This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 949 The moment that determines the fate of the wasteland

Great Rift Valley, Origin City.

A bright silver aircraft dragged a light blue arc and slowly landed on the spacious apron.

Compared with the settlements blooming with hundreds of flowers in the wasteland, this settlement located deep in the valley looks unattractive.

A majestic giant gate lies in the center of the valley. Rows of houses are scattered on the rock wall behind the giant gate, and an endless glass curtain wall covers the top of the slope.

The people living here are like hermits isolated from the world. They are walking in a hurry, wearing cloaks, and their calm expressions cannot be told whether they are pious, solemn, or numb.

The survivors living in the Rift are just like the Rift, and most of the time they are indifferent to what happens outside the Aegis.

Unless it's time for them to fulfill their ancient contract.

And now is the time.

Escorted by a group of soldiers, the old and majestic King of the Lion Kingdom slowly walked off the tarmac.

He was accompanied by a queen who was graceful, luxurious and charming, and behind him were a group of young girls in their prime.

The thin gauze covers their young and beautiful faces, and it can be seen that they are all first-class beauties.

Those people were both his maids and his decorations.

At Charlie Lion's age, it is already difficult to have fun.

The dazzling array of gold jewelry jingled with his unsteady footsteps, and the power armored Rift Valley warriors wearing high-tech parts acted as if they didn't see it.

They don’t care about anything else but the safety of attendees.

Absek, who was standing not far away, looked at the old king, especially at the group of court ladies, and said with some envy on his face.

"This old man is quite good at enjoying himself."

Duwata would be unable to move his legs if he were here.

Just as Absek was sighing in his heart, a voice from the side interrupted his thoughts.

"...I heard that the Lion Kingdom has not been peaceful recently."

"Oh?" Absek raised his eyebrows with interest. He looked back and saw a tall, tall man in formal attire looking at him with a smile.

Absek recognized this face. He was the mayor of the Free State.

Although the Free State is just a settlement, and its population is not as large as the Port of Golden Gallon in Borneo Province, but this group of people can stand in the Valley Province where demons are raging, which can be regarded as a powerful force.

Turning his gaze to the aging lion in the distance, Odo narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"The ministers want to make their eldest son the crown prince, and the people support Hal. If the alliance hadn't stationed a force there, I'm afraid they would have lost their minds."

After hearing this news, Absek immediately understood why the old king traveled with such a large harem.

This might as well be taking advantage of the remaining shade of the Great Rift Valley to escape the heat.

" he the founder of "Daily Survivor"?"

"That's right." Mayor Odo smiled faintly, "Few people know that the Workers' Association originated from the Daily Survivor. Due to the suppression of the newspaper by the inner-city nobles, a group of newly literate workers decided to renew the newspaper... …I would like to make an inappropriate analogy: a fool stepped on a cockroach and thought he was safe, but now the whole wasteland is full of cockroaches.”

In comparison, Firestone Group is much smarter.

They will not suppress the voice of progress like those feudal lords who have never seen the world. Instead, they will actively create the voice of progress, allowing the citizens of the Free State to drown in a sea of ​​data constructed from fragmented information.

This is actually the reason why they look down on Boulder City.

The nobles there are still at the first level and have just realized the truth that "poverty and wealth can coexist". They have not yet realized that "ignorance and knowledge can also coexist."

And the shareholders of the Free State are already standing in the atmosphere.

Not only can they make Fu Fu both poor and rich, but they can also make Fu Fu both knowledgeable about astronomy and geography, and they can also treat some stupid and ridiculous remarks as treasures.

How stupid...

But Odo smiled and couldn't stop laughing.

Because this is one of the reasons why the Firestone Group can treat elites like him like dogs.

Although he didn't know why Mr. Odo's face dropped, Absek still had a high emotional intelligence and changed the topic from "Daily Survivor" to the "old and strong" Charlie Lion.

"But why would he push Hal to the stage? From his point of view, this is not a smart idea. Even our Wu Tuo would not do this."

"He never did this. Hal showed his face intentionally or unintentionally, and then the kingdom's reformists pushed him to the forefront... This is a typical case of shooting oneself in the foot."

Looking at the humble and eager-to-learn leader of the Borneo people, Odo continued speaking eloquently.

“At that time, the old king thought he had too many sons, so he sent them to explore the wasteland. In fact, it was just to reduce the burden on his eldest son... Unexpectedly, his youngest son Hal, who was the most inconspicuous, did bring back an amazing treasure. "

Absek sighed.

"Is it unintentional? I heard that in the old era, the navigators' discovery of the New World also originated from a business scam about the Borneo Province."

