.

Spitted colorfully.

Pooh! You're so pretentious! Fang Chang's voice came from the side.

Don't let your guard down! That guy is just a puppet!

Good Dog: WTF? !

Fire! Fang Chang clenched the rifle in his hand and pointed it straight at the man sitting

x among the dead

I saw that the piece of meat sitting on the ground had stood up and rushed forward with heavy steps.

To the players standing at the entrance of the hall.

Tu tu tu tu——!

The muzzle of the gun sprayed tongues of flame, and the bullet casings thrown from the barrel fell to the ground with a clang.

Luo Yu pulled the trigger without hesitation, and streaks of orange tracer light rushed toward the

Shoot the monsters that hit you.

However, what surprised him was that his bullet seemed to shoot into a huge lump of condensation.

Glue, there wasn’t even a single ripple on that giant wall-like body!

I blanch! What the hell is this? !

The bullets fired focused on the monster's huge head, but the lump was still missing.

There is no reaction from the huge meat mountain.

The kinetic energy is completely absorbed!

Even in the face of the concentrated fire of ten rifles, the monster called Goliath still did not stop at all. The giant hand as big as a windmill swatted

Towards the people standing in front of the door, a strong wind was set off in the spacious hall.


Seeing that the monster was about to rush in front of him, wearing a K-10 iron wall exoskeleton

The little feather fruit entity drew out its combat knife and rushed forward with long strides.

The sharp blade pierced the monster's left chest.

Surprisingly, however, the blood did not spurt out

The heart is not there at all!

The blade that pierces in only hits the fat! Blanch——

A short mournful cry sounded in the communication channel. That monster is like a train, only one

Stalling for an instant, the Xiao Yu fruit body wearing an exoskeleton was directly knocked away.

He continued to rush towards everyone with unabated momentum.

However, Xiaoyu's fruiting body finally bought some time for everyone and escaped the call.

A slap from Xiao.

He raised his arm to block the flying broken tiles, and Fang Chang unplugged and inserted it into the exoskeleton.

The incendiary bomb hit the monster named Goliath hard.

Flames exploded on the monster's body!

However, compared to its fat body, the burning flame is like a cluster of shaking

The flames caught on the lighter will not harm it at all.


Originally, he didn't expect to use this thing to solve this monster.

While Goliath roared in pain, Fang Chang shouted loudly in the communication channel.

Teams c and d evacuate the building! The drone team is ready to fire!

Lao Bai! Come and give us a hand!

Night ten! Are you okay? If it really doesn't work, let it go, we're going to withdraw!

Ye Shi did not get off the carriage before, but stayed in the carriage and followed the driver to the servant

In the dormitory where I lived, I went to find the six-year-old girl on behalf of Luo Yu.

After all, Luo Yu wants to command Xiao Yu's fruiting bodies. Only when he is nearby, those

Only with a small feather price can you exert your greatest combat effectiveness.

No reply was heard from Ye Shi on the communication channel. But Lao Bai's voice spread quickly

Come, accompanied by the whistling wind.

Just hang in there! We are on our way and will be there soon!

At the same time, the harsh broadcast tore apart the silent night, and the shriveled

Sharp laughter echoed over the manor.

Hahaha. Useless. You can't escape! Stay here

Come in!

Goliath roared, directly knocking down the wall connected to the front door of the villa, twisting

With a naked face, he roared at the players who fell into the vestibule.


The noisy air waves blew away the leaves and dust, and the C and D teams who withdrew from the villa alternately fired at the monster.

At the same time, Team B squatting in the flower bed and Team A coming back from the backyard also picked up the

The rifle in his hand focused fire on the monster.

Goliath's movements stagnated for a moment, and his angry roar was laced with traces of anger.

Si was in pain, and it was obvious that it was not immortal.

When injured, it also feels pain! At this moment, two dragging tails

The flames of flame fell from the sky and accurately hit the monster's shoulders.

The explosion of fire swallowed Goliath, and the deafening roar was also swallowed up.

They were cut off abruptly.

There was a smell of roasted lake floating in the hot air.

The dust from the explosion dispersed, and only a lump of flesh and blood was seen standing on the collapsed villa.

The front door looked so miserable that its original shape was almost unrecognizable.

Black pieces of coke are scattered on the ground, with gray smoke and heat waves floating around. Those who should

These are the pieces that have peeled off from it.

Yi's public steps and stone slabs look at the steps burning in silence

The road, and the towering and motionless mountain of flesh, Luo Yu swallowed.

Is it done?

It seems - not.

Look carefully, that fat body is still undulating evenly, even after being hit by missiles.

Broken to pieces, I still haven’t swallowed the last bite.

not only that!

Earthworms grew out of the wounds on the ground, and there were wounds on its back.

The flesh-like strips are twisted and intertwined, removing the damaged parts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bit of stitching!

This incredible recovery speed is outrageous even for mutants.

Its legs had been repaired and it suddenly began to retreat backwards.

When Fang Chang saw this, he immediately shouted into the headset. Strong wind! Two more shots!

A calm reply came from my ears. receive.

As the words fell, two tongues of fire flashed through the night sky, and two missiles were seen falling from the sky.

Next, the monster that was repairing itself was hit again!

One of the missiles directly hit the healing wound, and each tentacle

The meat-shaped pieces were stuck on the side of the missile, trying to throw the thing out of the body.

