This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 934 Shelter No. 3

Near Settlement No. 10, the academy’s research ship.

A tall and thin man stood in the light blue holographic light and shadow, looking at Yang Kai who looked respectful and said in a commanding tone.

"How did he choose?"

Yang Kai reported truthfully.

"It's unclear at the moment. He didn't give me a definite answer...but as you can see, space-based weapons are indeed moving towards the Western Hemisphere."

It's just that it has not been deployed yet.

Although the academy does not have access to these weapons left behind by the War Construction Committee, it does know the coordinates of each weapon.

Tracking their location is not difficult.

Unfortunately, the most intelligent and knowledgeable people on the planet do not hold any of the keys.

Seeing that Dr. Conclusion did not respond for a long time, Yang Kai continued in a respectful tone.

"I would like to ask, how do you expect him to choose?"

The man known as Dr. Conclusion smiled lightly.

"I don't have the optimal solution here, I just want to see his choice."

The tone of his voice made it difficult to guess what he was really thinking.

Yang Kai smiled bitterly.

"Looks like we'll just have to wait and see."

Forced into a desperate situation, the senior officials of the Southern Army placed all their hopes of victory on a biological and chemical weapon called "dead agent."

The Alliance's orbital weapons are being deployed to the area of ​​​​Avent City, ready to solve all troubles once and for all.

The warlord didn't know if the manager was serious, but if the guy really pressed the button, then all his hard work might really be in vain.

It’s not even just his efforts.

It also includes other players in the alliance, as well as all the efforts made by Julius, Penny, Alman and other Wilantians to end the Wasteland Era.

And this includes managers themselves.

In short, this sudden situation completely broke the warlord's arrangements for the next work.

He originally planned to wait until after the funeral of Marshal Julius, and then unite the civil service group to carry out a top-down reform of the Triumph City, starting from holding a citizens' assembly to selecting representatives from all walks of life, and then jointly discuss Weiland A unique constitution and a series of laws are improved on this basis.

However, now, this matter obviously has to be pushed back.

After asking a lot of troll netizens for their suggestions on the forum, Warfield finally found the only person he could trust and who could help after repeatedly weighing the pros and cons in his mind...

The meeting hall of the Glorious Academy.

After listening to the remarks of the respected Mr. Consul, the commander of the Guards Regiment, Lei Ze, could not help but frown slightly.

"You mean...the genetic source code of the Velant people has been stolen?"

The warlord thought he would be shocked by the content of the death agent plan, but he didn't expect that the old man's focus was on the strange details.

"That's right," Warfield Man nodded and said seriously, "For the Southern Legion's plan, the genetic source code of the Wilant people is necessary. Only by filling in this last piece of the puzzle can they ensure the plan. Successful implementation--"

"This is impossible." Before he could finish speaking, Lei Ze interrupted him and said in a tone that left no room for doubt, "No one can steal the genetic source code of the Weirant people, and where did you get it from?" News? Did the civil service group tell you? It was that boy Sarun."

The warlord's brow twitched fiercely.

He didn't know where the old man's confidence came from, so he was so sure that the genetic source code would not be stolen.

However, this is where the trouble lies. Although he knows what happened, he cannot tell the source of the information.

After all, he couldn't tell this old guy that he received the mission from the game system, right?

Can the system's tasks still be fake?

Unless the dog plotted to play with him intentionally.

"...I can't tell you the source of the news, but this is indeed the truth." Warfield stared at him intently, trying to impress this 172-year-old man with his sincerity.

Although he knew very well in his heart, the possibility of convincing Lei Ze through such a hasty method was almost slim.

After all, this is no ordinary accusation.

No one is impressed by a simple "Trust me."

However, to Warfield's surprise, Lei Ze did not immediately reject his words, but just looked at his pupils with those cloudy eyes.

After a while, he suddenly dropped a sentence.

"You come with me."

After saying that, Lei Ze walked towards the outside of the meeting hall.

Seeing this resolute action, the warlord was slightly stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what the old man wanted to do, but he still got up and followed him.

The two of them left the Glorious Academy directly, walked down the thousands of marble steps one after another, and then got into the car waiting by the road.


Looking at Lei Ze getting into the car, Warfield hesitated for a moment before opening the door and getting in.

He originally thought that the old man was planning to take him somewhere in the Glory Courtyard, but he didn't expect that it looked like he was going to take a long trip.

After the car door closed, the car's engine slowly started, driving the two people in the car away from the Glory Yard.

After about twenty minutes, the warlords had even seen the walls of Triumph City, and then the speed of the car slowed down.


After saying these words, Lei Ze reached out to push open the car door and got out of the car neatly.

The warlord also followed him and got out of the car. He looked up and looked ahead, only to see that there was a military camp, and two soldiers wearing power armor were guarding the front of the checkpoint.

