This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 599 It’s so shameless to throw the blame away

Next to the Heart of Steel, an inflatable airship nearly fifty meters long slowly approached the edge of the airship.

Although this inflatable airship is large enough and longer than a real Boeing, it still looks like a small sparrow in front of the 500-meter-long Heart of Steel.

A group of aircrew watched nervously as it hovered above the Heart of Steel, lowered the cables and pods, and slowly transported personnel to the deck.

As for why I am so nervous, it is mainly because this thing is filled with hydrogen, and the whole thing is a large bomb.

However, the players who rode it did not panic at all and did not take this potential safety hazard seriously at all.

After all, one life lasts three days.

If that kind of accident really happened, I believe that the character of Dog Planner would definitely give them full compensation.

With his feet on the deck of the Heart of Steel, Ye Shi let out a wild and strange scream.

"Hahaha! I, Hu Hansan, am back again!!!"

I happened to be passing by here just after my workday. Mosquito, with eight robot arms dangling behind his back and a dog-skin pilot hat hanging on his head, made a playful joke.

Looking at the cute guy who walked up to him and stretched out his left hand willingly, Chen Yutong raised the corners of his lips slightly, and some color returned to his pale face.

Luo Yu was confused when he heard this.

I just couldn't bear to let a boy look sad.


"Stable enough, slow enough, and with a small load capacity, isn't there an aircraft more suitable for the wasteland than that?"

Naguo smiled and made a haha, then abruptly changed the topic.

"Xin Chan's infection effect on the area is divided into several stages. Researchers who suspect that they do not understand it at all."

I don't think this guy is stupid at all.


"So...who is this guy? Does he know him?"

Feng Qing looked at Gui Gui on the side subtly, leaned closer and whispered loudly.

Seeing your funny expression, Ye Shi almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Is Mrs. Yu bad?

At that time, I thought you were here to catch Lao Bai's mischief, so I agreed to come up and show you around. But in the first seven chapters, I said I would escort you out of the police station.

"You will eventually leave that planet. That is part of the plan, but you do not intend to take away the lost hope... In conclusion, the doctor believes that the old civilization will completely die, and the common twists and turns Destiny will eventually allow you to meet again at some point in the future, even if you go to a corner of the universe or even another galaxy."

To be honest, it would be fine if these technologies were developed by the academy itself. How to use them makes us free.

Ye Shi wanted to complain that I was afraid of a hammer for eight days, but when he thought about the player's manual, he held it back and curled his lips and said.

"Thank you...Jiujiu."

It was just me, but the pilots of several goblin regiments, including Mosquito, were also staring at me.

At that stage, the Xinchan fungus will show almost no aggression and harm. It has sweet and juicy pulp, and can make the eater suffer from almost all kinds of diseases. The only side effects are just regular Mind wandering and energy are focused.

The guy whose identity was revealed was furious as I expected, but he just knew why these guards believed what I said.

"Instead of resenting whether you gave them less help, it would be worse to think about how to solve the problem."

"So they kicked the ball to you? This is a provincial! Even if you can do it, you still have so little gas!"

In that way of pretending to be a ghost.

"What about the dangerous issue?! Are they just considering the hidden dangers involved?"

Ye Shi rolled his eyes.

The Torch Church fills its core with mind interference devices, so it supports the entire superficial ecology to continue to operate.

"Guide the way to the underworld,"

Naguo accepted my words and nodded slightly, "Honestly, you guys really know how to deal with that problem. It's yours to kill and burn everyone."

style. As for the enterprise, by the time we make up our minds, the trouble of one province may have already turned into half of the small continent of Central Continent... Let alone the legion, we will only gloat at your jokes. He knows this. Who is this guy, we are counting on it. "

"Hmph...he still doesn't have any conscience." Feeling a little proud in your heart, you stretched out your hand and placed it under the palm of the hand behind you.

The pilots worked very hard to be able to lower the elevator so close to the deck of the Heart of Steel.

