This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1372 Layout and Preparation

Emperor Long Yuan glanced at the emperors in front of him, and said lightly: "Don't waste the order of sentient beings, everyone, please follow me to Dachang Kingdom. Dachang Kingdom is supported by Xiao Zhi alone. As long as Xiao Zhi can be killed, This Dachang world is nothing to worry about."

"Yes." All the emperors agreed.

Emperor Long Yuan waved his hand lightly, and a crystal white dragon as white as jade emerged.

The white dragon carried Emperor Long Yuan and other Qi Yan emperors, and with a flick of its tail, its figure shrunk dozens of times, and then easily tore the void in front of it, and wandered into the chaotic space.

For the existence under the gods, the chaotic space is more terrifying than the Absolute Territory. Once they venture into it, they will be strangled into slag in an instant under the strangulation of the terrifying space turbulence, without a place to die.

But when the strength reaches the beginning god level, you can barely resist the turbulent flow of this space, and you can carry out short-term activities in this chaotic space.

At the level of the middle god level, most of the gods travel through this chaotic space in order to save time when traveling.

This is even more so at the high god level.

Emperor Long Yuan and other emperors of Qi and Yan traveled through the chaotic space and headed straight for Dachang Kingdom.

Xiao Zhi led Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi, also heading towards Dachang Kingdom.

Although he is not walking in the chaotic space now, with the blessing of the ability of "Speaking out the law", his traveling speed is faster than that of Long Yuandi and the others.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's ear suddenly sounded the notification sound of the sentient beings system:

‘The regional overlord world has changed hands. As an ally who once dominated the world, the Dachang World you are in has obtained the qualification to challenge the regional overlord once. '

‘This challenge can choose to fight with life or to fight with death. '

'The life battle will be carried out on the virtual battlefield. All the gods of both sides must participate. The Nascent Soul of both sides can choose to participate. Participants can win the final victory and become the new regional overlord of Chentian District. '

'The deathmatch will be held on the deathmatch arena. All the gods on both sides must participate, and the Nascent Souls of both sides can choose to participate. All the contestants of the opponent can win the final victory and become the new regional overlord of Chentian District. '

'Note: In the deathmatch mode, the dead on the winner's side will be resurrected after the game, and all the participants on the loser's side will die. '

'Note: This challenge opportunity will only take effect within the next month, and it will become invalid after it expires. '

Successive system prompts sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears, which made Xiao Zhi startled, and even the speed of flying through the air slowed down a bit.

His Dachang world, unexpectedly got a chance to challenge the overlord world at this time?

This matter was somewhat beyond his expectation.

He couldn't help looking at Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi who were beside him, seeing that their expressions had also changed significantly, he couldn't help asking: "Have you also received the news?"

"Well, I received it. Our Dachang World has won the qualification to challenge the regional hegemony." Lu Jiao nodded.

Luo Yiyi said: "The system actually gave us the qualification to challenge the overlord world at this time. What is it trying to do? Let us fight this Qiyan world to the death?"

Lu Zhong said: "If it really comes to that time, it is not impossible to fight to the death. We have brother Zhi, who will win the deer, it is still unknown!"

Luo Yiyi said: "Zhishen has high god-level combat power, and his strength will never lose to that of Emperor Long Yuan. Unfortunately, except for Zhishen, our other places are incomparable with this Qiyan world. In addition to the high god Di, there are six god-level existences, including a middle god, but on our side, besides the holding god, there are only two junior gods left."

Lu Zhong frowned slightly, and said: "I don't know if I can use the sacrifices I stored to summon the Kuluo Immortal in that death fight space. If I can, the Kuluo Immortal I summoned can also be summoned." It can be regarded as a middle god-level combat force."

"Even if they can be summoned, the gap between us and them is still a bit big."

"There is no way, the time we have entered the world of sentient beings is too short, only more than ten years, and it is completely incomparable with Qi Yan's world."

"Yes, it's too short, the time we have developed is really too short..."

Xiao Zhi didn't participate in this kind of discussion, but was thinking quickly in his heart while flying forward through the air at four times the speed.

