This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 978 Capture

Although Ye Shi said these words in a joking tone, he had no intention of joking at all.

The fingertips made of bionic material danced with blue electric arcs, and the bright and flickering fire was like a ghost shadow, accompanied by a crackling sound like dry wood being broken.

Flynn was speechless.

After receiving electrotherapy, he couldn't even beg for mercy. His whole body was twitching as if he had epilepsy.

In fact, if it were Lao Bai, even if the power components of the power armor were paralyzed, they would probably be useless.

However, this guy's equipment is just awesome, and his body may be just an awakener of average strength. Maybe the direction of strengthening is reflex nerves.

But having said that, this discharge ability is quite impressive!

Not only can it fire electromagnetic guns with bare hands, but it can also release electromagnetic pulses and overload circuits at close range. When it's done, it can also give electrotherapy to the opponent.

The portable reactor can provide enough energy to last an entire day if he wishes.

"Brother, why don't you say anything?"

Ye Shi, who put his hand on the exoskeleton shoulder armor, teased with a playful smile, while the man who was holding his shoulder was already twitching in the exoskeleton and rolled his eyes.

At this time, rapid footsteps were heard in the distance.

Jiang Xuezhou, who finally caught up, put his hands on his knees and shouted breathlessly.

"Ye Shi! You... don't electrocute people! You still have to ask questions... and arrest them alive!"

Ye Shi, who was playing enthusiastically, suddenly became excited and quickly withdrew his hand that danced with the electric fire.

As the electrodes were withdrawn from his body, the man's shoulders stopped shaking, but there was no movement either, and he just stood there straight.

"Holy shit, are you really fainting?!" Ye Shi was also a little frightened, mainly because he was afraid that he would have to give this guy artificial respiration in the end.

Feng Qing, who was held in mid-air by his neck, coughed and said feebly.

"...Why don't you... put me down first?"

Since her feet were not touching the ground, she was not electrocuted much, but she was almost at her limit.

She felt that if she hung up for a while, she would have to go back to Dawn City to see the manager.

"Ah! Hold on! I'll help you get down right now!"

Looking at Feng Qing, who was about to roll her eyes, Ye Shi quickly switched the arc welding device installed on the bionic arm and circumcised the "iron hand" that was holding her neck.

The electric fire jumped out loudly, and at this moment, a weak call came from the corner not far away.

"Medic! I need a medic! Cough...I'm going to die!"

Although he couldn't understand what the man was shouting, Jiang Xuezhou hurriedly ran up when he saw a wounded soldier lying next to the wall.

"I'm here to help!"

Half of his body was embedded in the twisted metal tube. Guigui, who came back online, felt as if his whole body had fallen apart, and there were not a few parts in his body that could be controlled.

That kick has at least the power of a level 50 cow and horse, right?


Maybe there are people at level 60. Her breastplate is completely recessed in the shape of a "〈".

But thanks to the protection of the exoskeleton, she only had a few broken ribs and a few bruises.

With the help of a researcher from a certain college, she finally broke free from the half-used exoskeleton.

As a dose of nano-treatment needle was inserted into her leg, she felt a warm current crawling throughout her body. Her whole body seemed to be stunned, and her originally sluggish body became less sluggish.

"Phew... I'm saved! Ah, thank you... How much does this treatment needle cost? I'll give it to you."

Hearing the heartfelt thanks, Jiang Xuezhou had an embarrassed smile on his face, waved his hands and said.

"No, no, no...our things are all exchanged for g points, no money."

At this time, Feng Qing also touched the ground with Ye Shi's help and broke free from the exoskeleton.

Both arms were broken, but the bones were not broken, just dislocated.

With Ye Shi's help, she repositioned her two arms and tied bandages to stabilize the injury.

As for thorough treatment and swelling of the injured area, it can only be left to the sleep cabin.

Although I have to lie in the hibernation cabin for a day or two, it is still better than driving back to Dawn City.

She hasn't had enough of the new map, and she and Guigui plan to visit Triumph City later.

Looking at the remains of brackets and mechanical parts scattered on the ground, Ye Shi felt a heartache in his heart.

Noticing the expression on his face, Feng Qing nodded slightly and apologized.

"Thank you...and I'm sorry for breaking your trophy."

"It's okay, it's okay, as long as everything is okay," Ye Shi waved his hand politely and said with a smile, "I'll bring it back to Boulder City and show it to Ibos, maybe Xiu Xiu can still be used... By the way, why did you come to the sewers? Already?"