In the entire Triumph City, there was only one place where even the sentries on guard were wearing power armor.

The moment he saw the two "Dragoon" powered armors, the field man had already guessed where this place was.

Seeing the commander of their own army and Mr. Consul, the sentry on duty stood in awe, took off his helmet mask, and solemnly performed a military salute.

Lei Ze simply returned the military salute, then looked at the surprised pangolin behind him and continued.

"This is the Imperial Guard Mansion, the residence of the Imperial Guard. I originally planned to bring you here after Marshal Julius's funeral."

"I know, I've passed by here before." The battlefield atmosphere team nodded, but looked at him with confusion, not understanding why he brought him here.

Taking yourself on a tour of the Praetorian Guards?

Now doesn't seem to be the time to do this.

Lei Ze did not explain what he was doing here, but just led him all the way through a concrete building to the deepest part of the Imperial Guard Mansion.

A ring-shaped concrete building sits in the center of the open space. There are no windows in the thick walls, only a narrow passage extending into the building.

Lei Ze led him forward, passed the guard at the door, stood on the elevator with the Legion emblem in the middle of the hall on the first floor, and then pressed the button on the mechanical keyboard.

The elevator door squeaked shut, and then the elevator car descended at a steady speed.

Looking at the confused Mr. Archon, Lei Ze said in a very soft voice.

"...The concrete structure you just saw outside is just the 'gate' of this building. Its real mystery is actually underground."

The battlefield atmosphere team coughed lightly.

"You know that's not what I'm curious about."

"I know," Lei Ze nodded, "and I can assure you that all your confusions will be answered soon... We are here."

After nearly a minute of settling, the elevator finally reached its destination.

The battlefield atmosphere team couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. This facility was too hidden, almost like a shelter.

However, not long after he was thinking this way, he saw a giant gear-shaped alloy door, and a large number "3" was printed in the center of the giant door.

"No. 3 Shelter... This is a shelter?! Wait... there is a shelter underneath Triumph City?!" The battlefield atmosphere team had a surprised expression on their faces.

Looking at the surprised Mr. Consul, Lei Ze smiled lightly and said.

"I remember I should have said that a long time ago, when Marshal Julius was still alive, I often dealt with you."

The battlefield atmosphere team swallowed and nodded slowly.

Turning his gaze to the giant door in front of him, Lei Ze's eyes seemed to be lost in memories, and he continued after a long time.

"That was a long time ago, probably the year I was just born... After the residents of Vault 3 learned about what happened to us and what happened in the Valant laboratory, they expressed their anti-human behavior towards the post-war reconstruction committee. Crime expressed outrage and generously offered us help."

"It was a great group of people, and that was also our honeymoon period with the shelter residents...yours."

"If we only rely on ourselves, without the support of the technical department, even if we obtain the genetic source code of the Vaillant Laboratory, it will not help. But after getting the help of the residents of the shelter, all the problems were solved, and we finally gained the true meaning freedom, and built a great triumphal city on the land above our heads.”

When he said this, Lei Ze paused for a moment, moved his eyes away from the huge door of the shelter, and looked at the stunned Archon - or "Pangolin".

"The genetic source code is kept in this shelter... Actually, I should have brought you here earlier, but I was delayed due to some things."

After saying that, the old man walked up to the door, reached out and knocked on a few buttons on the console next to the huge gear-shaped door.

With a tremor like an earthquake, the giant gear-shaped door slowly rolled to one side with the rumbling sound, making way for the shelter.

"Not just passwords, there's biometric verification here... Come with me."

Looking at the surprised pangolin, Lei Ze smiled faintly and led him forward until he came to a closed alloy door and completed the final biometric information identification.

Accompanied by the sound of air leakage, the tightly closed alloy door slowly opened, finally revealing the interior of the shelter to the two of them.

The battlefield atmosphere team was about to move forward, but was pressed on the shoulder by Lei Ze's outstretched right hand.

The battlefield atmosphere team turned around and saw those cloudy pupils staring at him intently, and the sight from those pupils seemed to penetrate his soul.

"You record it too."


The battlefield atmosphere team showed a serious expression, nodded solemnly, and then completed the registration of biometric information with the help of Lei Ze.

He knows what this means.

This old man who had protected the Wilante people for more than a century for Marshal Julius finally officially entrusted everything about the Wilante people to him.

The two people who passed through the alloy door continued to move forward, turned a few corners according to the map of the shelter, and soon came to a laboratory.

This laboratory is much more spacious than the "small single rooms" in Vault 404, and the facilities it contains appear to be more complete.

Thinking of the "classical style" marble buildings on the surface, the warlord couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The ground and underground are like two parallel times and spaces.

