This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1395 The Trip to the Quicksand River

King Yan took out another storage ring from his body, handed it to Xiao Zhi, and said solemnly: "This is the storage ring left by Mr. Liusha in his previous life. All the valuable things in his previous life are in it. This is also what Master Liusha promised to you."

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, but didn't reach out to pick it up.

King Yan once again took out a storage ring from his body, handed it to Xiao Zhi, and said solemnly: "This is the storage ring left over from my previous life, and all the valuable things in my previous life are in it. , This is what I promised you back then, Brother Xiao Zhi, take it."

Xiao Zhi still didn't reach out to pick it up, he said calmly: "I appreciate the good intentions, it's enough for me to get the Spirit of Quicksand, as for the others, I don't need them, you should keep these things for yourself, you guys can compare them I need them more."

When Yan Wang heard this, he opened his mouth to say something, but the figure of Xiao Zhi standing in front of him has become blurred.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's figure turned into a bubble and disappeared into the air.

"Brother Xiao Zhi..." Yan Wang shouted.

But no one responded to him.

At this time, Xiao Zhi had already left Dachang Imperial City, and was flying towards the sea through the air.

Xiao Zhi is not the Holy Mother. To be honest, he has been coveting the quicksand water of King Quicksand for a long time. Therefore, when King Yan handed him the Spirit of Quicksand, he accepted it without being hypocritical.

But he is not the kind of greedy person. The two storage rings left by King Quicksand and King Yan must have a lot of good things in them, but there should be no such precious things, so he I chose to give up.

As for the other kind of water of the Quicksand King...

If the Quicksand King wanted to give it to him, he would not refuse, and if the Quicksand King didn't give it to him, he would not reach out to grab it.

However, it seemed that the Quicksand King did not intend to hand over the other kind of strange water.

The Quicksand King probably wants to keep it for himself...

After flying forward for a certain distance through the air, Xiao Zhi's figure shrank sharply, and quickly turned into the size of a peanut. Immediately, he pointed like a knife and swung forward lightly.

Hearing a soft ripping sound, the space in front of him was torn apart with a pitch-black hole.

With a flash of Xiao Zhi's figure, he got into the dark opening and disappeared.

Xiao Zhi traveled through the chaotic space at an extremely fast speed.

He wanted to rush back to Canghai as soon as possible to study the newly acquired Spirit of Quicksand.

In his cognition, the strange water of quicksand water is higher than his primordial water and secluded spring water.

Not to mention power, at least in terms of functionality, it is stronger than his primordial water and secluded spring water.

"Different waters should be more powerful the more they are fused. For example, after fusing two different waters, the combat power that I can unleash is greater than when I only fused the water of the beginning. It's a lot higher. '

‘After fusing two kinds of different waters, the increase in combat power is already very impressive. What if three kinds of different waters are fused? Wouldn't the combat power just explode? Take off in place? '

'Continuing to integrate the third type of different water may be a shortcut to becoming stronger when the law of water movement is difficult to break through in a short period of time. '

'It's just that it becomes more and more difficult to fuse different waters. When I merged the first kind of water from the source of different waters, there was almost no difficulty at all, but when I merged the water from the second kind of different waters, the difficulty skyrocketed. I have encountered a lot of hardships, and now if I want to merge with the quicksand water, the difficulty will be even greater...'

'Forget it, let's take a step and take a step. No matter how bad it is, I can realize something and accelerate my understanding of the law of water movement...' Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart as he shuttled through the chaotic space.

By traveling through the chaotic space, Xiao Zhi quickly returned to his cultivation place, Canghai.

After returning to the sea, Li Kuo went to his ice and snow cave, while Xiao Zhi sank into the bottom of the dark sea.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the bottom of the sea, and took out the spirit of quicksand.

It was a round ball the size of a ping-pong ball, with a gray-yellow color throughout, surrounded by turbid mist.

Xiao Zhi stared at the quicksand spirit in front of him, groped for a while, and soon knew how to use it.

This quicksand spirit is equivalent to a medium.

Through this quicksand spirit, he can go to a strange place, and this strange place is the quicksand river!

