This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 881 Protracted War

Although the Tiandu City of Borneo was defended, the collapse of the Heavenly Palace brought a lot of troubles to Abu Saik.

Not only because of the rumors among the people and the use of excuses by various factions, but also partly because of himself.

Like most of the Borneo people, he had superstitious nature hidden deep in his bones. However, after he took the position of commander-in-chief, he refused to admit it. He even followed the trend and imitated the alliance and recited the sutras of materialism and atheism.

This is somewhat useful at first, as any sentence repeated too often will create the illusion of "that's it".

Especially when he was engaged in educational reform, Absek once regarded himself as a real materialist warrior, and even mistook the guy in Kabah who couldn't read the air as a comrade-in-arms, forgetting that the reformist officers were his real comrades-in-arms. .

However, the practice of self-comfort ultimately treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Even though he deliberately refused to sit on the emperor's chair, and even built a special commander's mansion to emphasize to everyone that his legitimacy had nothing to do with the heavenly palace, he was still killed when the heavenly palace collapsed. The whole defense has been broken.

In fact, this cannot be completely blamed on his poor mental endurance. Part of the blame lies with the college.

In his opinion, there is no survivor organization in the entire wasteland that understands science better than the Academy.

As a result, the academy had just promised him that the Tiangong could still float in the sky for more than ten or twenty years, but it fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

This kind of pile of dead people is a rat-infested area. The first two pairs of leather boots I owned were not bitten by rats, so my feet would be soaked in water on rainy days.

It was Anwo who obviously shot, but this evil ghost seemed to know who killed him.

.With all due respect, he is suspicious. "

He is just a wasteland visitor who has returned to civilized society. He is not a survivor that the players rescued from the dungeon of the looters. Xiao Shao has no experience of consulting a psychiatrist. That is not a shameful thing, and medical insurance cannot even reimburse him.

After some pleasantries, Busekike also beat around the bush and asked straight to the point with a smile.

Silver Moon Bay was stunned when he heard this and said hesitantly. "Isn't there any mystery out there?"

Especially Sand Sea, that guy was also honored to receive the nickname "Jungle Rat" from the Weirant people, and a bounty of 1 million dinars on his head.

Not much happens every day on the back line, but to the people on the back line, it feels like something is happening.

Eagle sighed.

Hearing this amusing tone, the pastor smiled grumpily and continued.

The reason why only 800,000 people were mobilized was because Po Yanxue's manpower pool had bottomed out, but because Yan Xueqinke had no other plans.

Busekke touched his chin without interest.

On the one hand, it means that the Southern Army is no longer serious. If we want to take advantage, we are not like her anymore.

Yan Xueqinke was angry before hearing this. He just laughed and asked the housekeeper to give me a clingy big cat to raise. He also ordered me to keep it to death and report every week. Otherwise, punish me.

As both sides showed their true abilities, the entire war fell into a stalemate.

However, the suffering of a specific person or group of people will only attract our ridicule.

However, conversely, we cannot consolidate our positions to make the supply line ahead more stable and avoid being infiltrated and harassed by the guerrillas from Po Yanxue and the Mammoth Kingdom in turn.

"Have you...?"

"If you want to fully understand a person, you have to listen to his words and watch his actions. You must really want to fully understand you. The content of a book is certainly enough, but at most it cannot help you understand each other. The end of.".

Busekik raised his eyebrows heavily, then put the book back in his arms with a smile.

At the same time, Captain Ryan Wanfu, who served as the commander of the eastern rear line, also completely changed the subsequent "risky retreat and maneuver" retreat strategy, and his strategic style became a steady and steady attack.

Silver Moon Bay: " are worried that doing so will affect our combat efficiency."

"That cat thing is a bad thing... Ever since you raised that thing, your temper has become bad."

"That's what the little commander said."

"Although you are theists, you have always recognized the value of faith as spiritual sustenance. If he is interested, he cannot understand it... Of course, that is just a suggestion."

That night, every Wilant soldier who died or surrendered as a victor received honor, not shame and ridicule...

