This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1449 The Fruit Status of Longji Bodhisattva

Soon, the text sent by Lu Zhong through the token appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Brother Zhi, just now, in the Xumi Realm of all living beings, the competition for the seven-colored treasure has ended. "

Xiao Zhi "typed" and replied: "Is there any gain?"

A few seconds later, the words belonging to Lu Zhong reappeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Brother Zhi, how do you know?"

‘It’s really rewarding! ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help being a little surprised.

He 'typed' and replied: "If there is nothing to gain, with your character, you will not contact me about this matter when I am practicing."

Lu Chong: "Brother Zhi, you really see me through."

Xiao Zhi smiled and 'typed' with his spiritual thoughts: "After all, your strength is still a little weaker. Based on your words alone, the probability of winning the colorful treasure is very low. Could it be that someone helped you? "

Lu Chong: "Brother Zhi, you guessed it right again."

Xiao Zhi 'typed' again with his spiritual thoughts: "We are the new overlords of the world, and we know very few players outside. In the last joint guarding mission, he still had the grace to save his life, if I guessed right, the person who helped you win the seven-colored treasure should be the Great Emperor Cangyan, right?"

Lu Zhong: "Yes, it is Emperor Cangyan. This time he was the only one among the high gods who came to compete for the seven-colored treasure, so he easily won the seven-colored treasure that was born this time, and then he took what he had won He gave this colorful treasure to us, saying it was used to thank us for saving his life."

Xiao Zhi: "Then you accept it?"

Lu Chong: "Yes, Brother Zhi, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong with doing this?"

Xiao Zhi: "No problem."

He said in his heart: "It's a loss. This is the life-saving grace of a high god. It's really a loss to grandma's family to change such a little thing."

However, since this matter has already happened, it is useless to say anything now.

Xiao Zhi: "This time the treasure, what came out of it?"

Lu Zhong: "The fruit position, what was opened this time is a fruit position, a god-level Bodhisattva fruit position, called Longji Bodhisattva fruit position, the reason why I sent you a message to Brother Zhi this time is to To report this matter to you, and secondly, to ask you for instructions on the distribution of the Bodhisattva fruit status, this is a Bodhisattva fruit status, which is extremely precious, we dare not make arbitrarily self-distributed claims, so we have to ask you for instructions."

Xiao Zhi: "It's Bodhisattva fruit status, that's okay, as for the distribution..."

Xiao Zhilue pondered for a moment, then "typed" with his spiritual thoughts: "I will let you use this Bodhisattva Fruit Status."

At this time, in the world of sentient beings, in a vast manor outside the Dachang Imperial City, Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and Luo Yiyi gathered here.

It's not just them, Hu Yang who is the 'fire seed' is also present.

In addition to these gods and demigods, there are more than a dozen staff members of the World United Government present.

The fish-shaped token condensed by Xiao Zhi was floating in mid-air at this moment, spitting bubbles towards the sky.

These bubbles slowly rose into the sky, then shattered, and turned into words one by one, which were presented in front of everyone.

The words spit out by the keepsake Kunyu are exactly the same as the words typed by Xiao Zhi with his spiritual thoughts.

'This bodhisattva fruit position, I leave it to you to use. 'When this line of words appeared in the air, Lu Chong's face showed no expression, Luo Yiyi showed a smile on his face, and Zhao Yan's face flashed a disappointed expression. Pass.

There was no expression on Hu Yang's face either.

As for the dozen or so staff present, after seeing this line of text, they had different expressions.

Lu Zhong was silent for a while, and typed with his spiritual thoughts: "Brother Zhi, why did you give me the Bodhisattva fruit status? I already have Kuluo Immortal to accompany me."

Xiao Zhi typed back with his spiritual thoughts: "This thing can be used to save lives at critical moments. When I am not around, you are the leader of my Dachang world. As a leader, you must have enough strength. Only then can you convince the public, understand?"

When this line of text was spat out one by one by the token fish and floated in mid-air, Lu Zhong couldn't help showing a touch of emotion on his face, and he typed solemnly: "Okay, I understand, Thank you Brother Zhi for your trust in me, I will live up to my trust!"

