This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1431 Xiao Zhi's Countermeasure

Holding the clear water knife in his hand, Xiao Zhi stood in front of the bloody vortex, thinking quickly in his heart.

He thought about countermeasures in his heart, thinking about what to do to resolve this crisis.

In the next second, the blood-colored vortex that was more than four hundred miles away suddenly accelerated and spun, and that huge metal head protruded out of it again.

On this metal head, there were still marks from the knife cut by Xiao Zhi, black water was still flowing from the knife mark, and black smoke was billowing.

It can only be seen that the incision on the metal head has become significantly smaller, which means that it is healing itself, and the speed of self-healing is still very fast.

The moment the metal head poked out from the bloody vortex, it turned its head and locked onto the Ziji Saber floating not far away.

From its eyes, two dazzling silver laser beams shot straight at Xiao Zhi's Ziji Saber.

Obviously, this metal head has noticed that the reason why Xiao Zhi was able to cross a distance of more than 400 miles in an instant was by exchanging positions with this purple long knife.

After realizing this, as soon as this metal head appeared, it launched an attack on Ziji Saber.

As a result, its attack failed this time.

When the Ziji Saber appeared, it seemed to have the ability to predict, and it floated hundreds of feet away in one direction, narrowly dodging its blow.

In the next instant, Ziji Knife disappeared into thin air.

Where it disappeared, Xiao Zhi's figure instantly appeared, and then rushed towards the metal head at an incredible speed.

While rushing forward, Xiao Zhi slashed at the metal head with a [Xuan Shui Knife] with full power.

The moment Xiao Zhi's figure appeared, the metal was already retracting.

It's just that it didn't shrink fast enough this time, and it took Xiao Zhi's knife firmly again.

Amidst the loud noise, the silver light flashed, and the metal head let out another painful hiss with a metal trill, and the head was smashed crookedly.

After the metal head was stabbed, it retracted into the bloody vortex.

Xiao Zhizhan stood in front of the bloody vortex, his face looking a little gloomy.

In the process of fighting the intruder, he seemed to have the upper hand on the surface. He even slashed the intruder a few times, so that the intruder didn't dare to take the lead, and he was unable to come to this heaven completely for a long time. .

But this is just an appearance.

In fact, it was Xiao Zhi who was on the weak side.

The few knives he slashed at the intruder were all with all his strength, and they were his strongest killing move in a normal state. Just like this, he couldn't kill the intruder even after a few knives, and he even slashed twice. It landed on the opponent's head, but what happened?

Not to mention hacking the opponent to death, it seemed impossible to even seriously injure the opponent.

This made Xiao Zhi extremely worried.

Although his endurance ability has been greatly enhanced with the [Condensation Technique] breaking through to the Dzogchen level, but if he continues to consume like this, even if his endurance ability improves, he will not be able to last for long.

‘Or, let it out, and I will fight it to the death in this heaven? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

This is not the first time this idea has appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind.

'Release it, and before it adapts to this world, turn into a Buddha and destroy it with all your strength! ’ In Xiao Zhi’s gaze, murderous intent emerged.

It's just that this murderous intent was quickly hidden by him again.

‘This thing’s defense is astonishing. Like those metal men, they are all thick-skinned and thick-skinned. Can I completely kill it during the time when I become a Buddha? '

‘What if it can’t be killed? '

"If I can't kill it during the transformation, I will definitely die, and Lu Chong and Zhao Yan can't escape. Without us god-level sitters, Dachang World will continue to prosper, let alone continue to prosper, can it continue?" Existence is a problem...'

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi firmly shook the Bishui knife in his hand.

Bishui Knife seemed to feel the master's heavy heart, and trembled slightly.

If Zhao Yan had encountered Xiao Zhi's situation, he might have gritted his teeth and prepared to fight this powerful intruder to the death. Either you die or I die!

