This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1353 Order

If there is hope, there will be motivation.

Next, Xiao Zhi was full of energy, addicted to cultivation, unable to extricate himself.

Until one day, he was in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, and when he was fighting against the evil Buddha, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his heart, sensing something calling him.

This feeling came from the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain.

This is Yan Wang came to find himself again.

Soon, in the dark deep water, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes with a pale face, and with a thought, he separated a ray of spiritual thought, which instantly crossed a long distance, and he was stationed on the road with him. The god clones in the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain established a connection.

Lingyun Mountain is dangerously deep.

The water surface of the deep pool fluctuated slightly, and the clone Xiao Zhi emerged from it, and said, "King Yan, why are you looking for me?"

King Yan's avatar smiled lightly and said, "Three days later, there will be seven-colored treasures in the Sumeru Realm, do you want to go?"

The avatar Xiao Zhi heard the words, and said almost without any hesitation: "Go, definitely go."

"That's good." King Yan's avatar nodded, and said, "The place where the colorful treasure was born is..., and in terms of time, it will be at 5:39 am the day after tomorrow."

The avatar Xiao Zhi said, "Won't the Quicksand King go?"

King Yan said: "Master Liusha is currently practicing in seclusion, and he doesn't have time to go."

"The Quicksand King has not participated in the competition for the colorful treasure for several times. He thinks the chances are too small, so he has given up..." Xiao Zhixin said.

Thinking so in his heart, Xiao Zhi said, "What is Quicksand King practicing? Could it be that he is attacking the Great Perfection of the law and is about to break through to become a high god?"

King Yan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, and said, "No, no, he's just practicing a kind of fairy art in retreat. As for the law, the law is not so easy to break through. For example, I was wasting time in the realm of the first god. After so many years, he is still the first god..."

When he said this, Yan Wang had a sad expression on his face, shook his head, and said no more.

Xiao Zhi had no choice but to comfort him: "It's okay, King Yan, you only need to accumulate some more, and it should be a matter of course to break through and become the Central God."


This time he went to compete for the colorful treasure, but Xiao Zhi returned without success.

Regarding this, Xiao Zhi was already very calm, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

After his consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi only took a short rest, and then he put away the distracting thoughts in his mind, calmed down, and continued to practice.

Time passed day by day.

In the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, Xiao Zhi and Yuanshen Xiao Zhi turned into a mighty king and a bodhisattva, and they cooperated more and more tacitly.

With their tacit cooperation, they are now on par with Dawei Tianfo, and even have a slight upper hand.

During the retreat practice, every one or two months, Xiao Zhi would separate out a ray of spiritual thought, establish contact with his divine avatar guarding the Dachang Imperial City, and then read its memory to understand the situation that has occurred during this period of time. , what happened outside.

During this period of time, the outside world was relatively stable, and no other player worlds transferred to Chentian District.

During this period of time, Qingyuan World has also learned the tribute model of the Jiwu World in Yintian District, requiring all existing player worlds in the entire Chentian District to pay tribute to Qingyuan World. The annual tribute, the tribute is spirit stones and all kinds of rare treasures of heaven and earth, treasures of heaven and earth.

There are actually not many things that each player world needs to pay tribute each time, but when more than a hundred player worlds are added together, the things that are "contributed" each time are extremely impressive.

Of course, these player worlds that need to pay tribute do not include Dachang World where Xiao Zhi lives.

As an ally world, Dachang World, where Xiao Zhi lives, not only does not need to pay tribute, but can also share about 30% of these tributes.

The advantage of doing this is: players in Qingyuan World are full of benefits when they are practicing, and they basically don’t need to worry about cultivation resources anymore, and can put all their energy on cultivation. In this way, there is no doubt about the efficiency of cultivation It will be greatly improved. Those talented players can also show their talents earlier, so as not to be buried. As for those who don't have any talents, in this environment, they can spend time in the foundation building period. Even came out of Jindan Realm.

Even Dachang World, where Xiao Zhi lived, also got some light.

Although 30% of the tribute is not particularly large, it also greatly relieves the cultivation pressure of the players in Dachang World.

With Xiao Zhi's consent, and under the leadership of the United World Government, a set of welfare system for players was quickly rolled out.

