This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 893 The torn fig leaf

eight pm.

Yongye Harbor has completely merged into the night, leaving only the colorful lights floating above and below the water.

Arman, who was standing by the window, had a trace of sadness on his brows and sighed softly.

“It’s getting more and more uneasy here lately.

Gang fights, drugs, power and money transactions...good guys are either forced to become bad guys, or die in depression, whether they are Valantians or aliens.

He's been here less than a week, and almost every day he sees bad things or hears bad news.

However, when he opened the newspaper, all he could see was the proud Wilant people marching from one victory to the next with their heads held high, and there was no mention of the problems that the Wilant people were encountering. .

News and reality are like two parallel lines that do not intersect. The more you watch, the more disconnected you will feel.

Sometimes he couldn't help but think that it would be great if the Marshal could order this terrible settlement to be taken care of. However, the reality is that the respected Marshal may not even know that there is a place like "Eternal Night Harbor" under his feet. .

And, where to start?

This is probably an unsolved problem. Remember URL

Sensing the trouble in her husband's heart, Margery walked up to him in her pajamas.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him gently on the cheek, and comforted him softly.

"The whole world is like this, let alone here? Don't worry too much about us, we will take care of ourselves."

And you too, take care of yourself out there.

Looking into those eyes, Arman was silent for a moment and expressed the thought in his heart.

"...I want to take you out of here."

Margaery also stared at him intently and asked in a very soft voice.

"And where to go?"

Arman took a deep breath.

"I used to want to go to Golden Gallon Port, but then I found out that French Fries Port is also good, and there are actually quite a lot of places to go in Settlement No. 1."

After a pause, he said again.

"The business I am doing now is actually no longer dependent on the legion's colony... The market here is huge, but the risks are not small. There are better choices. Moreover, I want to be closer to you. A little, lest another accident happens and I can’t get back in time.”

After hearing her husband's concerns, Margery nodded, but there was still a hint of sadness between her eyebrows.

"But... we are at war with the Alliance. Is it really okay to go there?"

Putting his hands on his wife's shoulders, Arman gave her an affirmative look.

“There are also many Weirant people living there, and... based on my experience with those shelter residents, they will treat us equally.

He remembered a refuge resident who had been on his boat telling him that when jackals come, there are shotguns, and when friends come, there is wine.

Their enemies are not those whose noses are higher than those of others, but those who want to poop and piss on other people's necks.

Even if that guy has the same nose as theirs, don't even think about it.

Margaery still had some hesitation in her heart. Although she believed in her husband, she was not only worried about herself.

This is not the first time they have moved, but they have gone to colonies directly or indirectly controlled by the legion.

She had never thought about completely leaving the territory controlled by the Weirant people before.

"What about... Ruby? She just met a new friend not long ago."

Armen fell silent.

What his wife mentioned was exactly what worried him the most.

Ruby is still little.

He couldn't let her wander around like a sailor like him.

Keenly aware of the hesitation in her husband's eyes, Margery straightened his collar.

"You want me to talk to her, but I think...she might prefer that her father can talk to him about this issue in person. She is no longer a child who doesn't understand anything, but a member of this family... If you would talk to her, I think she would be happy."

"You're right, I should talk to her myself, about my concerns, my thoughts...and her thoughts."

After listening to his wife's words, Arman felt that his worries had dissipated a lot, and a smile spread across his frowning face.

"And...thank you.

Seeing her husband's shy look, Margaret smiled.

"When did you become so polite to me?"

"I said a long time ago that no matter where you go, I will be with you."

Leaving a gentle good night kiss on his lips, she turned around and left the study, and gently closed the door.

Looking at the departing figure, Arman suddenly felt that his heart like an old clock was burning again.

He smiled and shook his head. He wanted to take a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, but then he remembered that he would have to talk to his daughter later, so he took out a black tea bag.

Yongye Harbor is no longer peaceful, but at least the moonlight tonight is as peaceful as water.

He put a sugar cube into the steaming cup of tea and pressed the button on the radio.

This is not a decision that can be made lightly.

He needs to calm down and think carefully.

