This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 930 This NPC is too real

Blackwater Lane, an inconspicuous private house.

Mehta, who was sitting in front of a telegraph machine, was meticulously typing a telegram according to the manuscript in his hand, reporting the local situation to the upline in the Snake State area of ​​Borneo Province.

[At 12 noon today, the alliance army troops have successfully landed at Yongye Port, and the local garrison has been driven to the northern urban area and Blackwater Lane to retreat. According to estimates from the day the alliance suffered a nuclear attack and announced war mobilization, it took only one week from logistics dispatch to personnel landing. This efficiency is truly shocking and completely subverts our previous analysis of its war efficiency. 】

[In addition to the completion of the mobilization of the alliance in the mainland, the South China Sea Alliance's performance in the war was completely at its mercy. The Far East Enterprises also issued a war declaration at the same time after the alliance declared war. The kingdoms of Luoxia Province also responded, and more than Hard power is terrifying, and soft power is equally terrifying! If it is not necessary, it must not conflict with it. Even if conflict is inevitable, you should be careful not to touch the bottom line! 】

[In addition, referring to the series of measures implemented by the Alliance after entering Boulder City, I judge that it may take similar actions against Yongye Port to win people's hearts by improving public security and cracking down on gangs and evil. By then, there will definitely be a bloody storm in Blackwater Alley! 】

[So I made the decision to sink all 20 tons of "cargo" into the sea and destroy it, and ordered all downline organizations to remain silent and lurk to wait for the opportunity. 】

After sending the telegram, Meta let out a sigh of relief, hid the radio in the secret compartment under the bed, and at the same time took out a palm-sized wooden box from the secret compartment.

This wooden box contains some things that can prove his identity, as well as some personal items he brought from Borneo, such as pamphlets for family meetings, photos of Mahatma Zaid, etc.

Thinking of the good times in Snake State, Meta reluctantly took one last look at them, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed to them, then resolutely took out his lighter and burned them.

Light and shadow always go hand in hand. If someone stands in the sun, someone must bear the shadow.

Keeping these things is a hidden danger.

This is true for both yourself and your family.

However, he didn't pay attention at this moment. This scene was completely seen by his subordinates standing at the door.

Seeing that the boss actually burned the Mahatma Sahib's photo, the young man held his breath.

He came to deliver documents, but he didn't expect to see such a treacherous scene.

After some struggle, he finally said nothing and secretly took a photo. Then he restrained his racing heart and silently backed away from the door...


He caught his boss!

At the same time, in the urban area adjacent to the port, a group of Jungle Corps players wearing K-10 heavy exoskeletons were patrolling.

When the team reached the coast, a player suddenly stopped and broke away from the team and squatted in front of the guardrail.

Staring at the belly-turned fish on the sea, he muttered "strange" in confusion.

The team leader walked next to him, looked at the back of this guy's head and asked.

"What's weird?"

The player pointed at the fish on the sea and said in confusion.

"Look, there must be tens of thousands of them... I wonder if we didn't fry any fish when we landed?"

In order to avoid casualties among civilians and kill them in hand-to-hand combat, they did not even use naval guns. The armored units they encountered were basically dealt with by aircraft.

The captain glanced at this guy with a subtle expression.

"What's so curious about this..."

Aren't they just a few dead fish...well, it seems like there's more than just a few.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the undulating sea, and frowned slightly.

I saw sea fish with their bellies turned over, connected together in the waves, and they looked all kinds of strange, with all kinds of shapes and colors.

But he was not a fisherman after all, so he could recognize only a few fish.

"...It's quite strange."

Anyone have an electric fish?

But this doesn't seem to have anything to do with them.

"Really? I suspect there might be some subplot here..."

While saying this, the player squatting on the beach stretched out his hand out of curiosity and flicked the nearest fish to see if these belly-turning little guys were still alive.

However, what he didn't expect was that as soon as his index finger touched the greasy fish scales, the belly-turned fish suddenly started to stir as if it had woken up from sleep, and it flapped its tail and shot towards him.

The player was startled, and quickly stood up to avoid the fish lips biting his nose, but he was still covered in the fishy smell by the wet tail.

"Damn it! This fish can fly!?"

Looking at the fish lying on the ground, flapping its tail and swimming towards the street, the player's face suddenly showed an expression of discovering a new world.

This guy didn't seem to know that he was a fish. He actually wanted to imitate how people walk and squeezed into the street.

However, the captain standing aside yawned and completely lost interest in his team members' new discoveries.

