The monk shouted loudly like a thunderclap, causing the space to vibrate slightly.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi felt a tinnitus.

He couldn't help frowning slightly, thinking: 'Could it be that this boss is impatient to chase after him? '

'Shouldn't it? '

'This is a Buddha. If you don't even have this bit of patience, how can you be worthy of being a Buddha? '

‘Also, why is he calling so loudly? '

‘If he is impatient and wants to fight me, there is no need to shout so loudly, right? '

When thinking of this, Xiao Zhi felt something was wrong.

There are weird!

This evil Buddha roared this voice, probably for another purpose!

Then, what is the real purpose of this evil Buddha's roar?

Xiao Zhi frowned, thinking quickly in his heart.

Of course, this kind of thinking did not delay his flight.

He is still flying forward through the air under the blessing of the ability of 'Speaking the Law with'.

Not long after, the monk who was chasing after him spoke again: "Alien, you are the existence chosen by Dawei Buddha, don't you even have the courage to turn around and fight me?"

The sound was still deafening like a thunderclap.

Xiao Zhi said nothing, just kept his head buried and flew forward.

Then the evil Buddha who was chasing after him said again: "Outliers, you can only bully those existences whose strength is not as good as yours!"

The sound was still like a thunderclap, which made Xiao Zhi's eardrums ache.

‘Is this considered aggressive? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

‘If it is the aggressive method, this level of aggressive method will not have any effect on me at all. ’ Xiao Zhi thought coldly in his heart.

Xiao Zhi still didn't respond to the evil Buddha's plan, and continued to fly forward through the air.

After flying forward through the air for a while, his gaze suddenly froze.

He saw that in front of him, there was a figure coming towards this side.

After seeing this figure, Xiao Zhixin's first thought was: 'Could this be the reinforcements summoned by this evil Buddha? '

This made Xiao Zhi's heart tremble.

Then he heard a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear: "Make his eyesight triple!"

When Xiao Zhi was being hunted down by the evil Buddha behind him, in order to save divine power and karma, he would bless himself with ten-fold vision every once in a while to scan the surrounding environment. He never blessed himself with vision.

But now, in order to see clearly who the comer is, he resolutely blessed himself with three times the vision.

With the blessing of triple eyesight, he could see clearly in an instant that the person who came was a monk who had transformed into a golden body.

The aura of this monk is not strong, only the aura strength of the beginning god level.

This means that this is just an arhat at the beginning god level.

‘Arhat-level reinforcements? Is this looking down on me? '

Just when this idea appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind, the arhat who was coming towards him said, "Great Lord Buddha, I will help you!"

As soon as the arhat yelled this sentence, the evil Buddha behind Xiao Zhi shouted: "Hurry up! You are no match for this alien!"

"Let's go!"

The evil Buddha's tone was very severe, which made the arhat who came to help him tremble.

After a little hesitation, the arhat still obeyed the command of the Great Buddha, turned into a golden streamer, and flew towards one side.

This arhat should have supernatural powers such as supernatural powers, and the speed he exhibited clearly surpassed that of ordinary arhats.

But his speed, in Xiao Zhi's opinion, is still not enough.

"Since you're here, don't think about leaving, just stay with me!" Xiao Zhi snorted coldly, and started to pursue this Arhat.

Arhat's strength has reached the god level anyway.

There are still a lot of karma points that can be obtained by killing Arhat.

Just when Xiao Zhi was about to start chasing the arhat in front of him, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Was it that the great virtuous Buddha yelled all kinds of things just to attract such a little guy as a reinforcement?

In the end, before the arhat rushed over as a reinforcement, the Dharma Lord Buddha ordered him to run away quickly. This series of operations is very confusing...

‘Could it be that this Arhat is just a pawn, and there are other reinforcements? ’ Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi’s heart trembled again.

‘Whether there are any reinforcements, don’t you know if you take a look? ’ Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth.

Then he heard a vast voice that only he could hear: "Make his eyesight tenfold!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhi once again used his eyesight ten times regardless of consumption.

