This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 587 No one knows where they are going

Inside a temporary tent. ltg

Chen Yutong used the equipment carried in the medical kit to draw blood from the lamb, then used cotton swabs to hold her wound and put medical tape on it. ltg

Looking at the silent lamb, Chen Yutong touched her hair and praised softly. ltg

"You are very brave. When I was your age, I would feel dizzy when I saw blood, let alone injections."ltgt

The lamb who was praised smiled sheepishly and said shyly. ltg

"Actually... I'm still a little scared, but the more I watch it, the less scary it seems." ltgt

The whole villa seemed to be soaked in a vat of blood. ltg

Not just blood, but also corpses. No matter how much you clean them up, there's always some leftover. ltg

When she first came up from the basement, she was so frightened that she almost fainted. Even though she had adapted now, she still couldn't stand the suffocation that filled the air. ltg

Xiaoyang asked in a low voice as he watched Chen Yutong put the test tube containing his own blood into a small silver square box. ltg

Can my blood heal those people? ltg

Looking at the various testing parameters that were jumping on the display screen, Chen Yutong touched his chin and thought for a long time, mumbling to himself. ltg

It’s not certain yet, but there is indeed a certain type of antibody in your body that can inhibit the secretion of active enzymes by Nachomycelium, which will help us develop vaccines or antidotes against this special fungus. ltg

Not all organisms will be affected by nacho. A very small number of people do not have any reaction after eating nago. Some antibodies in the body inhibit the infection of nago hyphae and use the digestive system to completely digest it. This The probability is about 1 in 20,000. ltg

The lamb is not the only antibody carrier in this settlement, but most of the other antibody carriers, along with those who have not been brainwashed by Band 03, have shared in the previous commotion. ltg

Therefore, this little girl who had antibodies and was lucky enough to survive is particularly important. ltg

The mind interference device can brainwash addicts who have entered a "fugue" state, and the combination of the two is the culprit of the tragedy at Pinecone Farm. ltg

If a vaccine or antidote can be developed to inhibit the growth of Nagomycelium, the Torch Church's brainwashing of various settlements in the diocese will naturally be lifted. ltg

Of course, material-level technology can only solve material-level problems. Mental-level brainwashing still takes a long time to repair. ltg

The Torch Church's dominance over the local area is not entirely achieved through harvesting fruits. They use the ignorance of the serfs under the plantation economic model to gain a large number of believers. ltg

Rather than saying that their rule is achieved by relying on fruit and mind interference devices, it is better to say that they have the conditions to do this after achieving complete rule. ltg

Tragedies similar to the one at Pinecone Wood Farm may have happened more than once. ltg

Looking at the elder sister who was thinking about something solemnly, Xiaoyang asked curiously in a low voice. ltg

"Is your sister a doctor?"ltgt

" shouldn't be counted," Chen Yutong thought for a while, and smiled, "What my sister is good at is not curing diseases and saving people, it probably belongs to the research category." ltgt

"Research?" Xiaoyang tilted his head. ltg

"Well," Chen Yutong nodded slightly, "Using existing knowledge to explore unknown puzzles, you can understand it this way." ltgt

The little sheep nodded in understanding. I always feel...ltgt

What an awesome look. ltg

Although she still doesn't quite understand what the so-called unknown mystery is. ltg

Seeing the envy on that young face, Chen Yutong guessed what she was thinking, smiled and reached out to touch her hair. ltg

"Want to learn?"ltgt


The lamb's eyes lit up and he nodded his little head excitedly. ltg

But perhaps thinking that his abrupt request might cause trouble to others, those big bright eyes suddenly dimmed again. ltg

The lamb whispered shyly. ltg

"Well. I don't know anything. Would it be troublesome to teach me...ltgt

...If it causes trouble for my sister's work, forget it. ”ltgt

"How could it be troublesome? Rather, it would be great to have an assistant." ltgt

