This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 958 Fulfillment

The story doesn't end when a group of people leave.

Players who have been to this world have left their footprints in this world, and even have their continuation.

Such as the lovely Alyssa.

She is like everyone's child, living in the fairy tale in the hearts of every Boulder survivor and shelter resident.

That's not something that doesn't exist.

As Sperger once said, the miracle of Stonehenge has never been Boer who did not exist at all, but every person who held a torch to drive away the darkness when the night came.

But we have to admit that people are not so brave and kind at the beginning, and naturally not every child will be as lucky as Alyssa.

The good thoughts in people's hearts can turn a giant wall like a cage into a castle in a fairy tale, while the evil thoughts in a person's heart can easily turn a castle in a fairy tale into a gloomy and evil dungeon.

The only consolation is that this dungeon can trap no one but the man who built it.

That's also the cold, hard reality.

Those who build the dungeon will eventually rot in the deepest part of the dungeon, just as those who plant the red soil and those who eat the red soil will eventually be buried in the bloody history.

That was a story written in the wind and snow outside Rowell Camp a long time ago, and it has been reincarnated again and again.

No one is an exception.

The first to go may not necessarily be the tragic one...

Mammoth City.

The flames of protest are still simmering, and have only intensified since Niyan's death.

Lacy has returned to Mammoth City from the front line with his elite and Niyang's body, but what greets the victor is not fresh applause, but stones and rotten eggs.

An officer couldn't bear the humiliation and yelled hysterically at the young people standing in front of him.

"You bunch of heartless guys... What has Lacy done to you? Where were you when we were eating black bread and nutritional paste in the trenches on the front line? You were sitting in the canteen eating noodles as white as snow. , a piece of fat as thick as my fist! You still want to knock down this one and that one, have you ever beaten a Wilante! Can you be as hungry as us? You were ungrateful today, and tomorrow all of you will suffer retribution!"

His roar had no effect and was quickly drowned out by a higher sound.

"Don't change the subject! Firstly, we don't have much to eat, and secondly, we eat the rice of thousands of residents of Mammoth State! We don't owe your general anything, so naturally we have to speak for the residents of Mammoth State! Also, it's not our turn You are saying that we are ungrateful! The innocent souls under the Tasan River Dam and the people who died in the conflict are all standing here looking at you!"

Both sides have their own reasons, and both represent a certain degree of justice.

It is precisely because of this that this situation is almost unsolvable.

Politics is both a matter for everyone and an art of compromise, and some things that should have been done long ago are what the Lacy authorities are least good at.

Besides, there is no time.

Almost all of their skill points have been selected on the military tree, including the exoskeleton that Borneo has not yet selected, and even repairing Conqueror No. 10 is out of the question.

If it were family members who would solve the problem, there would definitely be an ending that satisfies the vast majority of Borneo people, even including the corpses washed downstream.

As for Lacy, even if the dam had not been blown up, today's situation would have been inevitable.

to be honest.

This carpentry work is not done by blacksmiths.

After dealing with foreign enemies, they will either be replaced by a more capable leader or be replaced by a more capable authority.

Absek is not bragging. If there is a fight, his probability of winning is not 90% but 70%. It's not his fault that the Federation didn't unite. It was the card in his hand. It was his ability to prevent this muddy Bodhisattva from being washed away by the flood.

As for Absaek's own problems and limitations, that's another story.

in the crowd.

Students from Borneo were eating melons and watching a play.

No matter how troublesome the people in Mammoth City are, it has nothing to do with them from next door.

Even if the sky is still on fire, at least it hasn’t burned them yet, right?

They watched from afar without approaching, and from time to time they cheered and cheered for both sides.

After all, not all the students sent to study by Absaek are serious students, and there are also some "street wanderers" in the recommended places.

These people may admire science and technology, and they may talk a little bit, but in their heart they look down on those who are engaged in learning.

This is the Duke of Galawa who Niyan despises the most. They are the same kind of people again.

With a water popsicle in his mouth, Gale, who was wearing bell-bottom pants, licked it, stepped on the stone pillar, sipped and said.

"I think the officer is right. These little brats from Mammoth City are just eating enough to hold on. I didn't eat as much as I did here when I was in Tiandu! Damn, these popsicles are so sweet. I must have them." Bring a machine that makes popsicles back to Tiandu."

