This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 579 The Tribunal of the Torch

In the Pinecone Farm shrouded in darkness, the noisy gunfire was like firecrackers. The moonlight shining on the ground was not bright at all, and the places illuminated were filled with shocking pieces of meat and blood.

A flood of zombies rushed toward the Alliance soldiers stationed in the manor house.

In the swirling tracer light, they fell like wheat caught in a harvester, and like waves hitting the beach, one after another, they quickly moved forward to fill the gap.

The firepower of just twenty people was simply not enough to withstand this group of guys who were not afraid of death.

Those believers who were like living dead quickly broke through the fire blockade, crashed into the villa through the door and windows, and bit everyone they saw like crazy.

Not only that, some guys in military uniforms would also shoot and throw grenades.

This is the most terrible thing!

"Holy shit! Are these guys cheating?" He killed a living dead who was shooting with a rifle, his face turned pale.

He had played zombie-themed FPS for a long time, but this was the first time he heard that zombies could shoot.

"The first floor can't be defended anymore...Old Bai! How long do you have!" he yelled as he retreated while changing the magazine.

Near the stairs, Fang Chang gritted his teeth and clicked on the communication channel.

There was only the rustling sound of electricity in the communication channel.

Behind the Seagull drone, the opponent no longer covered up and directly launched electronic warfare, first cutting off their communications.

But Fang Chang always felt that it was not that simple.

In the current noise, he vaguely heard other sounds... It seemed that it was not just an interference, but also contained the unconscious disturbance of something else.

In any case, the first floor has been captured.

The Alliance players had to abandon their positions on the first floor and retreat towards the second floor. They used barricades and doors to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the living dead in the narrow corridors.

Just when the battle in the mansion was fierce, there was a hotel not far from the manor.

Four men in white coats were sitting in a room on the fifth floor, looking out the window at the Zhao Mansion in the center of the storm, talking with smiles on their faces.

"The combat effectiveness of ordinary experimental subjects is still too weak. In the end, they are just ordinary people, and eating fruit does not fundamentally change their body functions."

"Sure enough, if people can't make good use of the tools at hand, their fighting power will be worse than that of animals.

"Indeed, in terms of direct combat effectiveness, mutants are indeed a more suitable choice...but on the other hand, those green-skinned monsters are not very obedient."

The four people sitting here are all apostles of the Torch Church.

However, unlike those apostles who were naturalized from the wastelanders, their status and authority were much higher than those of the stickmen who were only responsible for preaching.

Not only do they clearly know what a "torch" is, but they also clearly understand that what they are doing has nothing to do with their creative beliefs.

This situation is not without precedent in long history.

Some grassroots personnel who are far away from the core of religious authority are convinced of their beliefs. They are familiar with the scriptures and theories of the United Nations and devote their lives to their beliefs conscientiously.

However, a few people close to the core of religious authority clearly know that faith and doctrine are essentially just

In essence, it is just a tool for them to drive their servants. Although this does not conflict with their piety and enthusiasm, they will let the tool play its due value.

Therefore, wars often launched in the name of gods are not actually for gods, but for worldly power and wealth.

This is the case with those apostles who are truly close to the core of power of the Torch Church.

The only difference is that they are not doing all this for worldly power and wealth, and there is no such thing to pursue in the wasteland.

What they are really pursuing is much nobler than the believers in the classical era.

All this is for the future of civilization.

Look at the life blooming in the sparks

Life and blood poured into the mud, an intoxicated smile appeared on the face of one of the apostles.

No matter the process or the result, this experiment was perfect!

While he was quietly admiring the experiment, the other three were chatting enthusiastically.

"A-111's performance is just okay..."

"Ah, you said Goliath... That thing is indeed okay, but it can only be used as a human shield. It is still a bit reluctant to expect it to play the role of a "tank" on the frontal battlefield. The Bishop has had some doubts about it. I have high expectations. I believe that after this time, he will realize the problem. "

"Unless it is equipped with some special weapons, but not being able to operate it is a big problem."

"Speaking of which, I have to praise the soldiers in this settlement. Although they are thugs trained by farmers, their skills are still good. Nago and Gospel can just make up for their shortcomings in fighting will. This set The system is simply tailor-made for them.”

"Haha, if you put it that way, I think those serf experimental subjects are hindering them."

"Not necessarily. At least it's feasible to consume some ammunition."

In front of the Alliance soldiers, most of the experimental subjects had no choice but to be killed, but those soldiers who had been the thugs of the farmers here were different.

They can use rifles, and even know how to load, change magazines, and aim. Even if their accuracy is slightly off, this fearless fighting style still brings a lot of trouble to those Alliance soldiers.

