This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 946 The ideal is beautiful but the reality is skinny

In the village next to the industrial zone, the young man who was tanned by the sun returned to his tent and sat on the bench angrily.

This anger is not only directed at the Weirant people, but also at the Alliance people who prevent them from revenge, and even partly at themselves for not living up to expectations.

He was the bravest young man in the village. He was supposed to lead the people in the village to argue, but even now his shoulders are still shaking uncontrollably.

He hates himself for being a coward, although he doesn't know exactly how to make himself less cowardly.

Looking at his grandson, the wrinkled old man sighed and said in a slow voice.

"Bosaka, you are too impulsive."

Bosaka turned back and glared at him, spitting out all the anger and complaints in his chest.

"I don't understand what they want to do. Aren't the Velantes their enemies? We can deal with their enemies for them. We don't want much!"

The old man shook his head.

"Enemies and friends are distinct in the desert, but there are more than just two concepts of enemies and friends outside the desert. Your method may work in the desert, but it won't work outside the desert... There is a man named Lacy in Borneo Province. Someone wrote an autobiography for him. I bought it from a merchant in Yongye Port and put it on your bedside table. You have never looked through it. If you ask me, you should read more Learn from him and see what he does in the same situation."

Bosaka's eyes were blank.


The world beyond the desert?

Does this have anything to do with his confusion?

He had seen the book on the bedside table, but he didn't know a few words, and it was too troublesome to learn it.

Looking at the child who was still not enlightened, the old man gave a serious warning.

"Anyway, the Alliance is the master here now. If you really don't know what to do, just keep a low profile and follow the people you think are powerful."

Bosaka said with a look of resentment.

"Then work for the Alliance? What's the difference from before they came here?"

"The difference is that in the past, if you talked back to the Vaillant people, the Vaillant people would whip you, tie you to a pillar and torture you until your last breath, but now no one will do that... Although I think you have never been afraid of the whips of the Weirant people, otherwise you would not have provoked them again and again."

The old man glanced at the roof of the tent, tapped the cigarette rod in his hand on the sole of his shoe, and suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Actually, you don't need to hate them so much. Before the Wilrants came here, did you think that the Ravenka River was a paradise in fairy tales? Don't be too naive. The most fertile land has never been in our hands; In the hands of mutants and xenomorphs.”

Looking at the old man at home, Bosaka sneered.

"You, an old fellow, are actually speaking for the people of Vaillant. Have you lived enough?"

The old man shook his head.

"I've had enough life, I just don't want to watch my only child miss the opportunity to become a good person and turn back into a beast."

"I don't want to be a good person. That kind of weak thing will only be bullied by others, and can only become a wretch who picks up garbage after others... But you are right, I should follow the strong person Later, even if you can’t eat the meat, you can still drink the soup.”

Bosaka clenched his fists, looked outside the tent, and muttered.

“I don’t know when the league will pay wages.”

The old man warned.

"I hope you remember what you said and follow the strong. Also, stop missing work. We are running out of tobacco at home."

Looking at this old immortal guy, Bosaka said impatiently.

"I know, I'll get some money back. It sounds like I'm lazy."

With the arrival of engineers, orders and funds from the Alliance one after another, and the Enterprise 100th Division and 101st Division successively taking over multiple mines and power stations from the Southern Army, the Ravenka Industrial Zone continued to restore its former glory. After order, there were finally signs of recovery.

It's December.

Under the coordination of Fang Chang, the Lavinka Autonomous Council started with property rights and introduced the first plan on "capacity transformation" - the "December Bill."

According to the provisions of the bill, in order to raise funds for the Lavinka Development Fund, the Lavinka Autonomous Council will sell off 172 facilities in the industrial zone.

These facilities are mainly backward production capacities that need to be eliminated, and there are more or less problems, such as steel plants that produce steel blanks, aluminum plants that process aluminum, clothing factories that produce military uniforms, and stamping plants that produce bullet casings. Workshops and fuel power stations, etc.

After research by the alliance's engineers, if the alliance funds the renovation of these 172 facilities, it will not only waste a huge amount of taxpayers' money, but also be very thankless. It is better to let the private sector figure out how to turn these garbage into treasure.

