This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 965 Twisted!

"What the hell? Just leave it to me again?!"

Luo Yu, who was sitting on the Thunder Fighter, looked confused. He glanced sideways at the building wrapped in scarlet material and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

That thing should be a carpet, right?

Why did the Legion use such an incredible thing as mutant slime mold on the battlefield!

Apparently they regard the consensus of the Stick Community as toilet paper.

Or just like the Southern Legion's explanation of the ancient contract - that thing was signed by Julius, and they were not present.

" your ability useful for that thing?"

"Ugh!" (You can try it)


Luo Yu took a deep breath. While holding the control stick, he stepped on the direction with his left foot to change the course. He aimed the cannon at the building that was being swallowed by the indescribable thing. Then he pressed the fire button with his thumb. button.


With a short roar, thousands of 20-mm aviation cannons were poured out instantly!

Faced with the sudden burst of firepower, the scarlet vines climbing towards the roof of the building were ripped apart and their climbing stopped for a moment.

The scarlet piece of flesh quickly discovered where the attack was coming from, and the tentacles that were ready to go shot into the sky like cannonballs, heading towards the Thunder fighter!

Taking advantage of the moment when he was full of hatred for the car, Luo Yu's lips curled up with a smile, and he held the ring under the seat with his right hand and lifted it up fiercely.

With a few short explosions, he flew out of the exploded cockpit together with his seat.

At the same time, his car continued to crash into the nest that was trying to swallow up the building!

Of course, the Mother's Nest couldn't let this lump of iron hit its head.

Without any surprise, the tentacles entangled the Thunder fighter like a blocking net.

However, the mother nest doesn't know that the cockpit of this Thunder fighter is already filled with Xiaoyu's fruiting bodies!

Those fruiting entities are like his clones, possessing almost all of his driving experience, and can even generate a mimic "him" in the cockpit!

With this special ability, even if he has left the cockpit and hung on the parachute, he can still control the aircraft to continue flying through the communication channel.

Of course, there is no need for him to do this after successfully contacting the brood.

That thunder fighter plane full of fruiting entities is his Trojan horse!

"Please, Xiaoyu!"

Luo Yu, who was hanging on the parachute, stared intently at the plane entangled in the tentacles, silently cheering for Xiao Yu in his heart.

However, at this moment, a "Eeh!" suddenly came from the communication channel.

(It’s a bit strange, it doesn’t seem to be the mother nest!)

Not the brood?

Luo Yu was stunned for a moment, staring in disbelief at the large pile of boiling fungi in the distance.

What else could it be?

While he was dazed for a moment, his car was crushed into a ball by the entangled tentacles like a crushed can.

The flames of the explosion suddenly burst out, and the exploding batteries shattered the tentacles wrapped around the fighter jet. However, the sporadic flames quickly disappeared in the evening breeze of the night sky.

Luo Yu, who was hanging in the air, was completely dumbfounded, especially when he saw the tentacles turning around to kill him.

Isn't this guy a brood? !


In a mansion not far from the "Tower of the World", August, the chief of staff of the Southern Army, and his wife used the remaining cans to make a last supper for the children.

Although it was just sardines, mincemeat, and buttered oysters, the can had a special supply label on it.

He dropped the cyanide prepared in advance into the children's vegetable juice and the red wine he and his lover drank. He carefully tied the napkin to his chest with his trembling index finger as a last act of dignity.

After making all preparations, he looked at the confused and curious children, cleared his throat despite the pain in his heart, and spoke slowly in a solemn and low voice, as if he were speaking at a meeting of ten thousand people.

"Let us drink to the honorable Marshal Julius, to the invincible legion, and to the honor of the people of Willant..."

It will all end tonight.

After saying that, he raised his wine glass and touched it lightly with his wife. The children also raised their cups in the same manner, babbling "Cheers", then they giggled and drank the delicious vegetable juice.

There was no pain in the process.

For these young lives, this may be the greatest mercy. They do not have to bear the sins and live a long life... However, maybe this tragic fate does not actually exist, just like the crazy ambition, it is just imposed on them by their parents. of.

