This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 627 This bad idea might actually work

id: Chu Guang

Gene Sequence: Manager (Phase 6)

Level: lv.40→lv.50

——Basic attributes——

Strength: 45 → 60 (+15)

Agility: 35→45 (+10)

Constitution: 40→50 (+10)

Perception: 39→50 (+11)

Intelligence: 40→53 (+13)


Talents: 1. Wild Instinct: The wild instinct can be awakened in the extreme state. During the duration, all attributes will be increased by 10~15%, and the fatigue value accumulation speed will be increased by 20~30%.

2. Psychic deterrence: It can produce a psychological coercion effect on a fully mental life form that is weaker than itself, weakening its will to resist.

3. Hive mind: It can share 3~15% of intelligence attributes with fully mental life forms that are weaker than itself, allowing them to gain inspiration and a thinking speed bonus. This effect is affected by various factors such as distance, number of people, acceptance, etc. The maximum distance is 10.

4. Victory call: The vocal cords vibrate at a special frequency, injecting courage into the cry and making those who resonate with it feel invincible.

5. "Unable to parse". (new)

Vault 404, infirmary.

Chu Guang, who was sitting on the scanning bed, looked at the twisted blade in his hand, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He had just returned to the shelter from Xizhou City last night. Not long after he lay down, he had an unclear dream and woke up covered in sweat.

As usual, he left the task of cleaning the sheets to Xiao Qi, and he immediately contacted Hea to make an appointment for a physical examination.

Not surprisingly, his genetic sequence development progress has made another breakthrough!

To be honest, Chu Guang was aware of the condition of his body, but he didn't expect it to be so exaggerated that he could twist the blade into twists with his bare hands.

A small scratch was made on the skin of the palm. The blood on the blade had not dried yet, but the scratch was almost gone.

Not just power.

From the keratinocytes on the surface of the skin to the capillaries and muscle tissue below the dermis, and even the organs and bones in the body, they are all developing in a direction different from ordinary people.

Even though the macroscopic structure and contours of the body have not changed significantly, they have actually been replaced by something else.

In Hea's terms, only 2% of an average person's DNA is normally expressed, and this is basically the limit that humans as a creature can endure.

And because his DNA is carefully designed, the proportion of selective expression in the entire gene pool has reached 4%, or even higher!

To make an inappropriate but vivid metaphor, ordinary people can buy private cars on the market, which have four wheels and one engine. The performance will definitely vary depending on the brand and type, but it will definitely not have the same performance when running on the road. any problem.

The Awakener is an F1 racing car. Although it also has four wheels and one engine, anyone can see that this thing is completely different from an ordinary car. Even if it can run on the road, no one will give it a license plate.

Chu Guang's situation is even more exaggerated.

The engine of his F1 is not an ordinary gasoline engine. The four wheels and one engine are simply replaced by four plasma nozzles and a controllable fusion engine! Others used wheels to run on the road, but he flew directly close to the ground on the road!

This is no longer a car at all, but has become something else entirely.

But this is indeed the case.

Wearing the 1.1-ton power armor on his body was like wearing a down jacket.

Others rely on the energy provided by nuclear fusion batteries to drive their armor, but he relies solely on physical strength to move freely in power armor.

Chu Guang estimated that if he physically traveled back to his original world, he would probably be studied as an alien.

But there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

After all, just looking at the exaggerated attribute panel, he felt that there was really no difference between himself and aliens.

The basic strength value of an ordinary person is 5, and the power of a punch is about 50 kilograms. His strength attribute is 60. 12 times that is 600 kilograms?

Of course, that's just punching power.

According to a simple calculation based on the momentum formula, the force generated by an ordinary person hitting a target may actually be about 1 to 2 times this number, while a trained person can reach 3 to 5 times.

In other words——

According to rough calculations, one punch can have an impact of one ton? !

When he thought of this, Chu Guang suddenly became interested, and suddenly wanted to test how powerful a punch he could throw with all his strength was.

But just as he clenched his hands into fists, he was interrupted by a quick cough.

"Don't mess around."

Looking at Heya who was staring at him alertly, Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, then smiled sheepishly and unclenched his clenched fists.

"I'm just a little curious."

"Curious how many minutes it would take to dismantle my lab?"

Hea made a helpless expression and continued.

"I can tell you the conclusion directly. You are probably no different from hitting a truck with a punch. This is not just as simple as 'twelve times the strength', your muscle fibers and bones have actually changed into something else." A kind of 'material'. But I still advise you not to really fight with the truck. Even if you have to try it, you'd better install a titanium alloy skeleton for yourself first. Even if your bones are incredibly hard, it's It’s bones after all.”

"I'm not that free... By the way, what's the 'unparsable' in the last line?" Chu Guang suddenly noticed the last word on the attribute panel.

Knowing that Chu Guang would ask this question, Heya casually pulled out a chair and sat opposite him. He clicked on the holographic image with his index finger and gently pushed it in front of him.

The image of the DNA helix unfolds in the image, and rows of blue labels pop up along with it.