However, at this moment, the sound coming from the radio made him freeze on the spot.

"Good evening, residents of Yongye Port."

"I am Kant, an operator from the garrison's intelligence section. I once served in the 300,000th Corps. I am an unknown little person like you.

"However, it's not exactly the same."

Arman subconsciously stopped his index finger resting on the side of the teacup. The astonishment on his face gradually turned into contemplation, and then was replaced by a look of interest.

An unusual spot of light seemed to appear on the dark sea surface.

The spark of hope is looming.

He planned to take another look.

Or listen, listen to what this friend named Kant plans to say.

Not only did he stop what he was doing, but the people in the tavern in the port area also put down their glasses and stopped whispering.

Tonight's Yongye Port Radio seems to be different from usual.

However, it was precisely because of this that people all cast curious glances at the radio placed on the bar, wanting to hear how the guy named Kant was different from them.

Including Kuruan, the lame customs worker sitting on the bar.

Different from everyone sitting here.

There was a hint of turbidity in the pupils reflected in the wine glass.

“The difference between us is that, between faith and bread, I chose faith.”

Radio station studio.

Willoughby, who was sitting on the chair, slowly woke up from coma.

He had a long, long dream.

And not just long.

Everything in that dream was so beautiful that he wished he could sleep all the time, preferably never to wake up.

"you're awake?"

Hearing the faint voice, Willoughby's whole body trembled, and he woke up as if he had been poured cold water on his head.

He glanced around subconsciously and saw that the room was empty, with only a beam of bright light coming from directly in front.

There seemed to be a chair underneath the light source, with a person sitting on the chair.

This is like an interrogation room.

However it's not exactly the same.

With his eyes open to avoid the dazzling white light, he tried to move his hands and feet, and found that his arms and ankles were tightly tied to the chair, unable to move.

After swallowing and recognizing the reality, Willoughby finally gave up his struggle and whispered resignedly.

This is where?

The man sitting directly in front of him didn't hide anything and answered his question frankly.

"This is somewhere in Evernight Port."

Captain Willoughby was secretly relieved when he heard that he was still in Evernight Harbor.

As long as we are still in Yongye Port, it will be fine.

After all, the disappearance of the captain is a big deal. Someone will soon discover his disappearance, and then everyone in the garrison will go crazy...including the governor who was rejected during the day.

That idiot should be extremely regretful now that he didn't see him at that time.

Willoughby was relieved in his heart.

However, he soon thought of his situation again, and he couldn't be happy again.

Are you Kant? "

Kant nodded calmly.


After receiving a positive answer, Willoughby felt a little more courageous, and his originally weak eyes became sharper.

"Kant...are you so fucking crazy? Do you know what you are doing?"

"I know," Kant nodded and said as if it was unnecessary, "I kidnapped the commander-in-chief of the garrison, Captain Willoughby.

Willoughby frowned slightly.

He didn't know why, but the way and tone of the guy in front of him made him feel something was slightly wrong.

But at this juncture, what he cares more about is obviously not the pretentiousness of a mere nobody.

What do you want to do? money? Or something else?

At this moment, he desperately hoped to hear the word money from the mouth opposite.

Because that thing is the easiest problem for him to solve, and it is also what he lacks the most.

However, unfortunately, Kant sitting in front of him did not do what he expected, and spit out the unexpected word from his mouth.

"the truth."

the truth?

"That's right, this is all I want," looking at the astonished Captain Willoughby, Kant asked in an uncompromising tone, "Why was the Wasp plan cancelled? Tell me the reason."

"Why...what's the reason for this?" Willoughby broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and stared angrily at the blind guy. "It's none of your business and don't ask around. Knowing too much will not be good for you!"

Kant listened quietly to his roar without saying a word, until he stopped panting, took out an alarm clock from his arms, and then quietly placed it on the ground.

Looking at the countdown on the LCD screen, Willoughby's pupils shrank suddenly.

This is?

"Bomb." Looking at the increasingly pale face, Kant smiled faintly and continued in a very soft voice, "Whether it is beneficial or not, I will judge for myself. You only need to answer my question while there is still time. Understand?"

