This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1446 The Road to Heaven

When Xiao Zhi's figure floated out from the crack in space, it didn't shrink in size, but was of normal size.

His face looked very calm.

"Brother Zhi." Lu Zhong shouted.

"Brother Zhi." Zhao Yan shouted, and flew directly to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi nodded at them, and said: "It's been resolved, it's just a clone, dare to come out to make trouble."

It really is a clone...

Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi couldn't help but looked at each other.

At this moment, the Kunshan Demon Palace spoke again, making a voice like a demon's howl: "I've said it all, the Demon Lord is dead, and what came was just a clone left by the Demon Lord, you still don't believe me!"

Xiao Zhi looked at the Kunshan Demon Palace, and said lightly: "Do you really want to recognize Luo Yiyi as the master?"

"Naturally it is sincere." The voice belonging to the Kunshan Demon Palace sounded.

Xiao Zhi nodded noncommittally, and said: "Okay, then you can continue, if you dare to have any thoughts that you shouldn't have, just wait to be destroyed, don't say that you are immortal, your master They've all been killed, let alone you."

In front of Xiao Zhi, the Kunshan Demon Palace obviously restrained a lot, and said, "Don't worry, I just want to survive well, and there is absolutely no way I will have any other intentions."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "I hope you can do what you said."

The process of recognizing the master between Kunshan Demon Temple and Luo Yiyi continued.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged tens of feet away, his eyes bursting with bright blue light, watching Luo Yiyi's situation with piercing eyes.

Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan sat cross-legged not far from him, and were also paying attention to Luo Yiyi's situation.

Zhao Yan radiated divine power with a wave of his hand, forming a layer of sound-proof barrier around the three of them, and then said, "Brother Zhi, what you solved this time is really just a clone of the old ghost from Kunshan?"

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly, and said: "It's really just a clone. If it were the Kunshan Demon Lord himself, I would have taken you and escaped long ago. How could I come forward to fight it?"

"Since it's just a clone, why did you fight it for so long?" Zhao Yan said.

Xiao Zhi said: "Kunshan Demon Lord is worthy of being a top-level god. Even his avatar, the strength should not be underestimated. The strength of his avatar is comparable to the top god. The most important thing is that his Dao Clone is so good at escaping, it is easy for me to defeat it, but in order to kill it, I really spent a lot of effort."

After a pause, Xiao Zhilue said with some emotion: "I finally understand why Emperor Kongtian took so much trouble when he killed the Kunshan Demon Lord. He chased and killed him several times before finally killing him. This guy It's really hard to kill, even the avatar is hard to kill, let alone the deity."

Lu Zhong said: "This Kunshan Demon Lord is indeed terrifying, even a mere avatar is so terrifying. If Brother Zhi hadn't come here with us this time, the three of us would probably have died here."

"It's really scary enough." Zhao Yan nodded in agreement.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Zhao Yan, his expression suddenly became serious, and said, "Zhao Yan, your performance this time, to be honest, makes me feel a little disappointed."

Zhao Yan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xiao Zhi in confusion.

Xiao Zhi said, "You've been too reckless this time."

Lu Zhong also looked at Zhao Yan at this time.

Zhao Yan rubbed his nose and said, "At that time, I just felt that Brother Zhi was holding up the formation in the dark. I didn't have to be afraid of anything, and there was no need to run away. I happened to use a killer move to help Brother Zhi find out In the end, anyway, my ultimate move can barely be regarded as a long-range ultimate move, and it is relatively safe when it is used. If there is no Brother Zhi and you in the dark, the first time I see the Kunshan old ghost, I guess You will think about running away, how dare you do anything to him?"

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said, "You really think so?"

"Of course it's true, Brother Zhi. Although I'm a little impulsive, I'm not stupid." Zhao Yan said innocently.

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he nodded and said, "Okay, this time I blamed you."

Zhao Yan hurriedly said: "No, I know Brother Zhi, you are also doing it for my own good. When I act in the future, I will definitely be more cautious and think twice before acting."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, I hope you can remember what you said."

