This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1351 Consummation of All Thoughts

"Okay, no problem." Xiao Zhi nodded.

Currently, there are two demigods in Dachang World, namely Luo Yiyi and Lu Zhong.

In the main hall of Dachang Shenmen headquarters, Xiao Zhi, the avatar, said: "Next, our Dachang World will send a demigod to assist Qingyuan World to go to World No. 1599 to destroy the world. Please contact Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi Let's see who of the two of them is willing to go to World 1599 to destroy the world."

"Okay, Zhishen." Immediately, a staff member took out the sound transmission jade talisman and contacted Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi.

As a result, both Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi expressed their willingness to accept this mission and go to World 1599 to destroy the world.

Finally, after some consideration, Xiao Zhi decided to send Luo Yiyi to World 1599.

The main reason is that Luo Yiyi's strength is stronger. Without summoning Ku Luoxian, there is a high probability that Lu Yiyi will not be Luo Yiyi's opponent.

And stronger strength means stronger ability to resist risks.

Before Luo Yiyi set off for World 1599, Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Luo Yiyi through his divine avatar stationed in the Ice God Restriction: "Luo Yiyi, the most important task of your coming to World 1599 this time is not To destroy the world, but to collect information, this world No. 1599 comes from another sky area, and by collecting its information, we can gain a certain understanding of the sky area it was in before."

"Well, I understand." Roy Yi nodded, indicating that he understood.

The avatar Xiao Zhi continued to transmit the voice: "Try to find those who have status and weight to search for souls. Compared with ordinary people, they know much more."

"Yes, I know." Roy Yi nodded again.

At the border of Jinfeng Country, Xiao Zhi said, "My Dachang World will send Luo Yiyi to World No. 1599."

"Lei Zun." Quicksand King spat out two words.

King Yan said: "Demigods are responsible for the destruction of the world. What are we doing now?"

Quicksand King said: "Go to Jinfeng Kingdom, the world of 1599 is only the god level and Yuanying are dead, and the Yuanying and below are still there. We can always find some players in the world of 1599. From them, we can get more or less Get some intelligence information."

Xiao Zhi naturally had no objection to King Quicksand's proposal.

As soon as they entered the territory of Jinfeng Kingdom, Xiao Zhi and Quicksand King separated and started to act alone.

‘It’s a pity that a sentient beings order was wasted in vain. '

"Fortunately, this death fight ended in time, otherwise, it would have cost an extra sentient being order..." Xiao Zhi murmured in his heart while flying through the air.

Then he saw blue light bursting out of his eyes, flying towards a city in Jinfeng Kingdom.

In this world of sentient beings, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and it is normal for hundreds of miles in the wild to be uninhabited. If you want to find people, the best places to go are these cities.

With the blessing of five times the speed, Xiao Zhi quickly came to the sky above the city.

Hearing the sound of "Bo", the purple mask above the city burst instantly like a punctured bubble, disintegrating into purple light spots all over the sky.

Immediately afterwards, with a flash of gray-black light like water, dozens of figures struggled to appear in front of Xiao Zhi.

As soon as Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, a Jindan player floated towards Xiao Zhi with a fearful expression on his face, and Xiao Zhi held his head.

[Soul Searching] The supernatural power is activated instantly.

After a few seconds, Xiao Zhi let go of his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

The next second, he stretched out his hand again, and another Foundation Establishment player struggled and floated towards him.

Just as Xiao Zhi searched for his soul, in the city below, a giant flaming python rose into the air, turning half of the sky red, biting Xiao Zhi.

However, before the giant flame python got close to Xiao Zhi, it extinguished with a howl.

"How dare you attack my lord!" Li Kuo appeared, snorted coldly, and dragged out an aboriginal Golden Core cultivator from the city.

"I am the owner of the city. If you invaders want to kill and destroy the city, kill me first!" said the aboriginal Jindan monk struggling.

At this moment, his body was covered with a thick layer of frost, his face was blue and purple, and he couldn't move.

"Then kill you." Li Kuo said coldly.

When he was about to make a move, Xiao Zhi said, "Forget it."

Li Kuo immediately stopped and said, "It's your luck that my lord doesn't kill you."

The Golden Core cultivator struggled and wanted to speak again, but his body was completely frozen and he could no longer speak.

After a while, Xiao Zhi took Li Kuo and left here through the air, flying towards another city more than a thousand miles away.