Just now, he and Jiang Xuezhou walked around in the alley for a long time, but found no one from the Enlightenment Meeting, only two hooligans.

Maybe they thought they were easy to bully, so the two hooligans came up to them and asked for money. Of course, they were beaten by Ye Shi and thrown into the trash can on the roadside.

Recently, the demand for recruitment in Yavent City has been strong, and the flow of people has increased sharply. The survivors pouring into the city are of a complex composition, and if they are not guaranteed, a few guys with dirty hands and feet may get mixed in.

Although the agents of the Enlightenment Society were not caught, they taught two hooligans a lesson, which can be regarded as a contribution to the security of the city of Avente.

But not long after he finished this, Jiang Xuezhou jumped down from the manhole cover not far away.

As it turns out, his instincts were right.

And not long after he came down, Guigui, who was kicked offline, posted on the official website.

Following the sound of explosions, he quickly found this place, and then ended the battle with a sap.

Compared with the disciple he met in Vault 0, this guy's combat effectiveness was still a little weaker. He almost touched his back and was still bragging.

Feng Qing adjusted her breathing for a while and briefly explained the situation on her side.

"We received the mission from Mosquito to clear out the nests of alien species. I didn't expect that there were more than just alien species in the sewers."

After a pause, Feng Qing looked around and said with a serious expression.

"This guy is probably a disciple of the Enlightenment Society. There may be more than one here... We'd better be careful."

"Don't worry," Jiang Xuezhou confidently raised the corner of his mouth and said as he walked over from the side while supporting the injured Guigui, "I will never be attacked by someone wearing optical camouflage again in my life."

Optical camouflage can visually produce a shadow effect, but it cannot hide changes in electromagnetic fields.

Since being in danger in Shelter 0, she has installed a magnetic sensitive device on herself, which can continuously detect all working electronic components and electromagnetic wave emission sources within a radius of 20 meters.

There is no means in this world that can simultaneously perform electronic shielding and optical invisibility.

Coupled with Ye Shi's unscientific perception ability, she is 100% confident that she can nip it in the bud!

However, for some reason, Ye Shi, who was originally confident that he would never be attacked suddenly lost confidence after hearing her words, coughed and said.

"Don't be like this, I originally felt the same way...but you made me a little panicked."

Seeing this guy trying to undermine himself again, Jiang Xuezhou stared at him with raised eyebrows.

"What weird things are you saying again, Frege? I'm talking about serious things, okay!"

"Yes, yes..." After a perfunctory response, Ye Shi looked at Feng Qing and shrugged, "In short, the college has some black technology that can detect optical camouflage. Although it is not very reliable, but plus My perception talent is pretty good."

Feng Qing and Gui Gui looked at each other and said with emotion.

"Black technology..."

"so good."

Not understanding the exchange between Ye Shi and other shelter residents, Jiang Xuezhou frowned suspiciously.

"Are you secretly speaking ill of me?"

"How could it be? Am I that kind of person?" Ye Shi said dumbfounded, but the expression on Jiang Xuezhou's face became more suspicious, and he obviously didn't believe his explanation.

"Really? Then translate what you just said!"

"I said that the world of science and technology in the academy

"Hmph, you know what's going on..."

Feeling as sweet as eating chocolate, Jiang Xuezhou raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

However, the pride in her heart did not last for a second, and she saw something from the expression on the face of the girl next to her named Gui Gui, and then the upturned corners of her mouth and raised eyebrows fell together.

"Wait, you're lying! You said the same thing last time! But the pronunciation is completely different!"

She hated liars the most in her life.

Jiang Xuezhou, who realized that he had been tricked, blushed with anger and stretched out his toes to kick his calf, but the kick missed and the latter dodged.

"Hahahaha! Sorry! I was joking, hahaha! I didn't expect you to really believe it!"

Although he knew that he was smiling cheaply, he couldn't help it. Xiao Jiang's angry look was so cute that Ye Shi couldn't help laughing like a pig.

Seeing this guy's arrogant look, Jiang Xuezhou, who was just averagely angry at first, became more and more angry as he thought about it. He let go of Gui Gui's arm and chased after him.

"You guy... stop here! I'll... hit your head on the wrong side!"

"Laugh! You can touch my head first and then talk!"

Looking at the two chasing and fighting in the sewer, Feng Qing pressed his temples with a subtle expression.

