This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 902 Great Population Migration

Although Chu Guang had done a lot of things about getting married, this time his open mouth showed no signs of appearing.

Singularity City is safe.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is much safer than any settlement in the alliance.

Not only that, time here seems to have slowed down, and even the birds that occasionally fly by are so leisurely and enviable.

Under the coordination of AI, not only humans have reached the highest state of harmony, but humans and other species have also achieved co-prosperity of "no offense".

Agricultural zoning west of Singularity City.

Looking at the farmer sitting on the field ridge in the distance, lazily basking in the sun, and the sparrow eating the buffet not far away from him, Chu Guang, who was walking accompanied by Han Shuang, recorded this moment like a world-famous painting with his camera.

After grinning, he suddenly sighed.

"...To be honest, I never thought you could succeed at the time. I had even planned your failure and how you would take over the mess here."

His concerns are actually not unfounded.

After all, the original residents of this settlement were not good people, and there were even some cunning and treacherous people and lackeys who had taken refuge in the Torch.

When it comes to moral standards, maybe some of the "hybrids" who have been ostracized by the mutant tribe are nobler than them.

The only truly innocent people may be those who were rescued by the Alliance from the mutant tribe and were raised as livestock.

But in contrast, the rescued prisoners did not even have the most basic social attributes, not to mention the ability to take care of themselves.

Both types of people belong to the group with the highest "assimilation cost" in the alliance society.

For them to play a positive role in society, the public resources required are three times or more than the average level.

This includes not only prostitutes from homeless homes, but also raiding the shelves and dumplings at rescue stations, as well as tricking and abducting other wastelanders who have just joined the alliance, etc.

Miraculously, however, Singularity City successfully digested them.

Or to be more accurate, their "free and loose" nature unexpectedly adapted to each other with the outrageously strict rules of Singularity City.

Hearing Chu Guang's compliment, Hanshuang smiled shyly and proudly.

"You're very grateful...Although in your opinion we have done a good job, in fact, in my opinion, we are still far away from the final success."

Chu Guang glanced at it.

"The ultimate success?"

Hanshuang said in a gentle tone.

"At least we have to be able to operate completely independently of outside help."

When Chu Guang heard this, he was stunned for a moment and laughed.

"This goal... is indeed too ambitious. No settlement in the alliance can achieve it, let alone you."

"Right, so Singularity City still has a long way to go..." Hanshuang sighed softly, "To be honest, I sometimes think pessimistically that this may be an unattainable goal."

Chu Guang asked a little surprised.

"Are you also pessimistic?"

"I am an android, not a robot. The calculated probability of 1% is the threshold of my emotional control. Below this threshold, I will feel depressed."

Hanshuang nodded, sighed slightly and continued.

"Our arable land has tripled, food production has doubled, and people's lives are extremely prosperous. However, it is still difficult for us to get rid of our dependence on the outside world."

"More than that, there are always two distinct situations here. Some people are full of energy, but always planning to leave here, while the other group of people are depressed. Although they do not plan to leave, they will become more and more dependent on them. Our care, by passively completing the tasks assigned to us and cutting energy consumption to fit the minimum standard of living we provide, ends up being more like a machine than a machine but far less efficient than a machine.”

Although in principle, people who leave Singularity City cannot take anything away from Singularity City, and the profit ratio of converting labor points into silver coins is pitifully low, however, knowledge and skills are not considered things, and can almost be obtained in Singularity City. Said it was free.

In addition to sleeping at the prescribed time, people are free to spend their spare time.

People who are eager to leave here will spend a lot of free time learning knowledge and skills. However, paradoxically, this group of people is what Hanshuang hopes to keep the most.

Although it also tried to purchase some hobby products from Ideal City and reward these talents within the framework allowed by the alliance constitution, it only delayed their departure and did not change the final result.

In fact, Singularity City has been reduced to a production base that supplies professional talents and cheap food products to the Alliance, but has not nurtured a new social form that can comprehensively surpass the Alliance or even other settlements in the wasteland.

Once the input of external innovation is lost, this closed settlement will become a pool of stagnant water and enter a "downward spiral" vicious cycle.

Chu Guang also noticed it suddenly.

The penetration rate of automation here is actually not as high as that of Chenchen Town next door.

Hanshuang, who was standing next to Chu Guang, suddenly asked abruptly.

"Is it human nature?"

Chu Guang thought for a while and gave an ambiguous answer.

"Maybe, maybe not."

Hanshuang looked at him intently, breaking the casserole and asking the truth.