Stopping in front of a cylindrical metal tank, Lei Ze looked back at the pangolin looking around and continued.

"The source code of the Valantians is stored here. The surface is guarded by the Guards, and the security system of the shelter is underground. You are a resident of the shelter. Even if you don't believe in the strength of our Guards, you should know the shelter very well. level of protection.”

Withdrawing his gaze from the facility on the side, Warfield Man nodded seriously.

"No one can enter an activated shelter without authorization."

Lei Ze nodded and continued what he said.

“Not only that, every visit will leave biometric information with a time stamp, regardless of whether it is successful or not. So I can responsibly tell you that no one has stolen it, and no one can steal it. "

While speaking, he reached out and tapped twice on the operation panel next to the round tank to start the control program of the storage device.

The light blue holographic screen quickly displayed previous gene source code retrieval records, as well as the identity and time information marked next to it.

The battlefield atmosphere team quickly walked to the old man's side and looked at the content on the holographic screen.

According to the displayed data, the last time the data was retrieved was more than a century ago, and the purpose marked in the information column is also very clear, which is to complete human cloning that grows eight times faster.

More than a century ago…

At that time, let alone Tire, maybe even the concept of the Southern Army did not exist.

The warrior's Adam's apple twitched, and the thoughts in his mind were a little confused for a moment.

"That is to is impossible for the Southern Legion to obtain the genetic source code."

Lei Ze nodded slowly.

"I would like to ask you where your information comes from."

Facing the old man's sharp gaze, the warlord was silent for a while and then spoke slowly.

"Do you believe me?"

Lei Ze shook his head without thinking.

Unexpectedly, the old man was so decisive in his suspicion, and the warlord's expression suddenly became a little tense.

However, what he didn't expect was that the old man nodded slowly again.

"I don't believe you. A guy with unknown origins suddenly said that he wanted to liberate the Wilant people and cut off the chains on the Wilant people. This sounds like a scam."

"But I believe in Marshal Julius. You are the one he is waiting meet every one of his predictions."

After a pause, Lei Ze said slowly.

"And you are the choice of the people of Valant."

Same as Marshal Julius.

Although Marshal Julius was not from Wilant, that gentleman was the unquestionable choice of all Wilant people.

If he makes the wrong choice, it can only be said that this is the fate of the Weiland people, and he must admit it even if he doesn't want to admit it.

It is not only Marshal Julius who is aging, but also himself and even the entire Praetorian Guard.

It was destined that they would not be able to accompany the Vaillant people all the way.

Feeling the weight of those words and the mission contained in them, Warfield took a deep breath and spoke frankly.

"You know that I am a shelter resident, but you probably don't know where I come from... To be honest, I come from Vault 404."

Lei Ze's pupils shrank suddenly, but returned to calm after a moment.

"Then what?"

The battlefield atmosphere team was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and continued.

"We can communicate through some kind of telepathy... This is our secret, just like your genetic source code. I hope you can keep this secret for me."

In the end, he concealed things about the player and the other world. After all, those were the rules written in the "Player's Handbook", and there was no point in revealing it to Lei Ze. It would only increase the cost of communication instead of reducing it.

However, interpreting NPCs in your own way has always been allowed by the rules.

This doesn’t count as “off the field.”

Vault 404 has never denied the various legends about itself, but there are many versions of the legend.

After hearing this, Lei Ze was silent for a while and smiled bitterly between his eyebrows.

"Telepathy... I hope you're serious."

He has lived for 172 years, and he can tell who is lying at a glance. However, at this moment, he clearly feels that this young consul is telling the truth.

It’s not just about “telepathy”.

Even the part about the "death agent" is the same. At most, some details are concealed... and these details concealed are not out of malice, but due to some level of pressure.

The warlord stared at Lei Ze intently and continued.

"Believe me, what I say is the truth! The reason why I am so sure about the 'death agent' is because my compatriots have discovered countless information about its existence on the front line of Borneo Province, at the southernmost tip of the great desert. Evidence. Just like you can responsibly tell me that the genetic source code of the Vaillant people is still here, I can also responsibly tell you that everything I said is true."

Lei Ze sighed heavily.

"Vault are almost showing me off. You are a spy for the Alliance, and you have successfully eliminated the Alliance's biggest competitor."

The Warlander coughed dryly.

"Why do you blame me for the disintegration of the legion... You should know clearly, that has nothing to do with me at all."

"I didn't. I just assumed that I might think so from the standpoint of an ordinary Willantian citizen."

Lei Ze pressed his eyebrows with a headache and spoke slowly after a moment.

"You don't need to try to convince me. It's enough to think about how to convince other Weirant people after this matter is over. They are the ones you need to be responsible for... I hope you will confess this matter to me after everything is over." Dwellers of Triumphal City. As you yourself said, free the people of Velant from their lies."

