This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 987 Sacrifice

The players of "Wasteland Online" are famously enthusiastic, especially cloud players who are eager to grab their helmets and go out to help in person.

Shortly after Medical Miracle posted, lines of comments quickly refreshed below the post.

"It's not easy to pretend to be crazy. You just have to act like you are."

"e...have a bowl of Rexiang first?"


"It's so eye-catching! And if you secretly eat shit, your account will be banned!"

"I think it will only happen in public..."

"Damn it, why is it so difficult to pretend to be crazy? Just get up and do a section of Subject 3, and then do a section of shouting to Mai! Don't talk about NPCs, I'm sure A Guang will be confused if he peeks at the screen!"

"Pfft, I can't do it anymore, my toes have already dug out four rooms and one living room for A Guang."

Looking at those unfamiliar IDs and reservation player tags, Medical Miracle was a little confused. After browsing for a long time, there was no serious suggestion, and he almost spit out the takeaway from his mouth.

"Damn it! You guys can give me some serious advice!"

Fang Chang: "Is there a possibility that what they gave you is serious advice. (Squints)"

Medical miracle: "?"

Elf King Fugui: "What the fuck?! Elder Brother Fang?!"

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Wait a minute, aren't you in the sky? (Confused)"

Debt-eyed: "How's the mission going? Has it been completed? (Smirk)"

Irena: "That's too fast. I guess they just came down to discuss it with their teammates off the court."

An hour ago, Elder Brother Fang was pretending to be cool on the forum, saying that he was about to save the world, but he turned around and appeared on the forum again.

Everyone was surprised that this guy had the time to come to the forum to troll him while performing his mission.

Perhaps he also realized that now is not the time to fish, so Fang Chang just disappeared from the post, no matter how Aite didn't show up later.

The post quickly went viral.

The original topic was obviously about how to act crazy and act stupid, but the conversation ended up talking about synchronized orbits and the "mysterious mission" being carried out by the Burning Corps.

Medical Miracle tried to change the topic several times, and was about to succeed, but another ID appeared and bent the topic that he had finally managed to straighten.

Quit smoking: "Ugh, screwed up. (Guilty)"

The air was quiet for many seconds.

The originally lively post was like a silence spell, with no new replies for several seconds.

Just when everyone thought the server was stuck, replies came out like an avalanche.

Sisi: "...?"


Mole on the run in the canyon: "What the hell is screwed up? (Confused)"

Commander Quanshui: "You guys from the Burning Legion, can you finish what you say in one go? Don't skip a few words at a time, which will make my heart feel bad. (Sweat)"

Lao Bai: "Haha, I'm sorry everyone, people make mistakes, horses make mistakes, let alone something we have never seen before... In short, it was tricked."

Edge stroke: "Fuck..."

Commander Quan Shui: "This is not a joke..."

Lao Bai: "So this is not a joke."

Debt-eyed: "Real or fake?! (Horrified)"

The construction site boy and Brick: "That means... the world is going to end?! (horrified)"

Thunder Dharma King Professor Yang: "Damn it, the price of silver coins is going to collapse?! (Horrified)"

Teng Teng: "You guys are trading silver coins as stocks... (surprised)"

Crow Crow: "No, I don't want to reopen Duck! QAQ"

Lao Bai: "Hey, don't talk nonsense. Even if we fail, it doesn't mean the alliance loses. The low-orbit defense platform being installed is the highlight."

Kuangfeng: "Well, at least we have found out the reality of the Orion guided missile cruiser."

Fang Chang: "I'm afraid that the manager and we will each regard each other as our last trump card... (squinting)"

Lao Bai: "Don't say such depressing words. It's just a small setback. It's not as big as the several setbacks we suffered in Borneo. (Baring teeth)"

Fang Chang: "Anyway, we did try our best... Next we either need to get another scientific research ship from the academy to give it a try, or we can only wait."

Medical Miracle: "It seems that I can only rely on me to save the alliance! By the way, after pretending to be crazy and deceiving the interrogator, what happened? How can I become a senior member of the Enlightenment Society? Do you want to brainstorm ideas? (Baring teeth)"

Battlefield Atmosphere Team: "Speaking of Ye Shi? He is usually the first to jump out. Why didn't I see him this time?"

Murderous Dagger: "Hungry... His little girlfriend is cold, she must be in eo."

Edge of water: "What?! Jiang dead?"

Tails: "giao... (surprised)"

Fang Chang: "It's hard to say you can survive in that situation."

