Ross does not need to be too desperate. He will probably never set foot in Sailsport again in this life, and the Borneo people will probably not welcome him back as an invader. No matter what happens here, it has nothing to do with him.

As for Yongye Port.

The Alliance regiments that landed there had completely different moral integrity than the Eastern Empire soldiers who were rummaging through boxes and cabinets at West Sail Port. His family and furniture were still in good condition, and not a single one was missing.

Although he had to go to New Sailing Port to report first and could not reunite with his family before his birthday, he could still be reunited after all...

The square next to the pier.

The soldiers guarding him have been changed from Borneos to soldiers from the Eastern Empire.

Looking at the burly young man, Ross thought for a while and took out a golden medal from his pocket.

"Can you lend me two dinars? I'd like to buy a newspaper."

The young man reached out and pushed his medal back and said with a hearty smile.

"You can keep the medal yourself, sir. I'll take care of this little thing for you!"

The defeated Captain of Ten Thousands was also a Captain of Ten Thousands, not to mention a Captain of Ten Thousands with a golden battle medal.

After saying that, the young man ran to the newsstand nearby and picked up a pile of them.

The stall owner didn't dare to stop him, and the Gray Wolf Army soldiers on the side pretended not to see him.

Looking at the pile of newspapers that the young man picked up, Ross smiled bitterly after taking it.

"You... you have to pay anyway."

And there are so many pictures that he probably won’t be able to see them all by the time he gets to New Sailor Port.

The soldier said with a hearty smile.

"It's okay, the money has been paid."

Ross was stunned for a moment.


The soldier nodded.

"Enough equipment to arm a million people, 1,200 tanks, 1,000 aircraft and pilots from the entire aviation fleet are here to provide training and training."

Ross was speechless for a moment, and sighed after a long time.

"You guys are really rich."

The soldier smiled sheepishly.

"Not all of them are ours, most of them are actually what you have left... His Majesty said that the junk from the Wasteland Era will no longer be used. Norton City's engineers have to benchmark new rivals in designing better and more expensive designs. equipment."

Ross said nothing.

This time he really didn't know what to say. He could only open the newspaper to find some useful information, but saw that the date stopped at the last few days of December 214 in the Wasteland Era.

Time seems to have stopped.

He flipped through several pages and found that they were all old newspapers. He couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

It seems that the stall owner doesn't really want to open his business.

After all, no one is a fool. He knew that he was going to be freed by the Weiland people and opened the door at gunpoint, so it was natural for him to just fool around.

Why not enter the new newspaper?

Ask the newspaper printer!

And those who print newspapers can also blame the problem on those who write newspapers and those who look for news.

There will be no more news here.

No need anymore.

At this moment, a family of five ran from the direction of the city.

The couple were about thirty or forty years old. The youngest of their three children was as tall as a wheel, and the eldest was only about ten years old.

They were walking in a hurry, with panic written all over their faces. They were well-dressed and looked like they had a good status. They only carried some carry-on luggage in their hands.

The gray wolf soldier who was smoking was obviously stunned for a moment. It seemed that he did not expect that these five people could come here. He subconsciously took off the gun on his back and loaded it with a click without thinking.

As if he heard the sound of loading, the old father made a sliding shovel and led his family to kneel down in front of Rose with a plop.

"Sir! Just be kind and take us away!"

The mother was the same, crying so much that her forehead was bleeding.

"Master! I kowtow to you! Please!"

In addition to the two adults, the other two older children also imitated their parents, knocking their heads on the ground as if they were pounding garlic.

As for the remaining little girl, who was only as tall as a wheel, she was probably frightened and stood blankly, letting the adults lead her away.

The crying voice caught Ross off guard and made him freeze in place.

"You have found the wrong person... I am just a prisoner..."

How could he, a defeated man, accept such a great gift?

Not to mention protecting others, he himself was like a duckweed blown into a mud ditch by the wind.

Ross suddenly remembered that it seemed that it was also in the square in front of the port that Captain Oleitten called him and asked him to find out from the citizens the sky bandits who killed the civilians of the Wilantes and execute them.

