This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1527 Hunting Time

Xiao Zhi thought of those practitioners in Tianhu.

Among the cultivators in Tianhu, there are both players and aborigines from the world of sentient beings. These practitioners were all brought by him.

Next, the big world where he is located may fall into unprecedented turmoil.

As the original world of the great world where he is located, the Heaven Realm is bound to become the most turbulent area. At that time, the Heavenly Lake is likely to be affected as well.

With a serious and responsible attitude towards these practitioners, Xiao Zhi felt that he had an obligation to bring these practitioners back to the world of sentient beings.

Thinking of this, a huge three-dimensional map appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind.

This huge three-dimensional map is a map of the heavens that he has drawn little by little through his various experiences in the heavens.

Although the map looks fragmented and far from complete, it is quite useful to Xiao Zhi.

Soon, Xiao Zhi planned the best route to Tianhu in his heart.

According to the planned route, he will arrive at Tianhu Lake in a day.

Yes, it only takes one day, because his current location is not too far away from Tianhu Lake.

Of course, the premise is that he controls the floating airship.

Soon, the avatar of Chushen who was in charge of driving the floating airship was taken back by Xiao Zhi.

Under Xiao Zhi's personal control, the flying speed soared, reaching an incredible speed, and suddenly disappeared into the distant sky.

In the pure land of all living beings filled with black mist.

Xiao Zhi still walked leisurely behind those Bodhisattvas and Arhats.

At this time, he is not ready to take risks, but wants to wait until the Bodhisattva Fruit Status in his hand is completely fused before making a move.

By then, he will become even stronger and his shots will become sharper.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Finally, Xiao Zhi completed the fusion of this Bodhisattva Fruit Status.

The moment the fusion was completed, relevant information about this bodhisattva fruit status appeared in Xiao Zhi's induction.

This Bodhisattva fruit bit has a total of five kinds of supernatural powers, namely: Bodhisattva golden body, Bodhisattva mantra, thousand-hand supernatural power, golden cicada shell, and Buddha's handprint.

'Why is there no Celestial Eye...' After Xiao Zhi sensed the relevant information of this Bodhisattva fruit status, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Although a little disappointed in his heart, Xiao Zhi chose to replace without hesitation, and replaced the Ferry Arhat Fruit Bit in his body with this Guangling Bodhisattva Fruit Bit.

After the replacement was completed, he melted away the replaced Ferry Arhat status without hesitation, and used it to strengthen himself.

After absorbing the power of this Crossing Arhat Fruit Status, Xiao Zhi could feel that his own strength became stronger visible to the naked eye.

‘Okay, everything is ready, next, it’s time to hunt! ’ Xiao Zhi took a deep breath at this moment, his eyes gradually became sharper.

Although in his hands, there are still a few Arhat Fruit bits that can be absorbed.

But there is a saying - late comes change.

He had to do it as soon as possible. If he continued to delay like this, maybe there would be a Buddha-level boss coming to chase him down.

Then he heard a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear: "Make his speed triple!"

Xiao Zhi's flying speed suddenly soared, quickly shortening the distance between him and those Bodhisattvas and Arhats.

At this time, these bodhisattvas and arhats were still flying forward.

The faces of the three Bodhisattvas all looked gloomy and ugly.

They could all vaguely sense Xiao Zhi's position, so they all knew that Xiao Zhi was right behind them.

But even if you know, you can't help it.

Because, as Xiao Zhi continued to grow and become stronger, they now had nothing to do with Xiao Zhi, an outlier.

All they can do now is to go back and report the situation to Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha is one of the pinnacle existences in this world. If Lord Buddha takes action, he will definitely be able to kill this alien!

At this moment, in the sky, a huge golden palm emerged out of thin air, and then with a monstrous momentum, it slapped down on these Bodhisattvas and Arhats.

At this moment, both the three Bodhisattvas and the remaining Arhats all changed their expressions.

coming! That alien attack is coming!

This time, the alien's first move was the Buddha's handprint, which is a kind of supernatural power that only bodhisattvas are qualified to master.

Obviously, the fruit status of Guangling Bodhisattva has been fused and absorbed by this alien.

