This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 974 The old guy burst into gold coins!

Dawn City Nuclear Power Plant, power generation room.

Blue and green signals alternated on the console screen, and bursts of low white noise echoed in the spacious space.

An old reactor is located in the center of the factory building, and there is a dark crowd surrounding the reactor.

The faded logo and production serial number make this reactor look quite antique, but the streamlined cast shell and exquisite design are still quite remarkable.

It’s not just the league itself that thinks so.

Even the engineer from Ideal City thinks so.

It is precisely because of this that the residents of the shelter fished out this [spare reactor] from the deepest part of the Xizhou City subway line and built a power station for it. This reactor has been working as the heart of the alliance industry. .

Even more than that, this reactor also serves as a demonstration teaching material for researchers at Camp 101 to learn and refer to.

It is precisely because of these many auras that Wang Zhengyi, the nuclear fusion engineer at Dawn City Power Station, showed off this great achievement.

Although the managers asked them to learn from the academy, they can't be looked down upon, right?

Besides, if the students’ things are good enough, then the teachers can show more real skills in teaching!

Of course, Master Wang's true inner thoughts are not that complicated. He just wants to represent the alliance and show off in front of the college.

However, what he didn't expect was that after seeing this "crystal of civilization in the prosperous era", the young boy in his twenties only curled up the corners of his mouth in a nonchalant manner, and even showed no face at all. He gave me a few words of ridicule.

Master Wang's face was as red as a lantern, and the colleagues next to him looked at him worriedly, fearing that this guy wouldn't be able to control his blood pressure.

However, the young man named Zhong Jingchu had no intention of stopping at all, and even added a stab at the end without hesitation.

"So original."

"You are so primitive!" Wang Zhengyi choked back and said angrily, "You guys are awesome! You are amazing! What can I use to ignite without laser ignition?"

Zhong Jingchu smiled lightly and said slowly.

"We don't ignite, we cold start."

Wang Zhengyi was stunned for a moment, as if a basin of cold water was poured on his head.

"……Cold start?"

He had heard people from the company say this word, including experts from Camp 101, but neither party recommended choosing this technical route, even if it was more energy-saving and efficient.

The reason is simple.

Although controllable fusion is a non-renewable resource before the resumption of Earth-moon flights, there are also many leftover reserves from the Prosperity Era that can be found in the wasteland.

The current scale of industrial production activities on the surface is still insufficient compared to the economic crisis period of the old era, and there is no need to consider frugality at all.

There is no need to consider it for at least fifty years.

Looking at the confused old engineer, Zhong Jingchu did not answer immediately. Instead, he took a bottle of mineral water from the hand of the android assistant on the side, unscrewed the bottle cap and poured two splashes on the ground.

This time, not only the old engineer had a confused look on his face, but other engineers at Dawn City Nuclear Power Plant also showed confused looks, not knowing what this guy wanted to do.

Facing those confused eyes, Zhong Jingchu continued in an easy-to-understand manner.

"...The most efficient way to fuse two metal balls is not to put them on a press, but to melt them."

"The same goes for atoms. Whether it is laser ignition, inertial collision, or indirect ignition... they are all methods from the early prosperous era or even the old era."

"This is actually understandable."

"After all, in an era when we still know nothing about the nature of the four basic forces, we can only imagine in our minds a conceptual 'forge' and a skilled 'smith', using the roughest and most brutal An inefficient way of smelting, beating and destroying the atomic nucleus, forcing it to release the energy hidden within it.”

"When our professor discovered the existence of gravitons, everything changed drastically. At first we continued to use laser technology, but it was no longer used for ignition, but to polarize atoms to form special bonding states between two distance between atoms. Later we found a way to directly use graviton interference force fields, and then we tried to weaken the repulsion between atoms and break the balance of repulsion and attraction... And later, we A miracle occurred that no one expected.”

"Atoms are fused together like water."

Hearing this, an engineer muttered.

"Isn't it just a graviton? It goes around in so many circles... But even if it is a graviton, doesn't it still have to input energy first?"

Several other engineers had similar opinions.

The energy consumed to drive gravitons is not low, and it may not necessarily be cheaper than laser ignition.

"Yes, there is a give and a take, and the energy for ignition is inevitable," Zhong Jingchu nodded, and suddenly changed the topic and said, "But by interfering with the force field, we can further reduce the energy for ignition and maintaining the reaction. "

"The object of our intervention is not an airship as big as the Heart of Steel, but just a few reacting atoms. The energy consumed is more than an order of magnitude lower than using lasers to heat plasma... and it is more stable and efficient."