Before the newborn players, they had to find ways to find food while they were cultivating. If they couldn’t find food, they would be hungry. , as long as you report their location, a staff member will take the player to the novice training camp and provide a full set of benefits such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, weapons, and exercises.

The previous players, when they practiced to the acquired limit, needed to collect 100,000 coins in order to purchase Xiantian skills and step into the Xiantian realm. This 100,000 coins is not so easy for an acquired warrior.

Now it's different, once a player has cultivated to the acquired limit, he only needs to apply to the world's joint government, and he can get the innate skill for free and step into the innate realm!

In addition, innate extreme warriors can also apply for free Thunder Fire Pill and Heavenly Tribulation Formation when crossing the tribulation.

Players in other realms can also obtain the corresponding level of Thunder Fire Pill and Heavenly Tribulation Formation for free when crossing the tribulation.

According to the different strengths of Dao Realm players, they can also receive different amounts of spirit stones from the government every month to supplement consumption and assist in cultivation...

Under this system, almost all players in Dachang World can benefit.

This is the benefit of abundant resources and abundant materials.

It can only be said that compared to Xiao Zhi's time, the current players are so much happier.

As for the more than one hundred player worlds that need tribute...

The tribute model that Qingyuan World implemented in Chentian District is undoubtedly a kind of oppression for them. Although this kind of oppression is not too severe, oppression is oppression, and this cannot be washed away.

Xiao Zhi is not the Holy Mother, he will not question Qingyuan World's approach, because his Dachang World is also a vested interest in this model.

He just made a suggestion to Qingyuan World through King Yan: Let each player world set up an embassy in Qingyuan Imperial Capital and Dachang Imperial City, and all player worlds that pay tribute to Qingyuan World will be protected by Qingyuan World and Qingyuan World. The protection of Dachang World. Once these protected worlds are oppressed or invaded by other player worlds, they can report to Qingyuan World through the embassy in time. Qingyuan World will enforce the law impartially and seek justice for the victims!

Qingyuan World finally accepted Xiao Zhi's suggestion, and since then, the huge Chentian District has suddenly become peaceful and stable.

Those powerful player worlds with a god-level seat can no longer bully those weak player worlds without a god-level seat without any scruples like before.

Even those novice players who have just ended the national war have a certain living space, and they don't need to live in fear anymore.

After Xiao Zhi's suggestion was implemented, those weak worlds in Chentian District who were dissatisfied with the tribute and dared not speak out, gradually changed their attitude towards the two powerful worlds, Qingyuan World and Dachang World. changed.

There are even many weak player worlds singing praises to Qingyuan World and Dachang World.

What these weak player worlds lack the most is not cultivation resources, but an order that allows them to survive stably.

As long as they can survive in this world, they can slowly accumulate strength and become stronger.

And what Qingyuan World and Dachang World gave them is such an order...

Time is still passing day by day.

The cooperation between Xiao Zhi and Primordial Spirit Xiao Zhi has become more and more tacit. Together, the two of them can already occupy a clear advantage in the fight against Dawei Tianfo.

Unfortunately, victory does not mean kill.

The difficulty of killing the evil Buddha is far greater than defeating the evil Buddha.

Therefore, the road to cultivation is long, and Xiao Zhi has to continue to work hard.

On this day, Xiao Zhilue took a break during his practice.

With a thought in his mind, he separated a wisp of divine thought, and established a connection with his divine avatar sitting in Dachang Imperial City.

Up to now, unless he encounters such an urgent matter, otherwise, his information specialist will not take the initiative to contact him, but will report to him in detail what happened in the world of sentient beings and the real world. The avatar of the gods sitting in the imperial city of Dachang.

When Xiao Zhi is free, he only needs to search the memory of this clone.

A few seconds later, a smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's face.

'In the past month or so, a large number of players in my Dachang World have made breakthroughs in cultivation and entered a brand new realm. There are also several more Nascent Soul players, and there is even a Nascent Soul player who has cultivated the law. Small grade, not bad not bad. '

'It's a pity that the master of the law has not appeared for a long time after Lu Zhong. '

"After Lu Zhong, the most promising one is Zhao Yan and the other is Hu Yang. However, it has been so long, and there is no movement from them..."