"Yeah, I'll remember." Zhao Yan nodded his head heavily.

Xiao Zhi stopped talking and continued to stare at Luo Yiyi's situation.

While observing Luo Yiyi's situation, Xiao Zhi was thinking about something.

This time, when he hunted down the clone of the Kunshan Demon Lord in the chaotic space, he encountered not only the Kunshan Demon Lord's clone, but also found a group of soul searchers in the chaotic space. .

Thinking back carefully now, Xiao Zhi felt that both the Kunshan Demon King's avatar and those soul searchers should have been arranged here in advance by the Kunshan Demon Lord, waiting for Luo Yiyi to throw himself into the net.

Fortunately, he was cautious enough to come here with Lu Zhong and the others this time. Otherwise, with the strength shown by the clone of the Kunshan Demon Monarch, the three of Lu Zhong and the others would probably all have to be planted here, and all of them would have escaped. not drop...

Just as Xiao Zhi was thinking about this in his heart, Lu Zhong asked: "Brother Zhi, the avatar left by the Kunshan old ghost should be considered a different kind. If you kill it, you should be able to obtain the authority point." right?"

"En." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "I killed the clone of the Kunshan Demon Lord and gained 50 authority points. I also killed 33 soul searchers and gained 33 authority points."

"There is still a soul searcher here." Zhao Yan couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

Lu Zhong said in a deep voice: "The avatars of the Kunshan old ghosts have appeared. It is not surprising that there are some soul searchers here. Fortunately, you are here, and the existence of these soul searchers cannot escape. Brother Zhi, your Dharma eyes."

Xiao Zhi just smiled when he heard this.

Those soul seekers hiding in the chaotic space really couldn't escape his eyes.

Not to mention the soul searcher, even the avatar left behind by the Kunshan Demon Lord couldn't hide it from his eyes, and he discovered it early.

His celestial art [Qingming Tianmu] has already reached the perfection level.

The consummation-level [Qingming Tianmu] can see through the void and observe the situation in the chaotic space even without the blessing of the ability of "Speaking the Dharma".

And once he strengthens his own eyesight with the ability of "Speaking the Way", in this world, there are not many existences that can hide from his eyes.

Zhao Yan said at this time: "Brother Zhi, how far are you from becoming a second-level authority?"

Xiao Zhi said: "It's still early. To upgrade from a first-level authority to a second-level authority, the required authority points are 500 points. I counted the 83 authority points I got this time, and now I have saved a total of 190 points." Click on the permissions, it's a little bit worse."

The three of them sat cross-legged in mid-air, chatting one after another, and the topic shifted to Kunshan Demon Lord before they knew it.

Zhao Yan said: "I have heard from you, Brother Zhi, that this Kunshan old ghost has a very powerful treasure called the Map of Mountains and Rivers. In a demon palace."

Before Xiao Zhi could speak, Lu Zhong said, "You think too much, how could the old Kunshan ghost keep such a precious treasure here? He must carry such a treasure with him. .”

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Yes, he will definitely carry a treasure like this with him."

Zhao Yan said: "In this case, wouldn't this treasure fall on Emperor Kongtian?"

Lu Zhong said: "That's for sure not. An existence like the Kunshan old ghost has a very deep background. The good things on his body are not only the map of mountains and rivers, but also many other treasures. These things are probably already taken away. Emperor Kongtian has been included in the bag."

"Not necessarily." Xiao Zhi said: "These things may have been blew up by the Kunshan Demon Lord before he died. If I were the Kunshan Demon Lord, if I knew that I would die, all the valuable things on my body would be destroyed. , I will choose to blow myself up, I would rather destroy them all than use them to benefit the enemy."

"Brother Zhi, you are really ruthless." Zhao Yan said, "However, if it were me, I would do the same, hahahahaha."

"Me too." Lu Zhong also said, "If I had the time before I died in battle, I would do the same thing. If I didn't have the time, then I would be helpless."

Xiao Zhi said: "Okay, let's not talk about these unlucky things, let's change the subject, Lu Zhong, where are you and Luo Yiyi now?"