Willoughby's eyes widened as he stared in disbelief at the subordinate who threatened him with a bomb.

This guy is crazy!

Looking at the indifferent expression, he swallowed hard and said in a trembling voice.

"Because of... the pressure from above, I also have my own difficulties. Listen, even though I am a captain of ten thousand men, the garrison is not an army. I don't have as many people in charge as that grandson of Ya Hui."

Kant frowned.

"Whose pressure is it? Governor Yahui?

Willoughby shook his head.

"I can't say it. If I dare to say it...I'll be finished."

Kant lightly shrugged his shoulders, dimmed the light source behind him, and revealed his indifferent face.

….It doesn’t matter, you still have nine minutes. It’s okay to waste a little time thinking, as long as you answer the following questions quickly. "

He had staked everything on this trial, and he no longer cared about anything except the truth.

Looking at that indifferent face, the expression on Willoughby's face gradually became distorted, and then gradually became crazy as he struggled. Crazy

Eight minutes!

The countdown seconds were ticking like his remaining heartbeat!

Finally unable to bear the pressure of death, he opened his mouth in compromise and let out a hysterical roar.

"It's the General Affairs Department! The Borneo War Zone General Affairs Department! Are you satisfied?

Kant answered in a very soft voice.

"It's not enough. This answer is too broad. I need you to be specific about the person."

This madman!

The rope sank into his clothes, and Willoughby's eyes were bloodshot.

In order to survive, he completely risked his life.

"Minister Dickens... was contacted by his secretary and he stood in my office and asked us to stop the investigation!

Kant lit a cigarette for himself, glanced at the timer on the ground, and asked slowly.

"There has to be a reason, right?

Willoughby, who had already risked his life, let go a lot and sneered.

"Reason? Do you think they would say that kind of thing... But I think you can guess it."

Kant: “Snake oil?

Willoughby curled his lips and looked at him as if he were an idiot.

"Otherwise, what else could it be? 'Sharon', which is used to treat post-war trauma symptoms, is the raw material for making 'snake oil'. The active ingredients of both come from snake grass. We can't tell those veterans that we give them food The tranquilizers were mixed with hallucinogens, and the sweet dreams they had every night were not because of the "Victory of the Southern Army", but because they took the medicine prescribed by the logistics department."

Kant clenched his fists, then suddenly unclenched them, looking at him with a sad face.


"Why again? Where did you get so many? Why... Even if you know, what's the use?"

After glancing at the countdown, Willoughby asked impatiently.

However, Kant, who was sitting in front of him, seemed not to hear him and continued to talk to himself.

"Our soldiers fight for the honor and living space of the Wilant people, but you... you would rather prescribe them a bunch of medicines that can't cure any disease, numb their pain with chemically created bliss, and let them live in our There is rot in the corners that cannot be seen, but they just refuse to face up to the problems they encounter.”

While speaking, Kant stood up from the chair, stared angrily at Captain Willoughby who was tied to the chair, and reached out to grab his collar.

"You bunch of worms! Scum! Do you ever regard them... and regard us as your compatriots!

Willoughby stared at him, without a trace of fear in his eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If I'm not a Velante, how can I still be an alien? This is the decision of the General Affairs Department! And this is the most economical way. At least we will give them medicine for free. If they don't want to take it, we will give it to them." It can be resold!”

"Then he was bought back by the villains in Blackwater Alley and made into a more powerful and ruthless product, which can harm more people... right?"

Kant sneered.

Looking at Captain Willoughby, who was staring like a goldfish, he spoke word by word.

"And you can make a huge fortune out of the taxes paid by all the people in Wilant."

Nothing is free in this world. At best, the hand that pays for it is just hiding the hand that pays for it.

The tax money contributed by the Wilant people should have been to allow the Wilant people to live a better life, rather than being squandered in inexplicable places for someone's ambition.

Such as launching a stupid and inexplicable war, and then using countless lies to fill the holes.

Snake oil is nothing more than pus floating on the surface, but underneath lies the more stubborn sepsis.