'The materials I used to forge the Divine Weapon have been found again. In this way, I will be able to spend less sky points in the future. '

'It's a pity that no high-quality god-level tribulation object has been found, not to mention the high-quality god-level tribulation object, even the low-quality god-level tribulation object, it has been so long, and it has never been found. None were found. '

It can only be said that this god-level catastrophe is really too rare.

In this way, another period of time passed, Xiao Zhi was uniting with Yuanshen Xiao Zhi in the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, and when he was fighting fiercely with the evil Buddha, his expression suddenly moved slightly, and he sensed something calling him.

It is the dangerous place of Lingyun Mountain...

After a few seconds, Xiao Zhi's consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings.

The moment his consciousness returned, he had a thought, and a ray of spiritual thought was separated, and he established a connection with his god clone located in the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi calmly withdrew this ray of spiritual thought.

Just now King Yan called him over to tell him that a new round of guardian missions was about to begin.

In this regard, Xiao Zhi can only wish King Yan and the others all the best and get through this guard mission smoothly.

This time, the defense mission lasted only fifteen days, which was regarded as a regular defense mission.

Routine defense missions are very dangerous, and none of the kings of Qingyuan were injured or injured.

The twenty-ninth day after the guardian mission ended.

In the illusion of the Buddha Kingdom, Xiao Zhi and Yuanshen Xiao Zhizheng are fighting against Dawei Tianfo together.

Now, the cooperation between Xiao Zhi and Yuanshen Xiao Zhi is very tacit, and they can already suppress and beat Dawei Tianfo.

However, it is still very difficult for them to kill Dawei Tianfo.

The battle was going on fiercely, and Xiao Zhi, who had gained the upper hand, felt a little depressed in his heart.

Because such a high-intensity battle consumes a lot of divine power, and because of the presence of Yuanshen Xiao Zhi participating in the battle, he has to pay double the consumption.

Seeing that it was about to reach the end of the battle, Xiao Zhi couldn't help shouting: "Dawei Tianfo, you die for me! I have died so many times, you should die for me once anyway, don't Too much, just die once!"

This can be regarded as one of his complaints, and it can also be regarded as an emotional catharsis.

After all, he is not an emotionless robot. After dying so many times in the hands of this evil Buddha in front of him, he still has some emotions.

During the period of fighting against the evil Buddha, he has made countless complaints like this.

Anyway, this is the fantasy land of Buddha, no one can hear his complaints.

His glorious and stalwart image will not be affected by this.

After Xiao Zhi shouted this sentence and vented his emotions a little, he didn't take it seriously, and cooperated with Yuanshen Xiao Zhi to start a new round of attack on Dawei Tianfo in front of him.

What he didn't expect was that Dawei Tianfo, who had always been indifferent to his complaints before, spoke at this moment: "All living beings in the pure is it now?"

Xiao Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and his figure suddenly stopped in mid-air.

call! Not far from Xiao Zhi, the figure of Bodhisattva transformed by Primordial Spirit Xiao Zhi also stopped in midair.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi and Dawei Tianfo were separated by tens of miles, and their eyes met each other.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, Dawei Tianfo said slowly: "Your strength has improved rapidly, and you have found a shortcut. I don't think you can last long before I will be killed by you... This kind of person who is jealous of the virtuous and capable will not intentionally block your future, as long as you tell me the current situation of the pure land of all births, I will explain it here, so that you can achieve the Dzogchen state of the "Dharma of the Great Powerful Heavenly King" and obtain the supreme Dzogchen Power."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being ecstatic when he heard this.

If the Dawei Tianfo in front of him can really do this, then his hard life will come to an end.

After being overjoyed, Xiao Zhi was a little suspicious again, and said, "Is this true?"

Dawei Tianfo suppressed the dark and evil aura around him, and the golden light wheel reappeared behind his head. The Buddha's light dispelled the surrounding haze, and illuminated the land again.

Then he bowed his head slightly and said, "The Buddha doesn't lie."

Thanks to Guo Zimiao, Qunyu Shantou, and Taixuan Sword Immortal for their rewards.

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