'The opportunity given by the sentient beings system to challenge the regional overlord feels like it can be used as a hole card...'

‘It’s definitely not usable now. If you use it rashly when the situation is unknown, you’re betting your life. The uncertainty factor is too great. '

'This Qiyan world was very cautious at that time. Even after transferring to the region, I found out through soul searching that the Qingyuan world, which is the overlord of the region, is the strongest. It still did not take it lightly, but sent a The envoy of the beginning god went to test. '

'It wasn't until the quicksand king's strength was tested by this, that Emperor Longyuan felt that he had already conquered the quicksand king, and then brazenly launched a deathmatch mode to Qingyuan world, killing all the kings of Qingyuan in one fell swoop, replacing Qingyuan The world has become the new overlord world of Chentian District. '

Although Qiyan World is an enemy, Xiao Zhi still has to admit that this Qiyan World is indeed not simple, as stable as an old dog!

This point is worth learning for him.

'This challenge opportunity, we still have to wait until we have contact with this world of Qi Yan, and then use it according to the situation. '

'For example, if I can kill Emperor Longyuan in battle, the other gods in Qiyan World are likely to turn into birds and beasts. In this case, I can use this hole card to wipe out all the remaining gods in Qiyan World . '

‘However, it is not easy to kill a high god. As a high god, Emperor Long Yuan must have some life-saving cards, so it is not so easy to be killed. '

'Let's take a step and see...'

At this time, the divine power in Xiao Zhi's body had almost recovered.

Then he heard a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear: "Make his speed increase by five times!"

As soon as Hao Miao's voice said this, Xiao Zhi's flying speed increased a bit, reaching an unbelievable level.

He must return to Dachang Kingdom as soon as possible, so that he can have more time to make arrangements to meet the invading enemy.

"The deathmatch has been over for a while, and the sentient beings system has not prompted anyone to invade my Dachang world. It seems that the situation I am most worried about has not happened. Those gods in the Qiyan world are still reluctant to consume sentient beings in the end." Order, to invade my Dachang world. '

‘Don’t talk about god-level invasions, not even ordinary players’ invasions. '

‘It’s because the Qiyan world doesn’t like me. After successfully winning the regional supremacy, doesn’t it plan to deal with my Dachang world? '

As soon as this idea came up, Xiao Zhi rejected it.

Because, judging by Qi Yan's world-like behavior as an old dog, it is almost impossible for this kind of thing to happen.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

It is impossible for Qiyan World to tolerate him and his Dachang World.

'Then, there is only one possibility, and that is: The reason why Qiyan World has not sent any players to invade Dachang World is mainly to paralyze me and let me have luck and illusions. As for those god-level players in Qiyan World , maybe already on the way to Dachang Kingdom...'

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being startled!

"Increase his speed by six times!" He heard a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi's flying speed increased again, as fast as teleportation.

At the same time, within the territory of Dachang Kingdom, Xiao Zhi's demigod avatar sitting in the Dachang Imperial City also accelerated the speed of giving orders.

A series of orders came from the mouth of this demigod avatar.

In the territory of Zhongchang Dao, where Venerable Kui and Yang Xu were located, where the evil spirit was strong and the ghostly atmosphere was densely cultivated, the avatar Xiao Zhi who was stationed here held up the Youquan Dragon Ball that was raised here.

Immediately, two pairs of eyes looked at it in unison.

The avatar Xiao Zhi, under the control of the deity's divine thoughts, said, "Xiao Xu, follow me to the imperial city."

Yang Xu walked out of the black death air, he didn't ask why he wanted to go to the imperial city, he just nodded and said in a muffled voice: "Okay."

Yang Xu still looks like a young man before, but the death energy exuding from him has become stronger than before, which means that his understanding of the law of death has made some progress.

In the darkness, a cold voice said: "Zhishen, what happened?"

This is the voice of Venerable Kui.

Venerable Kui also walked out of the thick black dead air.