"If there's a branch line here, I'll take your last name——"

Before he could finish his words, the thousands of fish floating on the sea suddenly woke up, jumped out of the water with a uniform flapping sound, and landed on the shore like rain.

As if they had some sense of mission, or imagined themselves as some kind of shore creature, they jumped out of the sea that suffocated them.

In an instant, tens of thousands of fish were swimming on the coastline hundreds of meters wide.

They breathed hard, but it didn't take long for them to spit out the last bubble in their mouths.

The strong fish died first, then the palm-sized clownfish, and then the small shrimps huddled in the gaps.

Witnessing this incredible scene, not only the players patrolling the shore were stunned, but also the remnant soldiers of the Southern Legion who were hiding in the alley and preparing to shoot black guns were stunned.

"……what's the situation?"

The leader of the team muttered to himself in a daze, and was about to report the situation here to Brother Chicken, when he saw a group of Borneos running up from nowhere and swarming up.

Most of them are dock workers and laundry workers in the area, and some are fishermen employed by the Weiland people's fishing grounds.

Some of them were carrying barrels, some were carrying fishing nets, and they even took out pots and pans.

"Quick! The fish is still alive!"

"Don't grab my net! It's mine!"

"Damn, stay out of my way!"

"I'm interested in this one! Who of you dares to steal it!"

In just a few breaths, the coast was crowded with happy Borneo people.

The noisy and picky scene was as lively as a festival.

Although they are usually afraid of death, when there is an advantage they can take advantage of, they will risk their lives.

Maybe they remembered that they were allies of the alliance, maybe they remembered that these noble guys never used violence against defenseless people, or maybe they thought of some other messy reason, which made them forget that they were still fighting.

So much fish, enough to eat for several days!

"Wait, don't grab it yet! Damn it, don't any of you think there's something wrong with this fish's brain?" The captain shouted in confusion, but no one listened to him.

Seeing the fish being snatched away, the player who triggered the branch line first opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a while.

Oh my god...

This NPC is too real!

The incident on the coast did not affect the course of the entire war.

As of twelve o'clock at noon, the fighting in various urban areas in Yongye Port has basically ended.

The nearly 20,000 city defense troops and more than 100,000 military personnel of the Southern Army were all withdrawn to the northern city under the order of Captain Stanford, preparing to regroup and compete with the Alliance for control of Evernight Port.

However, after learning a series of news that Triumph City had "fallen" and that Enterprise had declared war on the Southern Army, the morale of everyone, including Stanford himself, fell to the bottom.

At the same time, all areas where the city defense troops had withdrawn, including the northwest urban area, fell under the control of the alliance.

Although there were still some die-hards hiding in the city, waiting for opportunities to open fire on the patrolling players, the sporadic gunshots did not form a climate and were quickly extinguished on the streets.

Originally, the players of the jungle corps including Midnight Kill Chicken were prepared for a security war, but as a result, the security war did not start at all.

Most of the Wilrantians here remember what these city defenders once did.

Therefore, when these lackeys of the Southern Legion tried to gain the support of other compatriots, the eyes that looked at them were only disappointment and ridicule.

If I had known it would be like this, what would you have done?

As for the soldiers of the Wilant Expeditionary Force, the residents of Yongye Port almost welcomed them into the city with cheers.

Especially in the northwest city where they had fought and fought, people even placed flowers on both sides of the road to express their welcome to the compatriots who were returning home.

Walking on a familiar street, a Wilant veteran carrying an LD-rifle shouted toward the window on the side of the road.

"Haha, Brights, you bastard is still here!"

The old man who was over fifty years old leaned against the window and smiled at the veteran standing on the street.

"I'm not going anywhere. Someone has to remember what happened on this street. Why did you become a soldier of the Alliance?"

The veteran had a proud expression on his face.

"I told you, I will come back! It is Tyr and his pigs who should get out, not me!"

Seeing his bearish appearance, the old man leaning against the window grinned and waved his index finger at him.

"Hahaha! Salute to you! By the way, where is Fili? How is that guy doing?"

The veteran curled his lips.

"He is old, and the old man can only talk nonsense, saying that if he didn't have arthritis, he would definitely come and accompany us to fool around."

The old man said with a smile.

"It seems like what he would say, so this coward still goes to do his old job?"

"No, he stopped playing with those gold bracelets. He got involved with a guy from the New World and opened a bank... That guy is a good man. Thanks to him, we have a house to live in when we land ashore."

Seeing that his old friend was having a hard time chatting with his head raised, the old man patted the curtain and shouted to him.

