This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1337 Offensive and defensive alliance

Xiao Zhi was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and said, "That's still random..."

The choice is random, and it depends on luck if he wants to get the pupil art immortal art he needs, but no matter what, all he can get is a three-star immortal art.

No matter how you say it, the three-star immortal technique is better than the two-star immortal technique.

If he is unlucky and gets a three-star fairy art that he doesn't need at all, he can keep it and leave it to others.

"Okay." King Yan nodded, indicating that he understood.

After finishing the business, King Yan said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, how about having a few drinks with me?"

Xiao Zhi glanced at King Yan, smiled and said, "Okay."

This time for drinking, I didn't go to the restaurant.

King Yan directly took out fine wine and plates of delicacies from the storage ring, and placed them on the white jade table in front of him.

The two sat opposite each other and began to drink and eat.

The two exchanged cups, and after eating and drinking for a while, King Yan said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, from now on, we will be a real world of brothers."

"Well, yes." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Come, let's have a toast to the eternal friendship between our two worlds."

With that said, Xiao Zhi raised his wine glass.

"Cheers." King Yan also toasted.

The sound when the white jade wine glasses collided was very clear. After drinking the wine in the glass, King Yan exhaled the alcohol and said: "Don't tell me, I will definitely do my best to maintain the relationship between our two worlds." relationship between."

"Me too." Xiao Zhi nodded.

King Yan put down his wine glass, looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, what would you do if something happened to us and we all died in battle in the heavenly realm?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "If this happens, I will replace you as the new regional overlord, and be responsible for protecting your Qingyuan world from other worlds."

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "The ten-year rotation mechanism of the overlord will be temporarily terminated. I will continue to be the overlord until there are new gods in Qingyuan World, no, there are new ones." The birth of mid-level gods will only continue this rotation of regional overlords."

King Yan said: "Brother Xiao Zhi, you are quite thoughtful."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "I've always been very thoughtful."

King Yan nodded and said, "This is pretty good. If something unexpected happens to you Dachang World as the regional hegemon in the future, we will do the same."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and he thought: 'Brother, are you cursing me? '

However, he couldn't say anything, after all, he even cursed himself, so what else could he say?

Then he smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay, that's how it should be."

Soon after, Xiao Zhi returned to his quiet mansion.

The two worlds still need to discuss for a period of time before all aspects of cooperation can be discussed.

During this period of time, Xiao Zhi, as the strongest in the Dachang world, still had to sit in the imperial city of Dachang.

After this period of time passed and the two parties had settled on the details of the cooperation, he made a precise trip to Man Luo Country to see the situation there.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged in the courtyard, and after thinking about things for a while, he put aside distracting thoughts, calmed down, and continued to visualize and practice.

I don't know how long it has passed, Xiao Zhi, who was fighting against the evil Buddha in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart, sensing something calling him.

After being killed from the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, Xiao Zhi waved his hand lightly, and his sound transmission jade talisman appeared out of thin air and floated in front of his eyes.

Xiao Zhi said, "What's the matter?"

The voice belonging to the information commissioner came from the sound transmission jade talisman: "Zhishen, players who practice the law of water movement and players who practice the law of ice and snow have all assembled, please instruct."

Xiao Zhi said, "Where is the exact location? I'll go right away."

A moment later, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared above a manor outside the Dachang Imperial City.

In an open space in the manor, more than 2,000 people stood densely.

Among these people, there are not only players, but also some aboriginal monks from the world of sentient beings.

"Zhishen." More than two thousand Taoist monks bowed to Xiao Zhi in salute.

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly, and said: "Those who practice the law of water movement can enter now."

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and a water-like gray-black vortex emerged out of thin air and floated in mid-air.

This is the entrance to Xiao Zhi's God Realm, through which one can vaguely see the scenes in Xiao Zhi's God Realm.

It was a vast ocean with no end in sight.

Immediately, a young monk wearing a black and gold embroidered robe rose into the air and flew towards the entrance of Xiao Zhi's God Realm.

He hovered next to the entrance of Xiao Zhi's God Realm, first performed a salute to Xiao, then turned around, exhaled and said in a loud voice: "There are orders from the Gods, and all those who practice the law of water movement will enter the God Realm to practice. During the period of cultivating in the world, no disturbances, no loud noises!"