"My intellectual plug-in tells me that you have a better answer... Please don't hesitate, you are one of the most far-sighted organisms I have ever met and your opinion is valuable to me."

Listening to these strange words, Chu Guang made a helpless expression and sighed.

"How should I put it...'Better' is a false proposition in itself. Most real-life problems have no standard answers or optimal solutions, only relatively suitable solutions. In my opinion, your Confusion is more a law of nature than human nature.”

Hanshuang: "Laws of nature?"

Chu Guang nodded and turned his gaze to the golden mountains and plains in the distance.

"We have reached more than one conclusion over the past tens of thousands of years, but no single conclusion can solve all the problems we have encountered in all historical periods."

"I'm more inclined to think that the absolutely perfect method never existed in the first place."

"The People's Federation was once close to perfection. The era of prosperity satisfied all our imaginations about the future in the old era. However, the result of straight upwards was ultimately the straight fall we see today."

Looking at Hanshuang who was deep in thought, Chu Guang suddenly changed the subject and patted it on the shoulder with a smile.

"However, the exploration of the 'ultimate proposition' itself is not meaningless... Whether it is physics or sociology, we will always make unexpected discoveries on the road to exploring perfection, and This is far more beneficial than standing still."

"Keep going, maybe one day in the future, the alliance will need to be saved by you."

He has prepared many baskets for the eggs in his hands. In addition to the alliance, there is also the South Sea Alliance.

As long as there are enough options to choose from, you can always find the right one.

Even if existing methods don't work, future alliances can create new ones.

He believed his child had such potential.

And this power that can keep the alliance young forever is much more useful than leaving more inheritance for his descendants to squander.

Feeling the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, the surprised Hanshuang suddenly understood what he meant, and a knowing smile appeared on his face.

"I'm really ashamed. I didn't expect that my confusion would need to be answered by my client...Thank you, I will remember your advice and keep going."

It seems to have a new understanding of its own work, and at the same time it has regained its motivation.

Chu Guang nodded with a smile and said in a gentle tone.

"With your words, I feel relieved."

Chu Guang spent the entire afternoon visiting Singularity City. In addition to the farms here, it also included local clothing factories and soda fountains.

The factories here are similar to farmland, and the enthusiasm for production is not high, but it is enough to meet the needs of the settlement itself.

A night of silence.

Chu Guang, who returned to stay at the annex, slept until dawn. After bidding farewell to Hanshuang, Sun Eclipse, and Yinyin's group, he went straight to the station outside Singularity City.

Most of the passengers waiting in front of the platform were those who got off the train yesterday.

In addition, there are also some young men or middle-aged people carrying suitcases of the same style. Their expressions and temperaments are like players who have just walked out of the novice village, looking complacent.

Whatever brought them to Singularity City, it seems they have picked themselves up and are ready to hit the road again.

At this time, Chu Guang accidentally noticed the "check-in" registration desk at the entrance of the settlement. In addition to the wasteland visitors from the wasteland, there were also some residents of Ideal City standing there.

Those people seemed to be the same passengers who got off the bus as myself.

After a day of inspection, they did not leave with the unfinished compatriots in the tour group, but seemed to decide to stay and join the big family of Singularity City.

Chu Guang was curious about what they were thinking, so he used holographic camouflage equipment to modify his appearance, walked up to one of the young men wearing plain glasses and chatted with him.

"Dude, do you think life is good here?"

Chu Guang's processed voice did not make him hear anything unusual, and the latter seemed to be very talkative and answered him with a hearty smile.

"What's wrong? My room in Ideal City is only twenty square meters, has no windows, and only has one vent that blows out air-conditioning and hot air. Even if I work hard all my life, I may not be able to let real sunlight shine into my house... But here, I just have to lie down on the ground and get it."

Looking at this overly optimistic young man, Chu Guang kindly reminded him.

“But there is no endpoint cloud here, and there probably won’t be one in the future.”

"That's even better. I've long been tired of staying in a virtual world with no sense of boundaries. The AIs there are all obedient and like puppets, and it would be as ugly as a real person cutting open the virtual shell...including me. Myself. To be honest, I just ran here to get as far away from the end point cloud as possible." The young man smiled heartily, shrugged his shoulders and continued, "Besides, it's not a very difficult choice. Anyway, I'm bored. You can still leave."

In fact, the last sentence is the key point.