As long as these bugs are still there, the Wealant people will never be able to realize their unattainable dream.

Willoughby laughed loudly and looked at Kant as if he were an idiot.

"Haha, I don't deny it, but this is just your speculation. You don't have any evidence, and neither do I, and even if there is, it won't change anything. If you ask why, because the Legion is such a thing, can you expect anything from the chicken? Are the duck eggs coming?

...If you still want to ask something, just ask it quickly. It’s so fucking boring to kidnap your boss for such a knowing thing.

Looking at the countdown of the last three minutes left on the LCD screen, his expression became panicked again.

He is not really not afraid of death after all.

Having said so much, it is all about survival.

With a bit of disappointment in his eyes, Kant loosened his collar, took two steps back, and returned to his chair.

"You answer the last question and I will let you go."

After a pause, he continued softly

What did you dream about in that dream just now? "

Upon hearing this unexpected question, Willoughby was stunned for a moment, thinking that the guy in front of him was joking.

However, there was not much time left, and he did not care whether Kant was joking or not, so he could only bite the bullet and tell the unspeakable dream.

…I became the legion commander. "

"Then what?

"Then?" Willoughby was stunned for a moment and said confused, "The Lord made me the governor of a thousand worlds, and then it disappeared... Is there any problem?

If possible, he hoped that the dream could last longer so that he could see the continuation of the dream.

It was a great era.

After billions of sacrifices, the Legion's borders finally expanded to the edges of the galaxy.

Kant gave him one last look of pity.

"It's nothing...I've already asked him what I want to ask. Let him loosen his grip."

Taran, standing behind Willoughby, took out his dagger and cut the rope tied to the chair.

Willoughby was startled.

He didn't even notice that there was a third person standing in this room just now.

Of course, there were many things he didn't know, such as a live broadcast in the studio.

His "generous and fierce" speech took off the pants of the entire Southern Army.

Most of the Wilant people in the settlement knew what the ingredients of "Sharon" were and what "snake oil" was.

Not only that, but there is also the dirty work of the General Affairs Department behind this, and Minister Dickens is involved.

As for what Project Wasp is, and the enlightenment meeting that was not mentioned in this interrogation... these trivial details are not so important at this moment.

Too much information will only make people forget the key point of the problem and lose focus on the real contradiction.

Kant's purpose is only one from beginning to end.

That is to try to wake up his compatriots who are still pretending to be asleep.

The problems of the Weiland people must ultimately be faced and solved by the Weiland people themselves.

This has nothing to do with the Alliance and the Initiation, nor with the opponents they are at war with - those Bornas.

However, he is just an operator of the Intelligence Section, and that's all he can do.

"Just let him go?" Holding Willoughby's collar, Taran looked at Kant and asked.

He suddenly admired this guy.

He has been playing this game for two years and has learned Renlianyu, but he has never had such an in-depth interaction with an NPC or even become friends.

Although they only knew each other for a few days.

...Let him go, he is just a poor guy who keeps silent about the truth, not a big evil guy. What's more, the survivors of Yongye Port have clearly seen the faces of these guys. As for how to choose in the future, that will happen after dawn, and what we can do has been done tonight. "

There was a hint of fatigue in Kant's voice, but there was also a hint of relief in it.

At this time, he suddenly thought of something again, looked at Taran and said.

"By the way, don't just drive the person out, put him in front of you, ask the guards outside to give you a car full of gas, and then drive all the way north into the desert... you put him Just throw it outside the settlement, and what happens next is up to you.

Regardless of whether this guy is really the leader of the Alliance's corps, or just a not-so-smart fool, this guy has done a lot of good things for the Valantians.

There was no need for him to die with him.

Taran frowned.

"how about you?

Kant made a joke.

"My mission is over, and the planet named after me is still waiting for me to take office."

Taran was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then laughed out loud.

"You are quite interesting.

Kant smiled.

"Haha, is this your evaluation of me? By the way, speaking of which, you also sucked that thing... To be honest, what did you see? A prosperous age for people with noble blood? You can deceive others, you guys The people in the shelter talked about the bloodline of a ghost.

Taran was silent for a while and answered truthfully.