These factories will be entrusted to the Dawn City Stock Exchange and the five major banks in the alliance for auction.

The entire auction will be open to the public.

Any qualified individual or organization can hold a placard at the entrusted party's branch.

Dawn City, Golden Gallon Port, Silver Moon Bay, Settlement No. 1, Fries Port, South Sea Alliance North Island, Ring Island, Coral City and even Ideal City on the east coast all have branches of the Dawn City Stock Exchange. It's easy to get involved in trading.

At the same time, Baiyue Company and Niuma Group, which are involved in the ownership reform of the Lavinka Industrial Zone, will not participate in the first round of auctions and will only hold up placards for unsuccessful bids.

This is done firstly for the sake of fairness, and secondly to prevent the loss of wealth of alliance citizens.

After all, if Baiyue Company ends up with the wealth of the citizens of the alliance, the citizens of the alliance will have nothing to play with.

In this way, 172 facilities were quickly auctioned off. Although these assets had more or less problems, they were still robbed by property owners.

In addition to players and alliance citizens, the buyers also include some wealthy people from Kingallen Port and the South China Sea Alliance, and even the bosses of Ideal City.

Some of them are eyeing the dividends of post-war reconstruction in the province of Batoya, while others are eyeing the space elevator in the southern sea.

Although Ideal City itself has a large number of factories, considering the exchange rate and local labor costs, the factories in Lavinka Industrial Zone have their own advantages.

They just need to bring some of Ideal City's technology there.

In any case, thanks to these people running in with funds and technology, the Alliance integrated the Ravenka Industrial Zone of the Southern Legion into its own supply chain without spending a penny.

In this process, Lavinka Industrial Zone raised a massive amount of funds of nearly 1.5 billion silver coins!

Baiyue Company didn't even get so much money when it entered Jingallan Port.

With this huge sum of money, the Autonomous Committee has more confidence and confidence in the reform. President Antoine even patted his chest and told Fang Chang that he would definitely build the Lavinca Industrial Zone into a pearl in the desert. Golden Gallon Port on the west coast of the entire Zhongzhou Continent!

This tone is not too small.

This guy has jumped out of the desert and started to compete with Yavent City and Triumph City.

However, Fang Chang didn't think he was bragging, and even thought he was being conservative.

With the bomb at hand and the post-war reconstruction and space elevator concerns, he couldn't think of any reason not to take off.

In this big wave of "capacity transformation", everyone is working hard to prepare for a big fight.

Whether it's the factory directors and managers from Valeant who have changed their owners, or the new owners who came from the league.

For example, Rasoff from Golden Gallen Harbor is one of them.

In his early years, he made his first pot of gold by following Asin's demolition work. Later, like most of the enthusiastic Rat Tribe people, he took this money and entered the real industry. With the idea of ​​​​industrial salvation, he set up a factory to produce natural gas tanks. and gas tanks.

Although this industry may seem inconspicuous, the profits are quite lucrative and the demand is strong.

Although the alliance has a high degree of electrification, the provinces of Borneo and Baiyue are completely different. Even in Golden Gallon Port and French Fries Port, there are many restaurants that rely on natural gas bottles to light fires.

Not to mention the land divided by warlords, many warlords even bought the gas cans produced by him as arms reserves. After the gas cans in the firehouse were burned, they were directly stuffed with explosives and dragged to the front line for use as firecrackers.

In other words, his customers are not only small traders who open restaurants, but also officers who lead troops to fight.

Due to the strong demand for his products, he has always had the idea of ​​opening a new factory. He has even selected a land near Jiaotou Bay next to Jingan Port, but he just needs to pay for it.

However, at this moment, the news that the Alliance had liberated the Ravenka Industrial Zone and the Autonomous Committee held a public bidding process spread throughout the streets through the "Daily Survivor".

Seeing this cake falling from the sky, Rasov's heart suddenly became hot, and he immediately took a look at the auction target, a steel factory that supplies steel rods for the Conqueror 10 tank!

Although the alliance looked down upon this steel plant and even labeled it as "backward production capacity," he didn't think it was backward. He even looked at it as if he was seeing an artifact.

This thing is supplied to the tank factory!

With this thing, the output of his gas tank factory will rise sharply? !