Hearing the young man's answer, Chu Guang couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

What he was most worried about at the beginning was that people would mistake this "drug rehabilitation center" for a nursing home, but now it seems that all the things he worried about have happened.


This doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

The conversation he had with Hanshuang yesterday actually not only affected Hanshuang, some of his own thoughts also quietly changed.

Even if what he was worried about eventually happened, it didn't mean that it would necessarily bring about the worst outcome expected.

And even if he makes all the preparations and eliminates hidden dangers before they happen, the final result may not be as he wishes.

After chatting with the talkative young man for a few words, he slowly returned to the entrance of the official passage.

At this moment, the train going south happened to pull into the station, and Lu Bei, who was wearing formal clothes, walked beside him in a low-key manner.

"Sir... sir, the carriage we reserved has arrived at the station. My colleagues in the carriage have checked it in advance. Please come with me."

Looking at Lu Bei who looked serious, Chu Guang nodded and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go then, don't keep other passengers waiting."

Until Chu Guang sat down in the reserved box, the group did not attract the attention of any passengers.

The next stop is Weifu City.

After passing Weifu City and Shifeng Mountain, there is Haiya Province, which is adjacent to the southern sea... I heard that there has been a lot of excitement there recently.

Due to his "shock treatment" plan for the eastern provinces at the beginning of the year, a large number of wastelanders moved to ten settlements along the coast of the Far East Province.

In addition to a large number of wastelanders settling there, there are also survivors from Borneo and even Velantans from the Legion.

Some of them are expeditionary troops who chose to retire and stay locally, and some of them traveled across the ocean to escape or prospect for gold.

The space elevator and gravity well projects have brought huge employment opportunities and business prospects, and the continuous influx of immigrants has brought technology, wealth and labor.

This asset is much richer than the "Meissner Effect Armor" sold to the Alliance by Groom Town.

In particular, the South China Sea Alliance has gradually emerged from the haze of the civil war with the help of Mammoth Kingdom workers.

This survivor force, also hatched by the residents of the shelter, is like an engine with a second spring, using the two hundred years of technical reserves and offshore construction experience as fuel to drive the development of the entire southern coastal area!

Today's Haiyia Province is gradually replacing Golden Gallon Port and Mammoth City in Borneo Province and becoming the next emerging market sought after by investors.

And unlike when the industrial owners of the alliance first rushed to Golden Gallen Port, today's alliance is different from the past in terms of production methods and financial tools.

The miracles conceived there may be even more amazing than those in Borneo.

Chu Guang took a copy of the "Survivor Daily" issued by Settlement No. 1 from X-16, which was printed using the printer on the train.

He unfolded the newspaper on his lap and shook it, then looked at the headline of the newspaper.

There was a painting on it of a lame Wilant veteran, wearing the uniform of the Southern Legion, standing in disgrace under the sign of a homeless home, queuing up to receive a free prosthetic body.

Except for the second-rate editors of Dawn City's "Daily Survivor", most of the "Daily Survivor" newspapers in most areas are quite good at drawing satirical cartoons.

Including that of Boulder.

The caption below the picture is even more ironic.

[Unprecedented “Great Population Migration”! The "Salvation Nest" transport ship arrives at Settlement No. 1! 】

It can be seen that the editor who wrote this report must be a member of the Yue tribe.

Although this dear friend has restrained his emotions in wording and expression in order to ensure objectivity, a hint of disgust can still be seen between the lines.

Chu Guang's eyebrows were raised slightly, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

"Are these people immigrants from Yongye Port?"

Xiao Qi, who was sitting on his shoulder, nodded and said.

"Maybe... there seems to be a post on the forum mentioning them."

Chu Guang knew the post Xiao Qi was talking about.

About half a month ago, a guy named [Talan Raider] serialized a short story on the forum, recording the two legends of Yongye Port and Blackwater Lane.

This short story has just written about the enlightenment meeting, and the "guides" hiding in Yongye Port and their ulterior plan to destroy the world have just revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Chu Guang is also following that post, but so far it seems that his "Desert Corps" that suddenly appeared has not made much progress.

The blockade and large-scale suppression activities in Yongye Port are still continuing, and it is not easy for them to take extraordinary actions rashly.

In that post, a businessman named Arman and his "Salvation Nest" were mentioned. It was said that the twelve ships contained five thousand people and thousands of tons of gold.

After Chu Guang learned about the situation, he sent a telegram to Li Minghui, instructing his fleet not to accidentally injure these civilians.

I just didn’t expect that these twelve ships were moving very fast, and they had already arrived...

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