The conversation started and he couldn't stop it. Chen Yutong continued with a smile. ltg

"We here, although there are not as many rules and regulations as the academy, but the common ones are guys who use their muscles to think about problems... Although those people are not bad, some idiots are quite cute, but there are not enough people who can discuss problems. , such a big project is actually handed over to me, a newcomer."ltgt

Stroking the fluffy hair, she looked at the big worried eyes and said softly. ltg

"And...sister, I will become a grandma one day. When that time comes, I will have to leave the unfinished work to you."ltgt

That childish face was once again glowing with joy, and behind that cheerful child, there was a glimmer of hope that had never existed before. ltg

No one had ever said such a thing to her in the past memory. ltg

Or to be precise, no one has ever thought she was an important person, not even herself. ltg

It doesn't matter what she thinks or does, as long as she plays the role of a well-behaved and sensible daughter, a lawful hostage, and the young lady's playmate... it's enough to put it on the windowsill like a vase. ltg

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that her life had meaning again, and she no longer had to wait for the fate that had been arranged. ltg

With a flushed face, Xiaoyang nodded vigorously and said with determination. ltg

"Well! When the time comes... leave it to the little sheep!" ltgt

Although he knew that childhood dreams were always fickle, Chen Yutong did not say those cold water words, but just smiled and touched her head. ltg

"Well, come on!" The door of the tent. ltg

Chen Yutong walked out of the door with the red-faced Xiaoyang and patted her shoulder gently. ltg

"Is it okay to go back by yourself?"ltgt

"Yeah!" Xiaoyang nodded seriously, "I remember the way." Chen Yutong smiled, nodded, and continued. ltg

"After you go back, you have to make it clear to your good friend Yin Yin. I think... those words may not have been her original intention, and she may even regret those words now."ltgt

Hearing Yinyin, Xiaoyang lowered his head in depression, and whispered after a while. ltg

"Yinyin...really doesn't think so?"ltgt

Looking at Xiaoyang who was asking for advice seriously, Chen Yutong thought for a moment and said. ltg

"Human beings are very complex creatures, and they will have many thoughts in a day, some negative and some positive... What you say when you are emotional may not be what is on your mind the most, it may just be that thought that happens to appear in your mind. So adults can control their emotions, but you are still children and it is normal for you not to be able to control them."ltgt

When she said this, she smiled. ltg

"After such a long time, Yinyin should have calmed down. As long as you communicate patiently, you will definitely resolve the misunderstanding."ltgt

The little sheep nodded in understanding and lowered his head in gratitude. ltg

"Thank you...I understand."ltgt

"Well, go ahead."ltgt

Looking at the girl who turned to leave, Chen Yutong had an aunt-like smile on her face and waved gently. ltg

What a sensible and good boy. ltg

Suddenly I want to raise one. ltg

Just when she looked away from the lamb's back, a gentle cough came from the side, accompanied by a teasing tease. ltg

"How did I become an idiot who only thinks about things with my muscles?"ltgt

Chen Yutong blushed when he heard the familiar voice, and turned to look at Lao Bai who was leaning against a pillar not far away. ltg

"When did you come...wait, did you hear me?" Lao Bai said with a dry cough. ltg

"Sorry, I didn't mean it. I just wanted to come here to ask how the situation was, but I happened to hear it as soon as I arrived at the door."ltgt

And this tent is set up on the patio in the center of the annex. Even if he wants to avoid it, there is no place to go back to ltgt

avoid. ltg

"I should apologize..." Chen Yutong said with an embarrassed expression on his face, "But I didn't mean any harm, I was just joking..." ltgt

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, I'm not the kind of man with a small belly," Lao Bai grinned, and then said, "How is the antibody? Can it be used?" ltgt

Chen Yutong nodded, but then shook his head slightly. ltg

"Well, it has been clinically observed that the phenomenon of inhibiting the mycelium of the fruit-bearing mycelium is observed, but it may take some time to completely solve the effect of the fruit-resistant hyphae."ltgt