Lao Bai: "After all, we are in space."

Most of the people in the post had mixed emotions and didn't know what to say for a while.

Especially square length.

He couldn't help but think of Dolly, and then there was a pinching pain in his heart, and it was so painful that it made him unable to breathe.

Players can be resurrected no matter how many times they die, but the death of an NPC means that the data is permanently deleted.

He couldn't imagine a world without her.

It is precisely because of this that he understands Ye Shi's mood and feelings at this moment very well.

That must be a very uncomfortable feeling...

Fang Changgang was thinking this, when a familiar ID popped up on the screen.

Jiujiu loves to eat pineapples: "Wait...that's not right. My brother is obviously still online. Did you make a mistake? (Confused)"

Fang Chang: "?"

Quitting smoking: “How is that possible?!”

Jiujiu loves to eat pineapple: "Do you want me to wake him up? (Worried)"

Fang Chang: "...No, leave him alone for now and let him wake up on his own!"

Kuangfeng: "It's a bit strange, let's take a look."

Jiujiu loves to eat pineapple: "Ouch! Got it! (Salute)"

Medical Miracle: "Holy shit! Look at me! (Crazy)"

Angry Fatty Liver: "Save respect."


The messages in the post are still being refreshed.

Fang Chang, who was sitting in front of the computer, waited for a long time but did not see Ye Shi's ID appear. His tense expression finally relaxed with a smile, and the stone hanging in his heart was gently put down.

"...It seems that I am too sentimental."

He might not be dead yet.

Looking at the helmet placed next to the computer, Fang Chang's heart moved and he reached out to take it in his hand.

What if it's a misunderstanding?


No one is dead.

By some strange combination of circumstances, he put his helmet back on and leaned back on the computer chair.

Deep darkness quickly enveloped his vision and thinking.

Just when his heart was pounding hard, a line of light blue pop-up windows appeared in front of his eyes, making his originally exciting mood sink to the bottom again.

[Remaining time for resurrection: 70 hours, 30 minutes and 15 seconds]

The beating numbers were like a splash of cold water on his face. Fang Chang smiled bitterly and took off his helmet.


He shook his head and placed his helmet on the corner of the table.

"The whole scientific research ship exploded, how could anyone survive..."

Time goes back to an hour and a half ago——

In the deep and dark outer space, a magnificent starship is floating silently in an uncared-for cemetery, accompanied by the vast sea of ​​steel wreckage.

In that vast cemetery, there were not only broken steel structures and cut cables floating there, but also corpses wearing spacesuits.

Judging from the oxidized corpses in the space suits, most of these people starved to death or froze to death, and only a few died of lack of oxygen.

There are also some torn Air Force uniforms, their owners can no longer be seen.

Their bodies had either exploded or been chopped up by orbital debris.

Without the protection of a spacesuit, it is almost impossible to preserve a complete body in space.

If Vault 13 is heaven on earth, then the "Orion" guided missile cruiser is undoubtedly hell in heaven.

Even though two centuries have passed since that war, the brutality of that battle can still be clearly seen from the devastated ruins...

At this moment, on a certain deck of the abandoned starship, a man carrying a jetpack was staring expressionlessly at the sleeping cabin in front of him.

The door of the dormant cabin was open, and a cold skeleton was lying inside.

The skeleton was wearing a military uniform from the People's League era, and the gold-rimmed badge was still vivid under the light of the flashlight, and had not been covered with dust due to the two centuries.

Luo Yi stared at the skeleton for a long time, confirming the face that was almost unrecognizable.

After a while, he seemed to finally be convinced that the person in front of him was the person he was looking for, so he stretched out his hand and searched for the skeleton for a while, and finally found the bones from the closed knuckles.

That's the soldier's badge.

It is also the only relic left.

By the light of the flashlight, Luo Yi confirmed the name and rank engraved on the soldier's plate.

[Luo Yi, sergeant. 】

That's exactly his name!

A trace of nostalgia appeared in Luo Yi's eyes, and his thoughts could not help but drift back to more than two hundred years ago.

But at this moment, the voice coming from the communication channel interrupted his thoughts.

"There is a UFO approaching, and the straight-line distance to us is only 1,200 kilometers."

That was the sound of the starship control system.

If it were on the ground, this distance would be nothing to worry about, but on an astronomical scale, a straight line distance of 1,200 kilometers is almost equivalent to the distance between faces.

With his index finger tapping his ear, Luo Yi looked up at the ceiling and asked expressionlessly.

