This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1209 The increasingly powerful Qingyuan world

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi said: "If this is really a crack in space, you only need to suppress this space, and it should be smoothed out. I'll try and see if I can smooth it out."

As he said that, a dazzling colorful light burst out from between his brows!

In the blink of an eye, this dazzling seven-color light turned into a terrifying dharma figure with three heads and eight arms, which is the dharma figure of King Dawei!

Xiao Zhi is a more cautious person. Since he chose to hide his strength, he will not only hide his strength in front of the five kings of Qingyuan, but also in front of Zhao Yan and his own people. Hide strength.

This catastrophe is just a small disaster. As long as he finds the right method, even if he hides his strength as a god, he should be able to solve it easily.

You know, in this world, there are still many player worlds that don't even have god-level players. They rely on a group of Nascent Soul players to experience disasters and calamities again and again, but they still survive?

If a small calamity, or a small calamity whose power is halved, and even a god can't solve it, then it's too messy.

If that's the case, can those player worlds that don't even have god-level players survive?

Therefore, this situation should be unlikely to happen.

The next moment, Xiao Zhi restrained his thoughts, and through his thoughts, he gave an order to his Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang.

Dawei Tianwang is quite ready to move!

It was seen floating towards the huge pitch-black crack in front of him, and stopped about a few kilometers away from the pitch-black crack.

After stopping, Dawei Tianwang Faxiang raised the big black seal in his hand high, and slammed it forward!

Suddenly, an invisible suppressive pressure field spread, sweeping in all directions!

The suppressing pressure field of Dawei Tianwang Dharma can suppress everything in this world, not only living beings, but also space.

When Xiao Zhi was in the world of sentient beings, he used this to suppress space more than once.

Under the suppression of this invisible pressure field, the space will become extremely stable, and the difficulty of tearing the space will increase sharply!

And when the stability of the space reaches a certain level, not to mention Jindan monks and Nascent Soul monks, even the gods can no longer tear the space, and can no longer escape by tearing the space and getting into the cracks of the space .

Zhao Yan held his breath at this moment, staring fixedly at the huge dark crack in front of him.

At this time, in the distance, there are streams of light coming through the sky.

Those were Nascent Soul players such as Lu Zhong, Zhu Changwu, and You Ke.

They actually came to the real world at about the same time as Zhao Yan. As a result, Zhao Yan had been at the source of the disaster for a long time, and even Xiao Zhi had already rushed over, so they were long overdue.

Not only Lu Zhong and the others, the information support team sent by Qingyuan World also rushed over to check the situation...

After squinting his eyes and looking forward for a while, Zhao Yan showed joy on his face, and said, "It works! Brother Zhi, it works! It's getting smaller! It's getting smaller!"

Without Zhao Yan's reminder, Xiao Zhi has already seen that the dark crack in front of him is shrinking in size at a speed visible to the naked eye under the suppression of the invisible force field of Dawei Tianwang's Dharma.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

As long as it works, it means he's doing it right.

If so, things will be easy to handle.

He heard a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear: "Make it five times stronger!"

As soon as this remark came out, the big black seal held in the hand of Dawei Tianwang Dharma suddenly swelled up and became endlessly dark, and the invisible suppressing pressure field aroused from it instantly became several times stronger!

The space is suppressed, and the sea surface is also suppressed, becoming dull.

The huge black crack stretching across Xiao Zhi's eyes, under this terrifying suppressing force, was shrinking rapidly, shrinking by one-third, and then another one-third within a breath.

In just a few seconds, this huge pitch-black crack stretching across the sky shrank to a length of less than a hundred meters.

Another second passed, and the pitch-black crack had completely disappeared in Xiao Zhi's eyes.

"Okay." Xiao Zhi waved his hand, accepted the photo, and said to Zhao Yan beside him.

Zhao Yan also looked away from the front, and said, "Brother Zhi, you are so powerful, you solved this thing so easily."

Xiao Zhi said: "As long as you know the solution, it is not difficult to deal with it. Zhao Yan, you should be able to solve it. The most is the speed of solving it, not so fast."

