This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 970 Heavenly Man

To be honest, although there is no concept of guarantee for the expansion pack lottery of "Wasteland OL", the randomness is really random. There is no saying that "whoever is more suitable for a certain piece of equipment will be easier to draw." .

However, precisely because it is truly random, even if the "overall explosion rate" is consistent with the normal function distribution, it is inevitable that a few non-chiefs with extremely dark faces and inhumane European emperors will appear.

Once this happens, managers can only take the initiative to provide benefits to non-chiefs.

As for Ou Huang, forget it.

If you draw it, you can draw it. You can't take it back to others, right?

Although he was occasionally a bit sinister, Chu Guang asked himself that he was still more principled in doing things.

The first is not to renege on promises, the second is not to settle accounts later, and the third is to use the power of rules when they can.

But to be honest, this Quan Shui guy is really outrageous sometimes. Even he, the real mastermind behind the fake plan who knows the "inside story of the game", can't help but wonder if this guy is playing tricks.

The same goes for my blackest brother. His face is as dark as if he had committed some sin in his previous life...

In the study room on the B4 floor of the shelter, Chu Guang was leaning on the sofa, drinking black tea with milk and browsing the forum.

At this moment, my blackest brother, who was so negative just a second ago, is holding a screenshot of "Golden Legend" and bursting into tears of joy - or showing off.

However, my darkest brother didn't know that he drew the golden legend not because of some "turn of fortune" or because he washed his hands before holding the mouse, but because the great benevolent A Guang manually sent him compensation.

"Xiaoqi, tell me the truth, is this guy really able to draw twenty ramen coupons in a row just by virtue of his ability?"

Xiao Qi, who was sitting in the pen holder, had a helpless expression on her face.

"Master, don't you believe Xiao Qi?"

Chu Guang drank the red tea, shook his head and said.

"That's not true. It's just that this guy's face is so dark that it makes people feel distressed. His ability has lowered our credibility."

There are always people saying on forums that there is a shady secret in the expansion pack lottery, but in fact there is no such thing at all. At most, if you are too unfaithful or too crazy, you may not be able to get a "visa" to enter another world - that is, a helmet.

And to be fair, he and Quan Shui were not familiar with each other outside of the game. If they were to engage in shady activities, that guy wouldn't be able to get involved.

But objectively speaking, there are actually only a few cases where people have bad faces, and the vast majority of players still draw a lot of good things based on their ability.

Due to the recent surge in the soft and hard power of the alliance, the reward pool for players has also become increasingly rich.

In addition to the high-tech equipment produced by the shelter's own drawings and processing centers, it also includes equipment commissioned by some companies and their subsidiaries for testing, as well as experimental equipment jointly designed by the alliance's scientific expedition team and relevant units.

For example, plasma cutters, magnetic slingshots, neural acceleration modules, portable rocket launchers, etc.

The overall significance of these equipment is greater than the actual combat significance. It is difficult to play a role on the frontal battlefield, but it still has certain practical value in wasteland adventures.

For example, if you add a rocket launcher and reinforced tendon prosthesis to some "resource points" that cannot be reached by normal means, you might be able to fly - or jump on them.

Another example is the plasma knife that requires continuous irradiation to cut through the target. It may not be stronger than the Deathclaw's claws, but it may be able to scare the Deathclaw when it is revealed.

In addition, some well-received and combat-tested equipment will also be mass-produced as planned and installed in the in-game mall for players to purchase.

But generally speaking, only players can use that kind of thing.

If it were other wastelanders, they would have to be strong enough.

Chu Guang walked around the forum and looked at the talents who were doing their jobs with the reward props. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, grinning secretly from ear to ear.

At this time, Xiao Qi, who was sitting in the pen holder, suddenly raised his head and said in a pleasant voice.

"Master, the director of the Academy's Investigation Department would like to talk to you... about the scientific research ship they lost in Avent City and the 'pseudo brood' of the 'Tower of the World'."

The Pseudo Brood is the name of the Alliance Biological Research Institute.

According to Xiaoyu, that thing actually has little to do with the mutant slime mold nest.

Judging from the various performances of the academy, they obviously have some information that the alliance does not know.

But this group of people has always been like this, extremely sensitive to technology, even if it is a "direction" other than technology itself.

Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of interest in his eyes.

It seems that this scientific research ship means more to the academy than I imagined.

As A-level researchers, the directors of the four major departments are already considered members of the core circle within the academy.

Further up are Mu Bei, the only S-class chief technology officer, and Dr. Conclusion, who stands behind the chief technology officer.


Xiaoqi: "He has arrived near Dawn City. I would like to ask you when you will be free?"

Have you all arrived?

Putting the teacup in his hand back on the tray on the table, Chu Guang motioned to X-16 who was waiting to take it away for him, and stood up from the sofa.

"Ask him to wait for me in Conference Hall 1 of the Alliance Building."

Alliance Building, Conference Hall 1.

A middle-aged man about 40 years old was sitting at the conference table.

His appearance looks unremarkable, the kind that would be hard to find in a crowd. The silver-white researcher uniform is also a common style in the academy.