Little did he know that time had passed and he, a murderous executioner, became a prisoner, while the victors who defeated him were still kneeling to him to plead for mercy.

Perhaps out of desire for survival, the elderly father suddenly had an idea, stepped forward with his knees, hugged Rose's knees, and begged.

"Sir... you, you are from Weiland, you can take away your slaves! Our whole family will be your slaves! Please, give us a way to survive, we are willing to make cattle and horses for you..."

"Yes, is there such a rule?"

Ross was stunned for a moment and looked at the soldiers on the side. It was too late to be surprised by the kneeling man's flexibility.

He is also a father.

His family was almost the only moonlight he could see without his eyes during the time he was lying in the cave eating worms.

The biggest difference between humans and beasts is that humans put themselves in the shoes of their fellow humans.

He no longer looked down on the Borneo man kneeling on the ground like before, but regarded him as a father just like himself - even if he gave up his own dignity, he still wanted to let his child live!

Ross made up his mind in his heart, just like when facing his subordinates with red eyes.

They are not pawns.

They are people.

The war is over and no one should die for this stupid war.

He wants to save them!

Think of it as atonement...

The soldiers of the Eastern Empire were obviously confused for a moment. After listening to the officer beside them, they scratched the back of their heads.

"It's true... I didn't say no, I seem to have seen the commander bring people on board."

Ross glanced at the Gray Wolf Army soldiers not far away, saw the safety that had been opened, and then looked at the man and woman kneeling on the ground.

His Adam's apple moved, he looked at the soldiers on the side and said in a cold voice.

"...I am a captain of ten thousand, and I have to be taken care of in my daily life. From now on, these few are my servants, let them get on the ship with me...I will explain it myself to your commander."

The soldier was still embarrassed, and the man kneeling on the ground hurriedly pulled out a few crumpled bills and stuffed them into the soldier's hands.

"Master Jun... just do it."

Seeing a few hundred-dollar silver coins, the soldier stopped worrying and waved his hand with a playful smile.

"Go up."

Apparently he wasn't embarrassed at all.

I just followed the example of my predecessors and harvested some hair from these fat sheep.

Seeing the humble-looking father grabbing a handful of banknotes to offer to himself, Ross shook his head.

"Follow's our ship after all."

Seeing that the benefactor didn't want money, the father was stunned for a moment, but he reacted quickly and nodded in thanks. Then he pulled his whole family to follow the benefactor to the dock, away from the hungry wolf staring at their back.

A group of people boarded the ship, and Rasburn, who was taking a few Borneos with him, was a little nervous, but after getting on the deck, he realized that his nervousness was just self-indulgence.

Only half of the men and women standing on the splints were Velantans, the rest were Borneos.

Looking at their smiles after the disaster, it doesn't look like they are escaping, but rather like they are having a party to celebrate their victory.

Good guy.

Now it seems that even the explanation is unnecessary...

Ross suddenly realized that his situation was too small and he had forgotten that people are also wealth, even the greatest wealth.

How could the emperor of the Eastern Empire only take away the machines and forget about the talents cultivated by the Southern Legion?

Those things left on the shore, including a family he picked up from the shore, were just rags that His Majesty thought were not worth taking away...

The youngest girl blinked and hid behind her father to secretly observe her benefactor's face.

Unable to read the expression on that stiff face, she whispered softly.

"...We won't cause you any trouble. Dad brought some dry food, and we will find a corner to hide..."

Suddenly thinking that her father wouldn't let her talk about the dry food, she covered her mouth in panic.

That cautious look is heartbreaking.

Rose forced out a gentle smile that he hadn't seen in a long time from his stiff face, and reached out to rub the child's fluffy hair.

"No trouble, just follow me, I will take you ashore..."

"Speaking of which, I also have a child. He is about the same age as you, maybe a little shorter than you... But maybe it will be different in a few years. He will at least be as tall as me."

The girl's eyes lit up, and for a moment she forgot her father's usual admonishment - you must not offend the Weirant people under any circumstances.

"Really? Can you tell me about him?" She said in a crisp voice, her innocent voice as sweet as a lark.

"Of course," Ross smiled and nodded, leaning down and squatting on the ground, "If you two know each other, I believe you can become good friends."

