This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 994 Superposition State

There was no doubt that it was the People's Federation's landing craft, but there were no fully armed soldiers inside, only an emergency sleep cabin.

The soldiers of the space combat team lifted out the dormant capsule and re-tightened the isolation belt at the accident site. At the same time, they sent the dormant capsule to the nearest infirmary.

After connecting to the power supply, they opened the dormant cabin door according to normal procedures.

As the cabin door opened, a girl wearing a silver-gray tights was seen lying inside.

Seeing the girl lying in the sleeping cabin, everyone around them held their breath involuntarily.

Her hair was almost gone, and her skin felt like it had been burned by fire. Large pieces of tissue fell off the dermis, so that the expression twisted in pain was blurred.

What was even more shocking was that she seemed to have been shot in the abdomen, and the cockpit was filled with frozen blood.

The look could be described as horrific, and it was hard to imagine the pain she had suffered before.

Standing in front of the holographic screen, Wu Mengke felt a tightening pain in his heart and blurted out a shout almost subconsciously.

"Hurry and save people!"

There was no need for her to give an order, the medical staff waiting aside had already taken action.

They put her on a ventilator, quickly connected her to a life-support device, and began treatment.

Cryogenic hibernation is an extremely dangerous thing in the case of serious injuries. If you are not careful, you may actually turn into a corpse.

Fortunately, the people in the wasteland are probably used to being disorderly, and their vitality is as tenacious as Xiaoqiang.

In addition, she was equipped with the academy's bionic prosthetic body, so she was miraculously rescued from a near-death state.

"Her symptoms are like being hit by a neutron torpedo..." Koala, who was inspecting the prosthetic body, couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said in a low voice, "This guy can actually survive."

Colleagues from the fourth department said.

"Maybe it's because of the deflector shield on the ship. Remember that 'scientific research ship' from before? That young man didn't suffer much damage."

The engineer standing aside nodded, touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

"A reasonable assumption is that because the young man was more prosthetic, he fainted due to the electromagnetic pulse when the nuclear explosion first occurred, but the radiation damage he received was smaller... while the girl was the other way around. , withstood the electromagnetic pulse, but was affected by neutron radiation."

Koala said incomprehensibly.

"But why is she on another ship? And it's also a model of the People's Alliance Air and Space Force..."

"I don't know," the engineer shook his head and gestured with two fingers, "I can only assume that there are two ships, one is their own scientific research ship, and the other is on the wreckage... I Do you understand that? It is part of the ruins."

Koala looked at him blankly, her expression gradually becoming subtle.

The landing craft that was originally on the wreckage...

This feeling is as if their "Breaking Dawn" plan failed...

Obviously he was not the only one who thought so, many people around him fell silent.

While the engineers from Department 4 were discussing the strange prostheses installed on the patient, the doctors from Department 7 were concerned about the patient's condition.

"It's so miserable...this girl."


"If it had been a few seconds late, I might have been dead."

All the doctors and nurses on duty were whispering, and only Lin Youyou stared blankly at that face.

Noticing her expression, the colleagues on the side cast curious glances at her.

"...Do you know her?"

Lin Youyou nodded with a subtle expression.


"What's the ballpark?"

Lin Youyou was silent for a while and then said.

"Someone mentioned her name to me... and I had a strong intuition that she was the girl the child mentioned."

That was originally a promise made 200 years later, but I didn't expect it to come true so soon.

The colleagues on the side didn't know what she was talking about and just looked at her in confusion.

"who is she?"

"Jiang Xuezhou."

After thinking for a moment, Lin Youyou nodded and confirmed his statement.

"She is Jiang Xuezhou, there is nothing wrong with her."

He became her.

As for themselves, they are still stuck in this stagnant time - or in the gap between time and space.

This is so weird…

At this moment, the person next to the treatment bed suddenly let out a slight exclamation.

"The patient is awake!"

"Wait, she's talking!"

Hearing his colleague's exclamation, Lin Youyou immediately interrupted his thoughts and quickly walked to the side of the treatment bed.

The girl's breathing was very weak, and her cracked lips opened and closed slightly like a candle swaying in the wind, which made people feel distressed...

She heard her voice, which seemed to be calling someone's name.

"Ye Shi..."

"It's... so cold here..."

So cold——

At the moment when his consciousness sank into the abyss, Ye Shi only had this feeling in his heart.