Xiao Zhi is different, Xiao Zhi is a very cautious person, he thinks things are more comprehensive, unless it is absolutely necessary, otherwise, he will not take risks.

'At this time, it is too risky to become a Buddha and fight the invader to the death. Is there any better way to solve this crisis? '

Xiao Zhi frowned and fell into deep thought.

Time is passing by second by second.

The powerful intruder has not appeared again for the time being.

A terrifying phantom rose into the sky, with a terrifying aura.

This is Kuluoxian.

Lu Zhong successfully summoned Ku Luoxian again.

After Ku Luoxian was summoned, Lu Zhong and the three of them were able to fight against those metal men, and they didn't have to flee all over the world anymore.

Xiao Zhi still stood in front of the bloody vortex, frowning tightly, as motionless as a sculpture.

And beside another bloody vortex more than 400 miles away, the Ziji Saber floating quietly, suddenly moved.

Under the control of Xiao Zhi's divine sense, it began to drift away from the bloody vortex, and finally retreated more than two thousand feet before stopping.

In this way, more than ten seconds passed.

The intruder reappeared at last.

Suddenly, the bloody vortex more than 400 miles away suddenly accelerated and a huge metal head poked out from the bloody vortex!

It was the metal head from before.

But at this time, the knife marks on the metal head had completely disappeared, and the silver light shone, extremely shiny.

Apparently, its wound has fully healed.

The moment it poked its head out from the bloody vortex, this huge metal head immediately turned its head and looked in all directions.

In the end, its eyes fixed on the Ziji Saber which was two thousand feet away.

Its face, which was as sharp as a knife and axe, showed a hint of surprise.

It didn't expect that the purple long knife was so far away from him this time.

But it quickly figured out that the humans in this world must be afraid that the purple knife would be destroyed if it was too close to the portal, so they placed it farther away on purpose.

The intruder's thinking speed was as fast as lightning, and at the same time as he figured it out, he once again attacked Xiao Zhi's Ziji Saber.

Another two dazzling silver-white laser beams shot out from its eyes and shot towards Ziji Knife.

Because Ziji Knife was far away this time, it took a little longer to react, and it was quite easy to dodge.

As soon as the two laser beam attacks of the intruders flashed past, the Ziji Saber turned into a bubble and disappeared.

Where it disappeared, Xiao Zhi's figure emerged out of thin air.

The moment the figure emerged, Xiao Zhi rushed towards the huge metal head with an incredible speed, holding the clear water knife.

This time, the clear water knife in Xiao's hand was no longer as dark as it was before, but burst out with a dazzling colorful light, which was like a bright sun, almost illuminating the entire sky!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's breath also skyrocketed!

In an instant, Xiao Zhi's aura reached the level of a high god!

After the aura reached the level of a high god, Xiao Zhi's aura continued to rise, and he even faintly had the aura of Emperor Kongtian and Mengtiandi.

This is a terrifying aura belonging to the Heavenly Emperor class!

Xiao Zhi, whose energy was soaring, held a radiant clear water knife and rushed towards the huge metal head in front of him at a slightly faster speed than before with a colorful light all over the sky.

At this moment, the eyes of this huge metal head were widened, and an extremely horrified expression appeared on its face.

The colorful light all over the sky is second.

What really shocked him was the high aura released from Xiao Zhi's body!

This is not an ordinary high-spirited energy machine, but a terrifying energy machine that can only be released by an extremely powerful high-spirited spirit!

At this moment, it suddenly understood something.

It wondered before that the god who is responsible for stationing here in this world, from the perspective of the strength of the aura, is obviously only at the level of the middle god level, but the attack he unleashes has reached the level of the high god level. Somewhat unreasonable.

Because of this, it didn't rush out, but hid behind the bloody portal, continuing to test the garrison god.

At this moment, it finally figured it out, this is not a middle god at all, but a high god! It is an extremely powerful high god!

It is not surprising that the attacks performed by Gaoshen can reach the level of Gaoshen.