On the other side, the wilderness of Langzhou.

Taking advantage of the bright sky, Gopal, the commander-in-chief of the Gray Wolf Army, who was sitting on an open-top off-road vehicle with a cigar in his mouth, rode the steel torrent along the road built by the Southern Army through the hometown of Wolf State. Heading towards Tiandu.

The world only knows "Iron General" Grove, but they don't know that "Iron General" is just a dog under his command.

Zaid saw Grove very accurately. That guy was just an ambitious and smart guy. When Bei Feng moved, he "took the alliance's self-respect" on his hands and moved forward without obeying orders. He thought he was making a small mistake. No one can see through the trick, it’s just that no one says it.

That's one of their few flaws.

Fortunately, the Southern Legion had been beaten out of their temper a long time ago, so the whole game was not ruined.

But you can put aside the matter of dealing with Grove. This "Meat Saint" has to pick it up and throw it to the ground.

It is precisely for this reason that he sent Grove to take over West Sail Port, the equipment of the Southern Army and the assistance of the Eastern Empire, while he took the real elite troops to the east to take the heart of Borneo!

A cold smile curled up at the corner of Gopal's mouth, and he suddenly admired the respected Mahatma even more.

A fire in Xifan Port burned out the certificate of surrender for entering Tiandu, and now a fire in Mammoth City burned out both Lacy and Absek.

Even if the two of them didn't fight, it didn't matter if they were just elite soldiers sitting on their own borders.

Their informants buried in Mammoth City had already hooked up with the Moon Clan resistance army, and it was easy to launch a mutiny while Lacy was distracted.

Even if the rebellion fails, it doesn't matter. It won't be too late to take care of the broken-hearted Lashi after taking care of the Borneo Kingdom.

And the reason why their respected parents used the Yue Clan Resistance Army as a chess piece was because they had their sights set on this ragtag group of Fela.

Whether they win or lose, this move will checkmate Lacy on the board!

As for Tiandu, it is even more within their grasp.

With the southern legions retreating steadily, the alliance's troops have moved to the Great Desert, preparing to take over the heritage along the Great Desert and the province of Batoya.

Not to mention that Absek is not in Tiandu, the entire Tiandu Federation is leaderless, and even if he is there, it doesn't matter at all.

This person's series of drastic reforms from education to economy have caused dissatisfaction among the military.

The previous "big test" had already shown signs of success.

Gopal wanted to laugh every time he thought of this.

Instead of assigning two female students to the "Butcher" Pikli, who had made great achievements in defending Tiandu, he actually let his precious son compete with the children of those mud-legged children for the ranking of the "big test"!

This guy really dares to think!

Aren't you afraid of being shot seven times in the back in your bathroom in the middle of the night?

Although this stupid move was made by Sir Carbaja and was not personally arranged by the Commander-in-Chief, the appointment of the Education Committee was always personally arranged by your Commander-in-Chief, right?

Not to mention the other committee members, Sir Cabahar just made the mistake of balancing the bowl of water, and there were some guys who secretly poured water into their own cups.

However, the actual harm of the latter and the "favor" to family members are actually far less great than the former, although we will have to do the opposite in future publicity.

In short, Tiandu is no longer able to fight anymore.

Shahrukh, who was still dreaming of becoming the commander-in-chief, had already instigated Nigli and Duwata for them, and imagined that everything at this moment would be the same as when Absek summoned them overnight to deal with Janush.

He thought he could copy Absaek's success, shoot Yanoush to death at the peak of his life and then replace him.

However, everyone knows that the real "Absak II" is someone else, and he has already loaded the gun hidden under the stage.

Gopal was looking in the direction of Tiandu with high spirits. The adjutant on the side suddenly received news from the family association offline organization and leaned close to whisper in his ear.

"According to information from our informants, the 30,000-man regiment led by Isher has left the Yangzhou front line and is marching towards the nearest train station... They may have noticed it."

Gopal's eyebrows raised slightly.


What a talent.

It's a pity that this game of chess has come to an end.

If this little pawn is really smart, he should do what he did once in Saipan Harbor.

