This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1382 Confrontation

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.

This Emperor Longyuan actually knew the existence of Buddhahood!

Not only that, but Emperor Long Yuan knew clearly about the flaws of the Buddha's fruit status.

But if you think about it carefully, this is actually a reasonable thing.

After all, the world of Qi Yan is considered to be a relatively old world in terms of world numbers, and Emperor Long Yuan is strong enough, so it is not unusual for him to know this.

Xiao Zhi thought about this quickly in his heart, but his expression remained calm.

He stared at Emperor Long Yuan, who was dozens of miles away, and said lightly: "You know a lot. Indeed, this side effect after transformation is really uncomfortable. My current strength has dropped a bit seriously. However, using It is enough to deal with you."

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued to say calmly: "Emperor Long Yuan, you were killed by me once, and you blew yourself up again. I'm afraid it's not easy for you. How much of your current strength is left?"

Emperor Long Yuan said calmly: "It's really uncomfortable, but I can barely maintain the high god level, so I won't fall down."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help sneering, and said, "Can you still maintain the high god level? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? If you can really maintain the high god level combat power now, you probably killed it long ago Are you still talking nonsense with me here?"

Being exposed by Xiao Zhi's words, Emperor Long Yuan didn't blush, he stared at Xiao Zhi, and said calmly: "Xiao Zhi, your strength is really beyond my expectation, you are very strong, compared to Qingyuan Empire That Quicksand King is more than a little bit stronger, if I had known you were so strong, I shouldn't have brought someone here to kill you, and had a bad relationship with you."

Xiao Zhi said lightly: "What's the use of saying this now?"

Emperor Long Yuan seemed to have no intention of attacking him yet.

Although he acted very strong, he actually didn't want to attack Emperor Long Yuan right now.

Because, he is now being tormented by the side effects of the transformation, and there is very little divine power in his body, and his strength is at its lowest point.

He needs to buy time to recover.

He wants to delay the time until the world protection is turned on, so as to avoid his worries.

Come to think of it, Emperor Long Yuan was also planning the same thing as him, and was deliberately delaying time in order to restore his own state.

Both sides have their own ghosts, and it depends on who can recover first.

'I want to get rid of the side effects of the transformation and restore my strength to the level of the middle god. It will take more than half an hour. If I want to re-transform into a Buddha, it will take even longer. It will take more than an hour The time, this time is really a bit long, and the longer the time drags on, the greater the variables will be. God knows when this Emperor Long Yuan will recover...'

‘What if this Emperor Longyuan recovers his strength faster than me? '

'It doesn't have to be much faster, as long as his recovery speed is a few minutes faster than mine, or even a minute, my Dachang world and I are likely to fall into the abyss of eternal doom! '

‘Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case! '

'You can't just wait like this, you have to find a way...' Xiao Zhi kept his expression on his face, but he was thinking quickly in his heart.

Then Emperor Long Yuan said at this moment: "Xiao Zhi, I'm actually curious about one thing."

"What is it?" Xiao Zhi said lightly.

Emperor Long Yuan stared at Xiao Zhi, and said, "Your strength is obviously much stronger than that of the Quicksand King in Qingyuan World, why are you willing to submit to him?"

Xiao Zhi looked at Emperor Longyuan, and said coldly: "There are quite a few players in my Dachang world whose souls you have searched for. You can easily find the answer from their memory, so why bother to ask?"

Emperor Long Yuan said: "The things in their memory all come from your propaganda, which is not necessarily the same as what you think in your heart."

Xiao Zhi said coldly: "That's what I thought."

Emperor Long Yuan nodded and said: "The current situation is that it is very difficult for me to kill you, and you can't kill me. In this case, I don't think there is actually any need to fight to the death between us. We can stop fighting. Then cooperate and win-win, just like you and the former Qingyuan World, Xiao Zhi, what do you think?"

Xiao Zhi stared at Emperor Long Yuan with a hint of surprise on his face.

Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi also had surprised expressions on their faces.

After being surprised, Lu Zhong frowned slightly and began to think, while Luo Yiyi couldn't help but say: "Win-win cooperation? Is it too late to say this now? After all, it's already reached this point, it's not you who died." It's me who is dead, and there is no way to be kind."