"Can you confirm their identities?"

The gentle electronic sound continued.

"Their ship is the same model as the one you parked outside."

Upon hearing these words, Luo Yi had already guessed the identities of those uninvited guests, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer.

If these people had arrived here a few days in the morning, before he could restart the backup reactor and gain control of the starship, he might have been a little wary.

But by now it's too late.

Although this starship has been sunk for two centuries, it does not mean that it has become scrap metal.

After a pause, he said in a deep voice.

"Retrieve usable close-defense weapons."

After a brief pause, the gentle electronic sound sounded in his ears again.

"There is an electromagnetic acceleration point defense cannon...according to ballistic computer calculations, it can cover their navigation area."

Luo Yi immediately ordered.

"Kill them off."

A gentle electronic voice responded.

"Okay... the fire control unit is powering up and is expected to be completed within 30 seconds."

Taking one last look at the weapon card in his hand, Luo Yi put it into his pocket, then pressed the switch on the jetpack and returned towards the starship bridge.

At the same time, outside the starship, a silver-gray scientific research ship was slowly approaching.

Finally, he passed through the asteroid belt composed of space junk before the energy of the shield capacitor was exhausted. Jiang Xuezhou breathed a sigh of relief and rested his shoulders on the back of the seat to relax.

"nailed it……"

Seeing that he had arrived at his destination, Ye Shi reached out to unbuckle his seat belt, but was stopped by Jiang Xuezhou sitting beside him.

"Wait a moment……"

Ye Shi stopped grasping the seat belt and cast a confused look at Jiang Xuezhou.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xuezhou bit his lower lip lightly, lowered his head and whispered.

"Can you... stay here with me? I'm scared to be alone."

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment and said in confusion.

"What's there to be afraid of? Isn't the most dangerous area already over?"

Jiang Xuezhou's face was full of hesitation. He didn't know whether he couldn't tell the reason or didn't want to say it.

Seeing that it was almost time to arrive at the station, Ye Shi didn't want to wait any longer and made a gesture of getting up.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Jiang Xuezhou couldn't care less about his embarrassment and spoke in a resigned tone.

"It's just phobia of the deep sea! Haven't you heard of that disease? Some people are born to be afraid of dark, dark places... What can I do?"

ah? !

Ye Shi looked at this guy dumbfounded and squeezed out a sentence from his mouth for a long time.

"Can't you get over it?"

"..." Jiang Xuezhou said nothing, just stared at him with red eyes.

Ye Shi finally relented, sighed, and tapped his helmet twice with his index finger.

"Old Bai, I have something going on here..."

Before he could organize his words, Lao Bai's hearty laughter came from the other end of the communication channel.

"Haha, I understand, just stay in the cockpit."

Ye Shi: "What the hell?! Did you install surveillance on me?"

Lao Bai said with a smile.

"That's not true, but I can probably guess it. To be honest, that was what Fang Chang had planned from the beginning. There was no need for everyone to go down. It would be better to leave someone on the research ship to take care of him. Remember Always pay attention to offline news and don’t focus all your attention on your friend.”

Ye Shi was speechless for a while, and finally hung up the communication in silence.

Knowing that he was discussing with his teammates, Jiang Xuezhou, who was sitting in the driver's seat, stared at him intently and asked immediately after seeing him finish the phone call.

"What did your teammates say?"

"They didn't say anything, they just told me to take care of it."

Facing those expectant eyes, Ye Shi suddenly felt a little embarrassed and looked away.

The NPCs in this game are too human-like.

Could it be that he was played by a real person?

That would be embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, I've been quite nervous since I was a child. I can't understand things like fear of heights, motion sickness, and 3D. Then the phobia of the deep sea should be similar... Anyway, thank you for your hard work and persevere. Here it is.”

Unexpectedly, this guy could say caring words. Jiang Xuezhou felt his cheeks feel slightly hot.

Embarrassment took over, and she hurriedly looked away and turned her face to the side.

"Well, it's not as exaggerated as you said... In fact, you can still overcome it if you work hard."

Looking at this tough-talking guy, Ye Shi finally couldn't restrain his urge to be mean-mouthed and joked.

"Then shall I leave?"


Seeing Jiang Xuezhou turning around in panic, Ye Shi couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Haha, I'm just kidding-"

Before he could finish his words, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and his heart twitched involuntarily.

It was an unprecedented feeling.

Even though he had been on the verge of death countless times, or even experienced death, he had never had the same feeling.