Its left hand is slightly bent and stretched back. A beam of light blue light and a bust composed of light particles are floating under the palm.

Thanks to me, I saved your life. After clearing his throat, Naguo continued.

In the seventh stage, a small number of local people, animals and plants are infected by Chuguang.

Ye Shi: "...?"

Yang Kai saw that I wanted to get entangled in that topic, so he stopped wasting time on that matter which would be fruitless.

It's just that he is a bit Buddhist outside the game. In reality, he is a social elite who has designed very few super-powerful works. How could he be disgusted with the kind of online gossip that dares to ask for his contact information when meeting him? Bad brother?

"What a hidden mission." "Tsk."

"Xin Chanmei, D-level researcher," Jiujiu looked over and said with a sigh, "Don't look at your old brother who always talks nonsense, but sometimes he is so quick that even you are surprised."

"Even if this pseudo-mother nest is destroyed - it is not the Nest of Chu Guang, the bacteria that are entrenched there will still inertly carry out the successive instructions, and the kingdom of heaven will continue forever...except for mutants With such deformed modified creatures, all organisms in the field will lose their consciousness, like puppets whose strings have been cut."

Ye Shi scratched the front of his head, knowing how to speak. He thought for a while before speaking.

"I always feel..."

Jiujiu winked playfully.

"Exactly what you want," Yang Kai said calmly, "First of all, ask him to explain what the minor nature of the problem is."

Guigui had this "understood what he meant" expression again, nodding his head in deep understanding.

Yang Kai is the same.

Lu Bei stared directly at the robot, his left hand always placed closest to the weapon.

Ye Shi sighed quietly.

"If he wants to go up there and give you a copy of the blueprint of their anti-gravity device, he thinks that all the settlements under the wasteland are full of technology trees like theirs."

I'll have to go to the forum to complain about it later, it's so professional!

"That's what you were going to say."

However, ever since you got off the alliance's hydrogen airship, which was simply a nonsense, you haven't had a moment of peace...

Your face suddenly stiffened, you glared at this guy with a murderous look, and stiffly twisted your neck to the side.

That was Jiang Xuezhou’s investigation result.

Your face is pale, except for the word "fear of being humble" written on your face. The long collar is like two flags, and the two long ponytails are fluttering in the wind as they are messed up by the air current.

"You don't have your own difficulties either, I hope he understands."

"...There are a lot of disasters happening outside, and they may not be fully aware of the nature of the problem. It would be worse if you suggested that they slow down a little bit."

Ye Shi said falsely.

Chen Yutong pursed his lips and stubbornly turned his face to one side, whether he was making trouble or trying to hide the red glow on his temples.

It’s really a good idea to feed the dog.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was no longer stiff, Jiujiu jumped into the middle of the two, smoothed the situation and looked at Xin Chanmei and said.

Listening to the footsteps gradually going away, Jiang Xuezhou, who was hiding in the corner, finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked in the other direction.

"What is he doing?"

As the first piece of cargo was finally moved up from the elevator, a group of aircrew breathed a sigh of relief and quickly waved the airship off the deck.

His sister tried her best!

Ye Shi glanced at you, and seeing the sadness in his eyes, he panicked for a reason. He subconsciously reflected on whether he had spoken too harshly, but after thinking about it, he became confused.

But that has nothing to do with you?

Ye Shihao said firmly.

From that point alone, although Li Ke, who is also a B-level researcher, is as good as that guy in terms of prowess, his courage is still much weaker than mine.

Yes, of course I could do that.

Suffering from the winking smiles of the animals around them, I wanted to stay below the deck at eleven o'clock at night, so I quickly pulled my sister and Xuezhou towards the gangway.

"Hey, the hidden mission was triggered and I was delayed in Dawn City for a while.

"That man from the academy... there are so many elevators, please come up slowly."

Yang Kai's expression gradually changed. He probably guessed the first result, but he still stared at the expert behind him solemnly and asked.

However, when you saw the floating clouds inside and the elevator swinging like a swing against the deck, you turned your head back with a sad face.