His father is "The Butcher" Pikli, a great hero in the defense of Tiandu!

Although he was also a student himself, he looked down upon these nerds who only knew how to take exams.

The young man who was forced to stay with the second-generation military master glanced at him sideways, smiled slightly in his heart but remained silent, and then turned his eyes back to the physics book he brought.

His name is Nayak, and he is only 15 years old. He lied about being one year old before he passed the undergraduate examination.

As for falsely reporting his age, it was his own idea, because he was sure that Sir Carbaja's popularity among the committee was extremely low. No matter how hard the exam details were scrutinized in this big exam, he would never be able to capture the age of the candidate's household registration.

The reason for false reporting is also quite simple.

Because the entire educational reform is originally the wishful thinking of Abu Saik and the alliance, and it is a castle in the air.

There will never be another big exam, at least not for a long time, because there is no need for it at all.

The laws of all things have their own laws of operation, but if you miss the ladder of destiny, you have really missed it.

As for how he saw these things?

Then we have to thank the newspaper run by Mr. Niyang. Compared with the powerful loudspeaker like "Jia Guo Tian Xia Bao", the realistic "Survivor Daily" can find some useful information.

There are geniuses everywhere, and Borneo Province is no exception. Moreover, with a much larger population than other provinces, it is inevitable that there will be one or two monsters that are not found in other places.

Nayak is not as pretentious as Gale in thinking that he is the monster, but when it comes to talent and IQ, he is still a little confident.

The students sent here to study by the Borneo Kingdom are either the descendants of the nobles of the previous dynasty or the descendants of the Ten Thousand Captains. However, the ancestors of his family have faced the red soil and turned their backs to the sky for generations. It is difficult to count the number of talents. It's time for prosperity.

That would be too far off the mark.

In short, his illiterate father picked up some idle books from the market that no one wanted. He just relied on his almost perfect scores in arithmetic and almost perfect scores in his articles to win the favor of the Cabaha committee member. He jumped into the dragon gate and changed himself. life destiny.

It was precisely because of this that while Gale looked down on them, he also looked down on the guy next to him who was not even as good as an eleven or twelve-year-old preparatory student, but was forced into college.

Even he knows that, like the popsicle machine in Gale's words, it is a "waste of resources that must be experienced by social development." The peace brought by a bowl of water will only turn Tiandu into Mammoth City.

However, he is still very optimistic about this guy's future development.

The reason is very simple, because this guy is stupid enough, uneducated enough, and arrogant enough. He is simply a replica of Xilan Wutuo!

If he hadn't been born more than ten years later, he would have been shocked that this guy was the reincarnation of Wu Tuo!

In fact, if you think about it for a moment, Lacy's demise is inevitable, and so is Absek's.

It doesn't matter whether the final civil war is fought or not, and there is a high probability that it will not be fought.

But that's not their fault.

Winning or losing in the casino is a mathematical rule and has nothing to do with luck or character.

And this casino has just opened, and the gamblers are still figuring it out. Technically, they are all equal. Naturally, the first mover will have the advantage, and the second mover will have the stability.

But having said that, history does not end here, the real show has just begun.

Nayak raised his head and calculated. After Zaid and the people around him had finished walking, the message came to

At that time, unless there is another feudal empire larger than Borneo to help them, or there are some problems within the alliance, they have to compromise with the vested interests.

But that's impossible, because the Valeant people's labor pains will be over faster than they are.

After the Legion exploded, the emperor named Saren might have reached the pinnacle of the Eastern Empire. The Alliance would not make any compromises outside the rules, because that would only delay their victory.

After all, they are going to a farther place, but the way they go to the academy is different.

Nayak calls his set of "wrong theories" the science of civilization.

Mammoth University does not have this subject. All the theories are inferences based on scientific methods based on limited data in his spare time, and deductions for the future based on human life span.

If the price of five generations is paid in one day, it will of course be heavy, and it may even be impossible to pay at all. However, if we extend the time to 200 or 300 years from the perspective of civilization, it is completely acceptable.

When you are unhappy, just think of the League of People. The prosperous world spans two stars. When the Wasteland Era comes, it is almost dead, and it is about to stand up again.