This kind of surprise is no less than the alliance's "legendary steel tycoon" Boss Sun, who used 2 million silver coins to buy the "Infinitely Powerful" steel factory from Fred, an entrepreneur in Boulder City.

And Rasov took a fancy to

It’s not just the profits that this steel plant can bring to you, but also the technology that this plant has that is not available in Borneo!

It would be a beautiful thing if the legion's armor-steel production technology could be brought back to his hometown!

Although Abu Saik is not a good person, Borneo is not Abu Saik's country after all. He still hopes to make his hometown better.

With this idea in mind, he did not hesitate to spend nearly 10 million silver coins to snatch the target from his competitors. After obtaining the ownership of the factory, he fought non-stop to a location less than 100 meters away from the front line. Kilometers along the Ravenka River, I met the factory director who had just been released from the Alliance prisoner of war camp.

The director of the factory was a Willante man named Glen King. He held the rank of captain in the logistics department of the General Affairs Department of the Southern Army. He used to work under District Chief Antoine.

Perhaps because he was convinced by the alliance, this guy didn't put on any airs of being a Valeant person in front of him. After the meeting, he began to discuss the matter of resuming production.

Hearing that "Glenkin's Factory" had resumed production, a group of local young men also cooperated and rushed to the recruitment point at the entrance of the factory.

Looking at the long line of young and strong young men, Rasov had a bright smile on his face.

He seemed to have seen the boiling molten steel jumping in the boiler, being poured into steel ingots, and then pressed into regular steel plates at high temperatures. Finally, they were sent to the cutting and stamping workshops through assembly lines, and turned into what customers needed. shape!

Just like what he saw in the newspaper, this place will become the largest industrial base in the entire Western Sea!

Maybe he should consider buying a few houses around here...

His first pot of gold was earned from the house, and of course he wouldn't mind earning a few more pots if conditions permit.

However, just when Rasov was dreaming of getting rich, a quarrel in front of the recruitment center interrupted his dream.

I saw a young man with slightly darker skin stretched out his hand towards the staff at the recruitment registration point and said confidently.

"I've registered, when do you plan to pay my wages?"

He had never seen such a strange request before, and Rasov was dumbfounded.

The employee from Golden Gallen Port was obviously stunned.

He is not a person who likes to think about his boss, so he only works for Rasov for the sake of money, but it would be too much for this guy to ask for money as soon as he joins the job.

Even the crazy people in the Workers' Association have never been so radical.

After holding it in for a long time, he choked out a sentence.

"...You have just joined the job and you haven't even started working yet. What salary should we pay you?"

As soon as he heard this, the native boy suddenly became furious and said angrily.

"What are you talking about? If you don't give us wages, how will we eat? We have to eat! Do you want us to work for you hungry? Are you still human!"

Hearing this, the aboriginal people queuing behind also became angry and shouted noisily.

The Borneo employee sitting on the registration list at the recruitment point couldn't resist for a moment and looked at the boss for help.

He has seen guys who change concepts and mess around, but this is the first time he has met an opponent in the field he is best at.

Seeing the commotion at the scene, Rasov quickly stepped forward to smooth things over and shouted to the employees who had signed up.

"Everyone, we know that you are in difficulty, and we understand you very well! In fact, we are just like you. We Borneo people were also enslaved by the Weirant people... Well, for the sake of us being survivors, we We will solve your problem! We will set up a staff canteen in the factory, and all employees can eat for free!"

The Borneo employee was shocked when he heard this.

When did this guy become so generous? !

At least his boss's factory in Kinggallon Harbor didn't have such a thing as a staff canteen.

However, he didn't know that this was Rasoff's choice after weighing the pros and cons.

The local labor cost is much lower than that of Golden Gallon Port, and food is also cheap. Even if all employees are fed, it won't cost much.

However, the young man didn't buy it and kept shouting aggressively.

"Staff canteen? We have elderly people at home, and I have three younger brothers and two younger sisters. Can they also eat in the canteen?"

Looking at the confident young man, Rasov's brows twitched, but in the end he gritted his teeth in order to win people's hearts.

"Okay! You let them come, and I'll treat them to meals for a month! But it's only for one month! When you get your salary, this benefit will end, and only you will have it!"