It feels like...

He was about to lose something more precious than his life once every three days.

Driven by that strong omen, he blurted out the words in a strange way.

"Something is targeting us..."

The moment he heard these words, Jiang Xuezhou, who was raising his fist as if to hit him on the head, immediately put away his shameful and angry look.

Without a trace of hesitation or doubt, she pounced on the operation interface almost subconsciously. Her fingers clicked on the afterimage on the holographic panel, and she controlled the research ship to make a sideways maneuver, changing its original trajectory.

Even if there is no early warning radar reminder!

Almost at the same time, an instantly amplified electromagnetic signal appeared on the operating interface of the scientific research ship along with the warning that the radar had detected a high-speed moving object!

Looking at the series of mass points on the radar screen that passed by the scientific research ship, cold sweat broke out on Jiang Xuezhou's forehead for a moment.

so close!

Just a little bit closer!

After all, the academy's research ship is not military equipment, but scientific investigation equipment.

Although the deflector shield on the scientific research ship can resist the attack of the mass accelerator, what they are facing is the Phalanx formed by the People's Alliance Aerospace Force cruiser after all!

Not to mention that they had just left the area covered by space debris and the energy of the shield capacitor had only returned to 30%...

Even if there are only one or two point defense guns aimed at them, it is enough for them to drink a pot!

"What happened?" Ye Shi coughed several times before he could breathe after almost being pulled out of the overnight meal by his seat belt.

Fortunately, I was slow and didn't unbuckle my seat belt just now, otherwise I might have given him away just now.

Jiang Xuezhou's reaction was quite calm. He took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

"It's a point defense system!"

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment.

"What is that?"

"It's the thing on the South China Sea Alliance destroyer... Anyway, it's almost similar!" Jiang Xuezhou explained while constantly operating the holographic screen on the control interface with both hands, trying to avoid the tracking of the point defense cannon.

Ye Shiyi looked at her side face in bewilderment and couldn't help but uttered a curse word.

"What the hell?! This broken ship can still open fire after being parked for more than two hundred years?!"

Jiang Xuezhou said angrily.

"This is not on Earth. Things in space are not that easy to break! What's more, it's a leaky ship... Keep your teammates seated! We may not be able to slow down!"

"They are very stable... They are already swearing." Ye Shi grinned as he pressed his index finger on his helmet and stared straight ahead, trying to make his senses play more roles.

However, he soon discovered that, except for the initial effect, his intuition was of no use in a "hand-to-hand" battle.

The scientific research ship moved quickly under the control of Jiang Xuezhou, and the roaring mass bombs and the omen of death never stopped!

no doubt--

His intuition was reminding him that they could successfully evade the tracking of the point defense system countless times, but if they failed once, they would die without a burial!

The distance of less than 300 kilometers is almost like cheek to cheek!

Both sides are anticipating each other's predictions and making silent calculations for the next attack and dodge!

As the party that was passively beaten, Jiang Xuezhou obviously had no advantage at all.

The best strategy at this moment is not to stay close to the past, but to retreat immediately——

But they have no choice.

One hundred thousand neutron torpedoes have fallen into the hands of heavenly beings!

There is no way out for them!


Light blue data flowed in Jiang Xuezhou's pupils, and a low growl came from the slightly open mouth.

In order to control the flight of the scientific research ship more accurately, she connected her consciousness to the deep operating system of the scientific research ship, and used the spacecraft's computing power and all sensors including panoramic cameras to conduct more direct control!

She has given up completely!

Thinking of this guy's "deep sea phobia", Ye Shi couldn't help feeling a little distressed, but he didn't know how to help.

At this time, Fang Chang's calm voice came to his ears.

"Ye Shi! Let Jiang Xuezhou stop slowing down and just drop us directly near the damaged hole of the starship!"

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment and blurted out.

"Holy shit, are you crazy?!"

This is not a plane!

The speed and inertia are no joke, let alone knocking people into pieces. A bad person will disintegrate in mid-air before his feet even touch the ground.

Fang Chang continued in a calm voice.

"This is the option with the highest winning rate. The reaction force of the nitrogen bottle should be enough to slow us down before approaching the target, and we can also share part of the firepower of the point defense system... Rather than everyone dying on the same boat, use my method You can always get in alive! Don’t wait any longer, hurry up!”

Hearing the urging in the voice, Ye Shi didn't dare to hesitate and quickly looked to the side and shouted.