The avatar Xiao Zhi said: "Someone is about to invade our Dachang Kingdom, and a big war is about to start. Maybe Xiaoxu's ability to sense death and vitality can be used."

Venerable Kui said in a cold voice: "Defending the country is a duty, and I will follow."

The avatar Xiao Zhi nodded and said nothing.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's divine avatar held the Youquan dragon ball, followed by two Youquan dragons, Venerable Kui and Yang Xu, master and apprentice, and flew towards the Dachang Imperial City through the air.

In the territory of Zhongchang Road, the avatar Xiao Zhi stationed here in the Biluo Snake Formation specially built for Luo Yiyi, melted silently and turned into a puddle of black water, spilling on the ground.

At the same time, in the depths of the perilous Lingyun Mountain, in the deep pool where the avatar Xiao Zhi lived, a cloud of black suddenly emerged, like black ink.

Back then, King Liusha and King Yan had self-destructed their god avatars stationed in the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain in order to respond to the deadly battle launched by Qiyan World.

Now, Xiao Zhi is also self-destructing his avatar to concentrate his own strength to deal with the next crisis.

At this time, Xiao Zhi's Yuanlong avatar was also rushing back, on the way to Dachang Imperial City.

Dachang World.

In Dachang World at this time, players have exchanged for different levels of protective formations. Most of them are relatively low-level Qingyun quadrangles and Zixiao hexagonal formations. Rarely seen anymore.

After all, without raising funds now, it is difficult to exchange the sentient beings points under the names of ordinary Nascent Soul players and Jindan players for any high-end defensive formations.

It takes time to raise funds by consuming sentient beings orders, and it also takes time to use the raised sentient beings points to arrange defensive formations one after another.

As for Xiao Zhi now, what he lacks the most is time, but he doesn't have that time to raise funds and arrange formations.

However, it doesn't really matter.

Scattered by the players, the low-level defensive formations deployed all over the world have weak defenses and are vulnerable to god-level players. They seem useless, but in fact, they are very useful. so big.

Because the defensive formation is related to the stability of the player's world.

The higher the quality and the greater the number of defensive formations, the stronger the stability of the player's world and the harder it is to be destroyed.

If these defensive formations did not exist, once Gao Shen came to the world, he would probably be able to complete the destruction of the world with a single blow.

Nowadays, because there is no fundraising, the quality of the defensive array cannot be improved, but as long as the quantity increases, the effect will be the same.

Xiao Zhi's order to most players in Dachang World is: "Be sure to exchange all the points of all beings under your name into defensive formations, and you don't need to keep any!"

"Don't think about reserving sentient beings points for descending to the real world, defending the real world, and defending the real world. Other players will perform the tasks themselves. Your task is to use up all sentient beings points on your body to exchange for defensive formations. !"

Dachang World, Kyoto Defense Circle.

Over the sky of the incomparably bustling Kyoto defense circle, a pale golden light curtain looms like an egg shell.

Under this pale golden light curtain, streaks of cyan or purple light bloom like fireworks, layer upon layer, looking beautiful.

Fighters full of high-tech colors lifted off from the Dachangyuan villa area in the core area of ​​the Kyoto defense circle, and then quickly broke through the sky at a speed of more than ten times the supersonic speed, and disappeared into the distant sky.

There are hundreds of fighter planes.

Some of these fighters are just blindfolds, while others carry the nutritional warehouses of some heavyweight players.

This is to prevent the god level of the Qiyan world from suddenly descending on the Dachang world and launching a decapitation operation on the Kyoto defense circle of the Dachang world.

After all, it is not difficult for Qi Yan world to find out the news that Chief Xiao lives in the defense circle of Kyoto.

The proposal to transfer the core players away from the Kyoto defense circle was not proposed by Xiao Zhi, but by the United World Government.

After a short thought, Xiao Zhi approved the proposal of the United World Government.

After all, now is not the time to be hypocritical.

What he needs to do now is to do everything possible to increase the winning rate of his side, and do his best to reduce the weaknesses and flaws of his side.

Thanks to Pontianak Double Bonus Red Stick for rewarding.

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