This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 916 The Southern Legion’s “Special Move”

"Recently, affected by weather problems, the alliance managers have made adjustments to the itinerary for visits to the southern region of the alliance..."

In the restaurant in the port area of ​​Settlement No. 1, the news of the day was playing on the radio.

The time is now four o'clock in the afternoon. Although the restaurant is open, it is obviously still far from the busy time.

Sitting in front of the window, Arman glanced outside the restaurant from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

At this time, the sound of wind chimes came from the door. He raised his head and looked forward, and happened to meet Greg's eyes.

"I knew you would contact me."

"Why do you say that?" Arman raised his eyebrows slightly.

Greg raised his eyebrows at him and continued in a humorous tone.

"Do you need to ask? Loyalty to the Marshal is the factory setting of every Valantian. We will sacrifice our lives for honor and loyalty, even if our feet are far away from the City of Triumph. If the Alliance thinks that some small favors are enough to bribe us, Then they couldn't be more wrong."

Pulling out a chair and sitting across from Arman, Greg looked at the approaching waiter with a bright smile, "Just a cup of black coffee."

"Yes sir."

The Yue Clan girl smiled, and her graceful figure quickly floated behind the bar.

Arman took a deep breath and looked around slightly uneasily.

"Do we need to find a quieter place?"

"No, the view here is wide. Once you get used to it, you will know that some things are better discussed in public than behind closed doors. After all, no matter how careful you are, you can't stop the walls from having ears..."

Looking at the waitress coming with coffee, Greg nodded politely and smiled at her. It wasn't until the latter walked back to the bar that he looked at Arman and continued.

"The sound on the radio was enough to cover up our conversation."

"Okay, I'm just saying it to be on the safe side. Since you have no objection, let's get straight to the point..." Arman spoke quickly, took a sip of the lemonade on the table, and concealed the nervousness in his heart. .

"As you wish." Greg took out a piece of paper from his arms and placed it gently on the table.

Unexpectedly, the other party would be so open and honest about this. Arman was stunned and followed his gaze to the paper, and the expression on his face became more and more surprised.

"This is……"

"Tsunami plan," Greg said slowly, "The alliance has been delivering aid supplies to Borneo through the two ports of Baiyue Strait and Silver Moon Bay. As long as we can capture the Baiyue Strait, we can interrupt one of their leg."

Arman looked at him in surprise.

"But doesn't this mean -"

Greg smiled.

"Is it right to declare war on the Alliance? I know what you are worried about, but this is part of our strategic deployment. It is necessary to open a second battlefield in the Alliance itself, and only in this way can we bring our allies onto the chariot."

Looking at this crazy guy, Arman's Adam's apple moved and he spoke in a hoarse voice.

"...Are you working for the Army Intelligence Bureau of the Southern Army? That...the legendary Second Bureau?"

"Yes, are you surprised? In fact, it's not just the Second Bureau, but also the General Staff."

Greg hooked his index finger on the kettle next to him and poured the water gently onto the paper.

I saw that in places that had been soaked by water, the words gradually dispersed like the fog caused by melting ice and snow.

However, Armen had already taken photos of the contents on the paper, so he didn't pay too much attention to his destruction of evidence.

After showing his sincerity, Greg continued speaking at a gentle pace.

"Actually, we also got inspiration from the residents of Evernight Port. Since the Alliance is willing to accept the Vaillant people without reservation, why don't we use this opportunity to let real soldiers infiltrate their ranks, and then... bang. "

As he spoke, Greg opened his fisted right hand outwards, as if it were an exploding firework.

He had a huge smile on his face and spoke without mercy.

"...Like fireworks, they will be blown to pieces by us."

Listening to this crazy plan, Arman felt as if a demon was sitting in front of him.

If this plan really succeeds...

The Vaillantes will probably become world-famous stinky shit.

But this probably fulfilled the wishes of the Southern Army.

Sometimes the facts are counter-intuitive. Although each legion is using honor to bind the Weirant people, this organization composed of Weirant people does not actually value reputation as much as the "Vilant people who value reputation".

In fact, they wish that the Wilantes would turn into stinky shit.

After all, the worse the reputation of the Wilant people, the less good it looks when others mention the name of the Wilant people, the more inseparable the Wilant people are from the Legion.

Just like a dung beetle can't live without its dung ball.

Arman swallowed.

"...This is such a genius idea."

Greg smiled lightly.


Armen: "But what about your own business? Will your business not be affected?"

It was not surprising that Arman would ask this question. Greg laughed, and then said softly.

"That kind of thing is just a cover. Besides... you don't have to worry about your business being affected. We never treat people who work for us badly. When our plan is successful, I can guarantee that 30% of the trade share of the French Fries Port will be yours." , and will also grant you the title of Captain of Ten Thousands... From then on, you will no longer have to live a wandering life."