As for arching back...hehe.

This guy was also confused and really thought he was the "handsome" guy sitting in the palace.

Not to mention a little jungle mouse, even if the entire Northern Field Army pressed forward, it would be crushed into red soil in front of his steel torrent, not to mention that today's Northern Field Army has been riddled with holes by family members.

No matter in terms of power or strength, they are no longer the gray wolf that was hiding in the corner of Mazhou and lingering.

"Blow up the northern railway, and then let Grove..." Gopal touched his chin, came up with a plan, and said with a smile, "Forget it, let Jokal lead his 110,000 troops Go ahead."

"Iron General" Grove has to live for a while. After all, he is his direct descendant. Even if he needs to take a bath, he doesn't take it now.

As for Jokal...

Although he was also a family member and could be considered helpful to them, after all, he was a family member working for Absek.

Let this dirty rag wipe the dust on the wall for them again!

"Yes!" The officer sitting nearby accepted the order respectfully, looking at Gopal as if he were looking at a god.

The strategizing has led to a victory thousands of miles away!

What a "jungle rat", it's so weak!

Clearly this is "Alaya II"! The well-deserved first military god of Borneo!

The province of Borneo was turbulent, and the human meeting in the Great Rift Valley was also agitated with the gathering of heroes.

But there is one thing to say, the "heroes" here may not have the means and tricks of the heroes galloping on the land of Borneo.

That land seemed to have been cursed by "Tzeentch of the Four Peddlers", both of whom were too clever.

On the contrary, the people sitting in this conference hall are more like human beings, each with their own appearance and abstraction.

Less than half an hour after the human meeting started, Saren, who was sitting in the meeting hall, was already regretting it.

His expression is very precious, and he can empty all the battery cars and refrigerators in Saifan Port with just one look.

Why not do something meaningful with this time?

Perhaps he shouldn't have had any expectations for the juniors to express their opinions in the first place.

These people are not here to discuss issues at all.

But to make a wish.

After a polite-looking guy gave his "acceptance speech and future outlook" and thanked all the big brothers from the company, college, alliance, Eastern Empire, etc., a young man who looked energetic finally came up.

Be different from others.

There is light in his eyes.

Saren was curious for about two seconds until he spoke.

"...Everyone here should be quiet. Please allow me to say a few words!"

He clenched his fists on the podium and continued speaking in an impassioned voice.

"All of us can see that the achievements of the Alliance in the past few years are obvious to all!"

"Under the leadership of Mr. Chu Guang, we not only killed the predators, the mutant slime mold, and the legions, but also..."

"...In this case, why don't we unite, everyone joins the alliance, fly to space, and kill Gaia! Wouldn't that be beautiful?"

His speech continued, but Emperor Saren of the Eastern Empire no longer wanted to hear his farts.

Tilting his head, Saren gave the former Western Legion executive, the current top foreign minister of the New Federation, a look that everyone understood.

"Where is this Dam City on the map? Can you guys send them a big thing for me?"

The foreign minister of the new Commonwealth gave him an impatient side glance.

That look said it all——

You have to do this boring thing yourself.

After rolling his eyes, Saren sighed inwardly, his eyes suddenly fell on a blue tin can again, and a mischievous smile suddenly appeared on his face.

At this moment, someone's situation is not optimistic.

Seeing the little fanboy who was gushing and embarrassing himself on the stage for almost ten minutes, Chu Guang's toes almost dug through the granite. He wished he could activate the power of authority on the spot and kick this bastard offline to calm down. calm.


That guy is not his player, and the phrase "Master Manager" is probably not a joke, but a sincere admiration.

In comparison, those little players who always make fun of him are much more normal.

For example, at this moment, the only player on the scene was a well-behaved group, acting more like a BOSS than himself, sitting on the high chair belonging to the Triumph City without any anger or pride.

But this pangolin is still not very sensible.

If his eldest son, Fang Chang, was sitting in the same position, he would definitely take off his leather shoes and throw them onto the podium before he was embarrassed enough to pick his toes.

It is impossible for representatives of several other forces to do this. Even the alliance's die-hard allies and companies are watching with interest how Chu Guang plans to resolve the embarrassment.

