This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1440 Emperor Yuantian

As soon as Emperor Cangyan said this, no matter it was Xiao Zhi, Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, they all looked at him.

Zhao Yan said: "Is the Emperor of Heaven so powerful? Can he not be afraid of changes in the rules of the world?"

Emperor Cangyan glanced at Zhao Yan, nodded, and said, "Yes, Heavenly Emperors are not afraid of changing the rules of the world, because they form a world of their own, and they themselves are the rules. Their influence is relatively small, and it will not have much impact on their strength."

"Self-contained world?" Xiao Zhi showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Yes, it is a world of its own." Emperor Cangyan nodded, and said: "The God Realm of the Emperor of Heaven is different from ours. Our God Realm is in the stage of evolution. It seems to be a world. It can be regarded as the embryonic form of a world, the rules in it are not perfect, and they have not really merged with us. In the words of the emperor of heaven, what they have is a real world with complete rules, which is no different from the big world. Merging with them is the only one, and it can be regarded as carrying a world with them. With this world, no matter where they go, even if they go to other great realms, they are still emperors of heaven, and their strength will not be greatly affected. "

"Unlike high gods like us, once we leave our big world, we are nothing." When he said this, Emperor Cangyan couldn't help shaking his head.

At this time, he has become completely different from before.

At the beginning, he put on a high-spirited air, and he always looked aloof.

Now, he no longer has the haughty attitude of before, and has become a lot more approachable. In front of Xiao Zhi and the others, he looks like he knows everything and talks endlessly.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "Emperor, what you mean is that if Gaoshen wants to advance to the level of Heavenly Emperor, the God Realm is the key. Only when the God Realm evolves into a real world with complete world rules Can Gao Shen advance to the level of the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Yes." Emperor Cangyan said: "If Gaoshen wants to advance to the level of the emperor, there is another difficulty in merging the God Realm. Only when he is completely integrated with the God Realm can he use the power of the God Realm for his own use. Only then are you eligible to receive the title of Heavenly Emperor."

Xiao Zhi showed another thoughtful expression.

After a few seconds, he exhaled lightly and said, "Thank you, Great Emperor, for clearing my confusion."

Emperor Cangyan waved his hand when he heard the words, and said: "This is not important information. You don't know these things because you have not been the overlord for a long time. After a long time, you will know these things naturally. .”

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who was standing on the ground, felt the obvious shock from the ground again.

After the shock passed, Xiao Zhi said, "The battle over there is still going on, and I don't know which emperor is fighting."

Zhao Yan said, "I hope it's Emperor Kongtian."

No one answered his words, and the atmosphere fell into silence for a while.

Lu Zhong looked at Emperor Cangyan and said, "Emperor, how long will it take you to recover your strength?"

"Recover strength?" Emperor Cangyan smiled wryly, and said, "It should be impossible in a short time. In this joint defense mission, I can barely restore my strength to the level of a high god, which is already very good." .”

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

The reason why he took the risk to save Emperor Cangyan was because he wanted to preserve a high god-level combat power for his players to deal with the next crisis.

Who would have imagined that Emperor Cangyan, who was rescued by him, was injured too badly, probably to the source, and his strength would not recover in a short period of time. In the next joint defense mission, it should be It doesn't work much anymore...

Although he was a little disappointed, Xiao Zhi didn't show it at all. When he was about to say something to comfort the Emperor Cangyan, he suddenly felt something and looked up at the sky above his head.

Almost at the same time, Emperor Cangyan and Luo Yiyi also looked up at the sky.

Seeing this, Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan also looked up at the sky.

At this time, above the heads of Xiao Zhi and the others, above the sky, there was a golden figure passing by, and disappeared into the distant sky in the blink of an eye.

"Who is that? What a powerful aura!" Zhao Yan couldn't help but say.

"This breath, why does it feel somewhat similar to the breath of Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian?" Lu Zhong also said at this time.

"I have this feeling too." Roy Yi said.