Come to think of it, the so-called mutual aid association is also a cover.

Arman took a sip of lemonade to calm himself down and pretended to be excited.

"How many of you are there?"

"Two troops of 10,000 people." Greg gestured with two fingers. "Most of the alliance's capable corps are deployed in Borneo. More than 20,000 people are enough for us to take over the Baiyue Strait."

"Twenty thousand people?!"

The corners of Arman's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but continue.

"Are you kidding? I only have twelve ships, and 5,000 people is already the limit of my capacity."

Greg reassured him with a smile.

"Don't worry, in order to implement this plan, we specially purchased five container ships through our own informants... We will pack the soldiers in the containers, along with their weapons, and I need your team to provide cover for them. , and then dock at the French Fries Port, and when the local customs opens the box, our soldiers will jump out of the box to scare them."

After a pause, he continued.

"The warehouse in Chipsport stores military aid sent to Borneo. These equipment can be used by us. After occupying Chipsport, we will immediately block the Baiyue Strait and under the cover of the Western Army Drive our shallow water heavy gunboats in, establish frontline positions in Baiyue Province, and advance along the coastline towards the Death Coast... By then, the entire alliance will fall apart under our attack."

Arman pinched his eyebrows and said with a headache.

"I always feel that your plan is full of problems... Also, why are you so sure that just landing in the alliance can turn the tide of the war? You should have seen their cohesion."

"I know, of course I know, I've been observing them since I came to the league... including their weaknesses," Greg said with a smile, "like their managers."

Looking at Greg with a mysterious smile, Arman raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I remember him being young."

"Then let something happen to him."

Greg added some sugar to the coffee, stirred it gently with a spoon, and continued slowly.

"Under his leadership, they have indeed united many people, but there are also many people who hate them, just like shadows in the sun... Those guys are dormant in places where the light of order cannot shine, waiting for opportunities to move. They are always ready to give their enemies a fatal blow. If they only rely on themselves, they may not be able to wait until the next life for this opportunity, but it will be different if we have our help."

Arman looked at him in astonishment and gradually understood his plan.

"...You want to copy the Bone Chewing Rebellion?"

"The Bone Chewing Rebellion?" Greg curled his lips and said disdainfully, "The reason why the Eastern Army cannot achieve great things is that it swings from side to side when it is time to take a firm stand, but we will not make such a mistake. We will deploy it ourselves and directly Take command and give them all necessary weapons and equipment...The entire plan is foolproof, and they will pay a heavy price for their arrogance."

Looking at Arman who still wanted to ask something, Greg coughed and interrupted what he was about to say.

"That's enough, are we digressing? Someone else is responsible for the decapitation operation. Let's go back to our 'Tsunami' first. Your job is very simple. You only need to help our people get ashore and leave the rest to us. Just be professional.”

When he said this, Greg stared at Armen intently, waiting for his answer.

Arman knew very well that if he dared to say no after knowing so much, he might not even be able to see the moon tonight.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, but his face was calm. He thought seriously for a long time, and then nodded slowly.

"give it to me."

Hearing this expected answer, Greg's face once again had a bright smile.

"Congratulations, you chose the right path."

After leaving these words, he stood up, patted Arman's shoulder gently, then picked up the wet white paper and stuffed it into his pocket, and then went to the bar of the restaurant.

He added a whole plate of sugar cubes to that cup of coffee, which was probably too sweet for him, but he didn't take a sip.

Seeing Greg leaving after paying, Arman gave a wry smile, picked up the lemonade on the table and took a sip.

Looking at the waitress who came to clear away the dishes, he took off the button on his collar and placed it gently on the table.

"You all heard it, right...Do you need me to do anything else?"

The Yue Clan girl smiled at him and packed the things on the table.

Even hair falling on tables and chairs.

"No sir, leave the tableware to us and you can continue with today's arrangements. Thank you for your support of our business, and I wish you a happy life."

Armen made a helpless expression.

If possible, he really didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, and that was indeed his intention from the beginning.

The Guards did not force him to cooperate with them in handling the case. If he was unwilling, he only had to promise to keep it confidential and not contact people related to the mutual aid association.

However, after thinking about the tragedy in Saifan Port, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​staying out of the matter.

No one can truly stay out of it.

When things find him, he already has one foot in the game, and pretending it has nothing to do with him won't make him or his family safer.

He couldn't wait until everything happened, and then follow the example of the Borneo people and explain to the other survivors who had united together——

"Not all Borneos are like that."

That pale excuse cannot even be said to be a consolation...

The "tsunami" aimed at French Fries Port is about to arrive, and container ships filled with soldiers are setting off from Yongye Port.