As he said that, he looked at the streaks of light hundreds of kilometers away, and said, "Even if what Lu Zhong and the others have mastered is not the law of space, if you think about it, you can still solve it."

Those streaks of streamer coming through the air are precisely Lu Zhong, Zhu Changwu and the others. Even now, they are still on their way and have not yet reached their destination.

Zhao Yan also looked at Lu Zhong and the others who were rushing over hundreds of miles away, and laughed loudly: "Lu Zhong, you are late again, this thing has been perfectly solved by Brother Zhi!"

His voice was as powerful as thunder, and his voice could be clearly heard even from a long, long distance.

Hearing this, Lu Chong said with a dark face, "Zhao Yan, you run fast, can't you drop by and fly with us?"

"Lu Zhong is right, can't you bring us here?" Zhu Changwu also said with some displeasure.

Zhao Yan slapped his head and said with a smile: "I forgot, next time there is a disaster, please remember to remind me, I will definitely take you with me!"


Soon after, Xiao Zhi's divine body returned to the world of sentient beings.

He doesn't care about the next thing.

In the real world, countless drones and detection equipment were arranged to go to the coast of India, where they were responsible for monitoring, so as to prevent the dark crack from resurging and reappearing.

As for Zhao Yan and the others, they continued to stay in the real world, looking around for possible invisible monsters.

A few hours later, Xiao Zhi's information specialist reported to Xiao Zhihui: "Zhishen, Mr. Zhao Yan, Mr. Lu Zhong and their Dao Bodies have returned to the world of sentient beings one after another."

Xiao Zhi hummed, and said, "Have you found anything unusual?"

"Not yet," said a voice belonging to the Information Commissioner.

Xiao Zhi said: "It's a good thing that there is no abnormality. If anything happens next, remember to notify me."

"Okay." The voice of the Information Commissioner said.

A day later, Xiao Zhi's information specialist reported to Xiao Zhihui: "Zhishen, as of now, more than a day has passed, and there is still no abnormality in our real world. Qingyuan World The view over there is: this is just a small calamity, as long as there is no problem for a day, then there should be no more problems."

Xiao Zhi said: "Okay, I understand, so I can rest assured, and hope that the next catastrophe will be smoother."

"I hope so." The voice belonging to the Information Commissioner sighed softly.

People died in two consecutive small disasters, one time killed millions of people, this time more than a hundred Jindan players and one Nascent Soul player were lost, which made Xiao Zhi's information specialist feel quite uncomfortable heavy.

This is just a small calamity, or the one whose power has been weakened. How terrible should the once-a-year catastrophe be?

Xiao Zhi said: "Don't sigh. To us, these are just minor disasters. We are very tenacious. Such minor disasters will never defeat us."

"Well, I know, Zhishen, I will never sigh again in the future." The voice belonging to the information commissioner said seriously.

After hanging up the communication, Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and continued his practice again.

In this world, strength is the last word.

As the only god in his world, he must not be bound by these small disasters and calamities.

He still has to practice and improve his strength, so that he can better protect the world he lives in.

These minor calamities and catastrophes are handled by someone, and they are not particularly difficult to deal with. Under normal circumstances, he, the god, does not need to take action himself.

As for the once-a-year catastrophe, he was sure to do it.

In the days that followed, Xiao Zhi continued to retreat at the bottom of the sea, comprehending his law of water movement, while studying his original supernatural power [Xuan Shui Knife] and practicing his four-star immortal technique [All thoughts return to one].

As for the cultivation comprehension of the five-star celestial art [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang], it was suspended by Xiao Zhi.

There is no way if he does not pause, his cultivation level has not kept up, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how hard he smashes the [Dharma Aspect of the Great Powerful Heavenly King], he will not be able to defeat the Great Powerful Heavenly Buddha in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, he will not be able to defeat the Great Powerful Heavenly Buddha , his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang], don't even think about breaking through to the Dzogchen level.

Xiao is obsessed with seclusion in the sea and the sea, and he is not ignorant of the outside world. Every month, his information specialist will report to him, reporting to him the general situation of the catastrophe.