These graphically label the gene segments selected for expression and the messenger RNA transcribed thereby, as well as the protein chains formed by ribosome processing.

Although the entire biological process was presented very intuitively in this report, Chu Guang still saw it in a foggy way and did not understand it at all.

Obviously knowing that this was beyond the scope of his knowledge, Heya did not sell out and explained concisely.

"Unable to parse literally means that your body has undergone some changes and started to synthesize some proteins that I have never seen and am not sure of their specific functions. I don't want to start with you from the basic knowledge of 'how genes affect biological traits'. In short, you can understand that... the human body is like a construction site, and some strange-shaped bricks appeared on your construction site, and you are building a house whose function I can’t understand.”

"There is no similar precedent in the shelter's database, so I cannot speculate on the possible results of this change based on the existing samples. I can only observe it for a while."

Chu Guang said slightly surprised.

"Isn't it enhanced that you can't even see?"

"That's not too normal. I'm a researcher, not a prophet. However, don't be so sure that it must be 'enhancement'."

Hea suddenly raised the corners of his lips playfully, leaned forward a little, and smiled with a wicked smile, "What if it is some kind of hereditary disease? For example, two heads suddenly grow on your shoulders. This is not the case. It’s completely impossible.”

Although this possibility is not high.

After such a long period of research, Hea was able to conclude that his genes were not naturally formed, but more like they were designed using knowledge she did not understand.

This is true for most of the residents of this shelter.

Their very existence is a "singularity-level" technology, and at least half of them have their feet on the singularity that deviates from common sense.

However, she originally planned to scare this guy so that he would not always take advantage of his good health and not take his own safety seriously.

Unfortunately, Chu Guang was obviously not frightened and just smiled at the ambiguous statement.

"If it were that kind of thing, you wouldn't inform me in such a joking tone."

Hea, who leaned back in the chair, curled her lips in frustration.

"That's right. I'll try to think about the tone of the terminal illness diagnosis next time."

Chu Guang smiled.

"Anyway, what exactly is that change remains to be seen later?"

Hea nodded and said simply.

"Yes, I suggest that the frequency of physical examinations be adjusted from once every seven days to once every three days. It would be best to have once every two days. Frankly speaking, I am very interested in the changes in your body. If I can observe the physiological changes in your body, The whole process will be of great help to my ongoing research.”

Feeling a little unnatural by the piercing eyes, Chu Guang coughed slightly, turned off the translucent holographic screen with a wave of his index finger, and buttoned his shirt tightly.

"I'll think about it after the wave passes, but I'm afraid I won't be able to spare so much time recently."

Looking at Chu Guang getting up from the scanning bed, Heya suddenly thought of something and said.

"By the way, speaking of waves, I just have something to tell you."

Seeing Heya's serious expression, Chu Guang also put away the joking on his face and gradually became serious.

"What's up?"


Chu Guang frowned slightly when he heard this unfamiliar name.


Hea nodded and continued with a serious expression.

"A new mother was born in the city center. According to the clues provided by Xiaoyu, its name seems to be Xia. Our researchers sampled the spores active in Qingquan City and found a mutant strain different from the previous ones from a large number of samples. "

"Mutant strain?" Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, "Were there no waves in previous years?"

Hea said patiently.

"Of course there have been cases in previous years. The wave itself is a way for mutant slime molds to expand their populations, and they will also undergo new evolutions in the process, but this year is different from previous years."

Chu Guang said nothing, waiting for her to continue.

Hea paused for a moment and tried to explain in layman's terms that he could understand.

"According to the information I collected from Boulder City, although mutant slime molds have also evolved in groups in waves in previous years, they usually evolve in the directions of rapid reproduction, rapid healing, and stronger armor. .”

Gradually realizing something was wrong, Chu Guang asked cautiously.

"What about this year?"

“This year is fire resistant.”

Damn it? !

Chu Guang was suddenly shocked.


Seeing Chu Guang's surprised expression, Heya nodded slightly.

"It sounds weird, but that's what we've seen."

"No... are there carbon-based creatures that can't be burned by fire?"

"It's not that they can't be burned to death, but the spores released by this new mutant slime mold show physiological characteristics that have never been seen before. For example, when encountering unbearable high temperatures, the macromolecular carbon chains in the sporangia will react with the biocatalyst Under the action of the vesicle, it quickly combines with surrounding oxygen molecules, expands rapidly in volume, and eventually the vesicle ruptures and releases a large amount of carbon dioxide."

"After completing this process, the spores will die quickly, but the air in the entire area will also be quickly consumed. According to the calculation and simulation results of the Institute of Biology, under standard atmospheric pressure, when the spore concentration index reaches 500, it can be recovered within half a minute. , causing the oxygen content in the area to drop from 20.95% to 10.1%, at the cost of only consuming 80% of itself. If the spore concentration index reaches 800, it only takes ten seconds to complete this process."