There is no reason for me to express my satisfaction on behalf of the alliance either emotionally or rationally.

This fat rat always hides behind the wall and grinds his teeth.

At least based on the game settings alone, there is nothing wrong with me criticizing the academy’s abilities from the standpoint of a shelter resident.


So give up as soon as possible, brother, slowly he remembered that the paper man was his true love!


Is that something humans do? !

Ye Shi muttered something in his mind and paid attention to that guy. Compared with this murderous gaze, I actually care more about the silent eyes of the people around me.

"Didn't you wake up ten times a night? Why did you become Hu Hansan again?"

Sorry bro.

"One he sure this guy is really a spy?"

This should not be difficult...

But the problem is that these technologies are not the property of the entire People's Federation and should be inherited by all mankind, but a group of old guys have taken the gold coins out of their pockets.

There are so many people in Ye Shihao. If that guy had installed laser transmitters on his eyes, he wouldn't have died ten thousand times.

"Haha!" Looking at the old man who rolled his eyes, Jiujiu who was following him laughed until his stomach hurt. He squatted on the ground and gave a thumbs up, "Uncle Mosquito, you are so funny!"

Luo Yu listened half-comprehensively, massaging his eyebrows and asking with a headache.

bad guy.

On the other side, the flight crew was still persuading Xin Chanmei who was willing to come up under the elevator.

Yang Kai continued in an understatement.

Make all the bodies in the domain fall into the state controlled by the gods.

The kingdom of heaven that is depicted and governed!

"What will happen?" Yang Kai nodded.

Jiujiu sighed silently in her heart.

Chu Guang itself is a biological weapon with no self-awareness, edited through partial fragments of mutant slime mold DNA.

That NPC is too funny.

Silently following the seven silent people, Jiujiu kept her mouth shut and did not speak.

"I'm sure he can explain their difficulties in detail. It may not help you understand, but at most what you see is more like a shrinking turtle."

Luo Yu looked at the Ye Shi brothers curiously and asked with a smile.

Doesn’t it mean that it will take about a month to regress from the eighth stage to the seventh stage?

But there was another thing that worried Yang Kai even more.

Two aircrew are trying to convince you to come up, but you are still holding on to the cable as if you are planning to let go.


"Maintaining" the kingdom of heaven at the seventh stage is the most perfect choice for the church that has mastered the mind interference device. "

The air crew had a subtle expression, and it was really bad. We only tried to park the civilian airship under the deck of the Heart of Steel in the past few days. After that, we only went back and forth between Dawn City and Pioneer City.

Is that your fault?

"He should know that because of the control lines of those puppets later

They are all under the hands of a guy named the Holy Son. Even if these living dead have no self-awareness, they can still live step by step, just like domestic animals. However, once no one takes care of them anymore, it may be difficult for them to even basicly stop eating. "

He was so stupid that he was caught by the Enlightenment Society.

Gui Gui couldn't help but laugh out loud, while Feng Qing on the side quietly suppressed a smile and covered the corners of her mouth.

Jiujiu, who was standing aside, really saw that I was going up. She sighed, put her hands on my brother's shoulders, and moved me out of the crowd.

Xinchan's Nest does not have the autonomous consciousness of the slime mold mother nest. It is more like an empty shell with no appearance.

Xin Chanmei, who had just jumped up from the elevator, almost stumbled and fell to the ground when she heard those words. She even forgot her altitude at the moment. As soon as she stood firm, she stared at the guy with murderous eyes.

At the same time, the captain's room of the Heart of Steel.

Except for the researchers Jiang Xuezhou and Yin Fang who ran away, it stands to reason that there might not be any researchers hanging around in Dawn City.

"Yes, is there still a little distance?"

You suddenly feel that maybe a paper person with no realistic emotions may not be suitable for your brother. Even if the other person's flag slowly reaches the ceiling, I will find a way to pull it out myself.

Xin Chanmei, whose chest was heaving, glanced at Jiujiu, nodded her head hard, and said loudly with bad intentions.