"Going back to the miracle I mentioned before, we discovered that the method of combining atoms through gravitons caused the originally violent fusion reaction to occur under mild least at the first moment it was extremely mild."

"And that's what's called a cold start."

Looking at the engineers who were listening attentively, Zhong Jingchu smiled lightly and continued speaking at a gentle pace.

"Based on similar technical principles, researchers from the People's Federation have also discovered a series of more convenient and efficient methods such as how to maintain the fusion reaction at normal temperature and pressure, and how to make the fusion reaction proceed more gently."

"Including the portable reactor you made through the black box, it was actually born during this process."


Except for a few nuclear engineers, the staff and unrelated people who gathered in front of the reactor to watch the excitement could not help but applaud.

Although the nuclear engineers from the alliance did not applaud, they all had expressions of admiration on their faces.

Although they learned some reactor maintenance techniques from Camp 101, as wastelanders they really don't know where these techniques came from.

Even their teacher, the professor at Camp 101, may not know.

After all, the teachers in Vault 101 don't teach everything.

The young man made up for their knowledge blind spots, and in a few words, he recounted a period of history that almost all the wastelanders had forgotten.

From technical principles.

To the origin that is closer to the essence than the principle!

Although he admired this boy's profound knowledge, Master Wang was not completely convinced, only half-convinced.

I admire you, no matter how many cliches you talk about, they are just things that have happened before.

These memories serve neither as fuel nor as a shell for the reactor.

He was more concerned with practical things.

"The experiments I mentioned are just like the ones you did." Wang Zhengyi held it in for a long time and finally got something out of his mouth.

Zhong Jingchu said with a slight smile.

"It is true that I did not do the experiments, but we have done every experiment ourselves, and not only do I clearly remember every detail, but I also know 'why it is like that'."

Wang Zhengyi held his breath, and his eyes gradually became fanatical.

"Is this true?"

Zhong Jingchu nodded with a smile and spoke in a gentle tone.

"Of course it's true, and my mentor said it's time to hand this legacy over to you."

"About where these technologies come from, how to use them, and how to experiment and improve on the basis of predecessors."

After hearing these words, Master Wang lost his temper and was completely convinced.

And his face, which had turned the color of pig liver, regained its cheerful expression.

Mr. Manager is indeed not kidding, those guys from the college have two skills!

Of course he would not be happy if an expert of the same rank tried to show off to him.

Besides, he couldn't accept it psychologically for a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties to bow his head to a young man in his early twenties.

However, after this conversation, he was sure that this guy was much stronger than him, and had even stood on the atmosphere... There was no comparison between the two sides.

If he could learn some real skills from the academy, he wouldn't mind lowering his head.

At worst, you'll learn how to show off to the people in the company.

Just when Wang Zhengyi was thinking this, the other engineers' faces were already full of eager expressions, and they were completely surrendered.

"Brother, that cold ignition... bah, you have to teach us how to not ignite it!"

"Oh, why didn't I think of this!"

"Brother, please give me some advice!"

"Brother, if you don't mind, I'll call you master!"

Looking at these wastelanders who were thirsty for knowledge, Zhong Jingchu smiled calmly.

Although he could hardly hold the gun down at the corner of his mouth, he still maintained the expression of a master from outside the world accepting his disciples.

"You're welcome."

"I'll tell you everything I know!"

In addition to the employees of the nuclear power plant, the melon-eating crowd surrounding the reactor also included a few players who were idle and fishing.

Although under normal circumstances, no players would go to a facility like this with a background board, but it is obviously not the normal situation recently.

The college sent a team of experts to the alliance, and this matter made the headlines in Dawn City's "Survivor Daily"!

Although the academy has sent researchers and prospectors to Shuguang City a long time ago, the number is rare after all, and they are always elusive. Unless they accept the mission of the scientific expedition team, it is difficult to encounter them.

It is precisely because of this that when they heard that this group of researchers was hanging around the nuclear power plant, they both ran over to join in the fun.

This is much more interesting than the mammoths in the zoo!

In fact, this is indeed the case.

After watching this show of pretense, [Single-player jungler] couldn't help but applaud along with the group of NPCs.

"Oh my god, these people from the academy can still pretend!"

[The Beaten Shooter] looked at him.

"Are you talking about installing nuclear fusion?"

Single-player jungler: "What about nuclear fusion? I'm talking about showing off."

The shooter who was beaten: "Pfft——"

[Hunger Strike mid laner], who had been silent all this time, just giggled and suddenly interjected.

"I found out that there are quite a few arrogant people in the academy."