"Xuezhou! My teammates said, don't slow down when you get close to the gap in the starship, just open the hatch!"

Jiang Xuezhou replied without thinking.

"Have your teammates' brains been shaken to pieces?! Or is there something wrong?! Do you think this is a plane?!"

"But there is no other way, right! There is no way to slow down in this situation... Listen to me, you fly directly over the gap and then drive towards the bow of the ship. This is the best way."

Looking at Jiang Xuezhou who was still hesitating, Ye Shi took a deep breath and said in a serious tone.

"I believe you...use your professional knowledge to calculate and try to let them in, please!"

Jiang Xuezhou gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tightly.

"Let me try……"


There is no way to slow down in the current situation, so we can only take a risk!

As long as the deceleration distance is sufficient, they may not be able to complete the "autonomous merger" by relying on the thrust of the nitrogen bottle.

Just when Jiang Xuezhou changed his strategy and accelerated toward the gap on the side of the starship, Luo Yi, who had just walked to the bridge and sat down, was admiring the elegant "dancing posture" through the dusty floor-to-ceiling windows.

At that time, the silver-gray scientific research ship was really messed up by the insects in the wasteland, but so what?

Seeing the dying insect suddenly start to accelerate, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Luo Yi's mouth.

"Little tricks."

After all, he was a former soldier of the People's Alliance Air and Space Force, so he could naturally see what these people were planning at a glance.

Want to log in?

He won't let them succeed.

Closing his eyes, Luo Yi, who was sitting alone in the captain's seat, slowly spoke.

"Starship main control system."

A gentle electronic sound drifted into his ears.

"I am here."

Looking at the scientific research ship getting closer and closer to the Orion guided missile cruiser, he ordered expressionlessly.

"Launch a neutron torpedo."

"Sorry, I'm afraid this distance is not appropriate. With the killing radius of the neutron beam, you will also be affected."

There was a hint of hesitation in that gentle voice.

As the shipboard AI of the Orion starship, it must first consider the safety of passengers.

Luo Yi had a nonchalant expression on his face.

"It doesn't matter, just do as I say."

The captain's orders are absolute.

Even if the order conflicts with safety regulations.

The shipboard AI only hesitated slightly before recognizing Luo Yi's repeated order and activated the torpedo that had been hung on the launcher for nearly two centuries.

Although the torpedo has been in disrepair for a long time and even the sensor has failed, there is still no problem in blowing it up.

There is no need to aim at such a close distance.

They are dead!

At the same time, after dodging left and right, the scientific research ship finally flew to the side of the Orion starship!

Without a trace of hesitation, Jiang Xuezhou immediately opened the hatch of the scientific research ship and released the safety locks of the seats.

Under the influence of inertia and air pressure difference, the powered armors sitting on the chairs were like spinning tops, drawing a parabola and hitting the nearby starship.

"Hold on! Brothers!"

"Hold the nitrogen bottles in your hands! Spray in the direction of the starship!"

“Holy crap—where is that starship?!”

"Ugh! I'm going to vomit-"

One thing is for sure, Jiang Xuezhou's calculation of the ballistic trajectory is still very accurate. As expected, most people can fall into the hole that is not too big or too small.

However, the throwing process was so rough that even the awakened ones couldn't bear it.

The agility system players were in slightly better condition. Fang Chang relied on his agility system's talent "Bullet Time" and held the nitrogen bottle for a while, barely making the speeding seat stop rotating.

But at this moment, a flickering white light suddenly lit up from the dark sky, instantly taking away his vision.

That is……

Neutron torpedo? !

A burning sting came from the surface of the skin. Fang Chang tried to call his teammates, but the communication equipment had failed.

Objectively speaking, this thing is more powerful than conventional nuclear weapons. After all, power armor is designed to deal with nuclear, biological and chemical environments.

Although the "Xiaguang" power armor is self-produced and self-developed by the alliance, its performance is actually not much weaker than the pre-war power armor.

Especially with biochemical protection...

The invisible blood bar disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fang Chang used his last vision to see the silver-gray scientific research ship crashing into the wreckage of the Orion starship out of control.

Like a fly with its head cut off, it crashed out of control near the lower deck.

The sparks of the explosion bloomed.

He saw a flash of rolling flames, and also saw the alloy fragments flying in all directions.

His heart trembled involuntarily.

He had never taken death seriously, but he had never been so afraid of its coming.


The game is not paused.

The next second——

The cold numbers have caught his eye.

[Remaining time for resurrection: 72 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds]

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