This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1461 Long time no see

Zhao Yan's sword slashed and killed hundreds of metal men in an instant.

Among the hundreds of metal men, there are also two powerful metal men with the strength of the beginning god.

All of a sudden, countless metal fragments fell to the ground like rain.

Xiao Zhi looked at Zhao Yan with some surprise, and said, "Zhao Yan, your move [Sword of Killing Heaven] has become stronger than before."

The [Sword to Kill Heaven] that Xiao Zhi said was the original supernatural power that Zhao Yan had comprehended.

Like Xiao Zhi, Zhao Yan's original supernatural powers were also of the attack type.

However, unlike Xiao Zhi's introvertedness, when Zhao Yan chose a name for his original supernatural power, he chose a very arrogant and somewhat secondary name: Heaven Killing Sword.

[Sword of Killing Heaven] When he just took out the name, Lu Chong often complained about it, but Zhao Yan was very satisfied with the name he chose, expressing that he liked it very much.

After being praised by Xiao Zhi, Zhao Yan showed a smug expression on his face, but said modestly: "It's so-so, compared to Brother Zhi's [Xuan Shui Knife], the gap is still obvious. This can’t be seen when cleaning up miscellaneous fish, once you encounter a ruthless character, the gap will come out.”

Before Zhao Yan could say anything, Luo Yiyi, who was dressed in black armor, had already turned into a black afterimage, dragging the magic iron epee backwards, and rushed into the metal crowd in front of him. Dozens of metal people around him were wiped out, followed by another sweep, and dozens of metal people were wiped out.

Looking at Luo Yiyi's posture, it's like opening Wushuang.

After Luo Yiyi broke through to the middle god level, she became more daring to fight and rush than before.

After the realm breakthrough, her strength has been greatly improved. With her god-level strength, killing these metal people who are not even god-level is really like mowing grass, sweeping a large area.

At this time, a terrifying phantom floated beside Xiao Zhi and the others, with an extremely terrifying aura.

This is the Ku Luo Immortal summoned by Lu Zhong.

The Ku Luoxian summoned by him is stronger than two years ago, and is already very close to the high god level.

After Ku Luoxian was summoned by Lu Zhong, he immediately drew out his swords and began to kill the metal men in front of him from the air.

At this time, even Gorea also acted.

He let out a low growl, and his body was flickering with a gray-yellow divine light. Soon, his body swelled up like an inflated balloon, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a rock giant like a hill.

After transforming into a rock giant, Gorea also rushed into the crowd of monsters with a machete even bigger than himself, and began to slash and kill.

Including Xiao Zhi, everyone went all out and used their means to launch an extremely fierce attack on the intruders in front of them.

As the strongest in the team, Xiao Zhi was watching and listening to all directions when he shot and killed the metal men in front of him, monitoring the overall situation.

Once Roy, Goreya and the others encountered danger, he would act immediately to rescue those in distress.

At the same time, he still maintains a high god-level aura.

Maintaining a high spirit was a decision he made after careful consideration.

There are two main advantages of doing this:

The first point: it can save him some unnecessary troubles.

It is impossible for him to remain invisible all the time when he is performing the joint defense mission.

After all, he needs to spawn monsters to earn sky points, and he can't maintain his invisible state when killing monsters.

And once he emerges from the invisible state, the possibility of him being observed is greatly increased.

At this time, once the other party approaches and finds that Xiao Zhi is a high-level god, not a middle-level god who can be manipulated by others, he will save a lot of trouble and greatly reduce the risk of being 'ordered'.

The second point is what Xiao Zhi values ​​more:

Two years ago, although he survived the transfer event in Gaoyun World without any risk, it also made him vigilant enough.

In the past two years, during the gaps in his practice, or during the execution of guard missions, he would often think about one thing, that is: How can we reduce the number of things like "Gaoshen World transfer to Chentian District" probability of occurrence.

Then, he thought that it was not enough to set up the title of Great Emperor for himself in Chentian District and declare himself a high god-level Great Emperor.