"The entrance to the God Realm is open every six months. You can only enter and exit when it is open. During non-open periods, entry and exit are prohibited. Can you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly!" All the monks shouted in unison below.

The Nascent Soul cultivator nodded and said, "Then let's begin."


Immediately, a monk soared into the air and flew towards the entrance of the God Realm hovering in midair.

Whether it is a player or an aboriginal monk, before they enter the God Realm, they will bow to Xiao Zhi, and then turn around and dive into the gray-black vortex in front of them.

Not long after, most of the monks standing in the open space all entered Xiao Zhi's God Realm and went to retreat to practice.

Xiao Zhi waved his hand lightly, and the gray-black vortex turned into bubbles and dissipated in the air.

Xiao Zhi looked at the remaining monks below, and said, "What you understand is the law of ice and snow, right?"

"Yes." The rest of the monks all bowed in response.

Xiao Zhi nodded, looked at the air beside him, and said, "Brother Li, let you arrange these people."

Wherever he looked, the air fluctuated, and a figure emerged, it was Li Kuo.

Li Kuo looked down at the more than 300 monks below, and said: "Wait, you will come with me and enter the ice and snow cave to cultivate. , no matter who it is, I will not show mercy."

"Yes, Yaoshen Kuo." All the monks saluted Li Kuo, and their attitudes were extremely respectful.

Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Li Kuo through his thoughts, "Brother Li, I will leave these people to you."

Li Kuo replied through sound transmission through his thoughts: "Master, don't worry, I will take good care of them."

Xiao Zhi nodded at Li Kuo, and his figure turned into a bubble and disappeared into the air.

Soon, Xiao Zhi returned to his mansion located in the inner city of the Dachang Imperial City, and continued to visualize and practice his [Dharma Aspect of the Great Prestige Heavenly King].

Cultivating 【Dawei Tianwang Faxiang】 will be a long-term project, and it cannot be completed overnight.

Xiao Zhi has already made psychological preparations for a long-term "war of resistance".

Day after day, he fought against the evil Buddha in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, and he still gained something.

In the beginning, he confronted the evil Buddha head-on, and then was killed neatly and neatly again and again.

Fighting, he will have a long memory, and he will start fighting tactics, and the time he can survive will be greatly increased.

While wrestling with the evil Buddha to delay time, he will carefully observe all the attack methods of the evil Buddha, and he will not let go of every expression and every movement of the evil Buddha.

After "visualizing" for a while, Xiao Zhi found that his understanding of the [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang] had deepened, and the time he could persist in the hands of the evil Buddha was also increasing little by little.

This made Xiao Zhi very happy.

When practicing, the most fearful thing is not being able to find the direction, and the progress of cultivation is stagnant.

As long as he finds the correct direction of cultivation, and keeps advancing in this direction little by little, one day, he will defeat the evil Buddha in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, and raise his [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang] to Dzogchen class!

Time passed day by day.

On this day, when Xiao Zhi was fighting against the evil Buddha in the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom, he suddenly felt something in his heart calling him.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi ended the battle, and his consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings. With a wave of his hand, the sound transmission jade talisman that belonged to him appeared in front of his eyes out of thin air, emitting a faint light.

Xiao Zhi said, "What's the matter?"

The voice belonging to the information commissioner came out from the sound transmission jade talisman: "Zhishen, just now, the last meeting between our representatives and the representatives of Qingyuan World has also been successfully concluded. All the cooperation matters between the two parties have been finalized, recorded into text, and organized into documents, just waiting for your review."

'Is it over...' Xiao Zhi was slightly taken aback, feeling that time passed so quickly.

He said, "Okay, I see."

With a thought, Xiao Zhi established contact with his demigod avatar, and then by reading the memory of this demigod avatar, he knew everything that happened during this period.

The series of consultations and discussions conducted by the representatives of the players from the two worlds gathered together went smoothly without any major twists and turns.

It can be seen that Qingyuan World is sincere this time.

Of course, Xiao Zhi's Dachang World is also sincere.