Lao Bai nodded and continued. ltg

"What now? Are you going back to base or not?"ltgt

"Of course I'll stay here," Chen Yutong said without hesitation. "Although it's surprising, here is the best experimental equipment and there are so many 'patients'. If you want to develop an effective vaccine as soon as possible, this is the best place." Proving ground."ltgt

Lao Bai joked. ltg

"It seems we have to stay here for a while." Chen Yutong said slightly embarrassed. ltg

"Thank you for your hard work."ltgt

"It's nothing, that's all we can do."ltgt

Grinning, Lao Bai paused for a moment, gradually put away his joking expression, and continued in a serious tone. ltg

"But... I must make it clear to you that the danger here has not been eliminated. Although we repelled the joint offensive of the Torch and the mutants, to a large extent they suffered the disadvantage of not having large-scale combat experience. Very It’s hard to say what will happen next.”ltgt

Chen Yutong nodded and said seriously. ltg

"Well...I understand. If things go wrong, I will follow the arrangements and evacuate from here."ltgt

"Then I'll be relieved."ltgt

Lao Bai smiled and was about to say something more when the signal light on the inside of the helmet flashed slightly, and then the voice of his teammates came from the communication channel. ltg

"Boss, there are two motorcycles approaching about five hundred meters from the north entrance!"ltgt

After hearing the report on the communication channel, Lao Bai's expression immediately became serious, and he pointed his index finger on his helmet and asked. ltg

"What color?"ltgt

"I can't tell what color it is... but it's obviously a human being. The equipment looks like a local wastelander, but it's too strange to come here at this time." ltgt

Pinecone Wood Farm is not a settlement open to the public. Generally, traders who are not familiar with it will not even come close to it. ltg

Many slave-catching teams active in this area are controlled by farmers here. ltg

"Wait for me to come over."ltgt

After hanging up the communication, Lao Bai looked at Chen Yutong. ltg

"We have work here, I have to go to the entrance of the settlement immediately. ltgt

Chen Yutong nodded slightly and said with a smile. ltg

"Well, go ahead and do your work. Don't worry about me. I will tell you immediately if there is any progress. ltgt

"If there is any situation, you can contact me in time, or contact my teammates. ltgt

After leaving these words, Lao Bai stopped staying and left in the direction outside the manor. ltg

At this moment, at the north entrance of Pinecone Wood Farm, two motorcycles were parked on the side of the road, and two dusty men stepped out of the cars. ltg

They carry rifles on their backs and ammunition pouches on their motorcycles. If they come to visit them at night, they will be punished in any settlement. ltg

However, when they arrived here, no one came up to question them. Everyone at the entrance of the settlement looked heavy or numb. ltg

They dug pits next to the farmland, pushed the bodies one by one to the door on carts, and then dumped them into the pits and covered them with soil. ltg

At first, Li Jinrong didn't see the corpses. It wasn't until he smelled the strong smell of blood that he discovered the corpses piled next to the haystack. ltg

Most of the corpses were in pieces, and many of them had been chewed into human shapes, as if they had been snatched from the mouths of wild beasts. ltg

His Adam's apple moved and he couldn't say a word. ltg

Xiao Yue, who was next to him, was the same. His face became even paler, and the corners of his mouth twitched for a while before he ltgt with difficulty.