The war of gods broke out again.

In this battle of gods, Xiao Zhi broke out with stronger fighting power than before.

In this battle of gods, all the remaining arhats were killed by Xiao Zhi.

Even Bosses at the Bodhisattva level were killed by Xiao Zhi, leaving only one Bodhisattva, who escaped Xiao Zhi's attack by chance, and fled to Yuan Kong in panic.

"You're the only one left, do you think you can still escape?" Xiao Zhi sneered, holding a black magic sword, and chasing after this Bodhisattva-level boss.

His real speed is not as good as this bodhisattva-level boss.

But he has the ability of 'Speaking the Dharma', with the blessing of the 'Speaking the Dharma' ability, not to mention this mere Bodhisattva-level boss, even if the Buddha-level boss is coming, he is confident that he can fight at the speed On the one hand, overwhelm the opponent.

Of course, the prerequisites are: his deity can continuously provide him with energy, and he still has enough karma to overdraw.

Soon, the last bodhisattva-level boss who escaped was also caught up by Xiao Zhi and successfully killed.

So far, this long chase has finally come to an end.

Xiao Zhi counted his spoils.

In the last battle, his luck was very good, and he won a total of three Bodhisattva fruit ranks, plus three Arhat fruit ranks.

Yes, three bodhisattvas.

The Bodhisattva-level bosses he killed, without exception, all burst out their fruit status, but those Arhat-level bosses, some of them failed to burst out their fruit status after being killed.

After the battle, Xiao Zhi didn't stay here any longer, and soon turned into an afterimage and flew into the distant sky.

While flying through the air, Xiao Zhi was merging and absorbing the fruit position in his hand.

These fruit positions are all his spoils of war.

After merging and absorbing all these fruit positions, his strength will undoubtedly increase a lot.

At that time, even if his strength is not yet at the level of a high god, he should be able to reach the level of a top middle god. Coupled with his ability of "speaking the law", it must be enough to match the Buddha of the high god level. It's a war.

Of course, what he can challenge is just an ordinary Buddha.

He would definitely not be able to defeat the more powerful Buddha, let alone the legendary Heavenly Buddha.

The Heavenly Buddha is the most powerful existence comparable to the Heavenly Emperor.

When thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling a little doubtful.

'In today's pure land of all living beings, will there still be such powerful beings as heavenly Buddhas? '

‘Also, haven’t the pure lands of all beings, as the original world, been destroyed? Why are there still so many blackened Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Vajras? '

'Why do they exist? Is it because the pure land of all life has not been completely destroyed? '

'Or the purpose of their existence is to prevent the revival of the pure land of all lives, so that the pure land of all lives can never be detached? '

Not long after, Xiao Zhi shook his head lightly and stopped thinking about it.

He thought that these were useless, what he needed to do now was to digest and absorb all these fruit positions in his hands as soon as possible, and use them to improve his own strength, so as to deal with the next very likely Buddha-level boss.

Xiao Zhi flew through the air while supporting the black umbrella, while merging and absorbing the fruit position in his hand.

While absorbing the fruit position, he was still looking around, searching for a target to hunt.

As the saying goes, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it's still meat. Even if it's a terrestrial monster that wanders like a lone wolf, as long as it's not too far apart, he won't let it go.

Now, what he most wants to meet is the kind of monastery where the Boss of the Pure Land teaches the Dharma.

In this kind of monastery, there are often dense crowds of monsters, as long as he can take away one, he can reap a large amount of karma.

Of course, the kind of monastery where the Buddha taught the Dharma is not included for the time being.

In the future, not necessarily.

As each fruit position was digested and absorbed by Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi's strength was constantly increasing, and his self-confidence was also constantly expanding.

‘Do you want to turn back and fight for three hundred rounds with the Buddha who taught the Dharma in the monastery? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'As long as I can destroy this Buddha, I will not only be able to obtain Buddhahood, but also eliminate all the monsters in the monastery. As far as the number of monsters is concerned, if I can destroy them all If I kill it, not only can I pay off all the karma points owed, but I can also reap hundreds of thousands of karma points, hundreds of thousands! If these hundreds of thousands of karma points can be recorded in the account, I will no longer need to worry about the consumption of karma points when I use the ability of "Speaking the Way" in the future! '

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

But Xiao Zhi was still cautious in his bones, and he quickly suppressed this thought.