In Chentian District, two powerful worlds are about to join forces!

Under the control of Xiao Zhi's divine thoughts, Xiao Zhi's demigod avatar suddenly said, "Show me the document."

With a swipe, in the spacious hall used for meetings, around the clone Xiao Zhi, dozens of people immediately looked at him.

Immediately, a staff member responded, bowed to Xiao Zhi and said, "Yes!"

Soon, a staff member hurried over, handed a crystal clear jade plaque respectfully to Xiao Zhi, and said, "Zhishen, all the documents are here."

Xiao Zhi hummed, took the jade tablet, penetrated a ray of his divine sense into it, and browsed the various documents inside.

A few more days passed in a flash, and the time came to October 3, 2028.

On this day, an island appeared on a large lake within the Qingyuan Empire.

The island is only tens of miles in radius, and the island is full of people at the moment.

Xiao Zhi was present, as were the four kings of Qingyuan, including King Quicksand.

The Dachang World where Xiao Zhi is located has more than one million players.

Qingyuan World has also attracted more than one million players.

In addition, almost all player worlds in Chentian District sent representatives to participate in this grand event.

In the sky, there are dancing cranes, falling flowers, and thousands of auspicious colors.

On the island, there are water pavilions and pavilions surrounded by clouds and mist.

Halfway through the event, a voice came from the sky, rolling like the sound of the sky, resounding through the entire island.

Everyone hurriedly followed the sound, looked up, and saw a golden auspicious cloud floating high above the auspicious cloud. Standing side by side on the auspicious cloud were two people, Xiao Zhi and Quicksand King.

Then I heard the two people say loudly: "From now on, our Dachang World (Qingyuan World) will form an offensive and defensive alliance. From then on, all will be prosperous and all will be prosperous, and all will be damaged. The sky can learn from it, and everyone knows it!"

On the island below, cheers resounded suddenly!

The happiest and most excited ones were the players of Dachang World.

Before this, they probably never dreamed that one day, their world would be able to be in the same position as Qingyuan World, the overlord world, and form an offensive and defensive alliance!

The players in Qingyuan World seem to be less interested. It's just that the king's order is hard to disobey. In this situation, no one dares to be presumptuous.

Those representatives from various player worlds are also cheering and applauding at the moment.

However, if you look carefully, it is not difficult to see that many player representatives are forced to smile, but in fact, their hearts are full of worries.

After all, such a strong alliance is definitely not a good thing for the world behind them...

This grand event was also broadcast live in Dachang World and Qingyuan World.

The live broadcast method is also very simple. It only needs a staff member to "log in" to the world of sentient beings with a mobile phone and other equipment, and then he can broadcast what he sees to the Internet through photographic equipment.

At this moment, not only is there an official live broadcast, there are at least thousands of players who are lucky enough to participate in this grand event, and they are also conducting private live broadcasts.

Inside the defense circle of Kyoto, Xiao Zhi's home, Xiao's father and Xiao mother were all sitting by the TV, watching the live broadcast.

When Xiao Zhi appeared on the stage, smiles appeared on the faces of Xiao's father and Xiao's mother, and there was a strong expression of pride on their faces.

Now, it has been eight years since the world of sentient beings was born. Eight years ago, they would never have imagined that their son would become the number one person in the whole world, and become a big man that they had never even dared to imagine before. !

Sitting beside Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were their daughter Xiao Fanghua, and Xiao Zhi's nephew Fan Jiang and niece Fan Xi.

Eight years have passed, Fan Jiang and Fan Xi are no longer the children they were before, and they are about to grow into teenagers.

When he saw his uncle's figure appearing on the screen with a majestic glow, Fan Jiang pointed to Xiao Zhi's figure on the screen and said: "When I can enter the world of sentient beings in the future, I want to be as powerful as my uncle." , protect our world like uncle!"

"Me too." Fan Xi also nodded, and said seriously.

Childhood dreams are always so innocent.

Xiao Zhi's generation of Xia people, many people's dream when they were young, was to enter Qingbei and contribute to the country.

But today's children all dream of becoming someone as powerful as Xiao Zhi in the future, protecting this world like Xiao Zhi!

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