The biting cold seemed to penetrate his five senses, seeping into his soul through his skin and hair.

He subconsciously wanted to curl up into a ball, but couldn't move.

This feeling is like plunging into the Arctic Ocean, and then being grabbed by the throat by an invisible hand, and being pulled straight from the surface of the sea to the deepest part of the seabed.

But the moment he was about to touch the bottom of the sea, the world seemed to turn upside down.

The tip of his nose did not touch the seabed, but emerged from another sea surface on the other side of the planet.


Along with a tidal noise, his lost five senses returned in an instant.

Did you make it?

Ye Shi sat up almost reflexively, but his forehead was engraved on the door of the sleeping cabin.

This behavior triggered the safety mechanism of the dormant cabin, or perhaps the safety mechanism had been passively triggered a long time ago.

The yellow signal light flashed with words similar to an alarm, and accompanied by a "squeaking" sound of air leakage, the tightly closed metal hatch slowly opened.


Ye Shi felt weaker than ever before, his whole body was light-headed and his back was still pillowed in the ice cave.

But he still used all his strength to grab the edge of the hatch, turned over and floated out of the ice pile.

Yes, it floated out.

There is no gravity here.

Even more than that, the space outside is colder than inside the dormant cabin, but perhaps because of the thin air, the body temperature is not that low.

Ye Shi felt happy.

There is no gravity, which at least means that he has broken away from the timeline two hundred years ago.

But his expression soon changed, and the thin air gradually made him feel suffocated.


Ye Shi cursed, and suddenly had an idea in his desperation. He moved his index finger to the back of his neck and clicked it twice, activating the internal circulation mode of the artificial lung.

He rarely used this mode when he was on the surface, so much so that he almost forgot that he still had this function.

After activating this mode, the lungs will close the air outlet and assist other digestive and metabolic organs to use electrical energy, catalysts, and water produced by respiration to achieve photosynthesis-like processes to generate glucose and oxygen.

Although in theory this cycle can continue as long as there is electric energy input, in actual operation there is actually a loss of quality.

After all, a "prosthetic man" equipped with a large number of bionic prosthetics is not a real bionic man. He cannot truly survive outside the earth's ecological environment.

This function is probably only enough for him to stay in outer space for twenty-four hours, or even less.


This should be enough time.

According to the agreement, the crew of the Orion will be here to join them soon.

After calming down, Ye Shi took a look at the surroundings. The twisted steel and deformed cockpit were undoubtedly Jiang Xuezhou's scientific research ship.

However, what made his heartstrings tighten involuntarily was that Xiao Jiang was the only one invisible here.


Where are people?

He clearly heard her voice!

And just a second before waking up!

More than just hearing it, the white frost imprinted on the glass was clearly her breath!

An ominous premonition gradually spread throughout Ye Shi's body. He rummaged around the ruins for a while, even tearing off the twisted alloy door and getting into the crew cabin behind the cockpit, but he didn't see a single figure.

It was as if she disappeared out of thin air.

As time went by, the ominous premonition gradually turned into horror.

A possibility suddenly appeared in his mind——

She's still in there!

In that "rift in time and space"!

But how is this possible? !

Aren’t you the only one who can go in? !

Ye Shi's face changed between expressions of shock and disbelief, and even a hint of anger.

Just a few minutes ago, someone had promised him that he would come to save him, but nothing happened.

Or they fail.

Or they completely forget about themselves.

Or maybe they couldn't hold back their impulse and tried to interfere with the universe within the horizon, and as a result, they were submerged in the long river of time.

Anyway, the plan went awry...

Reinforcements have not arrived!

Or maybe they were in completely different parallel worlds, and their encounter in the hyperspace channel was just an accidental encounter.

He changed neither his future nor theirs.

Instead, because of the cleverness of a group of people, a monster named "Heavenly Man" was created in a parallel world.

"Oh shit……"

Ye Shi punched the wall hard, but was knocked into the other half by the reverse impact, almost unable to stop in the not-so-spacious cockpit.

But it was this collision that made Ye Shi realize that he had to calm down.

Don't panic at this time.

The greater the dilemma, the more calm you should remain.

Holding the wall to stabilize his body, he first adjusted his heart rate and tried to keep himself calm.

Then he tried going offline.

The results of this attempt were the same as before.