"Haha, there is such a thing! Although I guess he must regret it, but he is already old, and the future cannot be decided by a dying old man." Odo smiled as a joke, then stretched out his right hand, and finally He made a formal self-introduction, "Mayor of the Free State, Odo. It's a pleasure to meet you, the Commander-in-Chief of Borneo Province, His Excellency Abu Saik. You are as talented as the rumors say."

"Haha, nice to meet you!" Absek felt flattered and took hold of his outstretched hand, and lowered his head.

This is purely a knee-jerk reaction.

After all, a year ago, he was still a dock worker at West Sail Port. It was absolutely impossible for him to chat and laugh with the mayor of the Free State, let alone stand with so many capable people to discuss the future of the wasteland.

However, Otto did not embarrass him and nodded slightly, holding his shoulder with his left hand and patting him.

"You know? You have a temperament that is very similar to the same person. Although you are two completely different people in terms of personality and appearance, your structure and stance are also different."

Glancing at Odo gratefully, Absek raised his head and regained his usual calm posture.


Otto also raised his head and said with a smile.

"Sigma, CEO and Chairman of Firestone Group, the true master of the Free State."

The true master of the Free State...

Absek pondered these words in his mind, but Odo did not explain. He finally shook his right hand and then said goodbye with a smile.

"Come on, I can see that your future is bright! The war will be over soon. We are quite optimistic about your development after that, and we wish you to get over the difficulties soon."

On this rare occasion, he couldn't waste all his time on one person and had to hook up with a few more people.

For example, Mongot, the king of the Falcon Kingdom, is getting off the plane.

Recently, the Eastern Empire is preparing to build a new development zone in the southwest corner of Luoxia Province. The Falcon Kingdom should have good development in the future. Maybe he can negotiate more overseas orders for companies in the Free State.

Looking at Odo's back as he left calmly, Absek couldn't help but sigh.

This is what a leader should look like.

As expected, I am still a little bit shy with my mud-legged person.

However, he did not belittle himself. As the saying goes, times create heroes, and for the birth of a capable person, times and times are indispensable.

What the country of Borneo needs now is people like him, so he took care of Janusz and became its commander...even if the means he used were not honorable.

Perhaps when the Wasteland Era ends and he becomes an old man like Charlie Lion, Borneo will probably have a "professional commander" who is not inferior to Odo.

This person will definitely be much better than himself who only knows how to fight and manipulate power. No matter what happens, there will be no Wu Tuo who only knows the latter and knows nothing else.

That man will take the Borneos to a better future.

For a moment, Absek suddenly didn't want to be the emperor so much, especially after seeing the "rich and poor" Charles Lion.

Compared to that kind of guy, there are actually more decent ways to live in this world.

Dreams can change.

Standing at the pinnacle of his life, Absek couldn't help but feel complacent, and even had the idea of ​​chatting with Lacy.

It's a pity that the guy couldn't get out of the front line, so he just sent his confidant - the stormtrooper captain Shava.

"It would be great if Lacy was here, it's a shame I couldn't have a drink with him."

Internal Affairs Commissioner Wadia, who was following Absek, shook his head and said in confusion.

"I don't know what Lacy was thinking, but he missed such a good opportunity."

"Hey, you can't say that. As the saying goes, everyone has his own ambitions," Absek said with a smile. "I remember that the alliance had a romance novel about the struggle between Chu and Han. This Lashi is like the overlord of Chu, and When you are a king and a general, it is natural that he is indispensable on the front line. As for me, I am that country, with strong generals like clouds and wise generals like rain. It is the same whether I am or not... You see, I want to win against him. It’s still easy.”

Where are all these...

Looking at the commander-in-chief Wadia who was talking about running trains, he gave a bitter smile.

He had read the novel,

After all, as an internal committee member, it is your duty to understand the preferences of the commander-in-chief.

However, using the theory of "romantic novels" to manage a huge force of survivors is really not a good thing.

After a pause, Wadia said.

"Do you want to divide the river with him?"

Absek narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Everyone should take a step back. They want to control the floods in the Tasang River, so they want to borrow half of Niaozhou and Yangzhou. Regardless of whether this is an excuse or not, it is not impossible for the three northern states to let him have half. When the time comes, let Boluo People vote with their feet. Those who like to go north should go north, and those who like south should go south. It is better than running outside to block some train and making people laugh."

The battle between hypocrites and true villains is about to begin.

Not surprisingly, if you think about "peace is the most important thing", you should take the "hypocrite" card.

Whether you call him hypocritical or cowardly, let future generations comment. Anyway, he really didn't want to fight anymore.