Facing that meaningful look, Warfield nodded solemnly.

"I'll do it."

The worst thing is that this consul is no longer in office.

In fact, he didn't originally want to be the consul, he was simply put into this position.

Taking a deep breath, he organized the thoughts in his mind and continued.

"The question now is what do the senior leaders of the Southern Army want to do? I can be sure that the 'death agent' plan exists and has reached the final stage of implementation. As I said, our intelligence personnel have enough evidence to prove it existence, they told me through that... uh, telepathy."

At this moment, Lei Ze no longer dwells on "spies" and "telepathy", but completely focuses on the problem itself.

Everything was just as it was when he and Marshal Julius fought side by side more than a century ago.

"It's actually obvious what they want to do..." Narrowing his eyes slightly, the old man continued in a gentle voice, "Just use the will of the Weirant people to carry it through."

Warlander looked at him in astonishment.

"you mean……"

"The physiques of the Vaillant people are stronger than those of the survivors of the Human League era. Not only that, we have stronger control over all classes of society... This is not only because we have the genes of the Legion, but also because of the Vaillant people. Human beings are born to obey the collective and the 'alpha wolf'. When facing a crisis, we will be more united than any other nation."

That cold-blooded voice sounded like it was coming from the freezer, sending chills down one's spine involuntarily.

At this moment, Lei Ze has completely entered the perspective of a ruthless officer, and winning the final victory is his only goal.

Only in this way can he think from Tyr's point of view.

"...So, we don't need to be immune to the 'death agent' at all. Even not being immune is the best result. The fear of death will accelerate their escape and make them passively participate in our plan. And for That same victimhood makes it harder for cowardly civilized people to cut us out of their societies."

"Our compatriots will take it to every corner of the world and replace our guns to conquer the remaining one-third of the world that we have not yet conquered."

"As long as it really has the terrifying lethality shown in the laboratory, the winner in this survival competition will definitely be us...we, the Velantes."

The warlord's Adam's apple rolled up and down.

"Strong walls and clear fields..."

"Strengthen the wall and clear the field? The layout of that thing is too small, and the 'death agent' goes further than it."

Lei Ze looked at Mr. Consul who was holding his breath, grinned meaningfully, and continued speaking slowly.

"It's called natural selection."

That is the battlefield where the Valantians are best at.

Tyr intends to bet his chances on the survival ability of the Valantians!

"... Of course, this matter cannot be known to a third person. We must use the 'gene source code' as a cover to make the Weirant people involved in the plan believe that the death agent is harmless to them, at least. It’s indestructible, and it’s only effective against aliens.”

Looking at the shocked pangolin, Lei Ze calmed down his cold expression and returned to his usual gentle yet majestic appearance.

"From Tyr's point of view, he would probably make such a plan... It's unbelievable. It's already 214 years of the Wasteland Era, and there are still people who can still retain the most primitive beastly nature so completely."

The warrior who came back to his senses held his breath involuntarily, and it took a long time before he slowly spoke.

"Were the people of Wilant like this in the past?"

Lei Ze said without thinking.

"There does come a time in the wasteland where it's impossible to survive otherwise."

After a pause, he said again.

"But I don't think this is right. Surviving as a beast is not something to be proud of. The children of the Velantians will not go to a better future because of the 'sacrifice' of their fathers, and if their fathers If they really win, they will go to an era worse than the Wasteland Era, to a wider jungle to have a final contest with mutants or something else, to compete with who is more like a beast, who has no lower limit, who has a lower limit. More barbaric..."

"And will they who finally win find their conscience and turn back to humans one day in the future? I don't think so. Humans are very path-dependent animals. Just like those who survived because of General Rowell's whims The Borneo people, to this day, their children are like crops growing on red soil. I think even Rowell himself would not be proud of their groveling appearance."

This madman...

After working on it for a long time, Tyr had no intention of making the Vaillant people immune to the death potion! ?

The Battlefield Atmosphere Team suddenly thought of West Sails Port.

It seemed to be the same that time...

And it’s exactly the same!

He clenched his fists involuntarily and looked at Lei Ze seriously.

"How to stop Tyr."

He wondered if there was anything other than a last resort.

Lei Ze looked at him and returned the question unchanged.

"How to stop Tyr... You should not ask this question to a 172-year-old man, dear Mr. Archon."

"You are the one who wants to move forward with the Velant people. It is you who should make the decision, not me."

"They chose you between barbarism and civilization. I believe they must have seen in you a strength that is not inferior to the former."

"So don't be afraid of choosing, you just need to remember... don't let those barbarians living in the past see weakness and fear in your eyes, let alone let those who choose you disappoint."

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