The most obvious point is that I voluntarily abandoned the northeastern hills of Akale County, retreated from the bend of the creek to the junction of Shizhou and Niuzhou, dug trenches, and built gun towers and bunkers.

Busekike was happy when he heard this.

"She's the only one through that book?"

Although Wutuo deeply hurt our feelings, we still have no feelings for our homeland.

Even if the reformist officers led by Busekike and the Heavenly King Army retreated from each other, it did not affect the inheritance of the bad feeling.

The priest continued irritably.

For the Army of the South, that meant the complete bankruptcy of our "Blitzkrieg" and "Two Months to Destroy the Rebels" cries.

Yan Xueqinke looked cold.

After taking the "Holy Book", Busekike weighed it in his hands.

I dare to complain to anyone about that matter. After all, if rumors spread again that the young commander is being targeted by ghosts, he will be exploited by the approving faction within the federation.

"...Cats reproduce slowly and are expensive, so he arranged them according to your instructions."

This guy also came here to take revenge. He just stood in the window and tortured me with this little noise.

Time is slowly coming to April, and the cold rainy season is gradually coming to an end. After another two months, it will no longer be the dry season.

It wasn't even a week after that happened.

If the sponsor behind us wants to build a church, of course we have to pay some attention to whether the local area has soil that can "let the seeds germinate".

Since the young commander himself hated keeping cats, some officials also followed suit, so that keeping cats became a fashion among the lower classes in Tiandu for a while, and cats temporarily escaped from the local diet.

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid you did him a favor."

Compared with Shahaizhi, my account number is obviously less domineering, and I even posted the "Southern Legion Failure Report".

Yan Xueqinke was obviously as stupid as a pig, and he saw the opportunity at a glance.

As the saying goes, nothing bad is done below, but it is effective when done above.

"This device has minimal impact on humans with broken minds...Although it is completely ineffective, it can at least convey a message or two to make him dream about a specific person. Yes it is possible.”

That is, powerful fellows are worthy of being called compatriots.

I am not good at being a local official, but I can still work as a psychiatrist. Cats always eat more than people, and these cats look like some kind of expensive breed.

In other words, it was my own inner demon, and I could only overcome it on my own.

At that time, a fleet from the Death Coast approached Evernight Port in the southernmost part of the small desert.

Silver Moon Bay said with a bitter smile.

The local area does not have abundant human resources, and there is no red soil to guarantee the upper limit of the local people's "survival cost". There is no place more suitable for opening a factory than that.

Especially the people of the Yue tribe who are doing business.

The only person I can talk to is this messenger from the Alliance. "Looks like you need to get a cat."

Although everyone was confused, they also said something. After all, who doesn't have a bad taste?

" there any idea of ​​having too many cats? If you are too young and you hate cats, I can't give you that is closer to people."

On the contrary, these reformist officers became even worse in the eyes of the Yue Clan people because they had whitewashed all the bad spots they had.

That is obviously a bad thing for Borneo, which is in a disadvantaged position.

And since before he got a cat, Busekike, who had been depressed and energetic, suddenly became energetic again, as if he was glowing with the seventh spring.

The meeting came to an end.

As a result, before considering the alliance's suggestions, Busekke designated White Elephant City in the center of Borneo Province as a central industrial zone, invested a full one-eighth of the financial budget to build railways and power grids there, and also focused on the development of refineries. Heavy industries such as steel, chemicals and heavy machinery manufacturing are expected to complement the industrial zones in Huzhou, Leopard and Lowell states in the future.

Can this ward off evil spirits? !

However, I became popular not because of my outstanding achievements, but because of a photo published in the "Daily Survivor".

It's just because of the low fighting will of these volunteers, and it's also because this low fighting will will be contagious like a virus, turning the locals into beasts that need our all-out efforts to deal with.

In addition to the merchants of Isher, the alliance industrial owners who later made huge profits from their investment in the Mammoth Kingdom were also very interested in the geomantic treasure land that was free of alien intrusions.

There is no threshold for this thing, but it is low, and the market demand is huge.

Before sending away the alliance's envoy, Busekike paced back and forth a few times outside the office, and finally picked up the phone and gave an order. On the pretext of discussing the rescue of refugees, he invited the priest from Yan Xueqin to the commander's residence.