Xiao Zhi is a man of action, and soon, he started his first trip to the Quicksand River through the Spirit of Quicksand in front of him.

Seeing Xiao Zhi staring at the quicksand spirit in front of him, his eyes gradually lost focus, and the expression on his face became blank, as if he had lost his soul.

But at this time, above the endless turbid water, a figure emerged, gradually becoming solid from illusion.

This figure is none other than Xiao Zhi!

Xiao Zhi, who appeared, turned his head and glanced in all directions, muttering: "Is this the Liusha River? This is not a river, this is clearly a lake..."

After saying a word with emotion, Xiao Zhi stared habitually, and wanted to use the fairy art [Qingming Tianmu] to look around more carefully.

As a result, as soon as a sapphire flashed in his eyes, he felt weak for a while, and his whole body fell into the muddy quicksand water below.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi's reaction speed was fast enough. As soon as his body showed a downward trend, he stabilized his figure.

As a result, at this moment, the quicksand water below him exploded with a bang, and a figure sprang out of it like lightning.

This is a huge fat-headed fish, as big as a building, and it looks hideous and terrifying.

As soon as the fish jumped out of the water, it opened its mouth full of fangs and bit Xiao Zhi.

Before Xiao Zhi could react, he was bitten in the mouth by the fat-headed fish.

Suddenly a sharp pain hit, and Xiao Zhi's consciousness collapsed in an instant.

When Xiao Zhi regained consciousness, he was already at the bottom of the sea.

The spirit of quicksand still quietly floated in front of Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi's slightly pale face soon recovered its color.

He was wondering whether the Liusha River he was heading for really existed, or was it just like the world in his imagination, an illusion?

If the world of Liushahe is real, then, does this belong to soul travel or physical body travel?

He couldn't ask the Quicksand King these questions, because the current Quicksand King should have lost the relevant memory of the Quicksand Water.

Therefore, he can only ponder these questions by himself and explore slowly.

Fortunately, it is not very difficult to figure out these things.

As soon as Xiao Zhi thought about it, a phantom floated out of his body, and a few feet away, it condensed into a human-shaped figure that looked exactly like him.

This is a god clone with demigod level strength.

As soon as the demigod avatar was condensed, Xiao Zhi issued an order to it through his divine sense: "Wait and watch me carefully, and record all the changes on my body."

After giving orders to the demigod clone, Xiao Zhi started his second trip to the Liusha River.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly emerged from the sky above a piece of turbid water that could not be seen to the end, gradually becoming solid from illusion.

After showing up, Xiao Zhi immediately flew towards the sky.

He flew upwards for more than a thousand feet before stopping.

Then, he used the [Divine Stealth Technique] supernatural power, entered the state of divine concealment, and concealed his figure.

After doing all this, Xiao Zhicai tried to use the immortal technique [Qingming Tianmu] again, wanting to take a closer look at this world.

As a result, this time, there was still a blue light flashing in his eyes just now, and he felt a strong sense of weakness, and he also retreated from the hidden state he had just entered.

Xiao Zhi's figure swayed in the air for a while, and then he stabilized his figure again.

Frustrated by this, Xiao Zhi seemed very calm, and murmured: "My Qingming Tianmu can't be used here, is it because of insufficient strength..."

He can feel that the current him is very weak, much weaker than the real him.

It is estimated that his current strength is only at the level of Jindan Realm, not even Nascent Soul Realm. With this level of strength, it is normal for him not to be able to use the Immortal Level [Qingming Tianmu].

'Since you can't use Qingming Tianmu, then try Vajra Dazzling Eye. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

So, Xiao Zhi stared at him, and unleashed the consummation-level high-level supernatural power [Vajra Dazzling] that he hadn't used for a long time.

Immediately, a pale golden light bloomed in his eyes, which was the vision that appeared when the [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power was activated.

'Sure enough, the Vajra Eye can still be activated. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Thousands of feet above the sky, Xiao Zhi opened his golden eyes and looked in all directions.