Looking at the children sleeping on the table, a trace of pain flashed across the wife's face, but she finally tried to restore her calm appearance, then raised her head and drank the red wine in the glass with a "thud" He lay down on the table and never woke up again.

Finally relieved.

She didn't want to stay in this world for a moment.

Seeing his family members die in front of him one after another, Augustus could no longer hold back his emotions. The expression on his face was distorted with pain, and the hand holding the wine glass couldn't stop trembling.

"I hurt you..."

If only Tyr had been stopped...

If he had done something at that time, maybe the family would be vacationing on the beach in Batoa Province right now.

But it's too late to regret now.

The victory at West Sail Port has made too many people go to their heads. Both young and old officers have no doubt that the enterprise is in decline and can no longer maintain the ancient contract, especially the Borneo people who stand in front of them. It was so unbearable.

August put the wine glass to his lips, ready to drink it all and end all pain.

However, at this moment, a deafening roar and a low roar came from the window.

He was stunned for a moment, then walked to the window and opened the curtains, only to see the landmark of Aventur City - the alloy building made of metal, which was currently wrapped in balls of flesh-red unknown substance.

The thing seemed to be alive, twisting under the night lights, sending an unwilling and ugly cry towards the sky.


It roared again, and every cell in its body seemed to ripple, rolling like rolling waves.

August's eyes widened, disbelief and confusion written on his face.

He had just returned from that building...

If nothing else, the respected Commander of the Tire Army should be there, and on the 68th floor.

"Tyr...Your Excellency?"

He muttered in confusion, and saw several fighter jets flying past the sky.

The Alliance seemed to have noticed something unusual about this building. The vertical take-off and landing aircraft spraying plasma plumes at low altitude broke through the blockade of air defense fire and were rapidly approaching the "Tower of the World" building.

"...What is that?"

That ugly monster...

He knew that there were some doomsday weapons stored in that building, but he didn't know that Tire still held this ugly trump card.

It could no longer be called a human gesture, it was like a pus bubble squeezed from the surface of the earth.

Augustus took two steps back in despair, finally closed his eyes in despair, and then closed the curtains.

Julius is here...

What exactly did they do? !

Whether it's Tyr, himself, or the captains of ten thousand who support him...

Do we have to turn the Velantans from humans into cockroaches?

He drank all the red wine in the glass and knelt down at the dining table.

Looking at his dead lover and children, he finally woke up at the last moment of his life and woke up from the nightmare.

He used the little time he had left to repent.

"Ugh...please forgive your child, Marshal Julius...we have failed you."

"It's us...the Southern Army...who are not worthy of the Wilantes..."


The low and long roar shattered the dark clouds, just like the low roar of a giant whale in the deep sea.

Hearing the deafening sound, the soldiers of the Southern Legion who were fighting on the front line stopped fighting invariably and looked back at the rolling mass of flesh and blood behind them.

The ugliness is vividly interpreted at this moment, as well as the indescribable distortion and chaos.

Shocked expressions appeared on every face.

They couldn't believe that right behind them, their hometown, the place where they set off...

There is such a twisted beast growing there.


Shaking panic was imprinted on a pair of shaking pupils. The veteran who had experienced many battles unconsciously took a step back. His belief in fighting to the last moment was finally shaken.

Why is he fighting until now?


That's them.

When he suddenly woke up, his back was soaked in cold sweat, and a painful expression appeared on his face.

In another trench not far from him, the faces of the new recruits who had only received less than half a month of military training also had expressions of astonishment written on their faces.

"Damn...what is that?!"

"Alliance biological weapons?!"

The flesh-red tentacles are still extending upward, like vines climbing up into the sky.

The grayish-yellow fog spreads around like a canopy of trees suddenly blooming.

And what's even more frightening is not just this, its roots are also spreading to the surroundings.

The tangled tentacles rolled through the street like a waterfall, indiscriminately harvesting every life it targeted, whether it was a human, a mouse, or a cockroach.

Destroy it——

Inferior race.

The rolling cloud of spores let out a silent groan, mixing anger into the silent killing.

The soldiers retreated in fear, or fired in vain with their rifles, trying to block the tide of tentacles.

