This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1031 The Origin of Heavenly Tribulation Formation and Thunder Fire Pill

Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang rushed towards this side, turned his head with a click, pointed his smiling face at this side, and let out strange laughter one after another.

Before the demon Liang Sheng had time to escape from Xiao Zhi's angry attack, he was attacked by the smiling face of Dawei Tianwang Faxiang again, and his body stagnated again, as if he was drunk, and became wobbly .

In the blink of an eye, Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang had already arrived, smashed out the big black seal in his hand, and the invisible force field spread, covering the space with a radius of hundreds of feet in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, Li Kuo, the evil spirit, also arrived, holding the cold mist sword, and slashed at the god and demon Liang Sheng!

But Xiao Zhi changed his face, pointed his sad face at Liang Sheng, the god and demon in front of him, and let out a weeping sound.

Under this double mental attack, Liang Sheng, the god and demon, hardly struggled, and was killed by the joint efforts of Xiao Zhi. The sky was full of ice shavings.

"Enhance his eyesight by eight times!" Dawei Tianwang Faxiang pointed to Xiao Zhi, and said in a vast voice.

Xiao Zhi stared, his eyes were bloodshot, and the veins in the corners of his eyes were bulging, and he entered the state of eight times his eyesight again.

He saw that there was a group of somewhat dim colorful lights flying towards the direction of the Mountain Cold Absolute Territory!

"Where to escape!" On Xiao Zhi's face, a somewhat blurred face appeared again, looking like a King Kong glaring, and let out a thunderous roar, launching a angry attack on the flying colorful light !

Dawei Heavenly King Dharma Aspect and Xiao Zhiben are one, and Xiao Zhi sees the colorful light flying through eight times the eyesight, which is equivalent to seeing it.

So, almost at the same time, Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang also turned his head with a click, and aimed his sorrow at the colorful light flying away, and let out a sound of weeping!

At the same time as launching the sad face attack, Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang also threw the black ring in his hand, and smashed it at the flying colorful light!

This black ring is a sharp weapon for attacking the soul. When attacking the soul body, this thing is much more useful than the black sword and the black magic pestle.

In an instant, the black ring crossed a distance of more than two hundred feet, and smashed hard on the colorful light!

Under the double mental attack of Xiao Zhi and Dawei Tianwang Faxiang, this group of colorful rays of light was a little unstable, but when it was hit by the black ring, it collapsed on the spot, and the collapsed colorful rays of light scattered with the wind and disappeared. In this world.

Vaguely, Xiao Zhi also heard a scream.

Those dozens of human figures like ice sculptures, and the little bit of colorful light contained in their bodies, also collapsed and dissipated at this moment.

Xiao Zhi endured the swelling pain from his eyes, maintained his eight-fold vision, and then scanned around to make sure that no colorful light escaped, and then canceled the blessing of eight-fold vision.

"It's over..." Xiao Zhi wiped away the dark golden blood flowing from the corners of his eyes with his hand, exhaled lightly, then naturally took out a few spirit stones, held them in his hands and began to absorb them.

The demon Li Kuofei came to Xiao Zhi's side, and he let out a sigh of relief, with a relaxed expression on his face.

"It's too windy here, let's go down first." Xiao Zhi greeted, and then he fell like a cannonball, and landed on the top of a huge snow mountain in the blink of an eye.

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, the snow lotus petal as a keepsake appeared in front of him again out of thin air.

This time, before Xiao Zhi extended his consciousness, the snow lotus petal as a keepsake automatically shimmered.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic!

He finally got in touch with Zhen Lan Cannian!

And this time, Zhen Lan Cannian took the initiative to find him!

Xiao Zhi is now a semi-god-level powerhouse anyway, so he calmed down quickly, and said, "Zhen Lan, what's the matter with you, why haven't I been able to contact you recently?"

When the snow lotus petals shimmered, they began to transform, and in the blink of an eye, they transformed into a handsome man's face, which belonged to Zhenlan Cannian!

The handsome man's face looked a little sluggish, and even his voice sounded weak: "You have already fought against Liang Sheng's god clone, and you should be able to guess the general situation."

Xiao Zhi said, "Are you near here?"

The handsome man said with a weak face, "Yes, it's nearby, not more than a thousand miles away from you."