After the conversation was over, Lu Zhong carefully put away the token Kunyu with a serious face.

"Lu Zhong, congratulations." Luo Yiyi was the first to congratulate, her face was full of smiles.

"Brother Lu, congratulations." Hu Yang also stepped forward and congratulated.

"Brother Lu, congratulations." Zhao Yan also smiled and congratulated Lu Chong.

When Zhao Yan faced Lu Chong before, he always called him by his name, but this time he changed his tune and called Lu Chong Brother Lu.

"Zhenjun, congratulations." The staff present also spoke out one after another, expressing their congratulations to Lu Zhong.

"Thank you, thank you everyone." Lu Zhong thanked.

His gaze finally fell on Zhao Yan's face, and he could tell that Zhao Yan was congratulating him sincerely, which made him breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Time flies, and more than a month has passed.

On this day, Xiao Zhi was practicing and comprehending his water movement law, when suddenly his heart moved, and he sensed that someone was trying to contact him through his Kunyu token.

The person who tried to contact him this time was still Lu Zhong.

Lu Zhong: "Brother Zhi, good news, in our Dachang world, someone else has practiced the law to the Dacheng level."

Xiao Zhi: "Oh? Who is this person? Is it from our country of Xia, or from another country?"

Lu Chong: "He's from Canada, his name is Lavis."

Xiao Zhi: "Lavis?"

He knows many strong players in Canada, but the name Lavis is very strange to him.

Lu Zhong: "This Lavis should have been secretly cultivated by the Canadian government. He usually doesn't show his face, but this time he was suddenly announced by the Canadian government. It immediately caused a sensation, and now the whole world knows about it. got his name."

Xiao Zhi: "No matter what, this is a good thing for our Dachang World. Let this Lavis grow his soul well. After his soul is consummated, I will spare time to help He killed the soul."

Lu Zhong: "Brother Zhi, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will arrange it. I know the soul-slaying technique, and I can pass it on to him when the time comes. As for the best place to kill the soul-chaotic space, Yiyi's 39 It’s not easy to just search for soul envoys, and with their support, this Lavis wants to kill souls in the chaotic space, there is no problem at all.”

Xiao Zhi: "That's it, that's fine, then I will leave these things to you to arrange, and I will be happy to be free."

Lu Zhong: "Brother Zhi, don't worry, I will handle this matter properly."

Xiao Zhi smiled, and typed with his spiritual sense: "Okay, you can handle things, I don't worry, hahaha."

Time passed, and dozens of days passed in a flash.

On this day, Xiao Zhi turned into a kun fish, and when he was drifting in the deep water of Tianhu Lake, suddenly, the ethereal voice belonging to the system of sentient beings rang in his ears:

'Reminder: The mission of guarding the heavens is about to begin, please be prepared! '

'This mission of guarding the heavens will start in three days. At that time, all the god-level players in the Dachang world you are in need to go to perform this mission...'



'Note: This mission of guarding the heavens is a routine guarding task, but it does not rule out that it will evolve into a joint guarding mission involving multiple sky areas at the same time. Please be mentally prepared. '


Xiao Zhi's drifting figure stopped suddenly, and then a gleam appeared on his body, and his figure changed, returning to a human appearance.

‘A new round of defense missions is about to begin, it’s time to go back. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

Immediately, he summoned the sentient beings system with his divine sense, and was ready to teleport back to the sentient beings world through the sentient beings system.

He listened to the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient beings system and said: "Player, this teleportation needs to consume 100 sky points. Do you want to teleport?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but startled when he heard this.

How to teleport back to the world of sentient beings, still need to consume sky points?

Isn't this sent for free?

But after thinking about it, he finally figured it out.

After each guardian mission is over, the sentient beings system can send players back to the sentient beings world for free, but it should only be free once.

His free times had already been used up a few months ago, so this time, if he wanted to teleport back to the world of sentient beings through the sentient beings system, he would have to pay a fee.

100 sky points...