That...should be the mother nest of mutant slime mold? !

But why does it appear here! ?

The terrifying existence was beyond the awareness and understanding of the soldiers present.

Although there are also scattered mutant slime mold mother nests in the Batoya province controlled by the Southern Legion and around the great desert, they are basically distributed in inaccessible pre-war ruins and wilderness.

In just a dazed effort, a scarlet tentacle whipped towards a soldier, lifting him up to a height of ten meters in the air amid the latter's miserable howl, and then was chopped into two pieces by a heavy blow, turning him into a soldier. It caused a rain of minced meat and blood all over the sky!

The soldiers squatting behind the bunker were dumbfounded, not knowing how to fight against such a terrifying thing.

And just when the wave was about to sweep over them, a Chimera armored vehicle suddenly came out from the side.

All the soldiers retreated into their bunkers, listening to the banging 37mm cannons ringing overhead.

However, the deadly armor-piercing incendiary bomb did not fall into their bunker.

A new recruit cautiously took out the Iron Fist rocket launcher, pulled out the safety bolt and prepared to attack, but was stopped by the commander next to him.

On the street in the distance, thick and long traces of light were shot towards the sweeping tentacles. For a moment, the surging wave was pushed back, making the scarlet tentacles dare not approach.

At this time, deafening roars rushed through the speakers to the heads of the Southern Legion soldiers.

"What are you waiting for! This thing is killing your compatriots! Do you need your opponents to teach you how to shoot!"

Everyone woke up from a dream after hearing this, including the centurion who put his hand on the rocket launcher.

Although I don’t know what the scarlet tentacles and the pieces of flesh wrapping the World Tower are, there is at least one thing that is correct——

That guy feeds on the flesh and blood of the Velantans!

"Attention all units! Temporary truce! Point your guns at that monster!"

The centurions scattered in the ruins regained their morale, and they who had been disorganized regrouped.


The same scene was still happening in the streets around the city of Avente.

Although the battle between the Southern Army and the Union is not over yet, due to that indescribable demon, some troops have already turned their guns and made a tacit agreement to deal with the common enemy first...

At the same time, in the distant Great Rift Valley, the chief sitting in the conference room let out a faint sigh.

"History repeats itself again..."

What happened two hundred years ago can only be summed up in the same way. Both sides of the red-eye murderer pressed the button of annihilation at the same time.

The only good thing is that at least this time it's no longer a downward spiral.


The front line of the city of Avente.

Captain Baldwin, who was directing the battle, stared at the building known as the "Tower of the World" with his eyes wide open in astonishment.

That is……


There are more and more things that are incomprehensible. Perhaps he should have realized from the beginning of the "Death Agent" plan that Tire is a complete madman, and that guy's ambition will kill everyone!

Reports from the rear continued to come over the phone, and the logistics troops stationed near Yavente City were severely damaged!

At this time, his adjutant trotted over from the side. He was too late to salute and reported sweating profusely.

"Sir, Alliance air power is advancing towards our rear!"

A trace of struggle flashed in Baldwin's eyes, and after two seconds, he finally made up his mind.

"Let them pass!"

The adjutant looked at him in surprise.


Baldwin stared into his eyes and spoke in a tone that could not be refused.

"Do as I say!"

Seeing the expression that didn't look like he was joking, the adjutant held his breath, but in the end he gritted his teeth, performed a military salute, turned around and took the order.

Watching his adjutant leave, Baldwin looked at the battle map aside, and finally all his emotions turned into a long sigh.

Already lost...

Maybe he should have realized it earlier, but it was too late now.

At the very least, he had to stop the growing monster.

Otherwise, not only the glory of Marshal Julius and the hundreds of years of accumulation of the Southern Army will be turned into ruins under its rolling, but all the Willant people in the city will also have to be buried with him.

At the same time as he issued the order, Baldwin called the captain of the nearby steel airship and reported to them the situation on the ground one by one.

"The unknown organic life forms spreading from the World Tower are attacking our compatriots indiscriminately! Including our soldiers and our civilians! We must stop the exchange of fire immediately! Before it is too late!"