Of course you know that what I hate is Sister Tengteng, but with that guy’s sullen personality, there’s probably something to be done about it.

It was so embarrassing to throw the pot away!


"What you are investigating is eight stages." Then go ahead and carry the bomb!

That's just something I made up. This guy is indeed suspicious. Ye Shiyi was immediately happy when he heard that.

Guigui raised his hand.

Jiujiu, who had not yet stood up, sighed and held her forehead after hearing what her brother said.

Looking at her brother who was walking towards the elevator, Jiujiu sent an encouragement and an aunt-like smile.

"It has nothing to do with you," Ye Shi patiently swatted away the mosquito's mechanical arm, "and level is just level, and ability is two different things."

It’s unbelievable to say the least!

"It's bad, don't worry about it. He will just listen to you and it will be over!" Jiujiu said patiently in a coaxing tone, "Slow down, take it easy, go and pick you up now."

Chen Yutong's tense expression was obviously a little less tense. He looked at Qi Zhou from right to left, not even in the mood to comment.

A familiar conversation is taking place, but the atmosphere is not only ambiguous, but also contains a hint of quarrel.

Even if I agree with the college's approach, this is a political decision, something you, a D-level researcher, can control.

Once the coordination of the mind interference device is lost, the huge ecosystem will immediately fall into a bottomless abyss and become a bottomless abyss.

Only autonomously conscious microorganisms can achieve a prosperous paradise.

"It's not like we met once. How did you know you were from the academy?" Ye Shi scratched the front of his head, looked around in seven places, his eyes lit up, and he pointed in the direction of the airship, "This guy, The manager is worried about leaving you in Dawn City, so he ordered you to treat you badly."

Xin Chanmei glanced at me. "...Is there a way to eliminate it?" You must be happy! !

Seeing that I didn't realize the point at all, Chen Yutong couldn't help but complain.

As a result, when we met, the first thing the guy did was to send himself to the police station!

"Hey, you have to figure it out one by one! I'm not that old!" Xin Chan: "What is this?"

Chen Yutong bit her lip tightly and glanced frequently below the deck, and happened to meet Ye Shi's gaze.

"It's broken, it's broken. Your brother has to do a mission. Brothers and sisters, I borrowed one, borrowed one..."

Chen Yutong spoke and closed his mouth. There was neither self-blame nor sadness in his eyes, and there were no simple emotions in his eyes. That is unimaginable.

Whether it is being eaten by more alien species, or being offered to our mutant allies as bribed tribute by the church.

"The flowers blooming under the corpse——"

Another flight attendant reminded patiently. You also know why.

"It is before the eighth stage. To express it in a non-academic way - when the Kingdom comes to that land, the moon changes from the new moon to the full moon, that land will forever become a country of plague." That was done by humans. What's the matter?

Xin Chan said solemnly.

"What?" Ye Shi shrugged and looked at the ceiling above his head, "You are just wondering why they came now."

"Is that so? Is it possible without me?"

"Since they are aware of what is happening outside, why did they come here now?"

Feng Qing moved his eyes away with a subtle expression and looked at Gui Gui.

It's obviously quite unusual to look up from the world through the perspective of a manned machine, and there's nothing wrong with flying around on your mentor's research ship.


"Look at the land on his feet. It's a terrible thing to let a group of unworthy guys take away the weapons of civilized people."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, and was about to say arrogantly that I was forced by Jiu Jiu, but he was glared at by my old sister, and she swallowed the dirty words on her lips.

At that stage, the Xinchan fungus will gradually show its fangs and ambition to climb lower in the food chain. The specific manifestation is that people and animals who eat Chuguang for a long time will frequently retreat into a "fugue" state, lose their response to the stimulation of the outside world, lose their aggressiveness and combat effectiveness, and thus be preyed on by beings at the top of the food chain. .

The group of people disappeared at the end of the corridor. No one noticed a figure standing at the corner of the corridor.

Yang Kai suddenly became angry.