With the blessing of ten times the eyesight, Xiao Zhi's eyes burst out with extremely bright and dazzling golden light, and he scanned in all directions.

Then he saw, in front of his flight path, in the distance, there was a black temple, but this temple was empty, and there was no one in it.

And farther away, close to the limit of his field of vision, there was a group of black clouds floating towards the far sky.

No, this is not a black cloud, but... an aggregate of countless rows of earth-like monsters and flying-like monsters.

Countless earth-like monsters and flying-like monsters gathered together. The number of these monsters is really too much, and they are densely packed, like black clouds.

These monsters are gathered together and are migrating.

The abnormal Buddha, the Arhat who rushed to support, the empty temple, the migrating monsters...

This scene was like an electric shock, flashing through Xiao Zhi's mind.


At this moment, Xiao Zhi felt that he seemed to understand everything.

He understood why the Dharma Lord Buddha who chased and killed him seemed so abnormal during this period of time.

He doesn't know what's in front of him. As the aborigine of the pure land of all living beings, the great virtue Buddha Lord knows.

Lord Buddha knew that there was a monastery in front of him.

The reason why the Dharma Buddha yelled so loudly before was actually to warn the monastery and tell the monsters in the monastery to evacuate quickly.

The real purpose of the Arhat who rushed over to support him was not to support, but to attract Xiao Zhi's attention. The purpose was to make him change his flight direction and stop flying straight forward.

Because if he continues to fly forward, it won't be long before he can find the monastery in front of him.

As for the group of monsters that are migrating like dark clouds, there is nothing to say.

It is impossible for land monsters and flying monsters to fly so fast.

The reason why this 'dark cloud' is able to float so fast is that there is definitely a Bodhisattva-level BOSS flying around...

'Fortunately, I am careful enough and thoughtful enough, otherwise, I would really be led astray by you. ’ Xiao Zhi glared fiercely at the Arhat-level boss who was turning into a stream of light to escape, then slightly adjusted his flight direction, and chased after the black cloud in the distance.

‘Make his speed increase eight times! "Xiao Zhixin swayed, gritted his teeth, and directly increased his speed from seven times to eight times. All he did was to throw the Buddha who was chasing him farther away, so as to squeeze out more time. , to start killing the monsters in the front.


According to his estimation, these monsters are piled together like a dark cloud, and the number has reached at least 200,000. If he can catch up with this dark cloud and kill these monsters, then he will definitely be able to Make up the required karma.

And as long as the karma is enough, all the problems will be solved!


If it wasn't for his lack of strength, Xiao Zhi would have given himself ten times the speed.

While giving himself eight times the speed, Xiao Zhi once again opened his black umbrella.

"Damn it!" Behind Xiao Zhi, Lord Buddha roared angrily.

The purpose of what he did before was to lure Xiao Zhi away, so that this alien could not discover the existence of the monastery ahead. As a result, the monastery ahead and the migrating believers still remained. Discovered by this damn alien.

After hearing the roar of the Dharma Lord Buddha in the direction behind him, Xiao Zhi only felt inexplicably relieved.

But before he was in a good mood, his expression changed.

Then he heard a voice like rolling thunder, sounding from behind him, spreading in all directions: "All believers obey my will, and immediately destroy themselves!"

This is the voice of Lord Buddha, who is ordering those migrating monsters to die and destroy themselves!

After Xiao Zhi heard the voice, his face suddenly changed, and at the same time, he couldn't help but raise his heart.

If those monsters who are migrating ahead have really listened to the words of the Great Buddha and chose to understand themselves, how can he earn karma points?

This move of the Great Virtue Buddha Lord can be described as a drastic move, extremely sinister and cruel to the extreme.

After all, he was telling his own people to die!

Just when Xiao Zhi's heart sank rapidly, a voice came from afar: "Master Buddha, are you serious?"

The voice came from the dark cloud condensed by monsters in the distance. It should be the Bodhisattva-level boss who flew a group of monsters to speak.