“Coupled with the fact that most conventional combustion processes themselves consume oxygen, and the release of spores from fruiting bodies is a continuous process, the oxygen content in the area will further decrease, thereby weakening or even completely terminating the ongoing redox reaction. "

Most combustibles in life will go out when the oxygen content falls below 14% after catching fire.

If this mutant spore can really reduce the oxygen content to 10.1%, it may not only be affected by incendiary bombs, but also some synthetic oil engines and generators will break down.

Fortunately, the minimum oxygen content for hydrogen combustion is 5.9%, otherwise the alliance's air batteries that burn hydrogen would also suffer.

Chu Guang's expression finally changed.

In response to this wave, the Alliance prepared nearly a thousand tons of incendiary bombs and nearly three hundred thousand tons of fuel used to make napalm.

As a result, his researcher actually told him that he probably wouldn't need it anymore? !

“Don’t the fruiting bodies of slime molds need to breathe?”

Hea said solemnly.

"This is what puzzles me. If those slime molds create a large 'oxygen-free zone' in Qingquan City, their own life activities will obviously be affected. I can only speculate that the new species' brood produces Fruiting bodies are more tolerant of an oxygen-free environment, after all... they themselves come from the sky.”

Chu Guang was silent for a while, then pressed his index finger between his eyebrows.

"It's always good to be able to detect problems in advance...I don't believe there are creatures without weaknesses in this world."

"My thoughts are the same as yours. Maybe the performance of incendiary bombs in actual combat is not as pessimistic as the calculated results, and we are also thinking of other solutions... By the way, you probably only prepared incendiary bombs, right?" Heya He asked, looking at Chu Guang worriedly.

"That's not the case. We won't pin our hopes of victory entirely on a certain weapon." Chu Guang shook his head and sighed, "But to be honest, incendiary bombs are irreplaceable in the battle against mutant slime mold." It is the most cost-effective and can clean up a large number of corpses. If the incendiary bombs cannot achieve the expected effect, this war will be more difficult than we expected."

Is it because too many incendiary bombs were used?

That seems to be the case.

When Boulder City responded to the wave before, it had always used incendiary bombs to clear the ground and mercenaries to rush in and demolish homes.

Including the alliance's previous response to the wave, it even purchased a few more efficient bombs from Boulder City.

Chu Guang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

If those slime molds are allowed to continue to multiply, sooner or later they will become a bigger problem.

"We need to end the threat to downtown Clear Spring once and for all."

At this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart and said.

"By the way, what if the brood devours the brood?"

This is not a method he came up with, but he saw someone discussing it on the forum before. Some players even encouraged Luo Yu to take Xiao Yu out to see if he could eat the opponent.

He remembered what Hea had said before that there was an "intra-species struggle" relationship between mutant slime molds. The slime mold fruiting bodies belonging to different hive consciousnesses would attack each other and even devour each other in order to compete for sunlight, land, and organic matter.

Hea was slightly stunned when he heard Chu Guang's inquiry.

"Let the mother nest devour the mother nest... This is not impossible. In theory, mutant slime molds with large differences in DNA can indeed eat each other. This is also one of the ways they obtain genetic information and strengthen themselves, but the mother nest There is really no precedent for devouring the brood.”

Not only has the Alliance never encountered this kind of precedent, but even the companies with tentacles throughout the eastern part of Middle-Continent have never encountered it.

Since the alliance and the enterprise had previously signed a research agreement on mutant slime mold, the data and information obtained from the observation and research of mutant slime mold by the enterprise and its allies in the past two hundred years were basically open to the alliance. However, she rummaged through No such extreme situation has been found in all records.

And the most important thing is that Xiaoyu's body is on the B6 floor of the shelter. It occupies the entire computer room, let alone the elevator. He can't even get out of the computer room door.

In the future, maybe it will be integrated with the entire b6 layer.

How can it be swallowed?

It is even more unrealistic to put that "Western Asia" into the shelter. If you are not careful, the entire shelter will have to repeat the mistakes of the B6 floor.

Looking at the stunned Heya, Chu Guang's eyes flickered slightly and continued.

"What if the residents of the shelter who carry biological prostheses actively inject their biological prostheses into the mother's body or the mother's nest?"

If he could directly obliterate the brood in this way, he could even consider stuffing players into cannonballs to carry out a "surgical" precision strike on the brood.

Of course, this is not directed at the new mother body.

But for the mother nest in the city center!

Although it's a bit unkind to say this, after just surviving a winter and giving birth to a lot of "little lives", this guy's body must be very weak, right?

There's no better opportunity than this!

Hea opened her mouth, and it took her a long time to squeeze out a sentence with a strange expression.

"Who came up with this idea?"

Chu Guang sighed.

"Can't you?"

"No..." Hea shook his head and said with a subtle expression, "I think exactly the opposite. This bad idea might actually work."

Chu Guang: "!!!"

Damn it?

Does it really work? !


(Thanks to the leaders of "Cold Night Is Not Over" and "Tang Yai" for the reward!!! It will be 2023 in a few hours, and everyone has auspicious Year of the Rabbit!!)

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