Under Greg's operation, a batch of weapons has been loaded on a cargo ship in Settlement No. 1 and sent to French Fries Port in the name of military assistance to the countries in Borneo.

At the same time, Armen's fleet also set off, heading straight to West Sail Port.

They will rendezvous at West Sail Harbor and then head straight across the Borneo Sea to the Baiyue Strait.

Everything went according to plan.

At this moment, the alliance's attention has been completely focused on the Borneo Province... At least in the eyes of the senior officials of the Southern Legion, their entire plan was completed perfectly.

As long as their troops can control Friesport, the entire Borneo Sea can become the back garden of the Southern Army!

On the other side, the operation code-named "Guillotine" was also carried out quietly.

At the same time that Greg went to Settlement No. 1 to develop and offline, Captain Wyatt, another warrior of the Southern Army, also arrived at the junction of the Haiyia Province and the Prancing Pony Province - an area located in On the ruins among the mountains.

This is the former site of Yanshan City, about a hundred kilometers away from the coastline. It is almost the same distance from here to the Alliance's Settlement No. 10.

Two centuries ago, this was a prosperous coastal city, but now only a few rusty steel skeletons and a pile of cement boxes riddled with holes remain.

The entire Yanshan City is not large in area, similar to Xizhou City, which is located near the lake. The city is also positioned mainly for leisure and vacation, so it does not have as many high-rise buildings as Qingquan City.

During the previous Torch War, the 101st Mountain Division of the Enterprise was stationed in this area, but they withdrew not long after the war ended.

With the withdrawal of order, this place quickly became a paradise for mutant creatures and predators.

"It's right in front... There is no road that can go up, so we can only park the car here and walk forward."

Looking at the broken viaduct not far away, the driver who turned off the engine looked respectfully at Chief Wyatt who was sitting in the back seat and said.

"Well, that's it."

After comparing the nearby terrain with the contour lines on the map, Wyatt nodded, said something concisely, and then pushed the door open and got out of the car with two other followers wearing exoskeletons.

As the two parked, the two vans following the off-road vehicle also stopped one after another, and two soldiers wearing exoskeletons and two "big guys" armed to the teeth with black metal got out. ".

In the legion, all the Wilantes whose physiques are beyond ordinary people are those who failed to awaken.

The unstable fragments buried in their DNA give them strength and toughness beyond ordinary people, allowing them to fight desperately like mutants regardless of pain and wounds.

The Eastern Legion usually places them directly in the elimination team to serve as the main force in large-scale battles. However, in the Southern Legion, the elimination team is mainly positioned as a special force. Such big men are usually equipped with expensive implants and then dispatched to other places outside the front line as needed.

Especially areas behind enemy lines.

They are powerful and never surrender. They are like humanoid nuclear bombs. They can often explode with combat power comparable to that of an entire ten-man team with just one person.

Unlike Greg, who was affiliated with the Army Intelligence Agency, Wyatt and his subordinates were affiliated with the General Staff of the Southern Army, with the rank of commander.

Due to his military experience, he is not only good at intelligence work, but also has considerable experience in combat command.

He was involved in the Sifan Harbor massacre planned by the General Staff.

In the subsequent Janus Uprising, the old Gray Wolf Army members who supported Absek obtained the combat plan that he participated in formulating.

It is no exaggeration to say that at least one-third of the credit for Janusz's ability to conquer Tiandu within two weeks was due to this guy he had never met before.

Even though Janusz himself didn't know it, he was kept in the dark until he was shot dead on the throne.

Now, in order to open a second front in the alliance, the General Staff of the Southern Army sent Wyatt to Haiya Province to plot the assassination of the alliance managers.

The risks of the entire plan are foreseeable. Once the administrator dies, they will definitely suffer crazy revenge from the entire alliance, and the probability of escape is extremely slim.

However, for the sake of the Legion, for the success of the "Tsunami" plan, for His Majesty the Marshal and the final victory, he did not care about personal sacrifice.

Just as a group of people entered Yanshan City, a pair of greedy and coveting eyes hiding in the shadows had already noticed this group of uninvited guests.

Most of them were predators who wandered into this area following the footsteps of migrating survivors.

The Alliance used radio to deceive them of the fat sheep they were talking about, and then hunted them in the wilderness, so they hid in the ruins of cities far away from settlements.

The Alliance's influence could not expand here for the time being, so they built their nest in the shadow of the Alliance's heel.

All passing survivors or caravans are their targets for robbery. Sometimes they will also use a pieced together engine to build a small boat and go to sea to rob merchant ships.

They usually sell the looted items to black market merchants and use the earned silver coins to exchange for supplies.

The Alliance has never stopped pursuing and suppressing them, but just like a person cannot step on his own shadow with the sole of his shoe, the predators that have existed since the War and Construction Committee era have never been exterminated by any survivor force.