The Great Virtuous Buddha replied, "I am the Buddha, how can I speak falsely? You just need to carry out my will."

As soon as the Dharma Lord Buddha said this, the 'dark cloud' fell into silence.

Xiao Zhi took advantage of this opportunity and flew forward desperately. The 'dark cloud' in front of him was his only chance to escape.

The Great Virtuous Buddha waited for a while, and seeing that there was no response from the 'black cloud', he couldn't help saying angrily: "Bodhisattva Guangyuan, are you waiting to resist the decree?"

'Wu Yun' was silent for a while, and the previous voice was a little dull: "Master Buddha, this place is not under your jurisdiction, and you are not our Lord Buddha. If there are other wishes, we must obey them. Now you This will of yours... I will not obey!"

After hearing the voice's answer, Xiao Zhi couldn't help laughing.

In this world, no matter who they are, they don't want to die, they all want to live. Human beings are like this, and so are the monsters in front of them.

Think about it differently, if he is one of those monsters in front of him, would he be willing to die if the supreme Buddha opened his mouth to tell him to die?

What's more, this Buddha flew over from another place, and this place is not under the jurisdiction of this Buddha.

'This is really a bright future. '

'It really scared me just now. '

Xiao Zhi patted his chest with his hand, and continued to fly forward through the air.

With the blessing of eight times speed, his speed is unbelievably fast.

At this time, he was only less than a thousand miles away from the 'dark cloud' in front of him.

At this time, he was already thinking in his heart what to do so that he could kill all the monsters migrating ahead as quickly as possible.

"Presumptuous!" Behind Xiao Zhi, the Dharma Lord Buddha shouted angrily.

"Where is Daji Buddha? Where is Daji Buddha? Come out for me!" The voice of Dharma Buddha once again exploded like thunder, shaking people's eardrums with pain.

The voice in the 'dark cloud' replied: "To the great Buddha Lord, my Buddha Lord is in retreat, please don't disturb my Buddha Lord's Qingxiu."

The voice still seemed very polite.

"Okay, okay, okay!" But after hearing this, the Great Virtue Buddha couldn't help laughing out of anger, and said three good words in succession.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help laughing at this moment.

'Is this a contradiction between each other? It turns out that the demons and ghosts in the pure land of all births are not monolithic...'

And for him, there is no doubt that this is a great thing.

In the end, the distance of less than a thousand miles was crossed by Xiao Zhi in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi raised the black magic sword in his hand high, and his black magic subduing pestle was also held high by him.

At the same time, he also transformed into a golden body of a Bodhisattva, and transformed into a thousand arms. Among the thousands of arms, there was an inconspicuous arm holding a black cleansing bottle, and poured the black liquid in the black cleansing bottle. , poured on himself.

There is also an inconspicuous arm, which tightly holds a large black seal, ready to smash into the void at any time.

There is also a black ring on an inconspicuous arm. This black ring looks very inconspicuous, but it can effectively resist the attack of the soul.

Everything was ready, the next moment, Xiao Zhi slashed out the sword in his hand!

In an instant, a huge mountain-like black sword emerged out of thin air, slashing fiercely at all kinds of monsters that were densely packed in front of them.

All of a sudden, there were screams.

Xiao Zhi's shocking sword with ten times the power directly cut the "dark cloud" in front of him into two pieces.

Almost at the same time, another huge mountain-like magic subduing pestle rumbled down from the sky, and dealt another heavy blow to the 'dark cloud' in front of him.

'karma +1'

'karma +1'

'karma +1'

'Karma +19'

'karma +1'

'Karma +11'


At this moment, at the edge of Xiao Zhi's field of vision, lines of golden text were rapidly swiping the screen like a waterfall.

'Sure enough, everyone has their own thoughts, and they are not monolithic. If the Dharma Lord Buddha can warn in advance, my sneak attack this time will definitely not have such a good effect. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

"Alien!" A voice roared.

At this time, among the howling monsters all over the sky, more than a dozen golden lights lit up one after another.

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