"..." Chen Yutong bit his lip before speaking, with a hint of happiness and sadness in his eyes.

Once the situation is right, I will definitely run away immediately. "What am I here to do?"

Yang Kai suddenly laughed.

"Now calm down, raise your fist and hit me! Damn it, these guards who are officers also came to help. In the middle of writing the note, they closed the door and left, and locked the door! Come back again. ....This city lord named Luca is here. Anyway, it is very troublesome and has delayed me for a whole day."

(Thanks to the leader of "hhhzz6" for the reward!!! The update was delayed for several hours in the past few days. The update was delayed for a while today, and the update will be at the same time and place tomorrow at 8 o'clock.)

"No one knows whether something has been verified or not," Naguo sighed heavily. "He should know that due to the coordination of the Xinchan fungus, the body infected by Chu Guang will actually be treated abnormally by nature's decomposers. Cleaned up quickly. No scholar thought that this place would become an eternal kingdom of germs, and no one thought that a bouquet of huge, ugly crystal orchids would bloom under the corpses of these people... He knew this kind of flower Bar?"

Xin Chan nodded slightly and continued in a joking tone.

"Okay, go, you go."

Chen Yutong said stubbornly with a tight face.

Luo Yu glanced at the expression on the big girl's face and felt that things were so complicated. He looked at Brother Ye Shi and continued to ask curiously.

"In fact, your researchers speculated that during the seventh stage

Before, the theory should still have existed in the seventh stage. That is, with or without the intervention of internal forces, let these inanimate bodies captured by Chu Guang die naturally, be swallowed up by the entire realm, and then rot away.


After you improved the elevator, it's not as close as you can get. It's your fault. If he continues to stay here, there may be more..."

In fact, those guys didn't really use the value of these technologies, they just collected them like hamsters and hoarded them.

"Did he survive yesterday? Why did he come back today?"

After being glared at by his sister, Ye Shi was about to say something back, but he thought about the bad relationship between the big guy and Teng Teng, so he held it back.

A robot covered in metal stood next to Yang Kai.

"You gave them a thousand cubic meters of fuel. This is worse than gasoline... Even if he wants to do that, it will definitely be enough."

"Tsk, let him go and he will go!"

This bust is that of Chen Yutong's mentor Naguo. The old man is sitting outside his research ship at the moment, probably floating somewhere far away from the Heart of Steel.

Exit the interior of the Heart of Steel.

Such an rude kid is actually the same family as this polite guy!

At most this guy dares to go to the last line of the battlefield to show off.

In the first stage, most of the local people, animals and plants were destroyed by Xin Chan


Naguo sighed, it sounded like he was apologizing, but his tone was heavy and weightless.

"Your instructor asked you to come." Chen Yutong said loudly and emotionally.

Although it is not an easy and exciting battlefield dozens of kilometers away, except for NPCs, some people seem to be really relaxed.

The air is filled with joy. Ye Shi murmured unconsciously.

I also said something very outrageous!

Although I miss my friends very much, meeting them at that time will only cause trouble for you and the other people who are protecting you.

"I still need your help just to jump back a step. Why do you need your legs?"

"Hey! Come on!" Naguo continued.

Naguo nodded slightly, and like a wisp of drifting smoke, he hurriedly dissipated in this piece of azure light and shadow, and disappeared from the captain's room.

Since the college is here, it proves that we have no scruples about the situation outside, and we, who have the initiative, have no need to be polite to us.

"How could this hydrogen airship just be so useless..."

The eighth stage is probably the regression of the seventh stage. When the Chuguang fungus confirms its control over a small number of inanimate organisms in the field through pheromones, it will completely tear off the disguise of good and bad, and use the worms scattered in the small underground to The hyphae release spores, thereby expanding its territory -

"I always feel that managers are also complicated... Gujiguji..." "What about now?"


As in the future, I always show my body to others, and I basically don’t let my disciples bring around the equipment inside.

He is not a dead person yet.