Emperor Long Yuan glanced at Luo Yiyi, and said calmly: "There is indeed some friction between us, but it's far from being a deep hatred, and it's not going to die, right?"

Lu Zhong said in a deep voice: "Emperor Long Yuan, in your Qiyan world, three gods have already died in battle. Isn't this considered a deep hatred?"

Emperor Long Yuan said calmly: "Once a war breaks out, it is normal for people to die. Their being killed can only show that they are not strong enough. It is not your fault. At least until now, we have not caused any harm to each other's real world. No matter what kind of damage it is, everything can be recovered based on this alone."

When Lu Zhong heard this, he couldn't help being shocked.

God-level players are extremely important combat power no matter which player world they are placed in, and they are not Chinese cabbage.

This Emperor Long Yuan behaved so calmly regarding the death of the three god-level players in his world, which was really beyond his expectation.

Then Emperor Long Yuan continued: "I was reckless when I attacked you this time. I would like to apologize to you and compensate you for your losses. If I had known that Xiao Zhi was so strong, I would definitely not have attacked you. In fact, I personally agree with Xiao Zhi's idea of ​​win-win cooperation, but I didn't know your real strength at that time, so I didn't have this idea. After all, cooperation like this, The strength of the two parties must be at the same level to be relatively safe. Now, Xiao Zhi, your strength has been recognized by me. The strength of the two of us is about the same. Cooperation will benefit both, and war will hurt both. We can sit down and sit down. Let’s have a good talk, let’s talk about win-win cooperation, my Qiyan World is much stronger than Qingyuan World, and I am more qualified to discuss cooperation and win-win cooperation with you, isn’t it?”

When he said this, Emperor Long Yuan had a serious expression and a sincere tone, as if he really wanted to sit down and have a good talk with Xiao Zhi and the others.

Lu Zhong looked at Xiao Zhi subconsciously, and said to Xiao Zhi: "Brother Zhi, tell me, does Emperor Long Yuan really want to talk to us when he said this?"

Xiao Zhi immediately replied via voice transmission: "Don't be naive, he's just delaying time and making false claims with us. If we believe his nonsense, even if we don't die now, we will die later."

Lu Zhong said via voice transmission: "Brother Zhi, how did you find out?"

Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission: "Intuition."


Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "It is impossible for us to coexist with them. Think about it carefully, what is our biggest reliance now?"

Lu Zhong said via voice transmission: "Brother Zhi, you are powerful. If you weren't strong enough, Brother Zhi, we would have been wiped out long ago."

Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "The reason why I can beat this Emperor Longyuan now is because this Emperor Longyuan has a high god-level cultivation, but he has very little fairy art. Once his position as the overlord is stabilized After a few guarding missions, he has exchanged enough and powerful immortal arts, and his strength will skyrocket. At that time, will I still be his opponent? At that time, if he wants to destroy the world against us, Can we still have the strength to resist?"

Lu Zhong said via voice transmission: "Brother Zhi, you think far and wide."

Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "He wants to talk, so we'll spend time here with him. During this period, I will find a way to see how we can break the situation."

"Okay, okay, Brother Zhi." Lu Chong agreed.

The sound transmission between the gods was as fast as lightning. It seemed that Xiao Zhi and Lu Zhong had communicated for a long time, but in fact, less than a second had passed.

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said, "Emperor Long Yuan, I need to think about it."

"Okay." Emperor Long Yuan nodded, and said, "To express my sincerity, I will let the people in my Qiyan world evacuate from your Dachang world."

Xiao Zhi said: "Okay, I will also let our people evacuate from your Qiyan world."

Emperor Long Yuan nodded: "Very good."

Xiao Zhi stopped talking, and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about this matter seriously.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

At this time, Xiao Zhi seemed to be thinking about cooperation, but in fact, he and Yu Xuzi were communicating quickly through sound transmission.

His strength, due to the side effects of the transformation, has dropped to the level of the first god.

But on his side, there are other god-level existences, Yu Xuzi is one, and Ku Luoxian is also one.

