This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1550 Divination

"I have something for you to handle." Hu Yang said.

"You said." The staff said respectfully.

Hu Yang was about to tell him what he meant, and the staff member nodded to Hu Yang and said, "Sir, I'll arrange someone to pass on the message."

"Well, let's go." Hu Yang waved his hand.

After the staff member left, Hu Yang sat on the office chair and thought. After thinking for a while, he still felt a little uneasy.

"Do you want to try that trick?" Hu Yang murmured in his mouth.

"I don't know if that trick will work or not."

"It should be effective, after all, this trick requires the consumption of will power."

Gritting his teeth, Hu Yang stood up from the large office chair.

With a soft creak, the door of the command room opened a gap, and Hu Yang's figure suddenly blurred and disappeared.

A few seconds later, Hu Yang stood on the top of a tall building. He waved his hand lightly, and a barrier formed out of thin air, covering him in it.

The barrier separates the inside and the outside.

Hu Yang flipped his hand, and a small palm-sized Jade Ruyi appeared out of thin air in his hand, exuding a faint golden light.

This jade ruyi is neither a divine weapon nor a magic weapon, but a condensed product after he has practiced the six-star fairy art [Small Words and Great Meanings] to the entry level.

Wish power is not something everyone can have, nor can everyone use it.

The reason why he was able to use [Small Words and Great Meaning] to make a wish was because of the jade wishful in his hand.

[Small words and great righteousness] It is the six-star fairy art, which can not only be used to make wishes, but also derives the ability of divination, which can be used to predict good or bad luck.

Predicting good and bad luck is a very illusory thing.

Hu Yang's [Small Words and Great Meanings] has just started not long ago, and this is the first time he has used the divination ability derived from [Small Words and Great Meanings].

Then I saw Hu Yang sitting cross-legged, with a serious expression on his face, staring straight at the void in front of him.

Wherever he looked, a little golden light gradually lit up.

This golden light slowly turned into a golden tortoise shell, and then, the golden tortoise shell gradually became solid from illusion.

When the golden tortoise shell was completely solidified and looked like the real thing, Hu Yang exhaled lightly, and wiped the fine sweat oozing from his forehead with his hands.

"This tortoise shell is too difficult to condense. It took a lot of effort to condense, but luckily it succeeded." Hu Yang muttered.

"I hope this move will work..."

With a snap, the golden tortoise shell fell to the ground.

Hu Yang held Yu Ruyi in one hand, pointed to the tortoise shell in front of him with the other, and spat out a series of jerky and weird syllables, as if he was reciting a mantra or praying.

Time passed by second by second.

After more than ten seconds passed like this, the golden tortoise shell on the ground began to tremble.

And as time passed, the golden tortoise shell trembled more and more.

Finally, with a click, the golden tortoise shell shattered.

It shattered not into two pieces, but into a dozen pieces.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yang stood up abruptly, with an obvious expression of horror on his face.

As a fortuneteller, he naturally knew what the scene in front of him meant.

During divination, the broken tortoise shell is a bad omen.

And the current situation where the tortoise shell is broken into more than a dozen pieces is a bad omen!

The golden tortoise shell fragments that shattered into more than a dozen pieces gradually became illusory and transparent, and then disappeared on the ground.

"It's a bad omen, how can it be a bad omen..." Hu Yang murmured.

"Could it be that the divination was wrong?" Hu Yang restrained the frightened expression on his face, and he was going to re-condense a tortoise shell and perform another divination.

As a result, let alone the tortoise shell this time, he couldn't even condense a little golden light.

"How could this happen?" Hu Yang muttered in his mouth.

Soon, he found out the reason why the tortoise shell could not be condensed.

He glanced at Yu Ruyi in his hand.

At this time, Yu Ruyi in his hand no longer radiated light, and became dim.

Yu Ruyi became dim, which meant that his wish power had been exhausted.

Without his willpower, he naturally couldn't condense the tortoise shell.

‘Just one divination used up all the vows I have finally accumulated? ’ Hu Yang felt a little unbelievable.

‘However, on the other hand, the more power consumed, the more reliable the divination this time. ’ Thinking of this, Hu Yang's expression froze again.