"There is no mystery, but in your teachings, the cat is the pet of the Silver Moon God, and it is also your eyes and your incarnation in the mortal world. You suspect that you who wander around seven seasons a year are yearning for Free, so unless these big elves take the initiative to stay with you, especially you will take the initiative to take them in."

Moreover, Yanush later restored the reputation of the Moon Tribe people and gained a lot of bad feeling for the Heavenly King Army among the Moon Tribe people.

I am indeed doing that thing, but the training of instructors takes time, and things involving the reform of the entire system can be completed in one day.

After thinking for a moment, Eagle tentatively asked.

When Busekike heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head in agreement.

Knowing the concerns in the leader's heart, the priest just smiled warmly and said.

Eagle nodded.

Although these priests who were funded by Esher merchants did come to spread the gospel of the Silver Moon God, they were not just doing charity and preaching, but they also inspected the local customs and business environment.

We would be indignant at the massacre at Westsail, because it was a contempt and humiliation for the abstract concept of "Wilrantians".

After all, the jungle cultural concept of "the weak is respected" actually contains another layer of metaphor -

"It's important to be close to relatives. If you can ward off evil, it's bad!"

However, Busekike didn't care, and just smiled and praised Silver Moon Bay. Busekik grinned as he looked at the report handed to me by Internal Affairs Commissioner Silver Moon Bay.

The report contained two words: "living".

Immediately afterwards, the Borneo Kingdom was also willing to show off its strength. First, it listed 18 crimes against the puppet emperor, and then abolished the agreement between the old empire and the Legion on Saipan Port, and once again mobilized 800,000 reserves, vowing to fight the Legion to the end.


The two met outside the living room.

Busek was stunned for a moment. "Priest?"

It's hard not to make him develop a new appreciation for the academy and even science itself, and thus start to believe in himself.

Soldiers who stay outside the trenches are in a relaxed state for a long time and have no spiritual sustenance. It is difficult to suppress psychological problems after a long time.

Almost every night I have nightmares, and Janusz’s devilishly smiling face will definitely appear in my dreams.

"Then... nothing is too appropriate."

Busekike suddenly adjusted his expression, looked at his internal affairs committee member and said.

"You are the same as her compatriots in Abu Serim. You serve the living, so there is no pope."

Besides, it's no good if a cat catches a mouse.

"Although cats are your sacred objects, you do not force every believer to keep one. Even the opposite is true. Rather than raising and enshrining cats, your teachings encourage believers to be friends with these great elves. Get along with each other. That is, provide them with necessary help only when they need you." Busekike said with a smile.

In fact, the officers of the alliance reported this situation to us very early on and suggested that we should at most equip each hundred-man team with an "instructor". If there are no conditions, the worst we can do is equip it with a ten-man team.

There are not many psychiatrists in the league.

Looking at the suspicious Busekike, Eagle shook his head and explained patiently.

Doing so was equivalent to giving up the floodplains that would later be under the control of the Southern Army.

The priest said with a smile. "Is it okay? Is it broken?

.This is still quite wrong. "

However, there is another context in that world. In that context, cake is not something that is born without it, but something that becomes smaller and smaller.

(PS: Collect several IDs.)

Eagle suddenly felt that he was a genius.

Busekik asked all the questions I was worried about, but then he felt that the question was too sharp, so he said with a smile in a gentle tone.

"You have been thinking recently, if you want to send some to the soldiers on the back line."

Because the airship was destroyed by Ming weapons, General Guwaiang, in the name of Akbar, set up a spy agency composed of local people to investigate the seven crashed airships.

Just when the ancient empire was about to wake up, the officers on the back line of the Southern Army were also completely awakened.

Especially factories where the labor force is other people's. At most, it is yes for the time being.

"Mr. Silver Moon Bay, has he ever squatted in a trench?"

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Pastor, you are saying that they don't have those problems, you are just asking just in case... After all, the people of Borneo are simple and vicious, and you are also afraid that we will be deceived by the cult."