After Xiao Zhi and the others left, about half a quarter of an hour passed before a few monks mustered up the courage to step forward and break the ice for the city lord.

After tossing and tossing for a while, the city lord got out of the ice in some embarrassment.

At this moment, a subordinate ran over with a pale face: "My lord, there are foreign gods attacking the capital, the ancestor is dead, your majesty is dead, and I, Jin Feng, are about to die!"

"What did you say?!" The city lord yelled sharply, "This person is bewitching everyone with his gossip, arrest him immediately!"

As a result, no one moved.

Cheng Cheng's expression turned pale and he said: "My lord, what he said is right, His Majesty has indeed collapsed, and the ancestor has also died..."

Patriarch Jin Feng had indeed fallen, but it was not Xiao Zhi who killed him, but King Quicksand.

After experiencing the transfer event in world 1599, King Quicksand's hostility became very serious. He just had some conflicts with Jin Feng, the aboriginal god of Jinfeng Kingdom, and he directly shot and killed Jin Feng. .

Even the emperor of Jinfeng Kingdom was affected and died in this conflict.

After learning about this, Xiao Zhi could only sigh in his heart.

This is considered to be an indiscriminate disaster for Jin Feng Country, and I am afraid that it will end up in the same fate as Dayan Country in the future.

In this regard, he can't change anything. All he can do is to take care of himself and his Dachang world, and try not to bully the weak and kill innocent people.

Several hours later, Luo Yiyi returned from World 1599, and Xiao Zhi also returned to Dachang Kingdom at this time.

Afterwards, Luo Yiyi reported to Xiao Zhi in detail what happened after coming to world No. 1599 this time.

Xiao Zhi summarized the information reported by Luo Yiyi, as well as the information he obtained through soul searching, and he had a fairly comprehensive understanding of the No. 1599 world that came from this transfer zone.

World No. 1599, known as Kaimen World, comes from Yuyintian District.

This is a future world with a population of over 20 billion. Geniuses emerge in large numbers. After entering the world of sentient beings, only forty years later, many gods including three mid-level gods were born.

With such strength, if it was placed in the Chentian District a few years ago, it would have been the regional overlord, but in the Yintian District, Kaimen World could not even rank in the top three.

The current overlord world in Yintian District is the Jiwu world, and the strongest person in the Jiwu world is the Jiwu Emperor, who is a high-level god.

There are a total of 15 gods in the world of Jiwu. In addition to the high god, Emperor Jiwu, there are 4 middle gods who are extremely powerful and have dominated the Yintian area for decades.

Yintian District ranked second and third, both of which are affiliated worlds of the Extreme Martial World. Although there are no high gods, they are equally powerful.

Kaimen World is actually an affiliated world of Jiwu World.

In fact, all the player worlds in the entire Yintian District are subject to the Extreme Martial World, and they are all vassal worlds of the Extreme Martial World.

Those player kingdoms that were unwilling to submit to the world of extreme martial arts, and unwilling to pay tribute to the world of extreme martial arts, have long since disappeared into the dust of history.

Living in such a sky area, it is almost impossible to get ahead.

Therefore, after discussing for a while, the emperors of Kaimen World decided to transfer to other regions to find opportunities.

Here, two points caught Xiao Zhi's attention.

The first point: The sky order used for the Kaimen world transfer is obtained by the emperors of the Kaimen world by performing tasks issued by the sentient beings system.

This time, all the emperors of Kaimen World participated.

Before carrying out the mission, there were seven emperors in Kaimen World. When the mission was completed, the number of emperors in Kaimen World dropped from seven to five.

From this we can see how terrifying the task of obtaining the Sky Token is.

The second point: when you use the command of the sky to transfer regions, the regions you can transfer to are all random, and you need to be lucky.

If you are lucky, you can transfer to a relatively weak area. With the strength of Kaimen World, you can completely dominate it.

You can also specify if you want, but you need to pay one more Sky Token.

It is difficult enough to obtain a Sky Token, but it is even more difficult to obtain another one.

Therefore, the Caimen world is chosen at random.

As a result, this Kaimen World didn't know whether it was good luck or bad luck, so it transferred to Chentian District.

Among the many sky zones, Chentian District is definitely considered to be a weak zone. As the overlord world, Qingyuan World, if it is placed in those stronger sky zones, it is not even worthy of giving shoes to those overlord worlds.