If you can fight with literature, you should still fight with literature.

Enough of them have died...

The average age in Tiandu has dropped by 10 years, and they have fought to the point where even child soldiers have gone to the battlefield to fill in the lines. If this fight started, it would not be a "Chu-Han War for Hegemony", but the story of what happened after that - - "Sixteen Kingdoms of Wei, Jin".

Although the Kabah committee members always criticized him for being "uneducated and unskilled," Abu Saik was actually studying.

Moreover, he can be regarded as a semi-"League Master", and many of the books he reads are bought from Dawn City.

Even though many of them are novels.

After hearing the commander's decision, Wadia had mixed emotions.

He always felt that if he wanted to fight, it would not be difficult to crush Lacy to death.

No matter how strong that person is, he is still a human being.

Moreover, within the Mammoth Kingdom, there are also veterans of the Yue Clan Resistance Army—an opposition force that has been at odds with Lacy since the Wu Tuo era.

Those people were also a political force.

Although they are currently suppressed by Lacy and his stormtroopers, and their ambitions have been suppressed due to the invasion of the Southern Legion, it is hard to say whether Lacy can hold them down if the foreign war turns into a civil war.

So what if we have the alliance behind us?

After fighting with the Southern Army for so long, who doesn’t have some background in the Alliance?

In terms of seniority, when the Yue tribe and the Alliance were wearing the same pants, Talaxi was still taking the whip of the slave owner in Golden Gallon Port! Moreover, because of Mammoth Nation's stance on labor issues and being too close to the conservatives of the Alliance, Lacy has always been disliked by the radicals of the Alliance.

But they are different.

Both the radicals and the conservatives in the alliance are mostly sympathetic to Borneo due to their respective positions.

It is precisely because of this that their chances of winning are actually very high.

However, he can also understand Abu Saik's thoughts. The country of Borneo needs time to recuperate, and it is time for the Borneo people to live and work in peace and contentment for a while.

Wadia said with a smile.

"That's right... when we build the entire Borneo country like Golden Gallon Port, I'm afraid the survivors on the north bank of the Tasang River will cry and beg to come to work here, and even ten lasci won't be able to stop them. Stop them!"

"Haha!" Thinking of the interesting scene, Absek also laughed out loud, "We will set up the cannon on the shore. If those bastards dare to shoot at the Borneo people, we will be able to defeat them again. !”

While the two were talking, another roaring sound came from the tarmac.

What landed this time was not a Rift Valley aircraft, but an Alliance vertical take-off and landing aircraft.

They seem to have improved the "Overlord" transport aircraft, transforming the fixed wings into movable wings with adjustable directions, just like the "Orca" transport aircraft with a pair of wings and engines added, and compared in terms of tonnage, load and cruising range. The latter experienced a dramatic improvement!

The alliance named it "Kunpeng"!

Absek happened to know the allusion to this word, but what excited him even more was the figure stepping off the plane.

Chu Guang!

Manager of the alliance!

Guards wearing exoskeletons gathered around him. It is said that these people are all awakened ones!

Not only that, it is often heard that Chu Guang himself has the strength of an awakened person, and can even support powered armor with his physical body alone.

Looking at the man who was much younger than he thought, Absak held his breath involuntarily, his eyes shining with eagerness.

He had wanted to visit this legend in the wasteland a long time ago, but he never had the chance to see him.

Now this wish has been fulfilled!

At this moment, Chu Guang didn't know that there was such a little fanboy standing in the crowd not far away. After all, there were too many eyes focused on him.

There is the old king of the Lion Kingdom, the little honey badger princess Avni’s brother Yade, the king of the Falcon Kingdom Mongot, and even the mayor of the Free State Odo, the speaker of the garbage city... and many There were many people whom he had only met at community meetings or never met at all.

These people or the forces behind them have all been influenced by him to a greater or lesser extent.

Whether it's good or bad.

Although the ostentation was not very high-profile, the Great Rift Valley was still very considerate to the survivor forces in the wasteland, and they invited everyone they thought was necessary.

The major survivor forces are also quite generous. Even some survivor force leaders who usually don't want to show up in public have chosen to send their confidants or stand here in person.

After all, with Great Rift Valley and Holy Shield as guarantees, they didn't have to worry about their own safety.

In addition, Origin City is also the earliest settlement of survivors in the wasteland.

As the headquarters of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, it is great to come here to pay your respects. If you can build a good relationship with a few big brothers and get some help back, why don't you just take off right where you are?

The vast majority of representatives or heads of small and medium-sized survivor forces think so.

It is precisely because of this that the way they looked at Chu Guang was like looking at a walking gold mine!