In addition to those soldiers who operate rifles, those technical arms can even drive vehicles and operate fixed weapons. This is an incredible discovery.

Thanks to the cooperation of this settlement, especially the cooperation of the farmer, their research has taken a big step forward.

And it’s not just their progress!

It is also a step towards glorious evolution for human civilization!

Presumably the farmer who is already under Jiuquan should feel extremely honored by the light at this moment.

After all, if it weren't for them, that pedantic and stupid guy and his stupid and ignorant slaves would not be able to contribute anything useful to human civilization in their entire lives, let alone leave even a single word in this dark history.

He and his settlement are like a piece of rotten wood left in ruins. They can do nothing but decay in a corner due to the erosion of time.

At least for now, these incompetent guys can still be used as firewood, as fuel to ignite the torch...

The apostles sitting in the room were discussing and communicating with great interest.

"...Is it muscle memory? He can actually operate anti-aircraft guns and automatic rifles."

"If there are a large number of trained experimental subjects, and the 'gospel' is injected into them at a specific moment, they may be able to exert sufficient power on the battlefield."

"With proper command."

"This reminds me of Legion clones."

"The clones of the legion are incomparable to us. Those guys who grow eight times faster can do nothing but grow in size, but our believers are different.

"As long as you switch the 'gospel' of different frequencies, you can control their thoughts and emotions, and force them to complete various simple tasks... Tsk, when you think about it, the most suitable places for them are indeed plantations and factories, without doing anything. It would be a waste to train them and then send them to the battlefield to consume ammunition."

At this moment, the envoy who had been staring out the window suddenly frowned and twitched the corner of his mouth with a sneer.

"...You've underestimated these guys." The three stopped talking and looked at him. "What's wrong? "

"Nothing, a little white mouse slipped out of the cage and happened to find the things we put in the annex." The apostle sitting by the window said calmly.

The other three apostles looked at each other.

"Aren't they going to Zhao Tianqian?" "What are they going to the annex for?"

"Did Zhang Zhengyang leak it?" The apostle sitting by the window shook his head.


Yes, that guy was just a peripheral person in charge of preaching. He didn't even know about the experiment, so how could he know about the annex? The sneer hanging on the corner of his mouth gradually took on a hint of ridicule, and he continued in a normal tone.

"Anyway, the bishop has discovered it, so we don't need to worry about the rest."

The Executioner will take care of the cleanup. "Although force is not the specialty of the Torch Church, and they rarely achieve their goals through armed invasion, violent machines are still indispensable to them.

For example, the Tribunal is such an institution.

They are different from the various knights under the church. Compared with the regular army engaged in military operations on the frontal battlefield, they are more similar to agents.

When there are interfering factors in the diocese that affect the progress of the experiment, and it is not suitable for the regular army to take action, professionals from the tribunal will take action to clean them up.

They are often called "executions".

Those guys have the most sophisticated equipment and have received professional combat training, and ordinary wastelanders cannot survive a round in their hands.

Even the awakened ones.

Upon hearing the word executioner, the faces of the apostles showed relaxed smiles.

The success rate of those guys' operations in Haiya and Jinchuan provinces is close to 95%. With the past record of the Tribunal, it is not easy to deal with a little mouse that sneaked into the laboratory.

However, what these apostles didn't know was that the executioner team they had high hopes for was now in trouble...

Beside the fence of the manor, the rustling trees

In the moving woods, there are about a dozen figures wearing exoskeletons.

They hold unique weapons in their hands, and their streamlined armors arm them to the teeth. Their jet-black paint blends perfectly into the night.

They are like ghosts, waiting for opportunities to move in the darkness.

Looking at the [Lost Connection] icon flashing in the tactical eyepiece, Li Jie, the captain of the Executioner Team, gradually had a look of solemnity on his eyebrows and looked to the side and said.

"Is there no news about Wu Che yet?"

The subordinate he called to stop had a solemn look on his face and said in a deep voice.

"Not yet...he is too close to the mind interference device."

Radio signals will be severely interfered near mind interference devices.

Normally, they communicate with the laboratory through wired data channels. However, with the launch of Project 03, the researchers in that laboratory have completely evacuated.

So now no one knows what happened there.

"Damn, what is that guy doing!" A man holding a light machine gun in both hands muttered, "He must have messed up."

Another man with a stern expression said softly.

"That shouldn't be the case. There is only one mouse, and Wu Che is not a rookie on a mission for the first time. This little thing can still be handled well."

Is it a small thing...

Li Jie glanced solemnly in the direction of the annex, and said in an unpredictable tone.

"I hope so."