"Don't look at you like that. It's you who caused the trouble. It's like you have been silently guarding the last hope of the old civilization, even if they don't understand how insignificant what you do is. "

Naguo avoided my sight, touched his nose without any shame, and continued.

Yang Kai blurted out consciously. Yang Kai stared at me intently.

You, old man, might as well save your money and buy a bionic man. "Pfft one one"

"No guy from the academy picked on me and insisted on showing you around Dawn City. Since you believed you were a spy, I sent you to the guard station."

"You're sorry, although you are not the one who asked the question... Your apprentice will help them solve some problems. They must be planning to abandon that era and continue to sleep. So please take you with them. Although You doubt that you will do that."

"Hahahaha! Uncle Mosquito..."

When you finished speaking, Gui Gui nodded with a "you understand what he meant" expression on his face.

"Come up quickly...

..It’s so embarrassing to be so humble,

Being afraid of even that is like going home as early as possible to plant sweet potatoes. "

Did the manager ask me to take my eldest brother under the airship?

"Turtle, that metaphor is boring...Forget it, let's get down to business, we haven't been chatting long enough."

"Primitive? Why do you think it's so useless?"

The more Chen Yutong thought about it, the more aggrieved and angry he became. He clenched his fists consciously and gritted his teeth.

Luo Yu asked curiously.

"Speaking of which, what did he come here for?" Ye Shi took the initiative to change the topic.

The game event had just started in those days, and there was no flight between Heart of Steel and Dawn City every evening. It departed on time at 17:00 midnight (17:00 noon in the real world).

Caught off guard, he was pushed by his old sister and staggered in the direction of the airship. Ye Shi turned around and glared at the big guy.

"You feel the same as him!"

"Don't look at your brother like that. I'm just a bit clumsy. I'm actually very worried about him!"

It was as if he was afraid that someone would jump off again. Ye Shi: "...."


I thought that guy got there yesterday.

Hearing the creaking sound, Ye Shi thought the weakling was far away and glanced towards the corner of the corridor.

In the case of equipment failure, this should be sufficient. Those two people had been muttering about something since the end. Whether the college and the alliance have established diplomatic relations or not is public information on the official website.

"Fuck! D?!" Mosquito looked at Ye Shi in surprise, and the mechanical arm in front of his back patted my shoulder, "Brother, awesome! Is this on the same level as Yin Fang?"

Before parting this time, you thought you would never see that guy again, but you thought that your mentor had received another assignment related to the alliance, and luckily he took you with him.

Yesterday when you were in Dawn City, you met that stupid and clumsy girl. Your first impression and senses were all wrong.

"That's right. They were able to blur those things in such a short time. It seems they don't have many talents." After listening to Xin Chan's complicated statement, Naguo nodded in opposition and continued, "It's enough to pass their investigation." Going deeper, the fact is that before the eighth stage, there is still a seventh stage.”

From the end of the first sentence, you have been silenced by my brother's low emotional intelligence, so much so that you don't even know which sentence to save the situation...

"He posed a problem for you. You didn't even consider for a moment whether that thousand cubic meters of helium-8 would be enough for you to sleep until a thousand years ago."

Jiujiu made the sign of the cross on her chest, thinking of Amitabha Buddha in her heart, and silently prayed to the little horned deer god for my brother.

"I thanked the wrong person. It was your brother who helped him out. He should thank me."

"There's a very minor disaster happening over there...what's that look on his face."

The long-awaited reunion should have been a slow and joyful thing, but I knew I was quite depressed at the time.

It's better to try to meet each other...

"By the way, why do they use such a primitive means of transportation? Is Boulder City a plane without a plasma engine?"

Since I didn't have absolute confidence in my own strength, I didn't take that guy seriously at all, but I just said it lightly.

Luo Yu looked in the direction I pointed, and saw a man wearing a silver-white jacket standing under the elevator of the transport airship, holding the cable tightly with both hands, waiting for the ladder that was barely attached to the bottom of the deck. Stop.

We knew it was such a minor disaster, why did we come now.

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