He had to show off his muscles in other places, and show off his god-level aura and strength.

And the place where the regional overlords gather like the place where the joint defense mission is carried out is undoubtedly a better place to show off their aura.

For example, when a god-level player in the overlord world of a certain area, after seeing his high-level god-level aura, knows that he is the overlord of the Chentian area. It is possible that through this god-level player who dominates the world, it will be transmitted to the ears of other player countries in the sky area.

When a high god is born in a powerful player country in the sky area and wants to transfer regions, if you want to designate the sky region to transfer regions, you should not target his Chentian region...

Seeing that Xiao Zhi's body was exuding a high-level energy fluctuation, he slashed out at random, and a black knife energy that looked like substance was chopped out, and a large number of metal people were cut off and melted into black water .

And the metal men they faced were not to be manipulated, they were also trying to fight back.

These metal people know how to change form. They can transform into metal birds, ferocious metal beasts and metal giant worms.

There are also metal people who maintain their human form, and various weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds extend from their bodies to fight.

These metal men are masters of weapons. In their hands, these weapons are like extensions of their bodies, capable of bursting out with enormous power.

However, the strength of most of the metal men is not at the god level. No matter how superb their fighting skills are, if they have no strength to support them, they will only be swept away by the players.

The battle goes on.

Every moment, a large number of metal people are killed by players like Xiao Zhi and the others.

But there are still a large number of metal people, like a tide, rushing towards Xiao Zhi and the others one after another.

At this time, a dazzling blue-white beam of light shot out from among the metal men all over the sky, and shot straight at Zhao Yan.

Its speed was so fast that Zhao Yan had no time to react, and was hit by this energy beam like a laser beam.

The rock armor shattered, and the laser beam instantly penetrated Zhao Yan's body and shot obliquely towards the ground.

Zhao Yan groaned in pain, his face turned pale in an instant.

The next moment, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared next to Zhao Yan as if teleporting, and with a single stab, he struck the energy beam penetrating through Zhao Yan's body into energy spots that exploded all over the sky.

At this time, a bowl-sized cavity appeared in Zhao Yan's chest and abdomen, and there was still blue-white energy remaining in the wound, constantly eroding Zhao Yan's body.

While breathing, a metallic luster appeared around Zhao Yan's wound, and this metallic luster was still spreading to all parts of his body.

Zhao Yan is now metallizing. According to this progress, he will be completely transformed into a metal man in less than ten seconds.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi did not hesitate to call out the Dawei Heavenly King Faxiang, and asked the Dawei Tianwang Faxiang to remove the negative effects on Zhao Yan's body and heal his injuries.

At the same time, from Xiao Zhi's eyes, a very bright blue light burst out, and he looked at the place where the laser beam was shot.

The one who can emit such a terrifying laser beam will definitely not be an ordinary metal man, it is very likely to be a powerful metal man at the level of a god.

However, what he saw was a sky full of metal men.

The metal men all looked exactly the same except for the transformed ones.

There are too many of them, filling Xiao Zhi's field of vision, and their auras overlap, making it impossible for Xiao Zhi to lock onto the figure of the god-level metal man in the middle.

After this incident, Lu Zhong, Luo Yiyi, and Gorea all suspended their attacks and gathered towards Xiao Zhi.

"Brother Zhi, how is Zhao Yan's situation..." Lu Zhong asked with concern.

Before Xiao Zhi could speak, Zhao Yan forced himself to speak, "It's okay, I can't die, that bastard is too insidious, even hiding in the dark and shooting me with a laser! I..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Zhi shouted, "Accept treatment honestly, don't talk so much nonsense."

Xiao Zhi's words still carry a lot of weight. Zhao Yan immediately shut up after being scolded by Xiao Zhi, not daring to speak any more.

Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "The one who injured Zhao Yan should be a god-level metal man. It is hidden among the metal men in front of me. I can't find it. Who can help me find it?"

As soon as Xiao Zhi finished speaking, Luo Yiyi said, "I'll do it."