"Let's stop chatting through the window. Come up to my house and talk. I'll open a bottle of good wine."

Hearing these words, the Wilante veteran shook his head quickly.

"That's not okay. Our commander won't let us enter civilians' houses."

Hearing this, the old man was dumbfounded.

"You can't even invite an old friend?"

"Discipline is discipline. No excuses are allowed. Let's talk about it when we have time."

After saying these words, the veteran made a farewell gesture and then returned to the team.

Not far away on the street, looking at the harmonious and friendly scene, the battalion commander of the Enterprise's 100th Mountain Division took a sip of Goblin Technology's Rick Five, squinted his eyes and smiled.

"They picked a good time."

The adjutant standing next to him tilted his head.

"What's a good time?"

"Before the dawn when the night was about to end, they extended a helping hand to the Valantians who had had enough of the Wasteland Era. But the most important thing is that they allowed the Valantians themselves to complete the final liberation..."

The battalion commander grinned.

Maybe the Wasteland Era is really coming to an end.

If the Pioneer's departure only allowed him to see the signs of dawn, then at this moment he had already seen the glimmer of dawn emerging on the horizon...

At this time, a broadcast sounded in the distance.

It appears that the Jungle Corps brethren have successfully taken over the radio station and put it to use.

"Survivors of Evernight Harbor, I am the commander of the Alliance Jungle Corps..."

"A week ago, your Legion Commander Tyr detonated a nuclear bomb on our doorstep, and that's why we're standing here with our guys."

"But don't be afraid, we have no enmity with the Wilantes, and we are not interested in your land. Once we catch the culprit, we will evacuate from here immediately."

"I believe it's not just us, you must also be fed up with that bastard who behaves mischievously. If you are willing to fight alongside us, we welcome you to stand with us. If you are not ready, we will not force it, as long as Don't do anything stupid..."

Unlike Brother Fang, Brother Ji is not very good at saying so many nice words, and most of the other brothers in the Corps are dull and coquettish.

But he still made it clear what needed to be said. After all, the brothers on the forum would also help them with suggestions.

For example, there are three stipulations with local residents, and there are also eight disciplines and three important things to pay attention to, and how to report if someone is found to have violated the rules.

In addition, he also called on people of insight from all walks of life in Yongye Port to come forward and jointly shoulder the task of rebuilding order.

It’s not just the Valeantians.

This also includes the aliens living in Blackwater Lane.

Just like in the Falcon Kingdom, they will select industry representatives from the industry, and then return local power to the hands of the local people after order is restored.

Although what he said was very straightforward, even without euphemism, the meaning was expressed very clearly——

That is, they came not in the name of conquest, but in the name of liberation.

After hearing those loud and simple words, the worried faces and scared eyes finally turned into doubts.

This is enough.

Midnight Killing Chicken had no illusions that the locals would completely trust themselves with just a few words.

Time will prove everything.

Their commitment is more than just a promise.

At the same time that the radio broadcast was repeated, a group of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the hospital near the Governor's Palace.

They are soldiers of the "Kant Battalion" of the first division of the Wilant Expeditionary Force. They were named this in memory of Kant.

As for their battalion commander, it was Kuruan who proposed the establishment of the Wilant expeditionary force - the Yongye Port customs officer who was lame and later resigned.

It is worth mentioning that after learning that he planned to return to the battlefield, Arman generously donated a bionic prosthetic body to him.

Now, not only is his leg no longer lame, but he can easily jump more than three meters high...if necessary.

At this moment, he was following the footsteps of an enthusiastic citizen of Yongye Port to the door of the hospital.

The citizen was a Weiland man and introduced him enthusiastically as he walked.

"It's right in front, sir. I guess it's in the basement of the hospital. There is a door there that has never been used before. It should be the entrance to the underground bunker."

Glancing at the empty hospital hall, Kuruan looked at him sideways and asked.

"you sure?"

"I'm sure," the man said proudly with his red rosacea nose, "I saw Yahui running in from outside with my own eyes, and next to him was Captain Willoughby... If you were Yongye Hong Kong residents must know who they are."

"Dear Mr. Governor and Captain of the Garrison," the young man standing next to Kuhlman whistled and said with a grin, "I will not forget these bastards."

"They are not worthy of the bastard. They are at most the bastard's lackeys." Kuruan loaded the rifle in his hand and waved to the brothers behind him, "Catch them alive."


Listening to the leader's order, a group of Wilant soldiers showed ferocious smiles on their faces and strode through the door.

