This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1539 Fierce Battle

"Okay." Lu Zhong and the others nodded, and had no objection to Xiao Zhi's proposal.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Lu Zhong, and said, "Recall Ku Luo Xian."

As he said that, he issued a recall command to those scattered avatars and visualization objects through his divine sense.

After giving the command, he turned his head slightly and looked towards Yuan Kong.

As far as he could see, a slender figure in black armor was wielding a huge sword as thick as a door panel, fighting with a group of monsters like lizardmen.

No, to be precise, it was a massacre.

Although there were many lizardmen, they were no match for the black-armored figure at all. They were killed by the black-armoured man, causing blue blood to splatter, and the corpses fell down like dumplings.

This black armor figure is exactly Luo Yiyi.

Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Luo Yiyi: "Nine o'clock direction, hurry up and meet!"

After receiving Xiao Zhi's sound transmission, Luo Yiyi's figure in black armor paused for a moment, and the next moment, she swung her black sword and swept forward, beheading the two lizard men who were trying to approach her. After two paragraphs, his figure suddenly retreated, distanced himself from the group of lizardmen, turned into a black afterimage, and flew towards Xiao Zhi and the others.

Soon, Luo Yiyi and Xiao Zhi's avatars, contemplation objects, and Ku Luoxian summoned by Lu Zhong all returned.

Even the summoning formation used by Lu Zhong to summon Ku Luoxian was fished out by Xiao Zhi from the quicksand water.

When everything was ready, Xiao Zhi shouted in a low voice, "Let's go."

Immediately, he took Lu Zhong and others together, and under the support of five times the speed, he flew through the air towards the edge area of ​​the mission execution site.

"Brother Zhi, do you think we will be able to get through this guard mission?" Lu Zhong asked in a low voice.

Including Luo Yiyi, everyone looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said: "Do your best, if there is nothing you can do...Saving your life is the most important thing."

When Lu Zhong and the others heard the words, they all nodded with serious expressions.

At this time, in the pure land of all beings shrouded in black mist, Xiao Zhi was still flying forward with a black umbrella.

His target, as before, is a monastery where monsters gather together, or a monster settlement with more than tens of thousands of monsters.

The battle of the deity on the other side of the heaven made him unable to open up and use the ability of "speaking the law" to bless his eyesight and speed like before, which had a great impact on his actions.

But he still insisted on taking action, insisting on searching for the traces of the temple in this pure land of all beings...

In Heaven, under the blessing of five times the speed, Xiao Zhi brought Lu Zhong and the others to the fringe area of ​​the mission execution site not long after.

As far as the eye can see, there are groups of various monsters like locusts.

The appearance of these monsters is very different, and they all obviously come from different big worlds, but their goal is the same, which is to break through the golden light curtain in front of them.

As long as they can break through the golden light curtain in front of them and leave this area, they will be able to leap in the sea, let the birds fly in the sky, and do whatever they want in this big world.

Under the attack of these massive intruders, the restriction manifested by the sentient being system is emitting golden light, fluctuating like water waves.

As the saying goes, ants kill elephants more often. Although the defense restriction of the sentient beings system is very strong, under the attack of so many monsters, it probably won't last long before it has to be broken.

"Kill! These are all sky points. Don't you always complain to me that the sky points in your name are not enough? Now is a great time to earn sky points. What are you still doing? Hurry up! Give me Kill them all!" Xiao Zhi shouted.

"Kill!" Zhao Yan shouted.

Seeing sword energy bursting out of his body, it turned into a rain of swords and swept forward.

"Kill!" Luo Yiyi, Lu Zhong, Gorea, Zhu Changwu and others also shot one after another, using their own methods to kill the monsters in front of them.

Xiao Zhi also sent his god clone, Yuanlong clone, Canglong and Kunpeng to kill the enemy.

Even Li Kuo, the demon who possessed him, made a move under the command of his consciousness.

What Li Kuo mastered was the law of ice and snow. The group attack ability of the law of ice and snow is extremely powerful. When dealing with those monsters whose strength is far inferior to his, it is simply a sweep, sweeping a large area.