The previous few attacks should be just the attacks that the high god used casually, so there were not many visions.

But this time, the vision is transpiring, and the sky is full of splendor. This high god is obviously going to be serious!

The previous few attacks of this high god were already quite powerful. Now, this high god is going to make a serious move. Can it withstand this blow?

The huge metal head was thinking, but it didn't delay it to retract its head.

The previous two times, it was too slow to shrink its head, and it received two stabs on the head.

This time, because the distance between each other is farther, the goddess of luck finally favored it once.

When Xiao Zhi's ultimate move was approaching, at this critical moment, the huge metal head finally completely retracted into the bloody vortex and disappeared.

In the next moment, the colorful light all over the sky swept across the bloody vortex and hit the empty space.

Xiao Zhi's face showed a trace of anger mixed with regret.

"Damn! I missed this sure-fire blow!" Xiao Zhi cursed.

Although the expression looked very angry, in fact, Xiao Zhi's heart was beating non-stop.

His strongest ultimate move in the normal state is [Xuan Shui Knife]. This so-called ultimate move was simulated by him through his water movement law. After the simulation, he used the 'speech method' Sui''s ability made this so-called killer move look more real.

The high aura on his body was also imitated by him.

The special skill of the Clear Water Knife is to simulate air movement, which just came in handy at this time.

What Xiao Zhi simulated through it is not the aura of ordinary high gods, but the aura of top-notch high gods, which even contains a trace of terrifying aura at the level of a heavenly emperor.

Xiao Zhi had contact with Emperor Mengtian and Emperor Kongtian in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, and later met Emperor Kongtian in the heavenly realm. He has experienced what the Qi mechanism of the Heavenly Emperor level is like.

So, he used the clear water knife to simulate a trace of aura at the level of a heavenly emperor.

As for why he only simulated a trace of Heavenly Emperor-level energy, that is because it is extremely difficult to simulate a Heavenly Emperor-level energy. Even with the Clear Water Knife in his hand, simulating this trace is already his limit .

Another one, even if he could completely simulate the Qi mechanism of the Heavenly Emperor level, he would not do so.

After all, too much is too late.

In the big world where he lives, there are only two known players at the Heavenly Emperor level, Kongtiandi and Mengtiandi. If he simulates himself as a Tiandi, it is very likely to arouse the suspicion of the other party. If you have doubts about him, then his painstaking planning and drumming up will probably come to naught.

Yes, all of this was planned and arranged by him.

Including making Ziji Saber retreat a certain distance, so that his 'shocking blow' could not attack the intruder in the end, these details were all thought out by him.

This 'shocking blow' must never fall on the opponent, because once it lands on the opponent, this false killing move will immediately reveal its true nature...

Letting Ziji Knife retreat a certain distance should not arouse the opponent's suspicion.

Because the purpose of making Ziji Knife retreat for a certain distance is to better avoid the intruder's attack. Xiao Zhi also thought of the apparent reason for this.

There must still be omissions and omissions in what Xiao Zhi arranged, and it is far from perfect.

But this is already the limit of what he can think of and what he can do in this short period of time.

As for his trick of pretending to be a tiger with a hare, whether he can hide it from the high-level intruder, he has no idea, this can only be verified by time.

If you can hide it from the other party, that would be great.

If he can't hide it, then he can only incarnate as a Buddha and fight to the death with this high god-level invader.

Xiao Zhi slowly withdrew his knife, and the colorful light that filled the sky also dissipated.

However, Xiao Zhi's aura has not changed, and it is still maintained at a powerful and high-spirited level.

After withdrawing the knife, Xiao Zhi stood in front of the bloody vortex with a sullen face, holding the clear water knife, as before.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi seemed to be calm, but in fact, his heart was beating like a drum.

He prayed in his heart, praying that his operation would have the desired effect.

Pray that the high god-level intruder will never appear again.

(Happy Lantern Festival everyone, I wish you all a round reunion and happiness.)

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