Suddenly the young man didn't seem to expect that he would agree. He looked at him blankly and then left without saying a word.

Rasov breathed a sigh of relief and was proud of his intelligence, but he didn't expect that just a while later, the young man actually brought dozens of people over.

The oldest among these dozens of people was an old man in his fifties or sixties. His legs and feet were weak and he was leaning on a cane. The youngest is still in her mother's swaddling clothes, babbling and has not even learned to speak.

I'm afraid this guy not only called his seventh aunt and eighth aunt, but also his neighbor's seventh aunt and eighth aunt.

Before Rasov could open his mouth, the young man took the initiative to introduce him. Anyway, he started chatting and made everyone he brought become relatives.

And this young man was not the only one to do this. Several other natives who had registered for the job also made an appointment, and a large group of people were summoned by friends.

The crowd gathered in front of the factory more than doubled, and there were more people coming to work for a meal than there were job applicants.

Seeing this formation, Rasov almost lost his knees and knelt down in front of these guys.

He was really happy when he spent money to buy this factory. He bought the 10 million silver coins without blinking an eye.

However, it was bank money after all, and he borrowed it using the factory in Golden Gallon Port as a guarantee!

If the factory he just bought were to be smashed into his hands, he would have to lose all his pants to the bank!

Seeing Rasoff looking like he was about to cry, the factory director Glenkin, who was standing nearby smoking a cigarette, looked not surprised.

Finally finishing his cigarette, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped on it, walked to Rasov's side and said.

"The indigenous people here are like this. They have to be paid first before they can work. Otherwise, they will work hard on the machine or break the machine. It will be useless even if you whip them...the relatives they called are not real. If you are here to make a living, just give them your salary and treat what you said before as fart."

Rasov stared at him blankly, holding back a sentence for a long time.

"Is this the same when you were running this place?"

An intriguing smile appeared on Director Glenkin's face.

"Do you know why we are going to Borneo? When our people saw that the laborers in Sisail Port would rather die of exhaustion on the dock than cause us any trouble, the officers in the entire city of Avent went crazy. We are drooling with envy and jealousy, and we only regret that we did not discover this gold mine right under our noses earlier.”

Although they had bought slaves from Wu Tuo before, and they bought them at Jingallang Port, the loss of transportation was too high, and they didn't think that the skinny slaves could be of any use in the factory.

In fact, it is true that most of the Borneo people transported to the Ravenka Industrial Zone were assimilated into local people... After all, they were originally of the same origin.

It wasn't until the civil servants of Triumph City went to West Sail Port to open a factory that the men of the Southern Legion suddenly realized that this was the correct usage of the Borneo people.

The tragedy at Sails Harbor was inevitable.

The main reason to blame is that the civil service group itself is too weak to hold on to such a huge fortune...

The boss was stunned for a long time, feeling hateful, angry and helpless, and then he sighed and said.

"Come on, I admit defeat... and pay them their wages."

Factory Director Glen King nodded and said with a slight smile.

"Wise choice."

Just as the factory director of the Willantes said, after receiving the money, these indigenous young men sent away the relatives they called.

Both sides took a step back.

Rasov withdrew his promise about the employee canteen, but promised that he would get paid first and then work.

Although the native boys cursed him as a miser, they did not take any further action.

Gradually, Rasov felt that he had mastered the knack of dealing with the locals.

But then something happened that confused him. The group of young men who had taken the money immediately dispersed, and one or two of them disappeared.

Looking at the empty recruitment center, Rasov's face turned red with anger and he clenched his fists tightly.


Director Glen King, who had already started smoking his second cigarette, smiled slightly and said comfortingly.

"Is such that."

Looking at the Wilante man who was not surprised at all, Rasoff couldn't help but complain.

"Are you here for charity? Are you just spoiling them like this?"

"Indulgent?" Glenkin narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled intriguingly, "If you had seen how we treated them, you wouldn't say such things... But that's the fact, even if we hang them On the pillars, whip their butts with a whip soaked in salt water, catch the laziest ones and kill them as a warning to the monkeys, and they will be left in the same situation the next day."

Rasov looked at him incomprehensibly. He could neither understand how the Wilantes could suffer from this group of people, nor why the locals were so lazy.