As for Xiao Zhi himself, what he needs to do is to kill those powerful monsters.

Although the powerful intruders above the middle god level have become much weaker under the suppression of the rules of the heavens, their existence can still pose a great threat to Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and the like.

Especially when the situation is chaotic, these powerful people like to hide in the crowd of monsters and carry out sneak attacks. They are even more threatening to Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and the others.

As long as one of these powerful men dares to take the lead, Xiao Zhi will kill one.

With Xiao Zhi's current strength, as long as these powerful people dare to show their heads, they will not be able to escape death. This is true for the powerful people of the middle god level, and the same is true for the powerful people of the high god level if they are not strong enough to save their lives.

As soon as the battle started, it became extremely intense.

Luo Yiyi was wearing black armor again, holding her magic iron epee, and rushed into the crowd of monsters.

Lu Zhong and the others didn't dare to do this, they all huddled around Li Kuo, and used long-range attacks to attack the enemy.

All of a sudden, there were gusts of wind and snow in the sky, sword qi, phantoms, lightning and thunder, and various monsters were killed in pieces, and the corpses fell down like dumplings.

The monsters died in pieces, but there are still a large number of monsters attracted by Xiao Zhi and the others, swarming from all directions.

All Xiao Zhi and the others could do was to kill monsters with all their strength, until the whole world trembled violently, as if it was about to burst.

Looking from a distance, Lu Zhong and the others hugging each other are like small boats in a violent storm, facing the attack of waves of monsters one after another, as if they may be destroyed at any time and be swallowed by the waves of monsters.

But this is only the surface.

The actual situation is: Lu Zhong and the others are protected by Xiao Zhi, and they are as stable as a rock. Even if this overwhelming wave of monsters is twice as powerful, they will never be able to shake them in the slightest.

Then there was a sizzling sound, and another purple thunder the size of a house was detonated in the crowd of monsters, screaming for a while, and a large number of monsters were turned into coke by electricity, and the affected monsters in the periphery were also ignited. Electric arcs were sizzling all over his body, and his whole body twitched non-stop from the shock.

Goreiya couldn't help but looked at Zhu Changwu enviously, and said, "Zhu Changwu, you just became a god, and your attack power has become stronger than mine. It's really enviable."

At this time, Zhu Changwu's face turned red, and he said with a smile, "I'm just stronger than you in terms of attack power. In terms of defense power, if I tie up ten of them, I can't match you."

As soon as he spoke, a figure the size of a fist, like a flying mosquito rushed out from the shining electric arc, rushing towards Zhu Changwu at an incredible speed.

Before Zhu Changwu had time to react, this flying mosquito-like figure had already approached Zhu Changwu, raised its knife-like forelimb, and swiped towards Zhu Changwu's head.

Seeing that Zhu Changwu's head was about to be split in two, a long knife that seemed to have been painted with black paint emerged out of thin air, and slashed fiercely at the flying mosquito monster.

The flying mosquito monster didn't even snort, but was chopped into two pieces by the black knife. Its broken body turned into a pool of thick black water in the blink of an eye.

It was Xiao Zhi who killed the flying mosquito monster.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Zhu Changwu apologetically, and said, "Sorry, I just went to deal with other monsters, and I came a little later, are you okay?"

At this time, there was a shocking wound on Zhu Changwu's forehead between the brows, the bone was visible deep, and golden divine blood was oozing out.

Zhu Changwu wiped the golden blood oozing from his forehead with his hands, and said with a smile, "It's okay, Great Emperor, it's just a minor injury, nothing serious."

Xiao Zhi nodded, looked at Goreya who was beside Zhu Changwu, and said, "Gorea, you can add another pair of rock armor to him."

Just now, if he hadn't been protected by the rock armor, Zhu Changwu would have been beaten by that flying mosquito monster.

This mid-god-level flying mosquito monster doesn't have very good defense, but its speed is extremely fast, and its attack power is even more amazing. It is very good at sneak attacks, and it poses a great threat to Lu Zhong and the like.

The Flying Mosquito that was just killed was already the third Flying Mosquito that Xiao Zhi had killed during this period.