"In an equal world, people have achieved equality in the true sense. There are no guys who think about how to shit on top of others all day long, and there are no endless intrigues. My compatriots and I live in a peaceful world. It’s very rich, and although we are still far from utopia, I am quite satisfied.”

Kant's eyes revealed a trace of faint envy, and he sighed softly.

"Really...that's great.

"Have you talked enough?" While the two were talking, Willoughby's eyes were fixed on the countdown timer, trying to break away from Taran's hand.

Seeing Captain Willoughby twisting like an earthworm, Taran laughed and threw him directly out the door.

"get out.

Unable to stand firm and staggering, Willoughby climbed up from the ground and rushed towards the stairs as if lifeless, not daring to stay here for a second longer.

Kant looked at Taran in astonishment and asked with strange eyes.

....You just let him run away?

"Otherwise? What's the point of keeping him?" Taran shrugged his shoulders and grinned, "Besides, running away is not my style. Five-star good citizens like us prefer to fight our way out of tight sieges."

Kant did not understand what five-star good citizen meant, and Taran had no intention of explaining it to him.

At the same time, Willoughby, who had fled, had already run downstairs. At this moment, a timer was thrown in front of him, causing him to scream and fall to the ground.

"Bomb! Get down!"

Everyone around was shocked by these words.

However, at this moment, the inappropriate alarm suddenly sounded.


The harsh sound froze everyone present, including Willoughby who hurriedly lay on the ground.

His face gradually turned the color of pig liver, and he got up from the ground angrily, patting his dusty clothes and pants.

That madman had tricked him!

Thinking of his embarrassing reaction, Willoughby became furious, grabbed the young man next to him by the collar, and yelled at him.

"What are you waiting for! Are you watching the excitement? Why don't you rush in and kill those two bandits?"

The young man's face was tense, and he looked at Willoughby, who was spitting with strange eyes.

Not just him, but everyone around him was like this...except the furious Governor Yahui.

Seeing Willoughby yelling, Yahui stepped forward angrily and slapped him on the head.

"You stupid pig, do you know what the hell you said?"

Willoughby was stunned.

"What...what do you say?

Yahui grabbed his collar fiercely.

"Look carefully where you are! This is a radio station! Not only the people here, but now everyone in the entire settlement has smelled your fart!

Willoughby's face suddenly turned pale, like a newly painted wall.

His lips trembled like a mute.

The sound insulation effect of the studio was too strong, and he couldn't hear the broadcast sound outside at all, let alone the radio emitted by the broadcast station.

He thought that Kant had hidden a recording on his body, but he didn't expect that the other party directly opened the live broadcast for him.

Seeing the appearance of this useless person, Yahui threw away his collar in annoyance and shouted at the several guard captains present.

"Are you here to see a show? Rush in and kill the people inside!"

Several guard captains looked at each other, all looking hesitant.

Seeing that no one moved, Yahui's nose became angry and he stretched out his trembling index finger.

At this moment, five "Greyhound" reconnaissance vehicles surrounded by a "Beast" infantry fighting vehicle drove over.

Looking at the thick and long gun barrels and the group of soldiers armed to the teeth, Yahui felt happy.

Reinforcements have arrived!

The team was led by a centurion who wore a "rhino" exoskeleton and carried a light machine gun with a bullet chain on his shoulder.

Walking in front of Governor Yahui, he neatly performed a military salute and said with a stern expression.

“I heard that someone is planning to rebel.

Yahui nodded quickly, then pointed to the radio station directly ahead.

"That's it! A traitor and a spy have taken over our radio station!

Just two people?

The centurion raised his eyebrows and glanced around at the group of guards holding submachine guns, a trace of contempt flashing in his eyes.

Although these guys don't have to go to the front line, they are still useless if they can't knock down a building with just two people.

Without saying a word, he waved his hand and led a dozen soldiers wearing bulletproof armor to press forward.

At the same time, on the other side, Taran, who was guarding the building, had excitement shining in his eyes.

"Good guys...the infantry fighting vehicles are coming out!

Now I finally have enough five stars!

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