Seeing the confusion in his eyes, Glenkin said calmly.

"This is not called laziness, it is called animalistic. You will understand it after you have dealt with them for a long time."

After a pause, he said again.

"You don't have to be too depressed. When they spend all the money, they will naturally come back to work... Don't worry, it won't take long. They have never been in the habit of saving money. And they already owe you money, so there is no reason to look for you again. I’ve got a salary advance.”

"Then the debt will be your rope. You can use the debt to manipulate them, whether it is to whip their butts with a whip, or to find a prestigious person in their village to go to their house to collect the debt, or to sleep with their girl in front of them... ...As long as you can accept that most of them don't have the habit of brushing their teeth. Of course, I recommend hiring some locals or mutants to do this job, or simply selling this right to their neighbors."

Rasov looked at him with black lines on his head.

"I'm here to make money, not to pimp."

Glen King smiled.

"Am I not teaching you how to make money? If you don't learn to do as the Romans do, they will unite to deal with you. Besides, besides the last one, I also provide other options."

He felt that he was quite kind and passed on all the "core secrets" of the Southern Army to this Borneo man.

Their ability to conquer such a large territory and make this barren land useful was not just their ability to wield sticks and whips.

Debt is the most fundamental core of their exploitation, and everything else is just a means.

The locals will put the rope of debt around their own necks and automatically transform themselves from wild animals into domestic animals, and this is the only thing they are better than the Borneos.

Although the Borneo people are easy to manage, they like to save money too much. They tighten their belts to save a few pennies. They don't get into this rope at all, so that neither the Southern Army nor the civil service group dare to give it. They have too many dinars.

In fact, there is nothing to be exploited by deducting sousou from that small amount of wages. No captain of ten thousand would be short of those two gold coins. The main purpose is to keep them in a state of poverty.

The Southern Legion ruled West Sails Port for too short a time, and the clever minds in the city of Avente have not yet thought of a way to put the rope of debt on the Borneo people. They can only continue the strategy of the civil servant group and use poverty to make them obedient.

Facts have proved that their method is effective. As long as they are given twenty years, Lion State will definitely develop into an industrial center larger than the Lavinka Industrial Zone.

But now, this kind of thing can only happen in imagination...

Looking at the boss who was still troubled, Glen King continued.

"Also, if I were you, I could buy some scissors, lighters and nail clippers."

Rasov was stunned for a moment.

"What are you buying those things for?"

Glen King smiled and pointed out the puzzle to him.

"Local people like to buy some useless but cheap gadgets, didn't I say? They naturally come back to work after spending their money. Do you want them to come back soon?"

It's a pity that the light industry of the Southern Army is not very developed, and the gadgets they use to coax these guys cost a lot of dinars.

However, Glen King heard that the alliance's supply chain seemed to have no shortage of this item. One silver coin could wholesale a large number of nail clippers.

In fact, in his opinion, this is one of the reasons why silver coins can become hard currency in the wasteland.

The Alliance not only established a stable supply chain in the wasteland, but also provided unimaginably rich light industrial products to most of the chaotic areas in the wasteland.

Like the "scarcity" of Cr, the person who issued the silver coin knew exactly where his advantages were and how to expand his advantages.

As for the dinar, although it has its own advantages, its purchasing power can only be reflected when buying slaves and tanks, and most people do not use these things in their daily lives.

Perhaps getting rid of the dinar system and issuing a sovereign currency can support the city of Avente for a longer time. Precious metal currency is too heavy, and the Triumph City that controls it is burdened with too much historical baggage...

This is Glenn King's reflection on the reasons for the failure of the Southern Army from a technical perspective from the perspective of an industrial owner.

Rasov was silent for a while, put his index finger on his eyebrows, and said a little tiredly.

"I know the owner of a bicycle factory in Kinggallon Port. I can get a batch of bicycles over..."

If you sell nail clippers, you have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Glenkin's eyes lit up, he looked at the boss who was already on the road, and gave a thumbs up in appreciation.

"This is a good idea! It will also save them some time on their way to work."

Rasov looked at him blankly.

" mean, they used to be late?"

Glenkin chuckled.

"Late? Often? Let me think about which question is better to start with."


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