"For example, that...Jiang Xuezhou?" The single-player jungler thought for a long time. It seems that this is the only academy researcher who remembers his name, and he heard about it accidentally on the forum.

The mid laner in the hunger strike stream said in embarrassment.

"And Yin Fang."

The beaten shooter: "?"

Single-player jungler: "?"

Hunger strike mid laner: "Hey, don't you think? Although my mouth is tough, my body is very honest."

Single-player jungler: "No, I just think there's something wrong with you..."

Hunger strike mid laner: "...?"

On the other side, the android engineers in Vault 100 were also whispering to each other.

They are not experts in nuclear fusion research, but they are somewhat familiar with various models of fusion reactors. They can tell that the researcher named Zhong does have two skills.

At this moment, the young man named Zhong Jingchu had already talked about the core difficulties of fusion reactor cold start technology from the history of science, as well as the main ideas for solving the problem.

Not only the alliance's nuclear engineers' eyes lit up when they heard it, but the [Doomsday Lone Wolf] who knew nothing about nuclear fusion was also fascinated by it and his mouth watered.

But it's a pity.

The former can at least get a clue, while the latter is just listening to the excitement. After coming back to his senses, he realizes that he has listened to it and he has not listened. He who knows nothing is still ignorant.

He looked back from a distance without finishing his thoughts, and the lone wolf of the apocalypse said with emotion on his face.

"P! It's a pity that I studied automation... By the way, Professor Yan, you are engaged in physics. Can you tell me about that cold fusion reactor... is it reliable?"

Feeling the heat contained in his sight, Kuangfeng sighed and said.

"I'm just a person who studies physics, not a god... Don't think too much, let alone try to bring out the Era of Prosperity in one bite. Lay the foundation first."

Not to mention advanced things like cold start and cold fusion reactors. According to the standards in the game world, real fusion technology does not even have the concept of "controllable".

The two are not even the same thing, and the technical principles they rely on are completely different.

The lone wolf in the apocalypse still had an expression of unwillingness to give up, and couldn't help but say while looking at Guangfeng who was shaking his head.

"It's always possible to have some inspiration, right? For example, technical routes or something..."

"Are you talking about the technical route for cold start of nuclear fusion?" Kuangfeng couldn't help laughing for a moment, looking at his colleague and said, "Let me put it this way, in the high-energy physics community, there has always been a conjecture about the unification of the four fundamental forces. Many mathematicians and physicists have struggled with this, even their whole lives."

The lone wolf in the apocalypse looked at him blankly. Seeing that there was no further explanation for a long time, he couldn't help but ask.

"……Then what?"

Kuangfeng was silent for a while, then turned his attention to the researcher not far away.

"That's just a guess for us."

"And in the game world...that is, here, the 'gravitons' that conform to the grand unified theory can be 'touched'."

"Do you know what this means?"

The lone wolf in the apocalypse looked at him blankly.

"……have no idea."

Kuangfeng stared at him for a while, sighed, and looked away.

"……forget it."

Lone wolf in the apocalypse: "???"

His good brother Fang Chang always feels that "Wasteland OL" is not like a simple game world, but more like a living world, but as a physicist, he has a different view.

Just from the perspective of a physicist, he felt that this place was more like another universe.

The physical laws in reality are not completely applicable here, or they only apply within a limited range.

The further one enters the microscopic realm, the greater the probability of this phenomenon occurring.

For example, in the most classic double-slit interference experiment, the requirements for instrument accuracy in the game world of "Wasteland OL" are higher than in reality, and this also means that the "uncertainty" of the microscopic world here is smaller.

The reverse is that the Planck constant in the world of "Wasteland OL" is smaller than the Planck constant in reality, even if the offset is so small that it is almost impossible to calculate, or it is infinitesimal in a mathematical sense.

But even if it is infinitesimal, it is different.

This is actually a very scary thing to think about.

A smaller Planck constant means that the size of the quanta is smaller, the probability of quantum effects occurring is smaller, the universe is more stable, and there are fewer uncertainties.

Give an easy-to-understand example.

If the God who generates everything in the world is compared to a computer, or a graphics card with limited computing power but a large graphics card, then there are two gods a and a, respectively using their own computing power to generate two different worlds a and a.

Among them, a can only generate models of cities and citizens, and the pores on the citizens are blurred. Only when the camera zooms in on the citizens' faces, the pores will be generated immediately, and they will not exist before the observation behavior occurs. Pixels belonging to pores.

Even in places that cannot be observed by the camera, the "little people" generated in World A will occasionally pass through the wall... which is commonly known as "passing through the mold."