Perhaps because he could no longer listen, a slight sneer came from the meeting table.

"Haha... everyone joins the alliance. It's easy for this kid with a yellow mouth to say."

Seeing someone tearing down his own stage, Zhou Xianlin, who was in the middle of his talk, suddenly became angry, and his eyes pierced toward the direction of the voice like swords.

I saw an old man with a wrinkled face sitting there. His body was covered with messy gold accessories, and he looked as if he was about to lie in a coffin with the tributes.

"Who are you?"

Obviously he didn't take this guy who was talking nonsense seriously, so the old man gave his name calmly.

"Charlie Lion."

Zhou Xianlin was stunned for a moment, and then he realized who this old man was. He was the guy with a bunch of wives and concubines.

When he thought of this, a trace of contempt suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Who do I think...a feudal old man with a rancid smell all over his body, a tyrant with half his foot in the coffin? How dare I speak so brazenly to a progressive young man like me -"

Before he could finish his words, a murderous aura rushed towards his face and choked him back the second half of his sentence.

The old man did nothing, just stared at him with those two black eyes.

And the light that shot out from the skull-like eye sockets seemed to be nailing him to the podium and dragging him into the coffin.

A drop of sweat streaked across Zhou Xianlin's forehead, and he unconsciously licked the corners of his lips as he was shrouded in murderous intent.

However, his eyes were not at all afraid, but rather filled with excitement.

There are always people talking about the fact that the person he killed was not the predator, but now the predator jumped out on his own...

It's just a kingdom, and this stinking thing is vulnerable to the iron fist of his alliance!

Fortunately, someone came to his rescue at this moment, and the chief sitting in the audience coughed twice.

"...Young man, when you're done speaking, go down and give the people behind you some time."

Zhou Xianlin walked down from the podium without saying a word, staring directly at the old king with an expression like a hyena circling its prey.

As for the old king, he had a calm expression. After helping someone out of the siege, he returned to his leisurely look.

"I have never thought about it... what is the relationship between the Bone Chewing Tribe and Dam City?"

Looking at the clown who was driven off the stage, the leader of the Red River Alliance pierced his ear with his little finger and glanced at the Speaker of Trash City sitting aside, "Do you have any clue?"

The Speaker of Garbage City shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"I've never heard of this place. Speaking of which, this Great Rift Valley really invites everyone..."

Speaking of which, this grandson is really not afraid of death. He dares to say anything when he picks up the microphone.

The human conference will end after only a few days, and the Great Rift Valley cannot protect you for the rest of your life.

Isn't this guy planning to get out of his turtle shell?

On the other side, looking at Chu Guang who looked embarrassed, the chief sitting next to him smiled and whispered in a joking tone.

"Time flies so fast... The last time I saw Charlie the lion, he was still a child. In the blink of an eye, when I saw him again, he had transformed from a little lion into an old lion, and he also brought a group of female lions with him. come here."

Chu Guang glanced at the old man.

"Others call him Charlie Lion, but this is the first time I've seen him with this side."

The chief smiled understandingly.

"He is as docile as a cat in front of you, right? I even think he wants to give you a female cat. But there is nothing you can do about it. No matter how much you try to do surgery when you are young, it will not work when you are old. The day I die...and who can survive you?"

Chu Guang rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't I say this to you? Who can live longer than you?"

The chief smiled softly and nodded thoughtfully.

"That's right...then let's discuss it ourselves."

Chu Guang: "..."

His intuition told him that this old man was most likely thinking of another riddle.

Not wanting to listen to this guy's riddles, he moved his eyes away and looked at the stage.

This time it was an acquaintance who went up, Si Wen, the secretary-general of the South China Sea Alliance Representative Conference.

This man didn't say anything nonsense, and he had a sunny and cheerful smile.

"Thanks to your love and trust, this new era space elevator can be located in our home!"

“We have islands, beaches, crabs, coconuts and beer here, as well as large ships and gantry cranes for loading and unloading cargo!”

"I won't say much else. Anyway, our family is quite big haha. All friends are welcome to come and play!"