'Wait, wait a little longer, the kind of Buddha who is qualified to open an altar to teach the Dharma, among the Buddhas, must belong to the strong, I'd better not provoke it now, wait until I kill a few Bodhisattvas and Arhats, and get promoted After reaching the high god level, I will go back to trouble him. At that time, it should not be difficult for me to kill him. '

Before I knew it, the day passed by like this.

Among the pure lands of life, the expected pursuit from the Buddha has not yet appeared, and Xiao Zhi has already integrated and absorbed all the fruits in his hands.

As a result, his strength has made great progress. It is a pity that his strength is still far from the high god level.

According to Xiao Zhi's estimation, if he wants to break through to the high god level, he still needs two to three Bodhisattva fruit status to be able to do so.

It can also be seen from this that in this pure land of all beings, the difficulty of breaking through from the middle god to the high god level is much greater than the difficulty of breaking through from the beginning god to the middle god level.

If it weren't for those Bodhisattvas and Arhats rushing over to 'send warmth', it would probably take a long time for Xiao Zhi's strength to reach his current level.

'To become stronger in the pure land of all beings, evolution depends entirely on Tun. If the big world I live in can do the same, that would be great. , It won't be long before I can become the strongest. ’ On the floating flying boat, the deity Xiao Zhixin said.

Of course, this kind of thing, he just thought about it.

After all, this is reality, not the kind of virtual game that starts with a kun and evolves by swallowing.

Xiao Zhi felt that even in the pure land of all beings, the mainstream upgrade method would never be devouring.

He is probably the only one who can become stronger by devouring fruit status.

He should be an exception.

As for why he is a special case, Xiao Zhi thinks it should be related to Dawei Tianfo.

Because it was Dawei Tianfo who 'summoned' him through various means.

At this time, Xiao Zhi's eyes were already covered with white mist.

This white mist is water mist.

Tianhu has arrived.

Xiao Zhi drove the floating airship and continued to fly forward through the air.

He didn't choose to hide his body, because there can only be one black umbrella at a time, and it is being held by his soul in the pure land of all living beings.

But for him now, it doesn't matter whether he has the ability to hide or not.

After all, his strength lies here.

Even if this is the heaven, it is not too much to threaten his existence.

Under the control of Xiao Zhi, the floating airship flew straight to the core area of ​​Tianhu Lake.

With the blessing of the ability of "Speaking with the Law", the speed of the floating flying boat was extremely fast, and soon it carried Xiao Zhi to the sky above the core area of ​​Tianhu Lake.

At this time, the water of the Tianhu Lake below fluctuated a bit, and a huge blue dragon head protruded from the water of the Tianhu Lake, and a pair of dragon eyes stared at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi was also staring at the blue dragon head, and said with a faint smile, "Master Li, those of mine haven't returned home for a long time, I'll take them back."

This blue dragon emerging from the water of Tianhu Lake is the ruler of Tianhu Lake - Lilong.

Hearing this, Lilong nodded his huge dragon head at Xiao Zhi, and then his body sank into the lake and disappeared.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi left Tianhu with a large boat in a floating airship.

'The Quicksand King is still powerful, and the law of water flow has been mastered. ’ Xiao Zhi glanced at Quicksand King from the corner of his eye while driving the floating airship.

'As for the others, they are not so powerful, and there is still a certain distance from the great success of the law of water movement. '

On the way Xiao Zhi left Tianhu with a group of practitioners of the law of water movement and returned to the world of sentient beings, in the pure land of sentient beings, the Buddha-level attack that Xiao Zhi expected finally appeared.

This is a monk wearing a black robe.

The monk stood quietly in the air, staring at Xiao Zhi with a sullen expression.

Although there was no abnormal phenomenon on his body, when Xiao Zhi's eyes fell on him, he felt strong palpitations.

High God!

This is definitely a high-level Buddha!

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