I heard that the new space elevator is more stable and faster than the old one, and the cost is cheaper. If it explodes one day, it will not be as harmful as before.

But to be honest, he really doesn't care about the rise and fall of dynasties. This is just something he made casually in his spare time.

He had already thought about it before he came out of Tiandu. He would not be a rotten leaf returning to his roots, but a seed for the future.

As for going to the moon to have a look, it was just so that my father could understand.

"Hey! Look! Those people are about to fight! Do you think Lacy will kill them all?" Gale pulled the nerd next to him and pointed it out to him excitedly, as if he were watching a cricket fight. .

Nayak did not look at the tragic situation on the street, but just glanced at the overly excited guy with disdain.

Those officers were right, these stupid boys would indeed suffer retribution. Although it had nothing to do with ingratitude, it was at most a matter of poor academic performance.

However, it is not a noble thing for this guy to take pleasure in the suffering of the same kind. Maybe retribution will come faster.

But he didn't have the trouble to teach this guy how to accumulate evil virtue, so he thought about it and said.

"Do you believe in science?"

Unexpectedly, Gale was a little disappointed by this nerd when he received an erroneous rhetorical question.

But none of his friends were here, and there was no one else to kill time with, so he just curled his lips and said.

"Believe me, the technology is so awesome, it would be great if I could go back on time. By the way, if you work harder, if you are so good at reading, just read more. Our family will need it in the future."

Nayak smiled.

"Sure enough, I was right. The unfinished business of fathers must be completed by young talents like you."

"Hehe, of course, my father is good at fighting, but if he is not good at reading, he is definitely incomparable to me."

Thinking that this guy was flattering him, Gale couldn't help but feel a little carried away. For a moment, he selectively forgot that this nerdy father was the one he despised the most, and only thought that he was a college bully.

If I remember correctly, this guy was the top scorer in the Tiandu Examination!

Although Gale himself said the stupid thing about "taking exams as a sign of bad writing", when he was really recognized by intellectuals, like his father who liked female students, he would inevitably show a silly smile.

Being proud is indispensable to showing off, he said, waggling his eyebrows at Nayak.

"Let me tell you a secret that is not a secret. My father is actually a member of the family! Don't look at Absek's collapse. Even if my father's boss collapses, it will be fine! Let me tell you, don't join any alliance in the future. You can get along with me. Which female classmate do you like? Do you believe what I promise you?"

It's too easy for him.

Gopal will soon enter the city, and their families are all in Tiandu. Whoever is starving is just a matter of a letter from him.

He didn't even think of this himself, it was the female classmate who asked him for help who pointed it out.


Nayak smiled lightly and said in a gentle tone.

"I understand your kindness, but don't be too happy. Even if your father lets Gopal enter Tiandu, he will at most get a chance to join the team again. There will inevitably be two or three calamities in the future... Of course, This can also be avoided.”

Gale frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Nayak did not explain, but said slowly.

"It's not interesting. I just remembered that there is an old saying in the Alliance. He who knows the current affairs is a hero, and...heaven is going to give great responsibilities to these people, and they must first starve their stomachs. In short, the meaning is that if you want to succeed, Go crazy first.”

"For this reason, I recommend you two books from the Alliance, called "Houhei Xue" and "Water Margin". They are more useful than the books your father gave you, and they are also better than those books. You can't make up your mind, can't figure out why, or are depressed. Look through it every time, maybe you can find inspiration from it.”

Let’s read these two books for now. In the future, I may add a copy of “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” depending on the situation.

However, you must first shape his personality and then cultivate his overall view. The order cannot be reversed.

Otherwise, the fuel will be turned into slag, and the useless waste will have no chance to be put on the table. What he needs is waste that can be put on the table.

According to the psychological theory mentioned in the alliance's books, a person's personality is formed in childhood. As an adult, it will be gradually transformed into the shape needed by society as he grows older. Once there is nothing that can suppress him anymore, , the suppressed nature will burst out like a released spring.

He wants to shape this guy's personality so that he can become the next Wu Tuo after inheriting the family business, even more twisted than Wu Tuo, the kind that can scare all the kind-hearted little mice around him... This is the only way to save him. Borneo.