'I guessed before that there must be a manipulator behind these alchemy puppets, combined with my divination just now, the manipulator behind these alchemy puppets is probably not dead, he should be hiding somewhere on the earth! '

'What should I do...' Hu Yang's expression was a little uncertain.

'This matter is of great importance, I must inform Brother Zhi. ’ Hu Yang pursed his lips.

The barrier shattered silently, and Hu Yang's figure disappeared along with it.

Soon, Hu Yang returned to his office in the Disaster Command Center.

He stretched out his hand, and when he was about to press the button on the desk, his hand stopped again, because at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the door of his half-open office. , was standing quietly like a ghostly black figure.

After discovering this figure, Hu Yang stood up immediately, and said in surprise, "Sister Yiyi, why are you here?"

The figure standing quietly in front of the door was exactly Luo Yiyi in black armor.

Luo Yiyi, who was standing in front of the door, nodded at Hu Yang, and walked into the office.

He sat down on the seat in front of Hu Yang, stared at Hu Yang, and said, "Hu Yang, what are you asking me for? Could it be that you discovered something?"

"Yes." Hu Yang nodded when he heard the words, Dang even said all the conjectures in his heart.

Luo Yiyi listened silently. After listening, she nodded and said, "Huyang, your worries are not unreasonable."

After a pause, she said: "When I went to Canada to eliminate these monsters, in addition to ordinary monsters, I also killed a few special monsters. The strength of these monsters is comparable to that of middle-level gods, but Instead of charging forward with strength, I hid behind those ordinary monsters. At that time, I guessed that these monsters might be the commanders of these monsters, so I immediately hid them behind The mighty monster was slain."

Hearing this, Hu Yang had a surprised expression on his face.

'It turns out that Sister Luo has thought of this a long time ago... I thought I was smart and underestimated the heroes of this world. ’ Hu Yang secretly said in his heart.

Then I heard Luo Yiyi continue to say: "However, you sent someone to ask me about this, and it reminded me that we can't prove that all the invading monsters have been killed, and there may be some monsters like Like a snake, it is dormant somewhere on the earth, waiting to give us a fatal blow. In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, I will be stationed in this Kyoto defense circle."

If he hadn't done divination just now, Hu Yang might pat his chest and say, "Sister Yiyi, the world of sentient beings is also very dangerous. You can go to the world of sentient beings to kill monsters. I'm in charge here. If I'm here, there must be no harm here." What could go wrong!

But the divination just now seemed to be a dark cloud that shrouded his head and couldn't go away.

Seeing that Hu Yang nodded, he said: "Sister Yiyi, you sit in the defensive circle of the capital, I am relieved."

"En." Luo Yiyi hummed softly. After she glanced at Hu Yang, her figure quickly became blurred, and finally turned into a cloud of black mist, drifting towards the command room.

After Luo Yiyi left, Hu Yang leaned back on the chair, looked at the scene outside the French window, and frowned slightly.

‘Big Sister Luo is the second strongest person in my Dachang world, second only to Brother Zhi. With her in the defense circle of Kyoto, there shouldn’t be any problem, right? ’ Hu Yang said silently in his heart.

But even though Luo Yiyi was already in charge of the capital defense circle, Hu Yang still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The scene of the tortoise shell being shattered into more than a dozen pieces would still appear in his mind from time to time.

This is a bad omen!

Hu Yang really wanted to condense the tortoise shell again, and do the divination again, to see if there would be any change in the result of the divination after Royyi came to the real world and sat in the defensive circle of Kyoto.

But his wish power has been exhausted, and he can no longer condense the tortoise shell.

'Or, I'd better go back to the world of sentient beings, go back to the world of sentient beings to replenish my vows, and report my divination to Brother Zhi by the way, and see what he has to say. ’ Hu Yang thought.

'Before, I had to sit in the capital defense circle, and I couldn't leave the capital defense circle easily. Now that Sister Luo is here, I should go back to the world of sentient beings, and there should be no problem. '

‘However, before returning to the world of sentient beings, I still have to report to the United World Government. '

With this in mind, Hu Yang stretched out his hand and pressed the button on the desk...