A word came out of his throat. ltg


"What the hell is going on here?!" It's like... ltgt

It's hell. ltg

At this time, a powered armor came through the open door and stopped in front of him. ltg

The helmet's visor opened, and Li Jinrong saw that familiar face again. ltg

"Old Bai." Lao Bai nodded. "We meet again."ltgt

Li Jinrong glanced around and took a deep breath. "What exactly is going on here?"ltgt

"Unfortunately, we were involved in the experiment of the Torch Church," Lao Bai said with a hint of gloom on his face, looking at the corpses piled up in a hill not far away, "Originally, as long as we controlled the farmers here, we could have buried them. The bombs here are being defused bit by bit, but they are one step ahead of us."ltgt

Xiao Yue looked at him blankly. "Experiment?!"ltgt

Lao Bai: "About the experiments on mind interference devices and fruit harvesting... You are from the south, so you should have heard about what they are doing."ltgt

A trace of astonishment appeared on Li Jinrong's face, and he stood there frozen for a long time before continuing with difficulty. ltg

"I have heard of it, but not the specific content of the experiment. The settlements in the Haiyia Province are more difficult to access than the settlements here... Damn it, what do they want to do? What kind of experiment is this?"ltgt

He had indeed heard about the experiments of the Torch Church. After all, those people did things without any disguise. ltg

But seeing the thousands or even tens of thousands of corpses, he still couldn't imagine what kind of experiment this was. ltg

However, the evidence was right in front of him. ltg

Not far from the pile of corpses, there was a fat giant like a hill, piled on the ground like a pile of rotten meat, giving off a putrid smell. ltg

If he remembered correctly, they were biological soldiers transformed by the Torch Church using mutants, and their model seemed to be called Goliath. ltg

Several farmers-looking people were wielding pickaxes and shoveling the soil silently, planning to dig a hole big enough to bury it. ltg

Fortunately it's winter now. ltg

Otherwise, the smell here would probably be much more impactful than it is now. ltg

Lao Bai was silent for a while, then sighed and said. ltg

"I'm no less confused than you. I'm afraid no one knows what kind of heaven they are going to except the lunatics themselves."ltgt

No one knows how much it will cost to get there. ltg

After interrogating the executioner named Li Jie, he already knew it completely...ltgt

Those guys can't communicate at all. Li Jinrong squeezed out a sentence from his throat. ltg

"...they must be stopped."ltgt

Lao Bai nodded. ltg

"We think so too. If they are allowed to continue to rot, sooner or later everyone will be dragged into the water...Today it is Jinchuan Province, tomorrow it will be the river valley, and then we don't know how far the trouble will spread. ”ltgt

"We have our own troubles to deal with, and the tide that hasn't stopped for a century and a half is coming soon, but our managers think we have to do something."ltgt

"Let's talk about cooperation." After saying that, he turned and walked towards the door. ltg

Xiao Yue glanced at Li Jinrong standing next to him and asked in a low voice. ltg

"What does he mean?"ltgt

Li Jinrong answered in an uncertain tone. "This is probably a sign of cooperation."ltgt

He really wants to climb the big tree of the alliance. If they can get help from the alliance, they can at least get a stable rear. ltg

But he didn't expect the alliance to take the initiative. Xiao Yue looked at him and said hesitantly. ltg

"Would it be better to report to the organization?"ltgt

He knew that the boss suspected that there might be a mole planted by the Torch Church inside the Tower. Just as they would send female agents to the church, the other party would naturally think of this idea. ltg

Moreover, the Torch Church, with its huge manpower and technical reserves, can make this matter more secretive and more difficult to detect. ltg

However, having said that, just the two of them cannot represent the entire Tower Organization. ltg

Besides, at least some people are trustworthy. Li Jinrong thought for a moment and shook his head. ltg

"Listen to what they say first."ltgt

After saying that, he locked his motorcycle, handed his weapon to the soldiers on duty at the door, and followed Lao Bai towards the settlement... ltgt

The long night is finally over. ltg

When the dawn sun rose, the Heart of Steel finally reached the sky above the outskirts of Jinhe City, overlooking the ground like a towering fortress. ltg

The birds and animals hiding in the forest were frightened by the arrogant power and ran away from it. ltg

It was not only the timid aliens who were disturbed, but also the mutants hiding in the city. ltg

However, they do not know what fear is and will not run away with their tails between their legs. ltg