If the previous generation didn't have any grudges to settle, then let's leave it to their generation.


That guy is indeed smart, but no matter how smart a person is, there will be a day when he can't carry a knife.

Sooner or later, after winning everything, he will fall into hysterical madness like Rowell, and no one who threatens his authority will survive.

Including Sava, who was always following him—that young man who was barely two years older than him and looked more harmless than his "nerd".

With an "adopted son" sitting in the position of the prince, he should know very well that Zaid must never have a legitimate son. He should pretend to be soft when he should, and he will never be soft when it is time to act.

Even Gopal, the wolf who personally elevated Zaid to the status of a god, might be the first to be eliminated.

Nayak was in no hurry.

His favorite thing was to read newspapers, and he was young enough that sooner or later he would see what he liked in newspapers.

However, Gale, who was standing next to him, became impatient and said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Can't you just read to me what's in the book? I really don't like reading."

Nayak sighed.

There is a long way to go...

If this guy really returns to Tiandu, I'm afraid he won't survive more than three episodes with his dandy temperament. What's the use of the best "seedlings" if they don't sprout?

No matter how tenacious the red soil is, it must have survived the early years of the Wasteland Era before it began to harm people.

At least we can't let this good seedling get ahead of Zaid, otherwise it will take several more generations.

" good brother, I'm really worried about you when you look like this. You are General Pikli's only weakness. If you don't know better, how can your father be so tough?"

"...Come on, help people to the end. For the sake of your promise to take care of my father, I will teach you the 'explicit knowledge' that is not taught in class."

After a pause, Nayak made an expression as if he wanted something useful, closed the physics book in his hand and looked at him.

"This question is only taught once. Remember it well. It may save your life at a critical moment."

When Gale heard this, he immediately became excited and smiled playfully.

"Then tell me."

He didn't think this problem solver could teach him anything at all, but he thought it was more interesting to listen to this guy talk than to sit at the desk with his female classmates.

Want to listen?

Anyway, idle is idle.

This guy's lectures on mathematics and physics are boring, but he's very interesting when he talks about some weird knowledge, which always makes his eyes light up.

Nayak stared into his eyes, smiled meaningfully, and began his desperate counterattack as a farmer's son.

That would be a hundred-year war belonging to the Borneo people.

When the dawn breaks, perhaps no one will remember this moment——

A future soldier and a future scientist start a game about the future before the long night that no one knows.

He wants to bet his hope on tomorrow, he wants to make all the precautions he can, he wants to plant a strain more evil than the "death agent" on the straw bag in front of him, and ensure that this carefully sown seed can survive. To the end!

As long as one seed survives! This war is a victory for everyone on this land!

And in that case, the heroes' death will not be in vain!

"I have four generals, A, B, C and D. I want them to look after a flock of sheep for me, but I don't trust them because the sheep are very smart and they are also very smart."

"I know I will kill them all sooner or later, but the question now is who to start..."

The farce continued into the night, but Lacy finally did not have the heart to shoot one of his own.

Firstly, it was Mr. Niyang’s hard work after all, and secondly, he had no children of his own, and those thriving pillars were just like his children.

If he was facing a Weirant person or a person from the old empire, he would kill him without frowning, but when facing his own people, he would not be able to kill that killer.

He met someone who made him unable to carry the knife.

However, it was precisely because of this that his weakness was exposed to the enemy.

The rats that usually hide in the dark rushed forward like hyenas that smelled blood, eager to suck out all his bones and blood.

"It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows..."

The courtyard of the state capital.

Lacy sighed as he sat on the chair, feeling like the King of Chu with flags all over his body.

Absek likes to read the Three Kingdoms, and he likes to read the previous stories of the Three Kingdoms. The two of them are both members of the Alliance, and they often communicate in private.

Looking at the old stone slab covered with moss, he suddenly remembered the time when he was most proud of himself.

When he entered the city that day, the city was full of washed-down shacks. Instead of scolding him, the skinny residents lined the streets to welcome him into the city. The grateful savior finally arrived.

He was here at the time, looking down at the trembling nobles lying in front of him.

"I came here to do three things! You only need to know one thing!"