The disaster disasters that followed were all coordinated and directed by the disaster disaster command center, and Xiao Zhi, who was a god, never showed up.

This is a good thing, it means that there is no need to alarm Xiao Zhi, the disaster disaster command center directs other players to deal with these disaster disasters.

The bad news is that in order to deal with these catastrophes, Xiao Zhi's Dachang World lost millions of people, as well as dozens of Golden Core and above players.

However, this is still within the acceptable range of Dachang World.

In the face of certain disasters, it is very difficult to achieve zero losses. It is already very good that the disaster command center can achieve this level.

With the passage of time, it is getting closer and closer to the once-a-year catastrophe.

At this time, another defense mission of Qingyuan World began.

The Qingyuan Empire and the Qingyuan World were closed again, and all players who were not from the Qingyuan World were kicked out.

After 20 days, the blockade was lifted. Xiao Zhi immediately contacted the Quicksand King through his divine avatar stationed in the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain in the Dayan Kingdom, and learned the first details about this defense mission from the Quicksand King. First-hand intelligence.

This time, the intruders that the five kings of Qingyuan encountered in the defense task were a group of transparent bodies that could be integrated into any material existence. They were infinitely varied and not weak in strength. The number of them is relatively small, and there are no more than 9 in total. In the end, the Quicksand King relied on the powerful strength of the middle-level gods, led the other four kings, and solved them without any danger.

This time, the five kings of Qingyuan still didn't suffer any casualties, not even serious injuries, so there was no need for Xiao Zhi to run all the way to rescue them.

Qingyuan World should have gradually adapted to this mode of mission after experiencing defense missions again and again, and the casualty rate has dropped significantly.

Two days later, King Yan came to Dachang Kingdom to visit Xiao Zhi.

According to King Yan's words, he has been busy practicing recently, and he hasn't had a drink with Xiao Zhi for a long time, and he missed Xiao Zhi.

This time, on the same artificial island, Xiao Zhi, Yan Wang, and Li Kuo, the three god-level gods, gathered together, drinking and chatting, and they all got drunk.

A few hours later, King Yan left, Xiao Zhi took Li Kuo and sent him out of the border of Dachang, and then returned to Canghai.

"King Yan has already mastered a 2-star immortal technique..." Xiao Zhixin said.

"Not only King Yan, but also King Tiger and King Wu already possessed 2-star Immortal Art. Although King Gai has not yet, it is estimated that he will have enough sky points after going through one or two defense missions. It can also be exchanged for 2-star fairy art. '

'At that time, each of them will have a 2-star immortal technique, and the strength of the five kings of Qingyuan will be further improved. '

'As for the Quicksand King, he exchanged for a two-star fairy art a long time ago, and now he is saving sky points to exchange for a three-star fairy art. It is said that after a few more missions, he will be able to exchange for a three-star fairy art... ...'

These were all revealed by King Yan when he was drinking with him.

Qingyuan World has become more and more powerful, no wonder they seem to be more and more comfortable when performing the task of guarding the heavens...

"Brother Li, how is your cultivation going?" Xiao Zhi casually asked Li Kuo beside him as he was flying back to the sea.

During this period of time, he was obsessed with cultivating at the bottom of the sea, and rarely communicated with the demon Li Kuo. Therefore, he didn't know where Li Kuo had reached in his cultivation.

Facing Xiao Zhi's inquiry, Li Kuo said with some shame: "Master, I am dull in aptitude, and I have not made any progress so far. I have let you down."

Xiao Zhi just smiled when he heard the words, and said: "The more you practice, the more difficult it becomes. For gods like us, it is normal for us to practice for several years without gaining anything. So, don't be discouraged. As long as you persevere in your cultivation, you will always gain something." of."

"Thank you, master, for teaching me. I will write it down." Li Kuo said solemnly.

Xiao Zhi said again: "How is that kid Li Teng doing?"

Li Kuo replied: "Thank you, master, for your concern. Li Teng practiced the law of ice and snow with me, and now I have realized something."

Thanks to Sansi 1988 for the reward.

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