However, its response was obviously a step slower.

The fire of the explosion exploded with a bang, easily tearing away the pieces of meat wrapped around the missile.

It was torn into pieces and swallowed up the monster again.

No matter how outrageous the recovery speed is, it is still in the category of carbon-based organisms. If the two

If the missiles are not enough, just two more!

But this time, it was apparently enough.

The behemoth fell heavily to the ground, and finally stopped...

Large pieces of black slurry gushed out from the wounds all over his body, as thick as oil.

It looks like blood and fat.

The battle is over.

However, the crowd did not cheer.

Everyone is extremely awake. They are standing in the middle of the Pine Cone Farm at this moment.

There are at least three thousand-man teams outside.

Making a fuss at the boss's house

The movement caused the room to be filled with bullet holes and blood. Even if they had a thousand mouths, they would probably

I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly.

The only one who could possibly control the situation, Luo Feihui, was dead.

Something's wrong

Fang Chang withdrew his gaze from the rockery-like corpse and glanced around him warily.

Around, the muzzle of the gun cruised along the edge of the garden.

Is it too quiet around here?

If I remember correctly, from the main entrance of the manor to where they are now

There were at least two sentries along the way, with more than a hundred soldiers.

Even if only a few seconds have passed since the battle was triggered

Mine, West will not make the patrols and sentries on duty nearby seem to be deaf.

There was no reaction at all.

He hurriedly glanced at the thermal imaging camera on the V

Anti-photograph, the huge corpse in the center of the screen is shaking with white light, in front of the villa

The highlight of Fang is obviously them.

And further away, a series of white bright spots have gathered near the manor.

Close, waiting for an opportunity to launch an attack.

This is not abnormal.

However, when he zoomed out and looked farther away, he saw those signs

The bright spots of soldiers still moved along fixed routes, patrolling in an orderly manner.

Fang Chang suddenly realized something and shouted immediately.

Strong wind! Get rid of all your ammo! Lighting?

As soon as the two words blurted out, Guangfeng seemed to react without hesitation.

facing the settlement

The empty space left four rounds away from the man-machine.

Pigeon missile.

However, a strange scene happened.

I saw that after the four missiles were fired, they turned directly in the air and adjusted their direction.

He blasted towards the main entrance of the villa.

Looking at the tongue of fire turning in the air, Fang Chang's face changed wildly, and he spoke in the team voice audio

Dao shouted loudly. Rush into the villa!

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards the villa he had evacuated from earlier.

Almost at the moment he stepped through the door, the explosion of fire started behind him.

Blooming not far away, the hot air waves will

He pushed directly into the door, his helmet hit the pillar and he almost fainted.

He was lucky.

The two players were only one step too late before they were swept into the boiling fire and died on the spot in the support of friendly forces.

Under firepower.

The sound of strong wind came from the communication channel.

The drone was hijacked. Sorry! My fault.

It’s not because you have a master opposite you. Looking back at the burning flame,

Fang Chang, who sat up on the ground, took a breath and stood up with his gun on the ground.

He suddenly remembered that he was on the way to transport fuel rods in the East District of Qingquan City.

, the battle with the Torch Church.

There are not many of them, but they are well-equipped and well-trained.

If it weren't for the home field advantage and the timely support from Brother Mosquito's aircraft, they would have almost no chance.

What are the chances of winning.

A flame burst into the air.

The seagull worth 300cr triggered the self-destruction process after actively detecting that it was out of control.

sequence, gliding towards the preset escape coordinates.

3 million. And it’s cr.

Funds are really burning this time.

It is not just the remains of seagulls that light up the sky, but also the rising and upward trails.

The light formed a fire net in the sky.

Looking out the window at the night sky lit up by anti-aircraft fire, Fang

The director immediately felt something was wrong and shouted into the headset.

Lao Bai, what's going on over there?

There was a chattering sound coming from the communication channel, and the noisy gunshots and wind sounds showed the intensity of the battle.


We were driven back by anti-aircraft fire! You can't get close to the central area of ​​the settlement.

Gotta hold on a little longer!

Although the flexible Viper will not be knocked down by a few quadruple anti-aircraft guns,

However, under the harassment of anti-aircraft fire, it was unable to smoothly switch to vertical takeoff and landing mode and slow down.


Someone is approaching outside! Luo Yu, who was holding a rifle at the window, shouted nervously.

One sound, blanch! It seems quite a lot!

Almost at the same time, Lao Bai's voice continued to come from the communication channel.

A large number of targets are approaching you, be careful! Those people don't feel right


Ready to fight!

Fang Chang quickly approached the window, placed the rifle on the window sill, and waved

He signaled teams A and B to go to the second floor.

Defense deployment is complete.

With a slight gasp, he gritted his teeth and continued.

Approximately. How many people?

Lao Bai said in a deep voice.

I don’t see it very clearly here, but if I read it correctly, the number is probably

I'm afraid it will cost at least tens of thousands!

Fang Chang was stunned for a moment.

Thousands? !

Common sense and instinct told him that Lao Bai was probably wrong.

However, an affirmative answer came from the communication channel.

Yes, only tens of thousands, I'm afraid it's a bit conservative. The heads of the entire settlement are turning to you.

Our direction is closer!

Fang Chang:? ? ?

I blanch? !

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