This is probably the most useful sentence since the opening of the entire human conference.


Not only did the chief old man applaud, but even Saren smiled and gave him encouraging applause.

He is still very interested in large ships and gantry cranes.

The dry bulk cargo terminal of the Southern Army was too laborious. Ten slaves worked all morning and could not keep up with the lifting and moving of the big iron frame. It was the Union port that he liked.

Maybe after the meeting is over soon, we can order two cars to go back to, just in time for New Sailor Port to use...

The conference lasted from day to night, with an hour's break in the middle, and the organizer distributed lunch boxes to the participants.

Overall, some important matters were discussed in this redundant meeting.

For example, the survivor force of Yunjian Province - probably the company's younger brother - proposed at the meeting that they hope that the old legion force can give up the technology of "producing eight times faster growth clones" and ensure that those clones without minds can be stable. Spend the rest of your life or euthanasia.

Although the governor of the Vaillant Alliance expressed his approval, the conservative forces surrounding him obviously did not think so.

Saren argued that the clones only looked human and were not truly human.

As for the Foreign Minister of the New United Federation, he pointed out that it was a matter of the New Federation itself and had nothing to do with anyone else.

The emperor of the Northern Empire had a slightly more relaxed attitude. The strong bear-like man proposed that it was okay to give up the clone cannon fodder, but the right of the Wilantes to survive must be guaranteed.

That is, they want to build an advanced missile defense system that can replace clone cannon fodder, and require companies and academies to come up with the key technologies they need.

The proposal itself is understandable.

They need to integrate with the civilized world, but they also need to protect themselves.

Even all the leaders of the Valeant people, including Saren, knew that as the blockade of the sky was lifted, it would be a matter of time before the clone cannon fodder was eliminated.

Under the precise positioning of satellites and precise strikes of artillery fire, those cannon fodder who don't even know how to hide can only provide meat to their enemies.

The trend of the times is irreversible.

It is impossible to turn these clone cannon fodder into productive forces. Not to mention the ability to learn, they do not even have the most basic normal human mind.

The league has tried this before, and it clearly didn't work, or they would have made a big deal about it.

After asking for advanced technology to no avail, Saren settled for asking companies to use financial aid in exchange for their compromise on human cloning and slave issues.

After careful consideration, the company's board of directors agreed.

The changes in the City of Triumph and the province of Wilante gave the company renewed hope of pulling the Wilante people into the civilized camp, as well as the confidence to reunite the fragmented "Fragments of the War and Construction Committee".

The Weirant people have proven through their actions that they also have endogenous power for progress.

In this case, why not give them some time?

After the chief comes the king, and the story does not end there.

Preventing kings from being followed by new kings, and preventing their allies from becoming new empires... This is what Ideal City will do next.

For this reason, the existence of the Eastern Empire is necessary, at least from their standpoint.

This is a bright card played by the Enterprise Council.

Not only Chu Guang could see it, but everyone sitting in the front row of the conference hall could see it... even the yawning Majesty Saren and the strong, bear-like Northern Emperor.

Those gestures that can be seen with the eyes are all pretense, and the real idiot has no chance to sit here.

Even Tyr is not sitting here.

That guy was actually very smart, but he just played too hard and didn't leave himself any room for maneuver...

The meeting finally came to an end.

The chief of the Great Rift Valley took the stage and scrawled a few summaries, then announced the conclusion of this grand meeting, as well as the charter for the next human meeting.

This kind of meeting can be held several times.

Although communication cannot solve all problems, it can at least allow each other to understand their respective bottom lines.

In addition, the next human conference will be held in Dawn City, and the holding time is to be determined.

After the meeting ended, everyone left the conference hall with unfinished expressions.

They will go to the banquet hall to have dinner, discuss unfinished topics with the person they meet, or decide on tomorrow's schedule.

Absek was about to talk to Chu Guang, but he saw Shava, the stormtrooper captain of the Mammoth Kingdom, walking toward him angrily.

Seeing that expression, Absek's heart sank, realizing that something bad might have happened.

Just as he expected, Shava shouted sharply as soon as he saw him.

"Absak! The leader of Borneo! We need an explanation!"

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