As a result, what he saw was still muddy quicksand water, with no end in sight.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling: 'This Liusha River is too wide, isn't it? This place is almost called the quicksand ocean. '

‘I would like to see where the end of this quicksand river is. '

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and continued to fly up into the air.

As a result, while flying, he suddenly had a feeling that the world was spinning.

When the scene in front of him became clear again, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and the pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle eye!

Because at this moment, an endless piece of muddy water suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!

He was crashing headlong into the muddy water in front of him.

Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly stopped.

Then he turned his head and looked around.

The sense of direction returned at this moment.

Xiao Zhi found that he was right above the water of quicksand, less than ten feet away from the water of quicksand!

Xiao Zhi vacated quickly, trying to get away from the quicksand water in front of him.

But a grayish-yellow tentacle shot out from the muddy quicksand water, stabbing at Xiao Zhi like a javelin.

The speed at which this tentacle appeared was really too fast.

Xiao Zhi had no time to react, and the tentacle had already pierced his head.

In the depths of the dark sea, Xiao Zhi regained consciousness, and his somewhat pale face gradually regained its color.

And the demigod clone that belonged to him was quietly floating not far away, watching him silently.

Even though Xiao Zhidang separated a ray of divine sense, he established a connection with this demigod clone.

In an instant, Xiao Zhi obtained a lot of information he wanted from the memory of his demigod clone.

He murmured: "So, when I entered the different space where the Liusha River is, my body was still in place. It seems that this should be the soul piercing, or the space where the Liusha River is located. A different space, just like imagining the world, is just illusory..."

But soon, he frowned: "No, something is wrong. Although my body is still in place, the aura emitted by my body came from the moment I entered the different space where Liushahe is located. What does a very slight weakening, this weakening of breath mean?"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Xiao Zhi's face.

Soon, he slapped his head and murmured: "The different space where Liusha River is located should not be illusory. I am not simply wearing a soul, but I have traveled through the past with a ray of strength."

"The breath of my body, the reason why there is a little weakness is because a little bit of my strength, along with my consciousness, traveled to the different space where the Liusha River is!"

"This trace of power to travel through the past allowed me to possess Jindan-level combat power in the different space where Liusha River is located!"

When muttering to himself, Xiao Zhi had a wry smile on his face.

‘Golden Core level combat power…it’s really too weak, I feel like no one can defeat me in the Quicksand River…’

'continue! '

Xiao Zhi once again went to the different space where the quicksand river is located through the quicksand spirit floating in front of his eyes.

He has a tenacity in his bones.

The King of Quicksand can control the water of Quicksand, and he thinks he can too.

Time passed day by day.

Before I knew it, more than ten days had passed.

On this day, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged in the depths of the ocean, and stretched out a finger of his own.

A stream of muddy water was seen slowly seeping out from his finger.

This is quicksand water.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face. After more than ten days, he finally took the first step in understanding the quicksand water.

Time flies, and another three days have passed.

On this day, Xiao Zhi's figure emerged out of thin air above a piece of turbid water stretching as far as the eye can see, gradually turning from illusion to solidity.

At this time, the strength of the aura emanating from his body has greatly improved compared to the beginning.

At the very beginning, he could only possess the strength of Jindan level in this different space.

But now, with his deepening understanding of the quicksand water, his strength has reached the level of the early Yuanying stage.

After showing up, Xiao Zhi immediately used the supernatural power of [God's Hidden Art], entered the state of God's Hidden, and hid his figure.

Then, he used the [Vajra Dazzling Eyes] supernatural power to strengthen his eyesight.

After getting ready, he flew forward for dozens of miles, and then slowly approached the Quicksand River below.

However, at this moment, a somewhat ethereal voice sounded in his mind:

'Reminder: The mission of guarding the heavens is about to begin, please be prepared! '

Thanks to Xiao Baga, Guo Zimiao, Pepper Stewed Pig’s Knuckles, Da Kuai Zai Feng, and Mysterious Waiters Under the Gray Fog for their rewards. Our current monthly ticket is 1119, which has exceeded the target by more than 100 votes. Everyone really Very awesome, this is a memorable day, because this is the first time that the number of monthly votes for this book has exceeded 1,000 in more than a year.

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