The staff standing nearby came forward and poured him a cup of coffee.

The man said thank you softly, and then sat there motionless, waiting quietly.

Not long after, footsteps were heard outside the conference room, and then the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Looking at Chu Guang coming in from the door, the man stood up from the conference table and said politely.

"Hello, dear administrator, I am Qi Liu, the director of the investigation department of the college. I'm sorry to bother you during your busy schedule without prior appointment."

"Mr. Qi, you're welcome. I happen to be taking a rest. I don't have anything else to do and there's no need to disturb you. Please sit down."

Chu Guang smiled and nodded, then pulled out his chair and sat across from the conference table.

Seeing Chu Guang take his seat, Qi Liu, who was reserved, also sat down.

The staff on the side came over quietly and poured a cup of black tea for Chu Guang.

Without wasting time on small talk, Chu Guang got straight to the point and spoke.

"I heard from my assistant that you have more information you want to add to us about the missing scientific research ship and the unauthorized investigation activities it was conducting in Yavent City at that time?"

Listening to those slightly stinging words, Qi Liu did not hide it, but simply admitted it.

"Yes, but please believe that we are not concealing relevant clues out of malicious intent."

After speaking, he took out a holographic computer pen from his arms and placed it on the conference table, then gently pushed it forward.

Looking at the holographic computer pen that slid to the center of the conference table, Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at the staff aside.

The latter walked to the conference table with understanding, took the holographic computer pen for Chu Guang, and then exited the conference room.

Chu Guang reached out and pressed on the computer pen, and a light blue holographic beam quickly spread out on the conference table.

What appeared in the holographic beam was a document that included the evaluation, analysis and identification conclusion of the biological weapon used by Tyr in the decisive battle.

However, perhaps due to the loss of data, the entire content in the report is qualitative analysis and lacks quantitative analysis.

After reading the document from beginning to end, Chu Guang's raised eyebrows couldn't help but show a hint of interest.

"Gaia's seed?"

"Or, Gaia-like lifeforms," ​​Qi Liu said in a serious tone, looking at the expression on Chu Guang's face, "This is the name we call the biological weapons used by Tyr... You should have realized that It’s something different from the mutant slime mold mother nest.”


Chu Guang nodded, flicked his index finger in the air, and turned off the holographic screen in front of him.

"But in our opinion, the mutant slime mold's nest is obviously more threatening, and Tyr's little trick is a little less interesting... Of course, maybe you can provide us with some different insights?"

"That's why I came here," Qi Liu nodded slightly and continued with a serious expression, "Such misunderstandings arise because you lack understanding of Gaia and only distinguish their threats based on their strength and weakness. The extent is contrary to scientific standards. Of course... we who blocked this part of the news also bear a certain responsibility for this."

There was a hint of apology in his voice.

That might be an apology.

Chu Guang didn't speak, he just looked at the director of the college's Investigation Department and motioned him to continue talking.

The latter paused for a moment before continuing.

"That was a long time ago, longer than the Wasteland Era or even the Three Years War... When the colonists who arrived at Nanmen 2 realized that the planet under their feet was a 'living planet', the colony's researchers An in-depth investigation of Gaia was conducted. The results of the investigation were beyond all of our expectations. What is before us is a hive civilization that we have never seen before."

"According to the research reports sent back from the colonies, it was a stagnant society. Whether they fell from a higher civilization to their current position, or slowly climbed from a lower civilization to their current height, they have in fact Loss of the ability to spiral upward or downward.”

Chu Guang nodded.

"The Alliance Academy of Social Sciences has a similar report."

Qi Liu said.

"I have read it. The report was well written, even by the standards of the academy."

Chu Guang smiled and said.

"Thanks for the compliment."

"There is no praise, this is a fact," Qi Liu looked at Chu Guang seriously and continued, "Although Gaia has lost the motivation to continue social evolution, its existence still brings us huge revelations. Inspired by that report and related research, the People's Federation has experienced technological explosions of varying degrees in the fields of biology, aerospace physics, and sociology, including the mind interference technology you are using, which is a product of that period."

Chu Guang had heard of this.

The administrator's diary of Vault 401 in the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City mentioned that psychic interference technology was originally developed to replace the infrasonic fence that drives away alien creatures.

This technology unexpectedly opened the door to a new world and established a communication bridge between humans and Gaia who were originally unable to communicate.

Currently, many players in the league use this set of equipment to communicate with Xiaoyu's fruiting bodies.

Of course, this technology also caused a lot of commotion at the time. For example, it was used by an unscrupulous company to promote goods, and it was therefore reviewed by the Scientific Ethics Committee.

Looking at Chu Guang who was lost in memories, Qi Liu continued.

"The role of force is mutual, and so is the exchange between civilizations. We have learned a lot from Gaia that we have never seen before, and Gaia has also shown us the complex social forms and individual consciousness that we have It was a huge shock. After all, before we set foot on that land, He had always played with himself. Only occasionally would meteorites fall from the sky, bringing with them a few little lives that He had never seen and were not very interesting. .”