The B graphics card is different. It can not only generate the pores of a city and citizens at the same time, but can even produce textures that can be seen under a microscope... No matter whether the observer brings his eyes so close, the textures belonging to those pixels are still there. , or that its existence does not depend on observed behavior.

In the world generated by the B graphics card, it is impossible for people to pass through walls, at least "little people" walking in the city cannot pass through molds, whether they are visible or invisible to the player.

If you want to find "mold-crossing" bugs in the world generated by b graphics cards, you have to do it on a microscopic scale that is invisible even with a microscope.

Such as Nano.

When the chip is small enough, microscopic particles such as electrons will cross the potential barrier, which is the so-called "quantum tunneling" effect.

To make an inappropriate but vivid metaphor, if the world generated by graphics card B is called "Earth OL", then the world generated by graphics card A is "Night City".

Moreover, it is a night city in countless parallel universes that is not affected by the continuous interference and observation of "Earth OL" players.

In particular, "not subject to continuous interference and influence" is extremely critical. After all, any interference can iteratively fission into n different parallel worlds in units of "frame rate". In fact, the archives of different players are indeed different. of.

At the same time, for a game world where thermodynamic experiments are impossible, "frame rate" is one of the important parameters for calculating Planck's constant.

And the Planck constant calculated based on the frame rate must be less than 1 and greater than the real Planck constant!

And it’s much bigger than that!

There is no concept of frame rate in "Wasteland OL", and the precision of both the graphics and the physics engine is much higher than that of traditional 3A masterpieces.

Not to mention thermodynamics experiments here, even nuclear tests can be done. Planck's constant can be calculated directly by applying real-life methods, and the wind is indeed calculated in this way.

In the beginning, he actually did the experiment with a playful mentality.

After all, he knew in his heart that this kind of behavior was pinching his nose to deceive his eyes. After observing his behavior, the game server would either ignore him or directly retrieve the encyclopedia data to give him the result he wanted.

However, the results of the experiment were beyond his expectation. For example, he

God disappeared.

In other words, it was hidden.

Theoretically, the Planck constant of "Wasteland OL" should be greater than that of "Earth OL", just like Los Santos in GTA5, Night City in Cyberpunk, Skyrim in Girl Scroll...

However, the calculation result is exactly the opposite——

The value of the former is infinitely close to the latter, and smaller than the latter!

No matter how many times he calculated or even repeated the experiment, the result was the same.

This means that "God B" lives in the house of "God A", and a graphics card with a lower computing power is running on a graphics card with a higher computing power... and the latter can run programs that the former cannot?

He has lived for more than thirty years, and this is the first time he has seen such an outrageous thing!

Either A Guang is targeting him!

Or maybe the aliens behind Aguang, that is, the extraterrestrial civilization speculated by the mainstream media, have targeted him and deliberately induced him to calculate such a result through a specially designed algorithm...

For a period of time, he fell into confusion and self-doubt because of his discovery. He even asked for a long leave from his workplace and went on a trip with his luggage. After adjusting his mentality for a long time, he finally recovered from the confusion of self-doubt. Walked out.

In fact, there is nothing to be confused about.

The existence or absence of matter is an objective phenomenon, but "existence" itself is determined by subjective consciousness.

After taking a look at the lone wolf of the apocalypse who was still struggling with gravitons and nuclear fusion, Kuang Feng said calmly.

"...The game world is the game world. You cannot expect to discover physical theorems in games or film and television works that have not been discovered in reality, and it is not difficult to make up a conjecture that cannot be proven or falsified."

After a pause, he stretched out his index finger to touch the bridge of his nose out of habit.

The high-profile glasses that should be placed on the bridge of the nose do not exist in the game world.

In this world, "Blast" is his name, and Iwakaze is just another person living in another world and has nothing to do with "Blast".

"Of course, due to the closeness of Planck's constant...their theory did give me some inspiration. Maybe we can find something similar to gravitons."

The lone wolf of the apocalypse looked at Professor Yanfeng blankly and said with a wry smile.

"Your speech is becoming increasingly difficult to understand..."

(PS: The book will be finished next year. It’s not a spoiler to say a few words. Guangfeng just fell into his own “well” and what he saw does not represent my outline. The two different worlds actually exist somewhere in the universe. It's just a different dimension, not a computer simulation, although it's not that mysterious. In addition, the world in Shelter 101 is a simulation, and the computing power can probably simulate a planet, which is almost the limit of Prosperity Era technology. No. 404 Vault is different from Vault 101, the former is the real "singularity".)

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