The Kuluoxian summoned by Lu Zhong is not as strong as Yuxuzi, and he is only suitable for fighting with the wind, not stable enough, so Xiao Zhi has no hesitation, and puts his target on Yuxuzi.

"Fellow Daoist Yuxu, Emperor Long Yuan's current strength should have fallen from the high god level. The high god aura he displayed is just an illusion. I have confirmed this from Yang Xu. The Long Yuan he sensed The real strength of the emperor's aura is at the middle god level, in this situation, are you sure that you can defeat him?" Xiao Zhi said to Yuxuzi through sound transmission.

Yuxuzi was silent for a while, and replied via voice transmission: "I'm not sure. Although his strength has fallen, the laws he mastered are still at the Dzogchen level. He and I both practice the law of ice and snow. Under the same laws, we Fighting him will be greatly suppressed."

Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "What if I add my ability of 'speaking the law'?"

Yu Xuzi was silent again, and replied via voice transmission: "I'm still not sure, even if I can defeat him with the blessing of your wish-making ability, it will be very difficult to kill him."

Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "You don't need to kill him completely, as long as you can consume him and prevent him from recovering. At that time, Ku Luoxian can also cooperate with you in the battle."

He added in his heart: "So what about the immortal body? As long as it can be delayed until my state recovers, then I will directly launch a death fight against Qi Yan's world. I don't think he will die!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi had already made a plan in his heart. Once his condition recovered, he would challenge Qi Yan World to a deathmatch without hesitation. Get rid of it all!

If it were before this battle, he definitely wouldn't dare to do it.

It's different now.

Now that he has figured out the strength of Emperor Long Yuan, this Emperor Long Yuan also has a strong ability to save his life. Once he meets Guangzhi Buddha, he will only be beaten violently.

As for the other gods in Qiyan World, Emperor Shi Xuan is currently under seal, and before the death fight begins, he will definitely take action to get rid of Emperor Shi Xuan.

The Emperor Huan who escaped and the Emperor Xuan who hadn't come here and was supposed to be guarding his home were both just Chushen. The mere two Chushens were nothing to worry about for him.

What's more, he is not a polished commander.

He also has Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi to help him fight...

Therefore, as long as the time can be delayed until his strength recovers and the deathmatch mode is activated at that time, he has almost 100% confidence to win the final victory of this deathmatch!

Yuxuzi was silent again, and replied via voice transmission: "Okay, I can try."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said through voice transmission: "Okay, after the divine power in my body recovers to a certain level, we will go to war! During this period, let's discuss the next tactics..."

Xiao Zhi not only contacted Yu Xuzi secretly, but he also contacted Lu Zhong, Luo Yiyi, Dachang Zhenjun, Hei Chang, and the green snake hidden in the lake under the ice.

Except for Yang Xu, all the people present were gods.

Although most of them are only the first gods, the first gods are also gods, and more or less can still play some role in the battle of gods.

For a while, it looked calm on the surface, but in reality it was undercurrents, and a new war of gods was quietly brewing.

Tens of miles away, Emperor Long Yuan stood quietly in the ice and snow, looking like a beautiful ice sculpture.

Lu Zhong suddenly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Zhi: "Brother Zhi, Ku Luoxian is bored, he wants to leave."

Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission: "You tell him to wait a little longer, promise him some more sacrifices, and appease him."

Lu Zhong said via voice transmission: "Well, I'm already comforting him."

Time continued to pass.

Xiao Zhi took a look at himself.

The divine power in his body has recovered to more than 30%, and it is still recovering little by little.

In his God Realm, at this time, the waves are rolling, and the waves are higher than the waves.

In this way, after another period of time passed, a voice suddenly sounded in Xiao Zhi's ear: "Brother Zhi, there is a cloud of god-level aura coming towards this side, it is the aura of Emperor Huan."

This is Yang Xu's voice.

"Has Emperor Huan gone and returned..." Xiao Zhi's heart skipped a beat.

In the next second, Emperor Long Yuan, who was standing in the ice and snow like an ice sculpture, moved slightly and said, "Xiao Zhi, can you let Emperor Shi Xuan go?"

Thanks to Aoqi or Mi Ye for the reward.

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