While speaking, black air emerged from her black armor, spreading to the surrounding bluish-white energy spots that had not completely dissipated, swallowing them up.

After devouring these blue-white energy light spots, the strands of black mist gathered together again, turning into a somewhat illusory skull, dragging the black mist like floating catkins, drifting in one direction.

"I found it! It's right there!" Roy Yi stretched out his finger and pointed in the direction where the skull floated away, and said.

With a cold face, Xiao Zhi wanted to rush over with his sword, but Luo Yiyi spoke first, "I'll kill it!"

As she spoke, she dragged the magic iron epee backwards, turned into a black afterimage, rushed out at an incredible speed, and rushed into the dense metal crowd in front of her.

At this time, the metal crowd came overwhelmingly again, Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice, "Let's kill monsters, Luo Yiyi is a Central God, killing that Central God-level metal man hiding in the dark, there must be no problem."

He said the latter sentence to Lu Zhong.

The battle between the player and the intruder broke out once again.

Various law energies erupted, various visions transpired, and a large number of metal people were killed every moment.

After Zhao Yan's incident, Lu Zhong and the others became more cautious, and they didn't dare to stay too far away from Xiao Zhi, almost fighting back to back.

Not long after, a black magic mist emerged, and Luo Yiyi in black armor rushed out from the metal men all over the sky, and returned to Xiao Zhi's side again.

"How about it, did you kill it?" Lu Zhong asked.

"It's already gone." Roy Yi said coldly.

Once entering the fighting state and putting on the black armor, Roy Yi's voice will change greatly and become cold. Xiao Zhi and the others are already used to this.

"Sister Yiyi, thank you very much." Zhao Yan said gratefully.

"You're welcome." Luo Yiyi replied coldly.

Not long after, Zhao Yan's injuries were healed under the careful treatment of Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang.

After recovering, Zhao Yan immediately gritted his teeth and unleashed a [Sword of Killing Heaven], slashing out a huge sword energy that distorted the space, and chopped a large group of metal people into metal pieces.

"You bastards, you dare to bully me, you are going to die!" As he spoke, Zhao Yan summoned the Divine Sword of Protecting the Nation again, and with both swords out, he displayed the [Sword Breaking Art] he had mastered.

Immediately, sword energy filled the sky, and another large piece of metal man was torn into metal fragments by the sky-filled sword energy.

At this time, Gorea put another rock armor on him.

The defense of this rock armor is still very strong.

When Zhao Yan was hit by the laser beam, if he didn't have the rock armor to protect him, he would only be injured more seriously, and he might even be injured to the root.

At this time, another beam of bright and dazzling laser shot out from among the densely packed metal people, and shot towards Xiao Zhi and the others at an incredible speed.

This time, its target was no longer Zhao Yan, but Lu Chong.

But before it could hit Lu Zhong, Xiao Zhi dodged and appeared beside Lu Zhong. With a slash from the Bishui Knife, the dazzling blue-white laser beam was cut into blue and white spots all over the sky.

Another god-level metal man made a move.

"I'll kill it!" Roy Yi, who was dressed in black armor, said coldly.

As she said that, she dragged her magic iron epee backwards, rushed into the enemy group, and went to execute the beheading operation.

After a while, in the area where Xiao Zhi and the others were located, the metal men were finally almost wiped out, leaving only a very small part, fleeing in all directions.

"Take a break, replenish your divine power, and then we'll go to another place to continue killing monsters," Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

Fierce battles like this consume a lot of divine energy.

Although the divine power in the god-level players is as vast as the river and the sea, which is enough to support several such fierce battles, but to replenish the divine power, you must replenish the divine power to maintain yourself in the best condition to cope with the possible dangers that may arise next.

The rest time set by Xiao Zhi is only a few seconds.

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi had already chosen his next target. Just as he was about to greet Lu Zhong and the others to leave, a voice came from the ground below: "Emperor Yongchang, long time no see."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi lowered his head and looked at the ground below.

He saw that on the barren land below, there was a human face protruding at this moment, watching him.

This face belonged to the king of Gao Yun's world.

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