"Uh, this..." Lu Zhong hesitated.

Zhao Yan glanced at Lu Zhong, and said, "Why are you embarrassed to say this, you are already running around, and you still look like this, I don't know how Luo Yiyi fell in love with you back then."

Lu Zhong glared at Zhao Yan, and said, "What's wrong with me? Yiyi and I have done everything we can do, and we're just getting married. Unlike you, you're almost on your way out, and you're still single. "

Zhao Yan was not angry when he was called a single dog, but looked at Xiao Zhi with a meaningful expression.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning he wanted to express was very clear: "Here, isn't there a bigger single dog?"

Xiao Zhi completely ignored Zhao Yan's expression looking at him, and calmly said, "Then when are you and Luo Yiyi going to get married?"

Lu Zhong said: "There is no rush to get married. Yiyi and I have already discussed it. After Brother Zhi, you are promoted to a high-level god, we will start preparing for the marriage."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said: "You say that, I feel a lot of pressure, then it seems that I have to work harder, and strive to break through and become a high god as soon as possible."

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In the following time, the area where Xiao Zhi and the others were located seemed to be very quiet, and there were no more monsters such as demon king avatars and soul searchers coming to trouble Luo Yiyi.

Xiao Zhi hoped that these aliens would come and cause trouble for Luo Yiyi. To him, these were all authority points.

It's just that he couldn't do anything if these aliens couldn't come.

A few hours later, the process of identifying the master between the Kunshan Demon Temple and Luo Yiyi finally ended smoothly.

"Master, from now on, you are my master." The voice belonging to the Kunshan Demon Palace sounded, and its voice became a little different from before, with a hint of respect.

"En." Royyi nodded expressionlessly.

"How do you feel?" Lu Zhong asked with concern.

Luo Yiyi closed her eyes, as if she was sensing something. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and said, "It feels good. I have almost controlled this demon palace."

After a pause, she continued: "I finally understand why it is eager to recognize me as the master. The energy supply of this demon temple comes from its master. Once it loses its master, it will not be able to get energy supplements." , after its energy is exhausted, it will fall into silence, if it is silent for a long time, it will completely lose consciousness and cease to exist.”

"I see." Xiao Zhi nodded.

Zhao Yan asked curiously, "Is there anything valuable in this demon palace?"

Luo Yiyi said: "There are some, but they are all used to assist in the practice of the law of darkness, and some magical powers applicable to the law of darkness."

"Where's the artifact?" Zhao Yan asked.

"There are no artifacts, but there are a few Xiantian Lingbao." Luo Yiyi said.

"What about the treasure?" Zhao Yan asked again: "Is there that treasure called Shanhe Sheji Tu?"

"There is no Map of Mountains and Rivers." Luo Yiyi shook his head and said, "There are no other treasures either."

When Zhao Yan heard this, he couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on his face.

Xiao Zhi said with a calm expression: "This is just a stronghold created by the Kunshan Demon Lord to cultivate inheritors. It is normal that there are not many good things in it. How could he put the real good things here? "

After speaking, he stood up and said, "Luo Yiyi, take some time to familiarize yourself with this magic hall, and then take all the things in the magic hall that are helpful for your cultivation, and I will send you back to the world of sentient beings. "

"Okay." Roy nodded.

Lu Zhong's expression moved slightly, and he said to Xiao Zhi via voice transmission: "Brother Zhi, are you worried that those aliens will reappear?"

Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission: "You have to guard against it."

Lu nodded his head, indicating that he understood.

Two hours later, in another eternal field in the Absolute Heavenly Cave.

Xiao Zhi's figure hovered in mid-air, and looked up at the sky above his head.

As far as he could see, above the extremely high sky, there was a continent floating. This continent was the original world of his great world—the heaven.

And now, he is about to embark on the road to heaven.

"We are about to embark on the road to heaven, Brother Li, are you afraid?"

The air fluctuated, and Li Kuo's figure emerged out of thin air.

He was also staring up at the sky.

Li Kuo said: "I believe, master, you will be able to successfully step into the heaven."

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