Although she felt that she was already playing games inappropriately, she didn't expect that she was still insignificant compared to the top players.

This is a sewer after all.

Can't the flirting be moved to a more romantic place?

Gui Gui limped to her side and couldn't help pinching his nose with his index finger, making a feeling of distress.

"Damn it...the sewers that I was already used to have suddenly become more sour and smelly."

I was fed a mouthful of dog food when I was on the surface in the morning, but unexpectedly, I was stuffed with another mouthful when I came down.

Feng Qing sighed and glanced at her best friend helplessly.

"I finally saved you. Just bear with it."

Being choked by these words, Guigui had a sad expression on his face as if he had something to say, and finally pressed his right hand on his flat chest.

"Gu...kill me."

Feng Qing tilted his head, not quite understanding what this guy was up to.

But that's not the point.

After glancing at the disciples of the Enlightenment Society who stood there stupidly like sculptures, Feng Qing then looked at Ye Shi, who had been pushed to the ground by Jiang Xuezhou, and pointed to the side.

"Although I don't want to interrupt your game...but what should I do with this guy?"

Jiang Xuezhou blushed and stopped what he was doing. Ye Shi, who finally took a breath, tilted his head with difficulty and coughed.

"Let's take him up first... If nothing else happens, he should be the only one in the nearby stronghold. Rather than looking for it slowly, it's better to let him take us there."

He had already checked when he helped Feng Qing get off the exoskeleton. The guy they captured still had a heartbeat, and he might have woken up by now.

But he had already unplugged the battery from the exoskeleton the guy was wearing, locked the moving parts and also injected it.

Even if this guy wakes up, he can't move. He can only stand there and stare at them.

"Good idea," Feng Qing gave a thumbs up, "Then Guigui and I will go up? You... continue?"

She used Renlianyu for the second half of the sentence, in other words, it was a language that Jiang Xuezhou could understand.

Hearing the imperceptible teasing, Jiang Xuezhou gave Ye Shi a final glare, then coughed with a nonchalant expression and stood up from the ground with a red face.

"Continue, what continue? I'm going up!"

Looking at the face that was so hot that steam was almost coming out, Feng Qing couldn't help but smile like an aunt.

By the way, are all my friends in the academy so innocent?

She unconsciously thought of Boss Xia, who could quarrel with the players all afternoon.

Speaking of which, the weapon shop in Linghu Wetland Park had changed several NPCs, but the one she missed the most was the original red-haired girl.

"Then let's go up together. I'm still worried that Guigui and I can't control this guy."

Looking at Feng Qing who was about to leave, Gui Gui suddenly raised his head as if he remembered something.

"By the way, what about the mission of the alien nest? Are you going to ignore the little mouse we released just now?"

Feng Qing was stunned for a moment, apparently he had just remembered that there was this problem, and after thinking for a moment, he said.

"We'll be down in a while anyway."

"Let's wait until then to see what the little guy found."

In the pub at the door of the job market, Fang Chang, who was drinking coffee, suddenly received a call from Lao Bai.

"Has the person been caught?"

He opened his eyes in surprise, pushed away his chair and stood up.

"Okay...I'll be there soon."

Dolly, who was writing, stopped writing and cast a curious look at him.

"Have you found it yet?! So fast."

She had just wanted to try to use the power of newspapers, but she didn't expect that person had already caught it.

"In the sewer on 17th Street, there should be a fixed stronghold where they are hiding, just like the stronghold under Yongye Port. We might be able to find the clues we want in there... Of course, first we have to pry open that stronghold. The mouths of disciples.”

While speaking, Fang Chang reached out and picked up the coat draped on the back of the chair, put it on his shoulders and buttoned it tightly, looked at Dolly and said.

"I'll go over there first and should be back before evening. If you're hungry, you can order food first."

Dolly smiled and waved at him.

"Go, go, be safe on the road... Ah, by the way, remember to contact me if there is any breaking news!"

Looking at that playful expression, Fang Chang smiled gently.

"I will...and you too, try to stay as close to the military camp as possible. The security in this settlement is not very good recently, not only due to the Enlightenment Society, but also to the wastelanders from other places."

Dolly raised her eyebrows and said in a joking tone.

"How can the security situation be as bad as that of Boulder City before? Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who is easy to bully."

Fang Chang smiled and stretched out his hand to rub the fluffy emerald green hair.

"I believe it. Wait until I come back."


(Thanks to the leader of "Puppy Water spinach" for the reward!!!)

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