"Okay, Great Emperor." After hearing Xiao Zhi's order, Gorea immediately nodded and began to assemble a new rock armor for Zhu Changwu.

And Zhu Changwu didn't care about the injuries on his body, and started to gather new Zilei again.

After Xiao Zhi gave Gorea an order, his figure flickered and disappeared.

The battle was fierce, and they had no time to rest or deal with their injuries.

As long as they were not severely injured and dying, they had to continue fighting.

A second later, another flying mosquito monster tried to attack Zhao Yan, but was killed by Xiao Zhi.

"Brother Zhi, the number of these monsters is really too many, they can't be killed at all..." Lu Zhong said to Xiao Zhi through voice transmission.

There was a worried expression on his face.

Holding the clear water knife in his hand, Xiao Zhi looked around with his blue eyes open. There was also an expression of worry that could not be concealed on his face.

There are too many, the number of monsters is simply too many.

In the previous routine defense tasks, he always complained in his heart that the number of intruders was not enough to kill him.

Now, the number of invading monsters was so large that he felt hopeless.

Can't finish killing, can't finish killing at all.

At this time, above the sky, those bloody whirlpools seemed to be spinning at a faster speed, and they seemed to be spitting out monsters.

All kinds of monsters are flying in the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

These monsters covered Xiao Zhi's sight. Even if Xiao Zhi had the three-star immortal art [Qingming Tianmu] and the ability of "Speaking with the Law" to bless his vision, his vision was also greatly affected, and he could not Looked too far ahead.

He could only vaguely see that there was a golden light shining in the distance.

That is the vision that the defense system of the sentient beings shows when it is attacked.

After seeing this ray of golden light coming from a distance, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling a little powerless in his heart.

In his mind, a word emerged: It's hard to sing alone.

Their Dachang World is just one of the twelve overlord worlds under the Sentient Beings System. With their mere Dachang World, it is simply unrealistic to prevent these alien invaders from attacking the Sentient Beings system's defense restrictions.

With such a large guarding mission, they can only guard one corner at most, as for other places, they can't do anything.

"Ah!" Zhao Yan suddenly let out a low scream: "My divine sword, my divine sword was taken away by a dog!"

There are too many monsters around, and there will be another crop after killing one.

Most of the flying swords released by Zhao Yan have been lost due to various reasons.

By now, even his Excalibur had been taken away by a monster.

"Where is it? I'll go and get it back for you." Xiao Zhi appeared next to Zhao Yan and asked.

Zhao Yan shook his head with a slightly pale face, and said, "Forget it, that dog has already fled far away, Brother Zhi, don't chase after him, lest you fall into these miscellaneous tricks to lure the tiger away from the mountain!"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he didn't say much, he just patted Zhao Yan's shoulder with his hand, and then disappeared in front of Zhao Yan.

In the breath, more than a dozen monsters died under Xiao Zhi's long knife.

As for the avatars and contemplations released by Xiao Zhi, there will only be more kills. Of course, the quality is definitely not as good as his real deity.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi frowned, with a painful expression on his face.

Just now, in order to kill a junior god-level monster, his visualization object, Canglong, "walked" a little forward, and was suddenly attacked by a high-level god-level monster.

This is a ferocious monster like a mountain.

The huge long body of Canglong, the visual object, was bitten into two pieces by this giant god-level beast on the spot.

The severely injured Canglong screamed and wanted to escape, but was bitten and attacked by this giant beast with a large number of other monsters, and was torn into pieces in the blink of an eye.

"Bastard!" Xiao Zhi, who was a step late, slashed at this high god-level giant beast.

The [Xuan Shui Knife] that Xiao Zhi slashed with hatred contained ten times the power.

Before the giant beast could retreat in the future, it was locked by Xiao Zhi's ultimate move, and then cut into two pieces, and dozens of other monsters around were killed.

The body of the giant beast that had been chopped into two pieces melted into black water like ice cream under the scorching sun, but Xiao Zhi's face was a bit ugly, because he had not received the killing information of the giant beast.

Obviously, this giant beast has a strong life-saving ability.

At this moment, Zhao Yan shouted: "Friends from other worlds, what are you doing? Hurry up and kill monsters!"

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