Soon after, Hu Yang left the real world, and the Dao body returned to the world of sentient beings.

His figure appeared in a spacious hall.

This is the main hall belonging to Xiao Zhi in the Shenmen headquarters.


"Mr. Hu Yang." The staff stationed in the hall stood up one after another and greeted Hu Yang.

Hu Yang nodded at these staff members, then hurriedly left the hall and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The headquarters of Dachang Shenmen is very large and there are many temples. Hu Yang came to an unoccupied side hall, took out the Kunyu token, and tried to contact Xiao Zhi.

In the heaven, Xiao Zhi was flying above the sky.

Flying and flying, his expression moved slightly, and he sensed that someone was calling him through the Kunyu token.

This time the person who called him was Hu Yang.

After sensing that it was Hu Yang who was calling him, Xiao Zhi showed a slightly surprised expression on his face.

‘Hasn’t Hu Yang been sent by Lu Zhong to the real world to guard the defense circle of Kyoto? How could he contact me at this time? '

When Xiao Zhi was puzzled, the words belonging to Hu Yang had already surfaced in his mind: "Brother Zhi, I did a fortune-telling in the real world not long ago, and the result of the fortune-telling was fatal."

After "seeing" this line of words clearly, Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly stopped in the air, and the expression on his face seemed a little surprised.

But soon, the bewildered expression on Xiao Zhi's face disappeared, and he returned to normal.

Xiao Zhi typed with his spiritual thoughts: "Huyang, when did you learn divination? This thing looks absurd, but it's just for fun. Don't you take it seriously?"

Hu Yang: "Brother Zhi, this is not ordinary divination, but a kind of divination ability derived from the six-star fairy art [Small words and great meaning] that you gave me. I just did this divination. The vow power I had accumulated was exhausted, and a lot of my true energy was also consumed."

When this line of words written by Hu Yang appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind, Xiao Zhi fell silent, and his face gradually became solemn.

Ordinary divination, he can not believe it, it can be regarded as a joke.

But this kind of divination ability derived from the six-star fairy art is extraordinary, so he couldn't help but pay attention to it.

Xiao Zhi: "Since it is a divination ability derived from [Small words and great meaning], we must not take this divination result lightly, um... this kind of divination result may mean that those outside the boundaries that invade our real world The invaders have not been killed by us, there should be some leftovers."

Hu Yang: "I think so too."

Xiao Zhi: "The real world is our root, and there is absolutely no room for loss. Inform Lu Zhong and the others and let them quickly go to the real world to sit in command. As for the insects and monsters that invaded Dachang Kingdom, don't worry about them for the time being. Let Yu Xuzi and the others The aboriginal gods will deal with it."

Xiao Zhi's thinking speed is extremely fast, even if he has a decision.

Xiao Zhi: "Forget it, I will personally tell Lu Zhong about this matter. After you recover a bit, go to the real world as soon as possible. Your strength is not weak. One more person means more strength."

Hu Yang: "Okay, Brother Zhi."

In the world of sentient beings, after finishing the call with Xiao Zhi, Hu Yang received the token of Kunyu, and praised him in his heart: 'As expected of Brother I Zhi, he acts decisively and resolutely. '

'After I recover my true energy and collect some wish power, I will go to the real world. '

He didn't leave this side hall, but closed his eyes and opened his hands in this side hall, as if sensing something.

He is sensing the believers he developed in the world of sentient beings.

Soon, his brows were wrinkled.

Why can't he sense so many believers?

How can he collect vows if he can't sense these believers?

Not long after, Hu Yang's figure reappeared in the hall belonging to Xiao Zhi.


"Mr. Hu Yang." The staff stationed in the hall stood up again and greeted Hu Yang.

Hu Yang nodded at the staff members again, and asked, "Um... the Dayan Kingdom, is it also invaded by those invaders from outside the realm?"

Facing Hu Yang's inquiry, all the staff in the hall looked at a staff member standing at the corner of the hall.

Under the eyes of his colleagues, the staff member took a step forward and said, "Yes, Mr. Huyang, our Dachang Kingdom is not the only one that has been attacked by insects and monsters. They have also been attacked to varying degrees.”

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