The offline function is like being pulled out of the remote control and cannot be removed no matter what.

In this case, I am still in the "copy"...

After realizing this, Ye Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

He has discovered it.

When in the dungeon, the flow of time in reality slows down, or to put it another way, his time speeds up.

A very simple logic can prove it.

He stayed on the Orion guided missile cruiser for two full weeks. If the time flow between the game and reality is really 11, even if Jiujiu really left his brother alone, he would be very cold in reality.

There is only one explanation.

The time flow rate between the copy he is in and the real world is different!

not only that.

This difference in time flow rate is not just a difference between fast and slow, but also inserts a period of "time that does not exist on this timeline" on his timeline.

It is precisely because of this that several days have passed in his copy, but not long has passed in reality, only one or two hours have passed.

Only such a small amount of time has passed in the real world, and the same is true in the game world outside the instance.

He had no idea how this was technically possible.

Maybe it's through some kind of psychological suggestion, maybe it's through computational simulation...

But in short, this would explain why he could always hear the same four sentences over and over again.

As for why Jiang Xuezhou is not here, there is only one explanation left -

She also entered the copy!

But why even though she had entered the dungeon, he and the crew on the ship could not detect her presence——

No, it may not be unobservable!

There's just a time difference!

In fact, the time she arrived was most likely the time he left.

And this is also the reason why they cannot observe each other.

A glimmer of understanding gradually poured into Ye Shi's mind.

Everything that was originally fuzzy gradually became clear with his detailed analysis, threading together the pieces of the fragmented puzzle in his mind.

Starships hovering in synchronous orbit fired neutron torpedoes at their research vessels.

Although the deflector shield of the scientific research ship took part of the damage, he was not comatose due to neutron radiation, but because the electromagnetic pulse generated by the nuclear explosion caused the bionic device to overload.

The smaller the device, the more likely it is to be affected, especially if it is covered from head to toe and even on the skin.

The memory began to fragment.

When he fell unconscious, Jiang Xuezhou, who was relatively less affected by the electromagnetic pulse, dragged him into the sleep chamber.

The main damage she suffered was probably from neutron radiation.

However, due to the deflector shield, her injuries should not be fatal.

Of course there was more than one sleeping cabin on the research ship, but she didn't lie down in it herself.

After all, their enemies have not gone offline, they have no reinforcements, and lying down for both of them means waiting to die!

She has only one choice——

That is to keep fighting!

While you're still awake.

Ye Shi put himself in the other person's shoes. Lying in front of him was Xiao Jiang, who was in a coma.

"...If it were me, I would definitely not stay there and wait for death. I would definitely try my best to save her."

But how to save it?

His brain was running very fast, like an overclocked computer, simulating countless possibilities in an instant.

Although his intelligence attribute has never been low, after playing the game for so long, it was the first time that he used all his brain cells to think about things that perception players never had to think about...

"My advantage is perception, and I would probably consider an ambush... Her advantage is programming and understanding of machinery and ruins... I can only think of solutions from the environment itself."

She is an expert in artificial intelligence.

She possesses almost genius-level programming skills, and has served in the Beacon Team. She is also quite experienced in exploring the relics of the Human League era.


There was only one thing she could do.

That is to use offense as defense and compete with the "celestial beings" who have landed on the starship for control of the starship!

In this way, the fake "Luo Yi" who is on the spaceship at the moment can no longer take care of himself.

That guy can only chase her at all costs!

Thinking that the girl who was afraid of the dark and cold had done so many things for him, Ye Shi suddenly felt the bridge of his nose was a little sore, and he couldn't help clenching his fists that were supported on the wall.

"Damn it, if I can't pass this dungeon... I will delete my account and practice again..."

Everything became clear.

And those clues that are not clear yet are only the last few pieces of the puzzle left.

Including why he is still unable to log off, including the fact that the reinforcements that were supposed to arrive the moment he woke up unexpectedly failed to show up, etc...

Although the whole process may be more twists and turns than I imagined, in general it is not difficult to guess.

During the time she was asleep, she should have gained control of the starship, or at least part of the area and equipment.

For example, the core warp engine...

In the worst and most extreme situation, the last resort she can resort to is nothing more than one -

That is to use up the last bit of energy that the starship can use to jump, open a hyperspace channel to jump to another galaxy, and completely banish this starship with the ability to destroy the world outside the solar system.