"This is the aura of the Heavenly Emperor." Xiao Zhi said.

His strength is stronger and his realm is higher. He even simulated a trace of Heavenly Emperor level breath through the ability of Bishui Knife to simulate breath.

Therefore, he is more sensitive to the aura of the Heavenly Emperor than Lu Zhong and the others.

Zhao Yan asked doubtfully, "This's neither the aura of Emperor Kongtian nor the aura of Emperor Mengtian. Which emperor is this? Aren't there only two emperors among us players?"

"Who said that among our players, there are only two heavenly emperors?" Emperor Cangyan withdrew his gaze from afar, and said, "This is Emperor Yuantian, and Emperor Yuantian has come over."

"Emperor Yuantian?" Xiao Zhi and other gods in the Dachang world all looked at Emperor Cangyan.

Whether it is Xiao Zhi or Lu Zhong, they have always thought that among the players, there are only two Heavenly Emperor players, Kongtiandi and Mengtiandi.

As a result, another Emperor Yuantian suddenly appeared, which made them doubt life.

Zhao Yan couldn't help but said, "Why have I never heard of this Emperor Yuan, could it be the newly promoted Emperor of Heaven?"

Emperor Cangyan shook his head and said, "No, Emperor Yuantian is not the newly promoted Emperor of Heaven."

"Then why have we never heard of him?" Luo Yiyi said.

Emperor Cangyan said: "Because Emperor Yuantian is responsible for things outside the world during this period, and rarely shows up in our big world, so, as newcomers, it is normal for you not to know Emperor Yuantian."

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard the words, and said, "I see."

There was a relaxed expression on his face, and he said: "No matter what, Emperor Yuantian is on our side. With such a great god coming forward to deal with those invaders, our lives are safe."

He had always been worried before, worried that there would be no strong man to deal with this crisis.

Although he speculated from the vibrations from the ground before that there was a certain Heavenly Emperor fighting fiercely with the invaders in the black mist, this was only his guess after all.

Guessing is not necessarily true, so his heart is always hanging.

Now, he actually saw a Heavenly Emperor rushing towards the black mist area, he finally let go of his heart, and felt a lot more at ease.

Emperor Cangyan nodded and said: "Emperor Yuantian has made a move, our lives are indeed guaranteed to a certain extent."

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and asked, "Which region of heaven does this Emperor Yuan come from?"

Emperor Cangyan glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said, "Emperor Yuantian does not belong to any sky region."

"Huh? Doesn't belong to any sky area?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhi was shocked, and Lu Zhong and the others were also shocked.

Zhao Yan couldn't help but said: "The world of sentient beings is only this big, and it is divided into twelve heavenly regions. If the player's country where Emperor Yuantian is located does not belong to any sky region, where does he belong? Could it be that in this world of sentient beings, except Are there any other special areas besides the Twelve Sky Area?"

Emperor Cangyan said: "Who said that the player's world where Emperor Yuantian resides must be in the world of sentient beings? In our big world, there are as many world planes as a cow's hair, and the world of sentient beings is not the only one."

Xiao Zhi was startled when he heard this.

Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan were also startled when they heard the words.

It seems that they have all fallen into a dead end of thinking and have been influenced by inherent thinking.

Zhao Yan said: "Since the player's country where Emperor Yuantian is located is not in the world of sentient beings? Where is it?"

Emperor Cangyan said: "Qian'an Realm, the player country where Emperor Yuantian is located is called Qian'an Country, and the world where it is located is called Qian'an Realm."

"Qian Anjie..."

This was another name that Xiao Zhi and the others had never heard of before.

However, it is normal to have never heard of it. After all, as Emperor Cangyan said, their world is so big, and there are so many world planes in it, who can know the names of these world planes?

Lu Zhong frowned and said, "Is there something special about the Qian'an world where Emperor Yuan Tian lives? He can escape from the world of sentient beings and go to develop in other planes."