Although these 100 sky points are not too much, they are not too little either. After all, in the sky store, the 1-star fairy arts only cost 200 sky points, and these 100 sky points are already equivalent to half a one-star fairy surgery.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a while, but finally gave up his plan to return to the world of sentient beings.

He contacted Lu Zhong through his Kunyu token, explained his current situation, and asked Lu Zhong and the others to meet up in his hall at the Dachang Shenmen headquarters in three days. wait for him.

Three days later, a new round of celestial guardian missions started on time.

When the time came, Xiao Zhi and Li Kuo were sent directly to the task execution site by the sentient beings system.

After the teleportation ended, Li Kuo's self-awareness was once again suppressed by the sentient beings system.

Xiao Zhi reunited with Lu Zhong and the others.

This is a routine defense mission.

Fifteen days later, this guard mission ended without any surprises or dangers.

Because there was no danger, Xiao Zhi and his team's gains generally shrunk during this guarding mission. Xiao Zhi only got 1002 sky points in total, barely breaking a thousand points.

After the guardian mission was over, Xiao Zhi was sent back to the world of sentient beings by the sentient beings system along with Lu Zhong and the others just like last time.

He stayed in the world of sentient beings for a day, reunited Li Kuo with his wife and children, and then took Li Kuo together through Tianku Mountain to enter the Tianku Absolute Territory, and then embarked on the road to heaven again !

Xiao Zhi also had his own considerations for choosing to do this.

First, if he chooses to stay in the heaven after the guardian mission is over, because the execution place of each guardian mission is different, so he rushes from the mission execution place to Tianhu, the route he needs to take every time And the distance is also different. If you are lucky, you may be able to reach Tianhu Lake in a few days. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to reach Tianhu Lake in 20 days.

And if he passes through the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave and ascends to the Heaven Realm, he can choose a fixed route as close as possible to the Heavenly Lake.

In this way, the time he needs to go to Tianhu Lake will not increase, but will decrease a lot.

And if you walk on this fixed route repeatedly, as you become familiar with the various dangers on this route and know how to avoid these dangers, the time required to go to Tianhu Lake can be further reduced.

After he ascended to the sky last time, the route to Tianhu that he took took about 10 days.

Even if he doesn't look for a shorter route than this route in the future, it will take him about 10 days at most if this route goes dark.

In fact, it doesn't take so much time. After he gets familiar with this road, he may be able to reach Tianhu in 5 or 6 days or even 4 or 5 days.

In this way, although there are some dangers in taking the road to the sky again, in fact, it can save him a lot of time on the road. In this way, he can squeeze out more time for cultivation and enlightenment His water flow rules.

Second, if he rushed directly to Tianhu Lake after the guardian mission, Li Kuo's self-awareness would always be suppressed and he would not be able to practice.

And if he can return to the world of sentient beings, Li Kuo's self-consciousness will be unsealed, and then he will be able to practice with him on the road to heaven.

Based on these two considerations, from now on, Xiao Zhi decided that after the end of each guarding mission, he would retake the road to the sky. This is not only a sharpening for himself, but also can save him a lot of time ,Why not do it?

As for the danger, when he set foot on the road to heaven last time, he had no experience at all, and he never used the Buddha status.

The first time is the hardest.

After that, with the gradual accumulation of experience, when he embarked on the road to heaven, it would only become easier and easier.

Just as Xiao Zhi thought, this time he took the road to the sky again, although he still looked a little embarrassed, compared to the last time, he was still a little more relaxed.

After that, head to Tianhu Lake.

This time he ascended to heaven, Xiao Zhi carefully chose his foothold after ascending to heaven through his observations in the eternal field of the lower realm, combined with a part of the map of the heavens he obtained through various means.

Therefore, this time, it took him less than 8 days to rush to Tianhu with Li Kuo without any danger.

Next, is to practice.

Cultivation does not know the years, and several months have passed in a flash.

One day, when Xiao Zhi was practicing, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and he sensed that someone was calling him through his Kunyu token.

The person who called him this time was still Lu Zhong.

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