This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 900 The Basis of Trust

"Dear Mr. Administrator, I would like to take up your time despite your busy schedule. On behalf of the Borneo Theater Staff Department, I would like to report to you on the work during this period."

"According to your instructions, while assisting the resistance forces in Borneo to establish a new army, we have established a relatively complete local air defense system. Although in the past few months, aircraft from Xifan Port have frequently launched attacks on Tianducheng. airstrikes, but the impact on strategy and infrastructure has been kept to a minimum."

"In addition, the continuous shipment of weapons and radio equipment to the front line has reversed the shortage of weapons in the countries of Borneo Province, and the training and combat effectiveness of various departments have been greatly improved. At first, under the conditions of the same equipment, the Borneo Army needed a It takes a hundred-man team to contain a ten-man regular army team of the legion, but now they have mastered the mobile tactics taught to them by us and reduced the number of people who can contain the legion team's attack force from the company level to the platoon level."

"The current war situation in Borneo Province has shifted from strategic defense to strategic stalemate, and our army and all friendly forces have seen the dawn of victory."

"However, although there is a lot of optimistic news worth mentioning, it is undeniable that our ministries are still far away from transitioning to a formal strategic counteroffensive."

"While we are familiar with the tactics of the Southern Army, the Southern Army is also adapting to our offensive and defensive tactics. This includes using a stable front to prevent our penetration and penetration, and cooperating with intensive artillery fire to annihilate our effective forces."

"It is undeniable that the numerical disadvantage is a shortcoming that our army cannot ignore. When we tried to trade time for space, the opponent adopted the tactic of lengthening the front to amplify our disadvantage."

"On the other hand, although the combat effectiveness of the joint forces of various countries in Borneo has improved and has passed the most difficult period of resource shortage, its defensive capabilities are sufficient but its offensive capabilities are still lacking. According to the casualties reported by various frontline units, offensive operations The gap between the battle-for-battle ratio and the defensive battle can reach two or even three times.”

"Not only that, there are also serious differences within the countries of Borneo Province. Not only are there many mountains, but there are also constant factional attacks and criticisms by the same party and against different parties. This has been particularly obvious since the collapse of the Heavenly Palace."

"In addition, as the war continues, the legion's armaments also show signs of upgrading. At first they only had two jet fighters, but now more and more new aircraft appear over Borneo. And that's not all. , as well as laser-guided guided weapons, and artillery shells with electronic seekers, etc.”

"At first we judged that the legion's offensive would decline after losing the airship, but currently we have underestimated their fighting will. Even the crash of the airship prompted the upgrading of their equipment and the upgrading of their tactics."

"More and more exoskeletons and guided weapons are appearing on the front line, including small weapons with new casing structures, etc. Considering the industrial productivity of the Southern Army and the colonies that supply raw materials, the war situation is very likely to turn against us in the long run. direction."

"Therefore, I sincerely suggest to you to open a second battlefield in the colonies or mainland of the Southern Legion."

"...Your loyal Admiral Vanus, September 1st."

In the Alliance Building in Dawn City, Chu Guang carefully read the report sent back from the front line.

Although he had been paying attention to the posts on the forum to understand the details of the war in Borneo, Vanus' report provided him with a completely different perspective.

In fact, as early as the beginning of the war, there was some debate on the forum about whether the alliance should open a second battlefield.

Those who support it have reasons for supporting it. For example, instead of attacking the Legion's supply line, it is better to directly push it back to the Stone Age.

The opponents also had valid objections. Attacking the southern legion's homeland was actually equivalent to declaring war on the entire legion. It would not only trigger the defense agreement within the legion, but would also be more likely to reunite the legion with serious internal differences.

This is equivalent to taking the initiative to help the other party complete war mobilization and completely transforming internal contradictions into external contradictions.

In fact, Chu Guang also prefers the latter.

Not just because of the reasons that most players put forward when arguing, but largely because he had another piece of intelligence about the Southern Legion colony.

For example, a big change is brewing in Yongye Port, thousands of kilometers away.

Although it is not ruled out that this may have been exaggerated by the players, at least this war has awakened some of the Willant people——

They were on a runaway train.

This train uses their flesh and blood as fuel, but it does not take them to Utopia. Instead, it is taking them towards an unseen abyss and destroys all their good qualities such as loyalty, bravery, generosity, fearlessness and so on. Crush them all.

In this war full of lies and deceit, the Wilantes gained nothing except a bunch of captains of thousands and captains of ten thousand riding on their heads.

And those alien races suppressed by the Weirant people are gradually moving from persecuting each other to uniting.

In this case, it may be better to wait and see.

After thinking about this report for a long time, Chu Guang looked at Xiao Qi sitting on the pen holder.

"Xiao Qi, reply to an email for me and say... From a tactical perspective, this is a good suggestion, but from a strategic perspective, now is not the time."

"Received!" Xiaoqi nodded enthusiastically, with blue light flashing slightly in his pupils, and quickly sent the edited reply to the frontline headquarters in Borneo Province.