"No matter what the reason was for the Gaia civilization to abandon its original social form and possible individual consciousness, it really does not remember before the mutation critical point - that is, the 'big one' mentioned in the report of your alliance's Academy of Social Sciences. Blast' before that happened."

"And our birth allowed Him to see another possibility in the universe - He began to think about what his children would look like if he had a 'child', and what his parents would look like if he had parents. .”

Chu Guang said thoughtfully.

“He took an interest in the way our heritage is inherited.”

Qi Liu nodded slowly.

"This was controversial in the academic circles at the time. Some people believed that helping him understand human society could promote communication between us, promote social progress, and maybe make him a loyal friend of mankind. While other people They believe that awakening a prehistoric giant is a dangerous thing. It may live longer than the history of human existence, and we may be eaten by it.”

Chu Guang nodded.

"It's certainly cause for concern."

In fact, His children have eaten many people, many in Qingquan City alone.

The reason why Xiaoyu can integrate into the alliance's society is actually more of the wastelanders' compromise with the real environment——

It is no longer realistic to completely eliminate the mutant slime mold. The slime mold did not explode even when the War and Construction Committee exploded.

Those little guys have become part of the ecosystem just like the alien species. Instead of launching a war with no visible results, it is better to think about how to control them and turn waste into treasure.

Qi Liu continued.

"On the one hand, conservative scholars have improved legislation through the Scientific Ethics Committee in an attempt to curb technological out-of-control in various fields. However, the other group of radical scholars...or as you call them, left-wing scholars have extended a helping hand to him and passed The technology humans learned from Him helped Him clone His children.”

Chu Guang said with a wry smile.

"This... is really a bold idea."

In contrast, the radical faction of the alliance is simply too conservative. At most, they have a little too much sympathy for the Borneo people, and they are worried that they will not be able to chew even if they have food in their mouths.

Qi Liu nodded.

"Indeed, even in that open-minded society at that time, which could tolerate gender modification through genetic technology and marriage with androids, it was too avant-garde to give Gaia a child... After all, it is another species."

"Not to mention the uncontrollable risks that may arise from the experiment, there is also a lot of moral controversy in the experiment itself. Since Gaia itself does not have the ability to split a second personality, they had to use a person with a complete The human volunteer of the mind serves as the provider of the mind...even if the volunteer is volunteering.”


Why does this sound so familiar?

Chu Guang's expression suddenly became a little subtle, and he thought of Luo Yu for some reason.

However, there were mostly errors in that matter, and there are still some differences when looking carefully.

Qi Liu didn't notice the subtle expression on Chu Guang's face, but continued seriously.

"Although everyone thought they were crazy at the time, what a coincidence... Due to Gaia's active cooperation, this experiment, which everyone thought was no different from being crazy, ended up unexpectedly achieving results. success."

"In this way, a Gaia with the citizenship of the People's Federation was born. It is a new life form completely determined by ideology. Defining it by gender, age, and skin color are all superficial. It can grow as long as it wants to fly. If you grow wings, you can grow gills if you want to swim long as there are enough nutrients in the environment."

“Some people cheered this, believing that if this technology is applied to the field of planetary transformation, it will provide more habitable planets for humans, while others expressed nervousness that humans will no longer be human, but become myths. monster."

"But anyway, this technology has been invented... Before we completed our own monument 'Gestalt Life Form', we first completed someone else's monument - 'Amorphous Life Form'. This is the evolutionary tree Another possibility, philosophically speaking, is that since I am Him, He is the whole.”

A trace of astonishment appeared on Chu Guang's face.

"...Is this the seed of Gaia?"

The BOSS that his Lao Bai killed with one ax was actually such an awesome thing? !

Qi Liu looked at him seriously and nodded.

"A manipulative war madman turned into a monster covered with tentacles. He no longer needs aircraft, artillery and tanks. If you give him enough time and let him swallow the entire province of Batoya, he himself can become an army... But fortunately, he did not give up the last line until you forced him to the edge. And you also dealt with it in a timely manner, leaving no chance for them. "

Chu Guang coughed slightly and said.

"...I think it may just be that he doesn't know what the technology he has is, and there is no reason for the Enlightenment Society to fully explain it to them."

"Enlightenment meeting..." Qi Liu smiled for some reason, shook his head and said, "What do KB elements like that who can't stand on the stage know? At most, they are worthy of being used as pawns."

Chu Guang frowned slightly.

"...You mean, it's the 'celestial beings' who control all this?"

Descendants of the expeditionary force staying at Lagrange Point Starport...

An extraterrestrial force that seems to have taken over the remnants of the Torch Church.

So these people gave Tyr the last super weapon? !

Through the hands of the Enlightenment...

Looking at Chu Guang who was deep in thought, Qi Liu slowly nodded and confessed the secret they had never revealed on behalf of the academy.


"They are the only ones who have both the technical information of the Human Alliance and the technical information of the colonies... They are also the only survivor force that has mastered the 'Seed of Gaia'."

"If they can still be called survivors now." (End of Chapter)

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