Some people hung up on him directly, some angrily denounced him as a traitor, but some people listened and expressed disbelief at the content of his words, and wondered whether this might be an alliance conspiracy.

This possibility cannot indeed be ruled out.

But for a coalition on the verge of victory, using sensitive biological weapons is risky and unprofitable.

Thinking of Tyr who did everything possible, it seems that there is no need to guess the cause and effect of the matter.

no doubt--

That's another "strange move" that doesn't follow the rules.

And as always, Till screws up and lets everything spiral out of control.

Some captains tried to contact their superiors, but their superiors were also in confusion at the moment.

Not only did the commander of the Tire Army lose news, but their chief of staff August also had no idea where he was.

The command system of the Southern Army was in chaos, and some people finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Three of the eight remaining steel airships flew white flags, and soon the number became five. Even two of them simply turned their gun muzzles under Baldwin's order and aimed their 100mm artillery at the constant The "mother nest" that spreads wildly.

And this behavior also completely angered the monster. It was still restrained before and went completely berserk. It also brought those airships hovering at low altitude into the attack range, forcing them to put away their anchor chains and move away from the Tower of the World. direction shift.

Alliance anti-aircraft forces did not fire on the airships, even though the phaser cannons on the suburban train were aimed at them.

The top priority now is to deal with the rampaging unknown life form!

At the same time, on the Viper transport plane hovering in the center of Yavent City, Quitting, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Lao Bai sitting beside him and said hurriedly.

"Luo Yu just posted on the forum... He said that thing is not a brood nest!"

Lao Bai was stunned for a moment.

"Not the Brood?! What else could it be?"

Quit smoking and shook his head, speaking quickly.

"I don't know... He only said that thing is not a mother's nest, but he did not say that it is not a mutant slime mold. Xiaoyu can't figure out what it is. It's a bit like a fruiting body with independent consciousness... Well, what he said is messy anyway. ! Said that only by destroying the brain hidden in this reply can we devour it!"

Lao Bai stared at him seriously.

"So there is still a way to swallow it?"

Quit smoking, swallowed, and nodded hastily.

"Half and half is said to be Xiaoyu who said it."

"Anyway, one thing is for sure, that thing is something that none of us have ever seen."

The murderous dagger looked solemn and cursed.

"Damn... I might have to get the data from the 'Tower of the World' to figure out what this thing is."

Get the data in the World Tower...

After quitting smoking, I glanced at the building outside the cabin that was wrapped in a flesh-red carpet, and felt a numbness in my scalp.

"How the hell do you get in this thing?"

"Have you figured out how to do it! There are too many hands on this thing! I won't be able to stop it!" The [Kidney Fighter] squatting beside the cabin held the 40 airborne grenade launcher with both hands and directed it towards the The tentacles pierced the transporter one by one and fired.

Facing the high-explosive grenade with metallic hydrogen charge, the thick tentacles were blown up one after another, but they still couldn't hold back the huge number that surged up!

The pilot relied on his superb driving skills to dodge left and right, but this was not a long-term solution.

Thoughts were running rapidly in Lao Bai's mind.

At this moment, Fang Chang's voice suddenly came from the communication channel.

"The 2,000,000th Army of the Southern Army has surrendered. Lao Bai, can you hear me here?"

Lao Bai said with a grin.

"You can hear that they surrendered? Does that mean our ground troops can enter?"

Fang Chang said in a serious tone.

"That's what I mean, but you have also seen the situation on the front line. It is almost impossible to push the ground troops all the way. Even if it succeeds, the casualties will be too high-"

Lao Bai: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and just tell me what to do!"

Hearing Lao Bai's urging voice, Fang Chang said without hesitation.

"Same as when we were in Qingquan City, jump in and fuck them!"

Lao Bai was stunned for a moment.

"Jump... down?"

Fang Chang did not explain, but continued in a decisive tone.

"According to the information provided by Captain Baldwin, Tire should... no, he is on the 68th floor."

At the same time as he finished speaking, a white column of smoke suddenly passed through the sky above Yavente City and hit the "Tower of the World" squarely in the waist!

That was an anti-ship cruise missile launched from the South China Sea Alliance's "Harpoon" cruiser!