Yes, yes, there is really no existence in the dark, controlling everything with a hand that can see and see.

"Doesn't your Silver Moon Sect have a pope?"

We gradually realized the horror of the alliance.

Duwata hates men, Shah Rukh hates gold and silver, and Nigli likes to collect the art of the alliance. At most, the bad habit of the Busakek villain is relatively economical.

Seeing that the young commander had not yet run out of ideas, Yin Yuewan tried to dissuade him, but he nodded with laughter and tears in his heart.

Compared with Po Yanxue's strong agricultural economy, it was undoubtedly a grand project.

That guy was as cunning as a mouse, and he used guerrilla warfare and psychological warfare to the extreme.

That's not what I'm most concerned about.

The priests sent by the Silver Moon Sect are an obvious signal. Mortal incarnation!

Just like that, my paranoia returned.

Although I want to find something to put my spirit on, I don't want anyone to ride on my head.

"You have been squatting." Looking at the window, Busekike narrowed his eyes, "This place is simply not a hell. The slightest movement can make him tense up. Staying outside for two months Come out, you can guarantee that you might not recognize him unless he is standing in front of his own mother."

"Besides, before you talked to him, you felt less at ease. You will probably be able to sleep peacefully tonight."

I was actually hoping that someone could help me, so I wanted to find someone in the bureau to talk to.

Just think of it as buying people's hearts, and the little money spent will be a loss.

If he wanted to find a psychiatrist, he might as well talk to the pastor of the Silver Moon Sect. "

Does that have anything to do with quantity? After all, the number 70,000 is far less than 8,000 no matter how you calculate it.

Apart from this, there are no merchants from Golden Gallon Port, French Fries Port and Youtiao Port.

Sometimes Busekike couldn't sleep all night after being tortured. On the seventh day, he went to the command office to review documents with red eyes. Or he stayed up until the first half of the night because he couldn't stand it anymore, so he snored like thunder until noon.

"What if...he goes to see a psychiatrist?"

The Wilant officer I fought against even said that if I give this guy one cannon, I can have the effect of two cannons. Give me a ten-man team, and I can use it as a hundred-man team, especially in the jungles and hills. Defending is the best way to defend!

"This is really bad! You also hate cats! Sir, can you give me some advice on how to keep as few and as many as you want?"

Only Councilor Cabaha shook his head and sighed, and still scolded Busekike for his prodigality in public.

Busekike smiled and continued.

Firstly, does the other party have any interest in interfering in the internal affairs of Borneo? Secondly, I can feel that we really believe in what we say and are true materialists.

The changes outside were so small that Arman almost thought he was in the wrong place.

Another example is Yokal, the captain of the 110,000th team, and so on.

But it is certain that the plan can be realized. Local survivors said that there is really no hope of igniting the flames of industry and getting rid of the embarrassing situation where even bicycles have to be withdrawn from the Golden Gallen Port.

Busekik nodded in opposition, suddenly changed the topic, and then asked again.

Compared to the "jungle rat" who is good at conspiracy and conspiracy, the grassroots soldiers and officers of the legion obviously appreciate this captain of ten thousand who charges with a bayonet more.

Being a junior commander means leading by example, and at most you should be restrained. It was obvious that Commissioner Cabaja was still angry with me.

And that's not good for the alliance either.

Sending a group of cats to the rear line was Busekik's idea. I later consulted people from the alliance and heard that there was no precedent for this in other places.

Ever since Busekike and the Silver Moon Sect's pastor met, there were suddenly a few bad cats missing from the Commandery's Mansion.

Po Yanxue hasn't allowed many people to eat or eat.

The pastor looked at the guy blankly, knowing why I was suddenly upset, but he still calmed down and continued.

That would be like asking for directions by casting stones.

Due to the series of reform measures taken by Borneo and the failures on the rear, industrial owners who had concerns about investing in Borneo industries have changed their minds.

Although there is no pope in the Camelback Kingdom, he is not the pope of the Silver Moon Sect and Isher, but only the pope of the Yanxue Qinling Sect and Camel City.

As the battle to defend Tiandu came to an end, the war between the Xilan Puppet Empire and the countries in Borneo Province also entered a new stage.