Information infrastructure is also part of infrastructure.

In the past six months, the construction team of the Port of Chips has used the "Electric Ray" unmanned boat and the "Crab" amphibious engineering armor to lay submarine cables from the Port of Chips to the Port of Golden Gallen.

At present, the communication between Shuguang City and the southern sea area and the Borneo Sea coast no longer requires the transmission of telegrams, and real-time transmission of information can be achieved.

Once more cables are laid, the channel width is increased, and a few servers are built to increase the computing power, it will not be a big problem to build a local area network similar to the endpoint cloud.

Reviewing Vanus' report is the last task today.

Looking at the late morning sky outside the window, Chu Guang stretched out comfortably, pushed away his chair and stood up from his desk, planning to go for a walk in the commercial street to the north after get off work.

Recently a new commercial plaza called "Night City" opened there.

It is said to be a cyberpunk-style building redesigned by several professional life players with reference to real-life department stores and integrating the holographic and light pollution technologies of Ideal City.

Goblin Bank provided loans to the creative ideas of those newbies, and now the avant-garde shopping mall has become the "new landmark" of Shuguang City North Street. Even the residents of Ideal City came here to check in.

Once upon a time, the most eye-catching landmark of Dawn City was the Ideal Hotel invested and built by Ideal Group. Now, the towering hotel is gradually being overtaken by the new landmarks that are springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

This is not entirely due to the players, but also to the contributions of many survivors who were influenced by the players.

Although there is still a long way to go to end the Wasteland Era, the residents of Dawn City are indeed living a good life now.

Chu Guang was also quite pleased with the changes that had taken place in this land.

Thanks to this, he gets off work earlier and earlier, and there are far fewer things that need to be done personally than before.

If the Alliance a long time ago was still a child who could not live without him, then even if he is suddenly gone, this huge machine can still continue to run for a long time relying on spontaneous power... until a new one can Someone worthy of the title of manager appears.

As the "father" of the alliance, what he has to do in the next stage is obvious -

He wanted to take away the last weakness for his child.

What his child needs is not an "inheritor" or a "stepfather", but to transform from a vigorous young man into a truly upright adult.

When one day, even if he is gone, the young people in the league can still move forward with their heads held high, instead of waiting for him to come back, then he will be considered a real success.

Otherwise, they become another form of legion.

In a sense, Triumph City is indeed like a mirror of Dawn City, presenting another "possibility" for the Alliance people.

Chu Guang also suddenly realized it one day.

The Julius of a century and a half ago might as well have been himself from another origin.

Especially after truly understanding the history of the Weirant people, he had a new understanding and perspective on the man who was respectfully called Marshal by the Weilant people.

Regardless of the different routes they ultimately chose, the choices and situations they faced actually had many similarities.

As for the final results of different choices, the marshal had already demonstrated it for him, even a century and a half later.

This is also true for the first-generation city lord of Boulder City...

At this time, a knock on the door interrupted Chu Guang's thoughts.

He looked towards the door and saw Yin Fangzheng standing at the open door, holding a document in his hand, as if he had something to say.

"Did I disturb you from get off work?"

Looking at Yin Fang joking with him, Chu Guang laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with me not getting off work. If you have anything to do, just tell me."

Yin Fang was not vague. He walked in and handed the document into Chu Guang's hand, and reported in a concise and concise manner.

"In short, it's good news. The gravity well in the southern sea has been deployed, using the system that was previously tested in Tiandu, Borneo... Well, although the deployment of the device in Borneo is not perfect. , but the college assured us that this time there will probably be no problem.”

Chu Guang's expression also became strange.

"What do you mean it's probably okay?"

Yin Fang, who looked subtle, gave him a helpless expression.

"Because... although we have solved the problem of how to drag the garbage in outer space to the ground, we have no way to figure out what is floating on it and what is pulled down by the gravity well. And don't forget, that weapon It’s also in heaven, you know what I’m talking about, right?”

Chu Guang nodded.

Of course he knows.

Yin Fang is referring to the strategic weapon deployed in orbit in outer space.

It was the last legacy left by the post-war reconstruction committee to the settlements it had governed in the past. It was said that it only took one shot to destroy a settlement with a population of one million.

After calming down, Yin Fang continued.

"In fact, according to the research report of the Astronomical Observation Department of the scientific expedition team, when we first used the gravity well, the device had already had an unpredictable impact on the trajectory of the spacecraft in outer space...According to the guys at the academy As has always been the case, I’m worried they have other plans.”

Chu Guang said thoughtfully.

"You mean...'disarm'?"

"This is one of my concerns." Looking at the thoughtful Chu Guang, Yin Fang paused for a moment and continued, "As for the second, why does the academy not try to deploy on its own territory, but put it on ours?" On the territory? There are not many uninhabited areas in the Wandering Swamp, and compared to the ocean, the ecological risks are more controllable."

Ecological risks are okay…

This is the wasteland era, do we still need to worry about this problem?

However, Chu Guang did not tease Yin Fang for thinking too much, but asked seriously.