The flashing white light burned through the scarlet creep and the alloy wall under the creep in an instant, and the deafening explosion blew up into the clouds along with the spreading shock wave!

The "devil" waving its tentacles let out a cry of pain, and the wound caused by the cruise missile was also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time that the missile hit, Fang Chang's voice came from the communication channel.

"Now! Hurry!"

Without any time to hesitate, Lao Bai reached out and grabbed the seat on the back of the pilot, shouting loudly in front of him.

"Get closer to the center of the explosion! Quick!"

Although the pilot was nervous, he still gritted his teeth and complied. He moved and dodged a few times to avoid the speeding tentacles, and used the cover of the explosion smoke to rush to the location where the missile hit.

Crimson tentacles had covered the wound, and the monster was consciously moving metal materials from the building to block the gap.

Of course, the Kidney Fighter squatting next to the cabin would not give it a chance. He howled "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch," added a buff to the grenade launcher in his hand, and then fired a bunch of high-explosive shells at it, destroying the grenade launcher. The tentacles pierced into pieces!

Shocking wounds were exposed, and also exposed were the structures inside the Tower of the World that were not completely eroded!


The painful howl sounded again, shaking the glass of the cockpit.

"We can't stay here for long!" the pilot yelled through gritted teeth, trying to stabilize the aircraft and keep it hovering. "The most I can do is get closer to here -"

Before he could finish his words, Lao Bai, who was wearing the "Dragon Cavalry" power armor, was already running in two steps, jumping towards the exposed breach.

The tentacles that were waiting for an opportunity were about to step forward to stop him, but before he could even touch the edge of the powered armor, they were blown into pieces by a shuttle of high-explosive grenades.

"Old Bai! I'll cover you!" The Kidney Fighter squatting on the edge of the cabin shouted excitedly.

At the same time, Lao Bai's feet had already stepped on the floor of the 68th floor of the "Tower of the World".

The scarlet creep was turned into flesh by the steel armor, and a burning hot-melt cutting ax still slipped into his hand.

At the same time, the bolter with a thick wrist was also loaded with a crisp sound.

A tentacle struck him from the corner of the room like lightning, but before it got even ten meters away, it was blown to pieces by a high-explosive bomb!

Bolter guns are not just capable of firing bolt grenades. Jushi Military Industry has long ago designed a series of anti-infantry warheads without safe distances for this equipment to address the problem of safe distances.

And these special warheads are still useful even in narrow battlefields!

"Well, thank you... I'll leave the rest to me. You can retreat first."

The damaged gap is closing, and the remaining passage can no longer accommodate the second person to come in——

Unless there is another anti-ship missile.

However, that is no longer necessary.

Lao Bai could feel that the powerful aura was here, on the floor he was on, not far from him.

But there was no fear in his heart.

As the player with the highest combat power in the entire server, he is confident that he can defeat all opponents standing in front of him in a 1v1 PK.

Even if it’s an opponent I’ve never seen before—

It’s not him that should be feared, it’s it!

"Come out, Tyr, it can only be you... Let me see how much power you have in your hands."

After cutting off three tentacles attacking him in succession, Lao Bai waved the melt cutting ax in his hand and strode toward the damaged laboratory door.

Standing deep in the laboratory on the 68th floor, Tyr's face froze slightly with his eyes closed tightly, and his ugly face instantly became distorted like a boiling swamp.

It is true that he has not fully grasped the power in his hands. For example, at this moment, he cannot concentrate on dealing with the traitors and Alliance soldiers outside, while concentrating on facing this bird that flew into his nostrils.

But if this little fly arrogantly thinks that it is like a god and he can't deal with it, then it would really be ridiculous.

To him, it was just a bug crushed to death!

"Who allowed you to stand here -"

Before he could finish his words, an alloy door panel cut into two sections hit him like a cannonball.

Caught off guard, Tire could only dodge, but when he raised his head again, he saw that the man wearing steel armor and carrying a short ax was already standing in front of him, and the unedged ax blade was burning. A scorching light.

"No one asked you if you allowed it."

"I did it myself!"

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