I can finally settle the score with these dogs!

They had suffered so much bad breath before, not to mention how happy they felt at the moment.

Not long after the soldiers entered, there was a deafening explosion and several bang-bang gunshots, and the basement instantly echoed with pleas for mercy like a slaughtering pig.

"I surrender! Don't kill me!"

With two soldiers holding his arms on one side and one on the right, the disgraced Yahui was dragged out of the hospital.

Behind him was the equally disgraced Captain Willoughby.

Compared with Ya Hui, he looked obviously worse, and there was blood on his legs.

Perhaps he wanted to show off in front of the Governor, but after taking the wrong medicine, he even thought about drawing a gun to resist.

However, his superior obviously knew more about current affairs than he did, and he shouted for surrender as soon as the gunshots were fired.

Looking at these two dead dog-like guys, Kuruan felt no sympathy at all, only disgust.

Standing on the sun-drenched street, Captain Willoughby raised his head and finally saw Kuruan's face clearly with his bruised eyes.

He was stunned for many seconds, then frowned and squeezed out a half-dead sentence from his mouth.

"You...have I seen you somewhere?"

Kuruan lit a cigarette and said casually.

"Maybe I saw it at the port."

Upon hearing this, Willoughby's pupils shrank to a point, staring at him, and squeezed out a sentence from the cracked lips.

"Why did you betray the Marshal——"

"I have to return this sentence to you. Why did you betray the marshal?" Kuruan looked at him expressionlessly, as if he were looking at a bedbug.

Looking at those eyes, Willoughby felt that all his strength had been drained from his body. He couldn't show any of his usual official power and could only argue with a red face.

"I... betrayed? When have I ever betrayed a marshal! Don't be slanderous!"

Kuruan: "When you turn your gun on the Valantians, when you become a dog in the hands of power."

Willoughby's lips turned white with anger, and he wanted to raise his hand to point at him, but was held down by the soldiers on the side, unable to move at all.

"Isn't it the same for you? You became a dog of the Alliance!"

"You can say whatever you want, you can say horses and donkeys alike, it's your freedom."

Not bothering to argue with this guy at all, Kuruan threw the finished cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out.

"It's time for Katnold Prison to house real prisoners, not just poor aliens who can't pay their fines."

"The residents of Yongye Port remember everything you have done. After we discuss the future rules, they will naturally use the law to deal with you."

It was not only Governor Yahui and Captain Willoughby who were taken out of the underground bunker, but also a number of bureaucrats and staff in the Governor's Mansion and the garrison.

Kuruan did not embarrass them. He just arranged them in different rooms and asked them to write down their resumes, current positions, and colleagues they usually work with.

This is not only a requirement of the alliance, but also the experience of the latter in Golden Gallen Port.

The order of Yongye Port still needs to be maintained by these people, and he will select the trustworthy ones from them to help the local residents transition from the old regime to the new regime.

As for giving him a battalion commander to do this, he felt that on the one hand it might be because he was a local, and on the other hand it was because the alliance showed its trust in him.

But Kuruan doesn't care about trust or distrust. Anyway, he will retire when this battle is over.

After arranging the work, he only felt relaxed.

His lieutenant put his arm on his shoulders and said in a joking tone.

"Finally, those bastards Yahui and Willoughby were sent in. Now do you feel the pleasure of getting revenge?"

Kuruan said with a faint smile.

"It's too early to get revenge. It was not the two bastards who killed Kant, but the person standing behind them holding a dog leash."

This war has just begun.

Evernight Harbor was only the first colony they liberated.

There are still 20 colonies waiting for them to liberate, covering a total of 2.7 million square kilometers of land on the west coast of the desert!

Even the homeland of the Southern Legion... 17 settlements including the city of Avente.

These accounts must be settled thoroughly with the Southern Army.

Temporarily bidding farewell to his comrades, Kuruan headed to the northwest city alone.

To welcome their arrival, and to thank the Alliance for not launching a large-scale bombing of the port, locals placed flowers on both sides of the street in return.

Picking up a bouquet of tulips symbolizing glory from the street, Kuruan walked to the door of the radio station and gently placed it next to the open gate.

"I'm back."

The Valantians never give up on their heroes, even if they don't know each other.

Kuruan, who left the bouquet behind, nodded slightly in salute, tightened the rifle on his back, and then turned and left, blending into the sunset extending along the street behind him...

(I had a cold two days ago. I still have gastroenteritis after the cold. I feel like I have been running to the hospital for a year. I am about to burst.) (End of this chapter)

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