Regardless of what the wastelanders thought, Chu Guang, who was used to seeing big scenes, was very calm. He didn't have too many disturbances in his heart. He just waved to those who looked at him, and then calmly walked towards the tarmac.

The soldier wearing power armor walked up to him, nodded slightly and saluted.

"We have prepared a room for you to stay in. Your subordinates have already inspected the room. Please come with us."

Chu Guang nodded.

"Take me there."

Representatives from companies and colleges have not arrived yet, and several "former army commanders" who may or may not come have not shown up either. There is no point in him staying here.

After looking around the scene, Chu Guang didn't see anyone he particularly wanted to see, so he gave a few instructions to Cheng Yan who was following him, asking him to stay and socialize with other representatives of the survivor forces present, while he took his guards with him. They followed the soldiers from the Great Rift Valley to the residence where they were staying.

But just as he was about to leave, a young man suddenly squeezed out of the crowd and walked up to him with a warm smile.

"Dear Mr. Manager, you are indeed here, haha, we meet again!"

That enthusiastic expression was like seeing a fan of a celebrity, or like a believer seeing the true God.

Chu Guang looked at him and felt that he looked familiar, but it was a little different from his impression. He couldn't remember who it was for a while, so he couldn't help but hesitate to speak.

"Who are you……"

The man didn't care and said with a toothy smile.

"I am Xiao Zhou, Zhou Xianlin! You are such a noble person and forgetful of things. I even gave you a cart of gold before, just to celebrate the victory of the war in Luoxia Province!"

A cart full of this a thing?

Chu Guang looked at the young man in confusion.

I do remember that the Golden Lizard Kingdom used melted dinars to make a statue of itself, which is now placed in a display case in the Dawn City Museum as an exhibit.

He really couldn't remember what kind of gift Dam City gave him at that time. After all, Dam City's appearance rate at the sticky community meeting was not as high as that of Garbage City.

However, this little fan kept talking about trains, and he actually remembered the name Zhou Xianlin.

This man is the son of Zhou Changxiao, the lord of Dam City, and his family has a well-mannered name.

As for Dam City, it is a settlement of survivors in the Prancing Pony Province, with a population of six to seven million.

At the victory celebration, the young man held his hand and praised him. He also claimed that he would transform Dam City into a Dam Alliance and unite the survivors around Dam City.

At that time, Chu Guang saw the enthusiasm in his eyes and advised him to take it easy and not blindly learn from the alliance's experience. Some things can be used as a reference, but they cannot be copied mechanically.

Looking at it now, this guy is still alive and well. He must have listened to what he said.

With a somewhat gratified smile on his face, Chu Guang reached out to stop the Great Rift Valley soldier who wanted to pull the man away, and said pleasantly.

"I remember, it's been a long time since I last saw you...Did your dad send you here too this time?"

Zhou Xianlin smiled sheepishly.

"That's not true. I killed that old man."

Chu Guang: "...?"

Seeing that Chu Guang didn't speak, Xiao Zhou continued speaking vividly.

"That old man


I came to the alliance to learn experience, but they scolded me for not learning better. I only thought about losing money all day long, and wanted my eldest brother to be the city lord. Then how can I let him go? I learned from your experience and united the scavengers in and outside the dam city, and killed everyone around Lao Deng, as well as my good-for-nothing eldest brother. "

"Oh, and the predators he raised outside were also killed and scattered, so they are no match for us. I heard that many people fled to Haiya Province. Hehe, it seems to have caused you some trouble. "

Chu Guang was speechless for a moment.

Xiao Qi, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but whisper in his ear.

"This is too filial."

Putting his index finger on his eyebrows, Chu Guang asked incomprehensibly.

"Then...but what about the scavengers? They allow you to continue to be the city lord?"

Zhou Xianlin chuckled and continued shyly.

"Isn't that right? I killed all those who had ideas. They liked me and said that I was their savior! Although I told them that I was nothing, you are the real sun in the wasteland... Anyway, now I am the leader of the Dam Alliance, but the trouble is, I am a little confused and don’t know what to do next. The people from the Great Rift Valley said you would come, so I followed, and you have to teach me."

Looking at this crazy man who didn't know whether he was really crazy or pretending to be crazy, Chu Guang sighed.

"If you are willing to listen to me, bury your father first."

Zhou Xianlin's expression froze and he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Well, that's a bit difficult... I even gave him the dust."

Chu Guang: "..."

Just when Chu Guang didn't know what to say, a vicissitudes of life and a powerful voice came from not far away.

"Mr. Manager, I'm glad you can come..."

"I've wanted to meet you for a long time."


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