Because of this, Kaimen World decisively chose to put all their eggs in one basket and started a death fight with Qingyuan World. They wanted to complete their efforts in one battle, win the hegemony position, and at the same time abolish Qingyuan World.

As a result, they underestimated the kings of the Qingyuan world.

There is a difference between mastering immortal art and being armed to the teeth with immortal art.

The final result is that after this deathmatch, Kaimen World lost, and all players participating in the deathmatch, whether they were gods, demigods, or Nascent Souls, all died!

A player world that was originally extremely strong collapsed just like that.

Even if this Kaimen world is an enemy, Xiao Zhi still feels a little embarrassed about it.

While sighing, there was a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Before, his eyes had been on the Chentian District, and he felt that as long as he united with the Qingyuan World as the overlord world, he and his Dachang World would be at peace since then, but he somewhat ignored the issue of transferring districts.

After he formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Qingyuan World, there is indeed no player world in the Chentian area that can threaten him, but there are other worlds.

Take the Kaimen World that just transferred to this area as an example. The Kaimen World is placed in the Yintian District. It is not particularly strong. The source world was overturned.

What if there are other powerful player world transfers to Chentian District?

What if there are high-level gods in the player's world from the transferred area?

Thinking about it, Xiao Zhi only felt that there was an invisible mountain pressing down on him, making him unable to breathe.

After this incident, Xiao Zhi practiced even harder, and it was almost regarded as a closed-door cultivation. Whether it was the Dachang world or the Dachang country, as long as it was not something particularly important, he didn't care about it. Handed over to others to deal with.

For him, improving his strength is more important than anything else.

It is said that the kings of Qingyuan, including the quicksand king, have also started a retreat mode, and all of them no longer show their faces.

It can be seen that he is not the only one who has a sense of crisis. As the overlord world of Qingyuan World, the pressure felt by the kings of Qingyuan will only be greater than him.

Time passed day by day.

In the dark deep water, Xiao Zhi immersed himself in penance, crazily, and hardly left any time for himself to rest.

During this day-to-day penance, one thing Xiao Zhi was most unwilling to see happened:

The [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang], which he spent the most time cultivating, seems to be stuck in a bottleneck.

During this period of time, no matter how he tried to imitate the evil Buddha, no matter how he fought, he used all kinds of methods, but he was still no match for the evil Buddha, and he would lose to the evil Buddha with a big disadvantage every time. .

This happens every time.

This made Xiao Zhi feel anxious.

In this way, another half month has passed, and the situation is still the same.

At this time, it is almost certain that he has indeed hit a bottleneck in the cultivation of [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang].

Xiao Zhi didn't believe in evil, and persisted for another half a month, but the situation still didn't improve.

On this day, in the dark deep water, Xiao Zhi stopped practicing for the first time, and began to think about one thing.

【Dawei Tianwang Faxiang】It is obvious that he has fallen into a bottleneck, should he bite the bullet and continue to practice?

It would be fine if this bottleneck only trapped him for a while, but what if it lasted for several months, or even years? What should he do?

Has he been so consumed all the time?

In the end, Xiao Zhi made a somewhat difficult decision, that is, to temporarily put aside the practice of [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang], and instead major in immortal art [All thoughts return to one].

His celestial art [All Thoughts Returning to One] has stayed at the Dacheng level for a long, long time.

The reason for this is because he hasn't majored in [All Thoughts Returning to One] for a long time, and he just practiced [All Thoughts Returning to One] while practicing other things.

Although it is a minor, but after accumulating over a long period of time, his understanding of [All thoughts return to one] is getting deeper and deeper.

During the recent period, he had a premonition that his celestial technique [Ten Thousand Thoughts Returning to One] was about to break through.

In these two days, his premonition became more and more intense.

‘Then, let’s put down the [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang] for the time being, and first cultivate this [All Thoughts into One] to the level of perfection. '

'[Wannianhuiyi] is not as good as [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang], but it is still a four-star fairy art. If I cultivate a four-star fairy art to the perfection level, my strength can be increased to some extent. ’ Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

Facts have proved that Xiao Zhi's premonition is correct.

On the ninth day of Xiao Zhi's majoring in [All Thoughts Returning to One], a line of golden words appeared in front of his eyes like flowing water:

‘Congratulations, player, with your persistent and arduous training, your celestial art [All Thoughts Returning to One] has broken through from Dacheng level to Consummation level! '

Thanks to the book friend 20190613001813522 for the reward.

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