If it is really the influence of the mind interference device, I may be the only one affected.

Busekike seemed to be moved, thinking for a moment before nodding seriously.

As long as you chop them randomly, you won't be able to get a little bit for everyone. At most, you will get more and more.

First, Emperor Akbar issued a mobilization edict and a proclamation against thieves, detailing the seventeen charges of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness of the Borneo rebels. He also angrily accused Abu Sek of provoking the anger of heaven and mankind and incurring divine punishment. He vowed to fight against the rebels from Shizhou, One million small armies were mobilized in Gouzhou and Guzhou to kill the enemy bandits.

"You also know that you are trying to think like that, but it is of no use at all. It feels like there is someone living outside your head..." Busekike sighed, and suddenly his heart moved, relaxed. He said coquettishly, "He said it would be something like this psychic interference effect."

Rather than letting me fight against the torment in my heart, if I could just believe in something so harmless, that would also be a way to face my heart calmly.

The soldiers of the Valeant people called him "The Butcher" privately and externally.

Another person who received the "title" from the Weirant people was Captain Pikliwan of the 700,000th team.

For example, Sha Haizhi, the leader of the 30,000th team.

Yan Xueqinke claimed to the outside that it was a gift from the Silver Moon Sect, but no one said that the gift was actually only one. I bought a few cats from merchants in Isher.


With so few cards in hand, even a pig would be terrible at playing.

Even if the head I am carrying belongs to one of our compatriots, it does not hinder our appreciation of the weak.

In the same way, using "are there ghosts in that world" to persuade superstitious people is just wishful thinking of the sutra chanters.

Seeing the distress in my heart, Eagle suddenly thought of the recently disappeared pastors of the Silver Moon Sect who went to Tiandu to rescue refugees and preach, so he moved in his heart and spoke.

And this thing is not targeted, especially covering an entire area.

In the context of some feudal lords, cake is an eternal thing. The fewer people cut it, the more everyone can get.

However, before hearing my troubles, the eagle also had a helpless expression on his face.

"...You think about it."

When Alaya was able to treat us brothers as individuals, we also rose up in rebellion.

Yan Xueqin quickly shook his head and answered truthfully.

"Come on...if you go to the doctor, there will probably be some rumors."

"What about this doctrine? Didn't they force others to believe in them, or brainwash people, or use the name of faith to make money and persecute dissidents?"

Cabaha was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but Yuna used the pen as a gun, so he could only swallow his breath.

It is feasible to persuade people to quit smoking by saying that smoking is not harmful.

Therefore, rather than mobilizing all the young people to the back line, I am naturally more inclined to guide us to work outside the factory.

Looking at the regretful Eagle, Busekike laughed and joked.

"Understood," the priest smiled grumpily, paused for a moment, took out a "Holy Book" from his arms, and handed it to Busekik's hand, "Although you and others will answer your confusion, the solution is Your concerns. Since you don’t have so few concerns about you, why should you find the answer yourself?”

"What is too appropriate? Your soldiers are both humans and machines. It is not enough to just keep us alive, but we must also pay attention to our mental weakness."

On the other hand, the Southern Army has not yet finished unconsciously trying to digest the territory it has not yet occupied, and is trying to turn the occupied area into its own territory.

After all, the charity money we received came from free prostitution.

In contrast, the Borneo army became more and more mature during the continuous battles, during which many mediocre generals were born.

After all, religion itself is also a kind of business model, and it is one of the most stupid business models.

Then even Duwata, who joked behind my back that I was good at this stuff, made up his mind.

In comparison, sending a batch of cats to the back line is a wrong response. In the case of Mu Ruo, the Wilantes actually have little in common with the Borneos.

The Silver Moon Sect itself is not a new interpretation of the Absalin teachings made by the merchants of Isher just to be lazy and to go to sea legally, so it is relatively narrow in etiquette and organization.

Thinking that the ghost that had tortured me all day long was finally gone, I stood up excitedly.

Both warring parties and the chess players behind the scenes have completely abandoned the illusion of "quick victory" and are not prepared for a protracted war.

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