Luo Yiyi asked at this time: "Could it be that this Qian'an world is also divided into twelve heavens by the sentient beings system, just like the world of sentient beings. How many player kingdoms exist in each sky?"

Emperor Cangyan glanced at Lu Zhong, then at Luo Yiyi, and took the lead in answering Luo Yiyi's question: "No, Qian'an Realm is not the same as the world of sentient beings. There, only the player kingdom of Qian'an Kingdom exists. The rest are Aboriginal nations."

Hearing this, Zhao Yan couldn't help saying: "A player country occupies a world of planes? Isn't this too cool?"

Emperor Cangyan didn't pay attention to Zhao Yan's nonsense, but continued to answer Lu Zhong's question: "It's not that there is anything special about the Qian'an world. The reason why it can leave the world of sentient beings and go to other places The world plane, that’s because after the permission level reaches level 3, we players will be able to spend 30,000 sky points to purchase the prince’s order. Using this prince’s order, we can leave the world of sentient beings and move the player’s world where we are. Go to another world plane."

"Is it okay?" Xiao Zhi's eyes widened upon hearing this.

During this chat, the words that came out of Emperor Cangyan really refreshed their understanding of the world time and time again, and made them feel eye-opening.

Zhao Yan muttered to himself: "It's good to break away from the world of sentient beings, after all, by doing so, one family can dominate in a brand new world plane, but it will cost 30,000 sky points, which is not worth it. After all, this is 30,000 sky points, and adding more points is enough to exchange for two five-star fairy arts."

Emperor Cangyan just smiled when he heard the words, and was noncommittal.

Xiao Zhilue pondered for a while, and said: "If you can use this vassal decree to retain many privileges of the overlord world after breaking away from the world of sentient beings, I think it should be quite worthwhile to do so."

"Brother Zhi, why do you think so?" Zhao Yan looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Zhao Yan, then at Emperor Cangyan, and said, "Because, in other worlds, there are supreme gods. Once you ascend to this supreme god, you can dominate the whole world and become the king of this world." The Supreme God of the world, gain the luck and strength of the whole world!"

Emperor Cangyan couldn't help but look at Xiao Zhi, with a surprised expression on his face: "You actually know the Supreme God?"

Xiao Zhi said: "I also heard about this by chance."

Zhao Yan slapped his head and said, "Damn it! I actually forgot about this supreme god. If I can get this supreme god if I leave the world of sentient beings and go to another plane world, I will pay 30,000 Points in exchange for a supreme god position, it is quite a bargain."

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and continued: "In addition to the supreme position, doing so can avoid a lot of right and wrong. After all, the position of regional hegemony has many player worlds eyeing it. , if it can continue to be strong, it will be fine. If something happens and we god-level players are wiped out, then the end of the world we live in may become very miserable, and once we leave the world of sentient beings, Going to other world planes to develop, even if our god-level players are wiped out, because of the safety of the corner, we can still take it easy and continue to develop without being wiped out."

Emperor Cangyan had a thoughtful expression on his face when he heard the words.

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "I think becoming the Supreme God and controlling one world should be very beneficial to improve the various rules in the God Realm, making it easier to become a real world, according to the emperor. , This is a step that Gaoshen must go through to break through to the Emperor of Heaven."

Emperor Cangyan continued to think.

Zhao Yan said: "It seems that it is really cost-effective to spend these 30,000 sky points to exchange for a prince's order. Brother Zhi, after your authority level reaches level 3 in the future, I think you can also exchange for a prince's order. , let’s go to another world and try to be a prince.”

Xiao Zhi just smiled when he heard the words, and was noncommittal.

"At present, it seems that leaving the world of sentient beings and going to other worlds and planes is indeed beneficial." After pondering for a while, Lu Zhong said: "However, I have a doubt, that is: since leaving the world of sentient beings to go If you can gain so many benefits by gaining a foothold in other worlds, then why don't Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian do the same?"

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