In order to prevent her from opening the hyperspace channel, "Luo Yi" most likely fired again and detonated a neutron torpedo at close range, or simply detonated it directly on the launcher.

This is the most likely thing to happen.

That guy is probably an android, and most likely an android made by Gemini.

It is precisely because of this that that guy can use this strategic weapon unscrupulously.

But that's not the point.

The point is that the neutron torpedo detonated in the hyperspace channel turned the abandoned Orion cruiser into a new "black box", and it belongs to the wasteland era 215 - the wasteland era is about to end and enter a new era. The "black box" of the timeline.

The explosion of the neutron bomb and the hyperspace jump cannot occur at the same time, because there is no concept of time in the hyperspace channel, and the former will prevent the latter from happening.

Therefore, there must be a sequence of occurrence of the two, even if the explosion of the neutron bomb is certain.

It is precisely for this reason that the two situations of the neutron bomb exploding at the entrance of the hyperspace channel and exploding at the exit form a superposition state in quantum mechanics.

It was not only the crew of the Orion from more than two hundred years ago who became superpositioned, but also himself, Jiang Xuezhou, and a certain android with the same name as Luo Yi.

The intersection of the two timelines did not occur at the moment when the scientific research ship collided with the Orion, nor at the moment when the first neutron torpedo exploded, but when he was sleeping - before the starship entered the horizon. The moment of the "hyperspace channel" outside!

At this moment, Jiang Xuezhou fell into a superposition state of uncertainty about life and death for some reason.

As for himself, because the dormant cabin formed a "Faraday cage", not only was he lucky enough not to be affected by the second "strategic EMP strike", he even woke up unexpectedly due to the impact of EMP on the external circuit of the dormant cabin.

The moment he wakes up and the moment she closes her eyes together constitute the starting point of their intersection with another timeline, and the moment she wakes up or dies is the end point of the intersection of timelines!

Ye Shi's understanding of physics is actually only at the undergraduate level, and his understanding of high-energy objects is limited to Yang's double-slit interference experiment.

Perhaps Professor Guangfeng can give a more scientific explanation, but these things are not important at this moment!

In this second black box he is no longer an observer, but the cat itself in a superposition state.

No matter whether the friendly forces from two hundred years ago still remember that distant agreement, or they were destined to be unable to keep the appointment from the beginning, the so-called deceiving the observers was just their wishful thinking from beginning to end... He must do it and only he can do it at this moment. things.

There is no concept of time here, no one can save her!

Except himself!

Grabbing the edge of the hatch, Ye Eleven kicked open the twisted cockpit door, and floated into a dark room along with the flying door panel.

He no longer had to hide his presence.

It would be better to let the impostor who calls himself "Luo Yi" come to find him!

The creaking sound of broken steel came from his right hand clenching the door frame.

At the same time, he turned on the flashlight and quickly confirmed the situation around him.

This is the mess hall on the lower deck.

He remembered it very clearly, and even remembered that his last meal was potato beef here... although the potato beef was not in his stomach at the moment, but was left in the "time and space rift" that did not exist in the main timeline. ".

But miraculously, these memories have been preserved, and even the taste buds on the tip of the tongue still have a faint aftertaste.

Familiar tableware, tables and chairs were floating in the corner of the room. There were no flickering lights, only darkness, and the scene was chaotic like a car accident scene.

All the familiar people were gone, whether it was the crew members who were dining or the android chef who was in charge of the dishes, and... that was a matter of course.

Looking at the dark well-like corridor outside the cafeteria, Ye Shi gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting his five senses sink into the deep darkness, and followed the hand tightly clenched on the door frame outwards. diffusion.

The five senses spreading outward were like a dense spider web, and any slight movement could not escape the capture of his synapses.

Whether it's the slight collision between the garbage and the wall, the rustling friction, or the wind that is so thin that it is almost impossible to feel...

That was definitely not a natural movement.

Ye Shi's eyes opened suddenly.

Although he could not see the man's face through the rubble, he could clearly perceive which corridor the man was walking in.

There is no doubt about that familiar yet unfamiliar feeling——

It was the "accident scene" that he had not been allowed to enter!

The man carrying the jetpack was pressing the buttons of the jetpack, floating in the gravity-free corridor like a ghost, slowly approaching the gym that was enclosed by an isolation zone in a parallel world.

"...I see you!"

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