Xiao Zhi said: "I'll come and look for you now, or you can come and look for me."

"No need." The handsome man shook his head and said, "I'm not suitable to come out now. What you destroyed was just a clone of the gods of Liang Sheng. If he can separate one of the clones of gods like this, he can separate them." The second one and the third one come out, and they will only be stronger than this one, once I show up, it will be considered exposed, and it will be difficult to avoid his pursuit in the future."

Xiao Zhi said to himself: "It's okay, with me here, the clone sent by the god and demon Liang Sheng, if I can kill it once, I can kill it the second time, the third time, and the fourth time! I can protect you. "

Hearing the words, the handsome man shook his head: "No, you can't protect me. You underestimate Liang Sheng. His strength is beyond your expectation. Before you become a real god, don't try to provoke him."

After Zhenlan Cannian said that, Xiao Zhi didn't refute it anymore. After all, he was far inferior to Zhenlan Cannian in his understanding of the high-level god and demon Liang Sheng.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Zhi said: "You mean, you are hiding well now, and you don't need my protection. If you come out now, you will expose yourself, and it will be difficult to avoid the pursuit of God and Demon Liang Sheng. right?"

"Yes, that's it." The handsome man nodded and said.

"I see, then you should hide well, and I won't come looking for you." Xiao Zhi said, "Tell me, how should I survive this divine catastrophe?"

The handsome man said with a face: "You killed a god clone of Liang Sheng, and Liang Sheng may send a more powerful god clone to deal with you at any time, you should leave here now and go to the cave. About the matter, I will tell you carefully."

"Heavenly Cave?" Xiao Zhi frowned slightly and said, "You mean the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave?"

"Yes, it is the Absolute Heavenly Cave, you start now, go to the Absolute Heavenly Cave! Come on, don't dawdle any longer! My time is running out, once he comes out, I have to cut off the connection with you , so as not to be noticed by him!" The handsome man urged anxiously.

"Okay!" Based on his trust in Zhen Lan's remnants, Xiao Zhi didn't hesitate any longer, and turned into a golden roc in an instant, spread his wings and soared into the sky, and flew towards the south!

Of course, he knew about the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Grottoes, it was a very special Absolute Territory.

Other Absolute Territories, no matter how dangerous they are, will only exist in one place, but this Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory is different. It is said that in this world of sentient beings, no matter which dynasty country it is in, there will always be a Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory within its territory entrance.

This is true for Xuanming country, and it is also true for Dachang country.

In Dachang Kingdom, the entrance to the Absolute Heavenly Cave exists within the territory of Zhongchang Road, only a few thousand miles away from the Dachang Imperial City, and it is guarded by the Dachang Divine Gate.

Previously, it was several Jindan monks from the Taixu lineage of Dachang Shenmen who were in charge of guarding the entrance to the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Grotto.

Now, the Shenmen Taixu lineage’s rule over Zhongchang Dao has been overthrown by Xiao Zhi. The person in charge of guarding the entrance to the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave should have also changed, perhaps replaced by a monk from the Yuxu lineage, maybe As a player, Xiao Zhi didn't know the details.

"Now you can say it." Xiao Zhi, who was transformed into a golden bird, spread his wings and soared high above the sky, uttering words from his mouth.

The handsome man's face floated beside the golden roc, and he said, "The catastrophe of the gods is somewhat different from the catastrophes you have survived before. Its basic success rate is 10%."

"10%...that's okay." The golden penniao spoke out.

Ten percent, that is, ten percent, ten percent of the basic success rate of crossing the tribulation, to be honest, this is actually not too low.

The handsome man said with a face: "However, in crossing the divine catastrophe, it cannot be assisted by such things as the Thunder Fire Pill and the Heavenly Tribulation Formation like in other catastrophes."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being startled when he heard the words: "Is there no Heavenly Tribulation Formation and Thunder Fire could there be no?"