"From now on, slaves are banned in Mammoth State! Whoever dares to keep a slave will have his head moved somewhere else!"

“…Starting today, the Mammoth State will talk about equality!”

He remembered everything he said at that time, including the last sentence "No kneeling", which frightened the usually aloof nobles to death.

Now that the washed-out shacks had been replaced by new buildings, he thought he had not treated the people here badly, but he was still embarrassed by the rotten eggs.

Now that he thought about it, those people standing on the street might not necessarily be the residents of Mammoth City that he knew.

But the ghosts who drowned in the Tasan River and came to collect debts.

"Alaya, are you there too?"

Lacy laughed to herself, took a sip of spicy vodka, and felt that the depression in her heart was relieved a lot.

At this time, a young officer walked in the door, stood at attention and gave a military salute.

"Reporting to the commander! Captain Shawar has returned from the Great Rift Valley! According to the news in the telegram, he has brought a peace agreement reached with the leader of Borneo, Abu Saik!"

This man's name is Udy, a member of the Stormtroopers. He has been with him since he entered the Mammoth State, and he can be regarded as one of his most comfortable subordinates.

Putting the bottle on the ground, Lacy stood up.

"Get the car ready and go to the airport."


Udi gave a military salute, turned and left the door, and quickly prepared the vehicle.

La Silla opened the door and got in. The car quickly started and drove towards the airport.

The streets along the way were silent, with only soldiers patrolling passing by from time to time.

The entire Mammoth City is under martial law.

Sitting in the car, Lacy looked at Udi and asked.

"What will happen if I ask you to investigate your family?"

When Udi heard this, he immediately reported it.

"They have a total of 21 strongholds in our city, mainly located around the port."

Laci's pupils shrank slightly.

"How come there are so many?"

Udi answered truthfully.

"They are well-organized and move towards Mammoth University with the port as the core circle, and they do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. As far as I know, they are not only connected with some gangs from various religions, but they also sponsor student group activities and provide education to left-behind families. egg."

Lacy was stunned for a moment, opened her mouth, and was speechless for a moment.

That's it?

They lived in the houses he built, received eggs distributed by others, and then turned against him.

He was instantly angry and sober for a moment. This was even more disgusting than cuckolding him.

But after all, he was no longer the reckless man before. He took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

He thought of a person, Asin, who had seen him off and sponsored him for free for a long time.

He looked down upon the activities of those gangs, and even warned Assin not to come to Mammoth City to expand business, even though he had just received sponsorship from the Assassin Gang.

And that guy was very sensible and didn't offend him, he just did what he could.

However, Lacy did not expect that even if there was no Assassin Gang, there would be the Black Rat Gang or the Rat Gang, or even change their name to xx Labor Dispatch Co., Ltd.

He himself earns foreign exchange by doing labor dispatch, how could others not follow suit?

Soon someone will organize his people and set up a similar organization, or an organization that serves these workers - such as an overseas workers' mutual aid association.

And those people have natural jobs to copy.

The Workers' Association of the Alliance has always wanted to open a breakthrough from Mammoth City, but has been unable to expand because the format and style are not very down-to-earth. Those gangsters can definitely follow suit and just eat the grapes and spit out the skin.

If I had known this, I might as well have asked Asin to come over...

Lacy closed her eyes and sighed.

"We're completely out of control at the grassroots level... No wonder there's such a big problem."

After saying that, he took out the note from his pocket, wrote this lesson on it, and then stuffed it back into his pocket.

However, at this moment, there was an explosion suddenly outside the car window. It was unknown whether it was a soil bomb or something.

The car glass shook for a while, and soon Lacy heard someone shouting in this direction.

"Revenge for the dead...!"

The man probably shouted the names of those who were killed or injured in the conflict, but Lacy didn't hear clearly.

However, just at this moment, the engine started to smoke, and the entire car fell to the side of the road.

The driver was stunned by the impact. He turned around to see the commander's condition, but he was faced with the muzzle of a black gun.

He was stunned for a moment, his face changed drastically, and he wanted to explain.

"not me--"


A brief gunshot interrupted his defense.

Udy, who shot the driver to death, pushed the car without hesitation and protected Lacy beside him from the car.