To be honest, he had confidence in Wu Che.

That guy was considered the elder of the team. They had cooperated many times before coming to Jinhe City, and that guy had never let him down.

However, for some reason, even though it was just a simple cleaning job, he always felt uneasy in his heart, as if something unexpected would happen.

Maybe he shouldn't let Wu Che go alone.

But regarding this matter, he actually had no choice.

Alliance reinforcements arrive.

The Lord Bishop asked him to keep all the people in the alliance here.

Although this is not an arrangement in the experimental plan, if the Alliance soldiers can be kept, they can easily dump what happened here to the Alliance.

The alliance went on a killing spree in the settlements in Jinchuan Province.

This story is not only convenient enough for them, but the local farmers must also like to hear it.

After all, compared to these "gods who are not interested in worldly power", those guys who clamor to eliminate slavery and oppression are much more hateful!

Not far away from them, the Alliance's transport plane had broken through the blockade of the anti-aircraft fire network, and finally successfully reduced its altitude and speed, switched to vertical take-off and landing mode, and was flying towards the roof of the villa in the center of the manor.

The Union soldiers had retreated to the top floor of the villa.

Once the transport plane is stopped, the soldiers will immediately board the transport plane and evacuate.

They must not be allowed to withdraw!

Li Jie's eyes gradually turned cold, he raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, then pointed at the hovering transport plane.

The executioner beside him understood

Tuo Dan took off the portable rocket launcher on his back.

He knelt on his knees and put it on his shoulders, aiming at the transport plane not far away.

"Image locked!" Li Jie shouted sharply. "emission!"

There was only a soft "bang" sound, and a forearm-long missile penetrated the dust cover. It was ejected from the launch tube and completed ignition at the same time. It dragged a slender tail flame and flew towards the aircraft that had just stopped. The transport plane is stationary on the roof of the villa.

The hovering transport plane apparently spotted the missile and attempted an evasive maneuver.

However, with such a short distance, it is basically impossible to avoid it.

Seeing that the missile was about to hit its target, Li Jie couldn't help but have a smile on his face. However, almost at the same time, a scene that he had never expected happened.


I saw a guy wearing an exoskeleton suddenly screamed strangely, jumped out of the cabin on a run-up, opened his arms and rushed towards the missile that hit the side of the transport plane.

The missile has entered the terminal flight stage, and it is simply...

The man hit him and exploded into a ball of fireworks!

The debris and flames from the explosion were once swept into the cabin of the transport aircraft. The hot airflow pushed the fuselage of the transport aircraft slightly, but the transport aircraft itself did not suffer any damage.

Seeing the guy who caught the missile with his face, all the executioners lurking in the woods were stunned, especially Li Jie, whose mouth corners twitched fiercely.

What the hell kind of operation is this? !

This was the first time he saw "Lao Liu!!!" who used people to catch missiles.

Seeing Lao Liu exploding into a ball of flames in the air, Bai led the sniper with his eyes wide open, holding his rifle and scanning the woods where the missile hit.

However, the plane was shaking violently at this moment, and the shuttle only swept away Loneliness and hit nothing.

Realizing that the attack was coming from the woods due east, the pilot sitting in the Viper's cockpit immediately stepped on the left rudder and tilted the control column to the right.

The "Viper" hovering in the air flicked its tail neatly and swayed from the east side to the west side of the villa.

The players who were preparing to evacuate from the villa also moved, using rifles to shoot the living dead who rushed towards them, while moving towards the west side of the villa.

"Damn...what happened to that missile just now?" The pilot sitting in the driver's seat gasped and shouted to the soldiers behind him.

He is a pilot of the Boulder City Militia Air Force. He has been flying this plane for seven or eight years, but this is the first time he has participated in such an exciting mission.

When he thought of what just happened, he felt scared.

If the guy hadn't sacrificed himself just now, everyone on the plane would have been cold.

Unlike him who was frightened, the man in power armor was very calm, even to the point of being cold-blooded. Even if his comrade died in front of him, the man's emotions did not show any wavering.

Staring at the outside of the cabin, Lao Bai said in a deep voice

"I don't know, but I estimate...80% of them are from Torch!" The pilot was stunned.


"Otherwise you think it's a human head," Lao Bai couldn't help but frowned.

For the league, the real trouble may still be after tonight.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Seeing Fang and his group retreating to the window of the corridor on the west side of the villa, and the raging tide of corpses chasing them, Lao Bai raised the assault rifle in his hand and gave an order loudly.


Including the lost rookie holding the onboard machine gun, the five players squatting on the side of the cabin immediately pulled the trigger and unleashed ferocious firepower on the zombies behind the window.