"Then why do you think it is?"

Yin Fang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I don't know, but that's why it's hard not to worry about whether there is a risk that the college didn't tell us. You know the way those guys deal with things. They like to use others as guinea pigs."

This is not only a concern for him as the chief researcher of the alliance, but also a concern for him as a former grassroots prospector of the academy.

Chu Guang's expression gradually became serious.

"Is there any direct evidence to prove it?"

Yin Fang shook his head.

"Unfortunately, no. Anti-gravity technology was a cutting-edge technology before the war, and the literature on gravity wells is still in the conjecture stage. Various signs indicate that this is a singular point where the academy only made a breakthrough after entering the Wasteland Era. Technology...for their Ark plan to go to the new world."

When he said this, the expression on Yin Fang's face was quite embarrassing.

As a former researcher of the college, he used to be the person who complained about the college the most, and he has always criticized the college's lack of progress.

However, in fact, they are not really unwilling to make progress, they just hide all the progress and results they have achieved.

Due to the college's special confidentiality system, it is impossible for a D-level researcher to have access to those cutting-edge technologies, and he may not even be aware of its existence.

Of course, as to whether this system is reasonable, that is another topic.

Chu Guang thought longer this time than when he saw Vanus' report, and Yin Fang did not rush him, but quietly waited for his opinion.

"Is there another possibility... The college actually doesn't know the consequences of this choice."

Yin Fang was stunned for a moment.

"They... don't know either?"

Chu Guang nodded and continued.

"Perhaps testing this technology itself is also part of the exploration of the future. I am more inclined to think that they are actually crossing the river by feeling the stones. After all, you also said that they are fully qualified to do it secretly in the swamp. Let us Watching your cards fall from the sky and not knowing what happened.”

This includes not only the trump cards of the alliance, but also the trump cards of enterprises and even legions.

Chu Guang had reason to believe that Triumph City had similar strategic weapons in its hands as a guarantee of "mutual destruction."

These words stopped Yin Fang.

He thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of how to refute it.

After a pause, Chu Guang continued with a smile.

"Your worries are reasonable, but I also feel that there is no need for us to be neurotic about them. It doesn't hurt to just trust them this time."

The expression on Yin Fang's face became strange and he couldn't help but say.

"Trust the Academy? Are you serious?"

Chu Guang nodded.

"Trying to believe it does not mean accepting it completely. They showed us some sincerity, took the initiative to bring out things we have never seen, and also helped us a lot. Even if it is a courtesy, we should not wrong them."

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, although those guys are a bit venomous, a bit petty, and always leave half of what they say, they are actually not bad people. Except for some friction when we first met, they didn't really do anything to feel sorry for us. Son."

"In that case, why not give it a try? It is less risky to build trust while we are still on the same boat than to wait until they get off the boat."

The Academy needs to use its own technological reserves to build a starship capable of performing cross-system colonization missions, while the Alliance needs to rebuild the bridge connecting the sky and the ground.

At least the interests of both parties are consistent at present, and there is no more suitable opportunity than this.

Yin Fang looked at Chu Guang in astonishment and said with a complicated expression.

"It's okay if he's not a bad person... This is the first time I've seen someone commenting on the academy like that."

In the eyes of most wastelanders, the academy is a relatively mysterious existence.

The fear of the unknown is the nature of living things, and it is precisely because of this mystery that most wastelanders have a lower evaluation of the academy than the Valantians, and they have no good impression of the researchers of the academy.

Even if the college's positive impact on the wasteland actually far exceeds that of the Legion dedicated to promoting slavery and the enterprise that sent a Pioneer to the wasteland within a hundred years.

Although Yin Fang himself had often ridiculed his old club, he still felt a little complicated when he heard that outsiders actually gave more than positive comments about the college.

Looking at Yin Fang with a complicated expression, Chu Guang said with a smile.

"Don't look at me like that. After all, it's your old employer there, and your conflicts won't reach the point of blood feud."

After a pause, Chu Guang continued.

"In addition, I plan to go to the southern sea again. If there is an accident there, I can deal with it in time."

Yin Fang forced a smile from his face.

"...Let's go together. I happen to be going there too. When will you leave?"

Chu Guang opened the schedule on the holographic computer and took a look. Seeing that there were no plans for the next few days, he spoke.

"Just the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow?" Yin Fang was stunned for a moment and asked hesitantly, "Is it too early? According to the experimental log provided by the college, the first trial operation of the gravity well was not started until the end of the month."

"It's not too early, and I didn't go to the south just for the gravity well." Looking at Yin Fang who had a surprised expression on his face, Chu Guang smiled faintly, "It's been a long time since the railway to Haiya Province was opened to traffic. This time I won’t take a plane or an airship, I plan to take a train.”

"If you're in a hurry, don't follow me."

I heard that the changes in the south are even more amazing than those in Dawn City.

Anyway, even without his personal deployment, his little players and subordinates are doing very well.

Chu Guang planned to take a vacation for himself and visit the place where he and his little players once fought...

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