Gunshots rang out in the streets, and a fierce gun battle broke out between armed men with white cloth strips tied to their arms and patrols arriving nearby.

With the support of the exoskeleton, the latter beat the former back step by step, but still couldn't hold back the former's overwhelming numbers, and mingle with the nearby civilians. If they couldn't beat them, they would hide in the civilians' homes.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to assassinate him on his own territory, and he didn't expect that he would actually have to fight a security war at home. Lacy felt his anger rising up to Tianling Gai, and he wanted to rush forward and fight all the rats.

"Rebellion against them...really rebellion!"

"Commander! It's not safe here! I've called for reinforcements, let's move to a safe place first!" Udy, holding a pistol, shouted at him while firing across the street.

Laci gritted her teeth and nodded.

"lead the way."

Udi immediately took the order and covered him into a side alley. After a few turns, he was finally away from the gunfire.

The two seemed safe.

However, at this moment, Lacy stopped suddenly and stopped running forward.

Udi, who was leading the group, also stopped and looked back at the leader in astonishment.

"What's wrong, Commander?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lacy suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"It's not unfair! It's so enjoyable! You are worthy of being my personal guard, you really have a special appetite for me!"

After saying that, his bell-like eyes glared, and his gaze towards the dark alley was like a torch.

"Rat guys! Your grandfather, I, Lacy, are right here! Come out and let me kill you if you dare!"

That all-round majesty doesn't look like a general, nor does it look like a commander, but just like a hero full of courage.

He stood in the alley like a god of death. Even though there were no thousands of troops behind him, the sound of thunder still seemed to echo, making no one dare to make eye contact with him.

Wu Di looked at him in astonishment. His expression was surprised and surprised at first, and then became indifferent.

"...How did you find out?"

As he finished speaking, a group of men dressed in black and carrying swords, guns and sticks came out of the alley.

The sneaky look really looked like this squeaking mouse hiding in the gutter.

The Vaillants are gone.

Spring has finally arrived.

The time for all things to revive has come.

Their eyes flashed with ferocious light, and although they were frightened and even trembling, none of them backed away.

The family will say that as long as Lacy is killed, Mammoth Country's overseas business will be theirs.

From now on, as long as there are family members who know how to eat meat, gangs like them will inevitably drink blood.

"It's useless to talk so much nonsense. It's you who instigated those students, right?" Lacy did not touch the gun, but pulled out his own knife and smiled coldly at Udy who betrayed him, "What? Still? No action? Do you want to see if I can still carry the knife?"

"I would like to give you a pleasure out of kindness, but since you don't want it..."

Udy took half a step back, put away the pistol in his hand, and waved his index finger forward.

"Perform him."

Father, mother...

The child finally avenged you.

Wu Di felt relieved after his great revenge was avenged, but he couldn't bear to see the hero's twilight, so he closed his eyes.

The gang members threw away their short guns and rushed towards the lonely Lacy carrying five or eight guns.

He pounced on the Lacy who had smashed Olett's nose time and time again on the battlefield.



They rushed forward excitedly, eager to disembowel their hero, but after the flash of white light, a familiar head fell to the ground.

A head full of yellow teeth fell to the ground, and the expression on its face was fixed in the final ferocious look.

The gang members who rushed in front were stunned. Only through the bright moonlight, they saw the scarlet blood on the saber held in Lacy's hand.


The weak cry of killing resounded in the alley, but this time the cry of killing sounded like a horn of charge!

It was as if that person was followed by thousands of troops, as if there were thousands of demonic souls hanging on the tip of the knife!

Udi's pupils shrank slightly, looking at Lacy who was charging towards the crowd without dodging, his trembling right hand unconsciously touched the closed holster.

The family members who interacted with him always warned him time and again that he was the enemy who killed his family. He must not forget to take revenge in the future. He must take revenge one day. He must take revenge!

He forgot for a moment that even if that guy was an enemy, it would not be easy to defeat him.

He was the majestic general that he was, a rival that even their enemies feared.

He has a mission, and so does he!

And unlike myself who has nothing but hatred——

That guy made up his mind a long time ago, even if he risked his life, he would knock down every one of the thousand pillars that were pressing on the Borneo people!

The thrilling fight echoed in the bloody alley——


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