The handsome man said with a face: "Because I can't do it, you know that in the beginning, in this world, there were no aids for crossing the catastrophe such as the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and the Thunder Fire Pill. Compared to now, it is much higher. Too many arrogances died under this catastrophe. At that time, there was a god who took pity on the monks in this world, and spent countless years studying this catastrophe. To improve the success rate of surviving this catastrophe, and then, he really researched something. The Heavenly Tribulation Formation and Thunder Fire Pill circulated in this world were created by him. Mystery! It's just that he only created the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and Thunder Fire Pill in the Dao Realm. As for the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and Thunder Fire Pill needed to overcome the God's Heavenly Tribulation, he has never been able to create it. Naturally, it is impossible to have the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and Thunder Fire Pill needed to overcome the Godly Tribulation."

"Is that so..." Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when he heard this.

It was the first time he had heard such a secret, and apart from the disappointment in his heart, he couldn't help but respect the god who created the Heavenly Tribulation Formation and the Thunder Fire Pill that Zhenlan Cannian said.

This is a great one.

A great person like this should be respected no matter which world or era he is in.

Xiao Zhi, who turned into a golden bird, spread his wings and flew high above the sky, while uttering words: "This god... what's his name?"

Xiao Zhi felt that such a great existence and his name should not be forgotten by this world.

The handsome man said, "He's called Qianjizi."

"Is it called Qianjizi..." The golden bird transformed by Xiao Zhi said, "It seems that such a great existence must be very strong."

The handsome man shook his head and said: "Very strong? No, his strength is not only not strong, but rather weak. Well, he is also comparable to the strength of Zhenjun Dachang in your country. At that time, I, with one finger It can crush him to death!"

Xiao Zhi was a little astonished: "How can you be so weak?"

"Why not?" The handsome man said, "As far as I know, he has been studying Heavenly Tribulation as soon as he became a god. This research has lasted countless years, and studying Heavenly Tribulation like him can't increase his strength. , He wasted all his time on this, he is not weak, who is weak? As for what happened to him later, I don’t know.”

Xiao Zhi said: "He is not wasting his time, I think he is benefiting the whole world."

The handsome man said: "There is no point in discussing him now, my time is running out."

Xiao Zhidao: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the business, since there is no Thunder Fire Pill and the Heavenly Tribulation Formation to assist me in surviving the divine catastrophe, what should I do? How should I survive this divine catastrophe?"

The handsome man said with a face: "You can find a suitable place to cross the catastrophe in the cave, which can increase your success rate of crossing the catastrophe by half."

Increase by half, that is, increase the success rate of crossing the tribulation by 5%.

Xiao Zhi said: "Then what? You asked me to take risks in the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, not just for the half-percent success rate of crossing the tribulation, right?"

The handsome man's face said: "I let you go to the Absolute Heaven Cave, of course not only for this, but for one thing."

Xiao Zhi said: "For a thing? It can't be a robbery thing, right?"

The handsome man said with a face: "Yes, it is a tribulation item. It is a god-level tribulation item that I accidentally obtained when I was in the cave. This item cannot be taken out of the cave, so I will take it out of the cave." It is hidden somewhere in the Heavenly Cave, I can tell you the location of this object, after you enter the Heavenly Cave, go look for it, if you can find it, your chances of overcoming calamity and becoming a god will be greatly increased!"

It's really a treasure!

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed!

He suppressed the joy in his heart, and said, "How much will this tribulation-crossing object increase my success rate?"

The handsome man's face said: "Thirty percent! It can increase your success rate of crossing the tribulation by about thirty percent."

Increase by 30%, that is, increase the success rate of crossing the tribulation by 30%.

Xiao Zhi thought quickly in his heart.

According to what Zhenlan Cannian said, the basic success rate of the divine catastrophe is 10%, that is, 10%.

Finding a suitable place to cross the tribulation can increase the success rate of crossing the tribulation by about 5%.

The god-level tribulation artifact that Zhenlan Cannian hid somewhere in the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave can increase the success rate of the tribulation by about 30%!

Taken together, that is about 45% success rate of crossing the catastrophe!

Xiao Zhidao: "Zhen Lan, my Hou Tian Shun spirit body, can it increase the success rate of this god's catastrophe?"

"Of course it is possible." The handsome man said with a face.

Xiao Zhi said: "That's good."

In my heart, I quickly calculated again.

His acquired spiritual body can increase the success rate of crossing the catastrophe by 50% on the original basis.

In this way, his current success rate of surviving the divine catastrophe is 67.5%!

The success rate of crossing the catastrophe is close to 70%. This success rate is not too low.

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