The foreheads hidden in the ruins were glowing with green oil, and the grinning faces were filled with bloodthirsty and ferociousness. ltg

The only expression of fear could not be seen on that face. ltg

They waved the weapons in their hands and even fired at the airship more than ten kilometers away with their rifles, shouting in rude voices. ltg

"Come here if you dare! Two-legged coward!" ltgt

"Let your mutant grandpa see how many of you have heads he can chop off!"ltgt



Seeing that the airship didn't respond, they simply turned back and grabbed a dozen thin and ugly wretches from the cages where the prisoners were kept, and pushed them to one of the buildings of the "Champion" Biopharmaceutical Research Institute. The roof of the building. ltg

This is the tallest existing building in Jinhe City. -nltgt

Ignoring the men and women's pleas for mercy, they chopped off their heads with a knife, hung them by their ankles with ropes, and threw them outside the building, letting their blood flow down the building's outer wall. ltg

Like a scarlet waterfall. ltg

The reveling mutants roared with excitement, whether they were bleeding, being covered in blood, or just watching in excitement. ltg

For them, the blood sacrifice of a few two-legged animals is an entertainment program. ltg

It is also a ceremony to pray for a "good harvest". ltg

The prisoners who were locked up in cages like animals were shivering, their faces without exception were full of panic, and some simply didn't respond, sitting blankly with their eyes blank... ltgt

The airship just looked at them silently, then dropped its anchor chain. ltg

Although all the minions didn't take the airship seriously, as the leader of the clan, Jia En still had a trace of surprise on his face when he saw the airship, and then he frowned like a caterpillar. There was a hint of solemnity in his frown. ltg

He finally knew what happened last night. But he didn't understand why the alliance was going to war at this time. ltg

The apostles of the Torch Church had personally told him that when winter passed, an unprecedented wave would erupt in Qingquan City. The alliance should be preparing for war at this moment. ltg

Logically speaking, there is no way to block their plan. ltg

Gomo, who stood behind him and looked towards the building, said softly: ltgt

"Our allies hope that we can take care of the Pinecone Farm Alliance. The troops have taken over there. The bishop suspects that they are doing something bad, which may threaten their ongoing plans."ltgt

Hearing Gomo's voice, a cruel smile appeared on Garn's lips. ltg

"He still has the nerve to ask us, aren't they going to explain what happened last night?ltgt

Gomo sighed softly. ltg

"He is sorry for the accident last night. No one expected the alliance to respond so quickly. Normally, those people would make plans before taking action, but now they obviously sent people over first. In addition, there were losses during the battle. For the prosthetic body and weapons, the church will compensate us double. ltgt

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading to catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】ltgt

After hearing these words, Jiaen's brows finally relaxed a little. ltg

In the Qi tribe, power equals status, and whoever has the bigger fist is the leader. ltg

Therefore, the equipment that can make people stronger is far more valuable to them than those green-skinned consumables. ltg

The most indispensable thing for the Qi tribe is warriors. ltg

They have been fighting since they were born, they learned to hunt before they could talk, and they learned to eat people before they could walk. ltg

Each of them is a soldier. But——ltgt

"Tell him, I took this job, but it's not a good idea to leave the city now. At least you have to wait until it rains or fogs," Garn said solemnly, looking at the airship. "The barrel is like a hedgehog. I'm afraid you'll get beaten if you leave here."ltgt

There are bunkers in the city, and without the guidance of ground troops, the damage caused by the shelling is quite limited. ltg

But it's different on the plains. ltg

Although there is a large forest from Jinhe City to the Pinecone Wood Farm in the eastern suburbs, you still have to pass through one or two stretches of open land. ltg

A dozen or twenty people may be fine, but a large-scale march of hundreds or thousands of people will definitely be seen, and then the failure last night may happen again. ltg

Sensing Gaon's concerns, Gomo smiled softly and continued. ltg

"Don't worry about this."ltgt

"That bishop has a way of sending us in."ltgt

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