As long as there is a borderland without order, they will grow like weeds.

However, it is worth mentioning that the Alliance's intensity in combating predators is indeed rare in this land.

It is precisely because of the alliance's constant suppression that the predators, whose living space has been continuously compressed, hate those nosy blue gophers.

When Wyatt and his group stepped into the territory of Rock Mountain City, the local raiders immediately mistook them for the Alliance's sanctuary residents the moment they saw the equipment on his body.

After all, within the knowledge of these predators, only the residents of the Vault would install a large number of expensive and obstructive implants on their bodies.

As for the Legion?

Most of the raiders from the Prancing Pony Province had never heard of it, even if their titles of Captain of Tens and Centurions were actually copied from the Legion.

Feeling the threat from the shadow of the ruins, a big man walked up to Wyatt and protected him with a steel body like a copper wall.

"Ahead, threat."

Listening to the humming under the thick steel, Wyatt smiled slightly and did not take his subordinate's warning to heart.

"That means we're in the right place."

After that, he motioned for his men to step aside and shouted towards the devastated steel and concrete ruins in front of him.

"Do you want to be cowards your whole life, huddled in this hellish place like a rat hole and rot, or do you want to be so brave and rush into the houses of those so-called civilized people, snatch away their treasures, and occupy their wives and daughters? , grab enough wealth that you won’t be able to spend in a lifetime!”

The loud voice echoed among the ruins, but no voice responded to him.

Undeterred, Wyatt raised his voice and continued shouting.

"Think about it, or go home and find a mirror and look at your useless bear look. The Alliance is chasing you around like cockroaches, and what you do is to find a ruin and hide in it. I I can tell you responsibly that if you can’t unite and fight hard, sooner or later you won’t even have a place to hide!”

"At least now, the Alliance is pinned down by us on the battlefield in the west, and you still have a little hope of counterattack——"

Before he finished his speech, a figure suddenly jumped down from the ruins.

The guy was as strong as a cheetah, but his hair was messy, as if he had fleas.

Not only that, the wrinkled skin also looks like a hyena that has lost its hair.

What's even more disgusting is his dark teeth, which look like they haven't been brushed for years.

Looking warily at the group of people standing in front of the ruins, the man let out a low roar at the leader, Wyatt.

"Who are you?"

The soldiers standing next to Wyatt all frowned in unison, but Wyatt's expression remained unchanged.

"Wyatt, Captain of the Legion, tell me your name."

"Hunting Claw, Ogre Tribe, Captain of Ten Thousands."

The man stared intently at Wyatt, and then at the big man next to him, not hiding the pure greed in his eyes.

Wyatt didn't pay attention, he just looked at the man named Hunting Claw up and down, and then nodded approvingly.

"Hunting Claw... is a good name. I have already thought of a suitable prosthetic body for you."

As he spoke, he took out a holographic computer pen and tapped it twice with his index finger.

Light blue light and shadow quickly emerged, and a warrior with claws attached to his arms appeared on it.

The sudden appearance of the little man startled Hunting Claw, but he was quickly attracted by the mechanical shape and couldn't move his eyes away at all.

" do I get it."

Looking at Hunter Claw with greedy eyes, Wyatt said unceremoniously.

"It's very simple, just do things for us."

Hunting Claw is also unambiguous, knowing that most people who come to the Predator to do business have the same purpose.

"Kill who?"

Wyatt said with a smile.

"Manager of the Alliance."

Upon hearing this, Hunter Claw's pupils shrank suddenly, with a clearly frightened expression on his face.

Seeing the panic behind his eyes, Wyatt continued patiently.

"He is just one person, and we are a group of people. We will not let you act alone, we will provide you with weapons, help you make plans, and even fight alongside you."

"And you only need to have the courage to stand with us, and you can leave the rest to us."

After hearing this promise, Hunting Claw's eyes finally calmed down, and the faint fear was quickly replaced by greed.

"You have a big appetite... If you want to kill that guy, I'm afraid you have to be prepared for a war with the settlement."

"Then let's start a war."

Wyatt looked at him.

"Tell me your answer."

A cruel smile appeared on Hunting Claw's face, and then he nodded his head without hesitation.

"Do it! Deal! But you have to give us weapons and ammunition! Just a pair of claws is not enough, at least two or three thousand people must be equipped with equipment... If you can take it out, not only the cannibal tribe will listen to you, but the entire All the tribes in the city listen to you!"

A cheerful smile appeared on Wyatt's face.

Although the quantity is a little less, it is enough.

The target of Operation "Guillotine" is only managers, and the actual war is the work of "Tsunami".

The Alliance would never have thought that this "assassination" was an operation involving thousands of people.

And by the time they reacted, it was already too late.

Looking at Hunting Claw with bright eyes, Wyatt smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"make a deal."

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