The streaks of orange tracer light rushed over like raindrops, and those stupid guys fell to the ground like cutting wheat in an instant, huddled together in the corridor.

Looking at Fang Chang running to the window, Lao Bai shouted loudly.

"Come up quickly!"

Without any hesitation, Fang Chang raised his hand and used the butt of his gun, smashing the closed window into pieces.

Then he stepped on the window. Driven by his exoskeleton, he jumped out of the window and flew four to five meters in the air. He grabbed Lao Bai's outstretched right hand and was pulled into the cabin by Lao Bai. .

Finally out of danger.

Fang Chang sat down on the ground, panting heavily and breathing in the fresh air.

It was only then that Lao Bai noticed that he was carrying a person on his back - or a slimy corpse soaked in blood.

By comparing the photos in v, he could barely identify the face.

This person is none other than Zhao Tianqian!

The goal of their operation!

According to the original plan, they originally planned to control the farmer, indirectly control the entire settlement, and then indirectly collect information about the Torch Church. However, they did not expect that the group of magicians were already waiting for them here.

Now Pinecone Wood Farm has become like this.

Regardless of whether this guy is dead or not, he is of no use to the Alliance.

"The other side has launched electronic warfare. There is a problem with our communication. We have been unable to contact you since just now..." Fang Chang looked at Lao Bai and said after calming down his disordered breathing.

"It's not just you, we are the same. Their jamming equipment covers 80% of the entire area..." Looking at the corpse lying next to him, Lao Bai cast a questioning look at Fang Chang, "How did you kill this guy?" Did you bring it with you too?”

Fang Chang took a breath and said. "This is a bit weird. I suspect that the absolutely safe "sanctuary... is not actually a shelter or safe house in the physical sense as we understand it.

Lao Bai frowned. "What's the meaning?"

"To put it simply, that holy realm may be a virtual space. We don't even rule out that the bishop named Luo Gan is virtual... He doesn't have his own body to communicate with us at all, and only specific people can accept his consciousness. Carrier."

Lao Bai looked at him blankly, not understanding how he came up with this amazing conjecture.

"Your imagination... is quite big." Fang Chang breathed lightly.

"This is just my guess... What is the truth? I have to ask Ms. Chen to dissect this guy's brain. In short, we have to bring him back to the military base.

While the two were talking, Luo Yu also jumped onto the plane and was pulled up by Bai Gui who was waiting at the edge of the cabin.

Then came Quit Smoking and Good Dog, and they were the only four players left alive.

As for Xiaoyu's fruiting bodies, in order to break up the rear for the players, they were already swamped by the tide of walking dead when they moved from the first floor to the upper floor.

The fruiting bodies are actually not bad. They are like Xiaoyu's hair. As long as there are enough nutrients, they can give birth to as many as they want in a short time.

Just considering that too many fruit entities sharing the same consciousness would affect operational efficiency, and Xiao Yu, who had just been promoted to the mother body, was not yet proficient in business, so the number was limited to ten.

However, when I think about the loss of ten sets of k-1

0 "Iron Wall" exoskeleton, Luo Yu felt depressed.

Fortunately, Elder Brother Fang had promised him before that the Burning Corps would reimburse 90% of the equipment losses. Otherwise, this wave of "big break" would have directly brought him back to several versions ago.

As the last player jumped into the cabin, the "Viper" transport plane immediately widened the distance from the villa, avoiding the direction of the previous missile, and flew towards the west side of the manor.

Glancing at everyone in the cabin, Lao Bai suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Speaking of Ye Shi? That guy is actually cold?"

Not scientific.

That boy's life is not ordinary.

When he first landed on the Heart of Steel, he was the only one who survived.

"I don't know. He was the first to lose contact. There was no interference at that time. I'm afraid he was already cold at that time..." When he said this, Fang Chang suddenly paused and his face changed slightly, "That's it."

Seeing his expression as if he understood something again, Quit Smoking, who was squatting next to him, asked curiously.

"So what?"

Fang Chang said without breathing.

"The annex! The mind interference device is in the annex."

Just as he was talking, a red signal flare suddenly rose into the sky.

That's exactly the direction of the annex!

Seeing the flashing red light, Lao Bai immediately walked to the edge of the cockpit, grabbed the back of the pilot's seat and shouted loudly.

"We still have people who have not evacuated! Go to the location of the flare!"

Hearing these words, the pilot was immediately shocked.

"Are you sure?! Those guys have anti-aircraft missiles. "I'm sure! We have to pick him up!"

Lao Bai stared into his eyes seriously, "Just go over and pick them up, and we'll figure out the rest!"


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