This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1574 Special Mission

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out the white jade ring given to him by Emperor Kongtian from the storage ring, and said respectfully: "Emperor Kongtian."

The white jade ring representing the keepsake shimmered, and the voice of Emperor Kong Tian came from it: "Xiao Zhi, the situation in the heavens has almost stabilized, I can let you end this temporary guardian mission ahead of time, are you willing? "

Xiao Zhi was slightly taken aback when he heard this.


In other words, when his Dachang world was invaded, if he could end the defense mission ahead of schedule and return to the world of sentient beings, he would be willing to do so.


His Dachang World is not in danger for the time being. He is performing this temporary guardian mission in the heavenly realm. By killing the invaders outside the realm, he can more or less gain some sky points. At this time, let him end this guardian mission ahead of schedule. He hesitated a little.

After all, sky points are very precious, and earning a little is a little bit.

However, this hesitation only lasted for a moment, and Xiao Zhi thought of a possibility, and said respectfully: "Emperor Kongtian, do you have something that you want to tell me to do?"

The voice belonging to Emperor Kongtian said: "Nowadays, there are still a large number of planes and player worlds being invaded by those invaders from outside the world. These will become special tasks one by one, appearing in the special task interface, to be completed After this guardian mission, you can go to accept these special missions to obtain authority points, how important authority points are, don’t I need to say more?”

When Xiao Zhi heard the words, he immediately expressed gratitude: "Thank you, Emperor Kongtian! I will never forget the kindness of Emperor Kongtian! I would like to end this temporary guardian mission ahead of schedule!"

Although sky points are very precious, they are nothing compared to authority points.

The voice belonging to Emperor Kongtian said: "Thank you for my words, needless to say, just work hard to become stronger."

Not long after the call ended, an ethereal voice sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears: "This temporary guardian mission is over, and you have obtained a fixed reward of 1,000 sky points."

This is the notification sound belonging to the sentient beings system.

Soon, another ethereal voice belonging to the sentient beings system rang in Xiao Zhi's ear: "During this temporary defense mission, you gained an additional 15,327 sky points by killing invaders from outside the realm."

"In the last temporary defense mission, you received a fixed reward of 1,000 sky points."

"During the last temporary defense mission, you killed intruders from outside the realm..."

A series of system prompts rang in Xiao Zhi's ears one after another.

When the notification sounded, Xiao Zhi summoned his character attribute panel with his mind, and looked at the option of the sky.

Sky point: 83512.

This is what he has gained during this time.

During this period of time, he performed a total of two temporary defense missions. During these two temporary defense missions, he killed many intruders from outside the world, and returned to the world of sentient beings and the world of Dachang, killing the alchemy god An De Rosen, the king of insects, has killed countless insects and monsters.

This allowed him to obtain more sky points in a short period of time than he had obtained in the previous few years or even ten years.

'The sky points under my current name, including the benefits brought by my authority level, are enough for me to exchange for two six-star fairy arts. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'After I return to the world of sentient beings, I will use these sky points to directly exchange for two six-star fairy arts? Or keep these sky points, accumulate them, and use them to exchange for a higher level of Seven Star Immortal Art? ’ Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

Seven Star Immortal Technique...

When thinking of the Seven Star Immortal Technique, Xiao Zhi felt a little hot in his heart.

In the past, he never dared to think that he could have such a high-level fairy art.

Now, he is qualified to think about it.

The sky points under his name are not too far away from being exchanged for Seven Star Immortal Art.

What he is short of is mainly the authority level.

'It depends on how many authority points I can get when I participate in special missions. If I get a lot of authority points, I will be patient for a while. When the time comes, I will be in place in one step and exchange them for the Seven Star Immortal Technique. If I get more If the number of authority points is not ideal, then exchange them for Six-Star Immortal Art, and see what kind of Six-Star Immortal Art you can get randomly. Use the ones that can be used by yourself, and give them to Lu Zhong and the others if they can’t. ’ Xiao Zhi thought so, and he already had a decision in his heart.

Just when he was thinking about this, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient beings system rang in his ears again: "The temporary guardian mission is over, you can call the system at any time to send you back to the sentient beings world for free, and You can continue to stay in the heaven..."

"I want to return to the world of sentient beings." Xiao Zhi said.

"Player, you have chosen to return to the world of sentient beings. The system is about to teleport you. Please be prepared, the countdown is 3... 2... 1..."

Soon, Xiao Zhi's figure turned into nothingness and disappeared into the vast heaven.

In the world of sentient beings, Dachang Imperial City, in the hall belonging to Xiao Zhi, the air fluctuated, and Xiao Zhi's figure appeared here out of thin air.


"Emperor!" The staff stationed in the hall stood up one after another, and said respectfully to Xiao Zhi.

The faces of many staff members were full of surprise, because Xiao Zhi's return this time was so unexpected that they didn't hear any news.

How long has it been since the emperor went to heaven.

According to the previous information, didn't the emperor have to stay in the heavens for at least a few weeks before returning?

Xiao Zhi glanced at these staff members, nodded at them, and said, "The temporary guardian mission has ended ahead of schedule, so I'm coming back. Next, I will stay in the world of sentient beings." For a while, if there is nothing important, don't bother me."

"Yes, Great Emperor!" All the staff in the hall responded one after another.

Xiao Zhi nodded at them again, and then walked out of the hall.

After just taking a few steps forward, Xiao Zhi's figure vanished into thin air and disappeared from the sight of all the staff.

Not long after, in the inner city of Dachang Imperial City, in the secluded mansion belonging to Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged in the secluded courtyard, his divine power surged out silently, and with a slight swing, he wiped away all the people in the secluded courtyard. The accumulated dust was swept away.

After withdrawing his divine power, Xiao Zhi made a thought and began to call out the special task interface belonging to the sentient beings system.

Soon, a translucent light curtain appeared in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes.

Xiao Zhi's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly when he saw clearly what was displayed on the translucent light curtain.

Seeing that in the special task interface, there are lines of bloody text, which looks shocking.

This blood-like text naturally did not scare Xiao Zhi, who is a high god, what really surprised him was that the number of tasks presented in this special task interface was really too many. As many as ten.

No, more than ten, because you can turn pages.

There are ten special tasks on the second page.

There are also ten special tasks on the third page.

There is still a fourth page, a fifth page, and a sixth page...

It has not been a short time since Xiao Zhi's Dachang World has become the regional hegemon, and this is the first time Xiao Zhi has seen so many special tasks.

Prior to this, special missions were extremely rare, and they could be encountered but not sought. When luck was unlucky, one might not appear for more than half a year.

Once there is a special mission, it will definitely be snapped up by the players, not to mention the weaker players, even for a master like Xiao Zhi, if he wants to grab the special mission, it all depends on his luck.

Unlike now, special missions appear in groups for people to choose from, which is in stark contrast to before.

Xiao Zhi probably glanced at the special tasks presented in front of him, and he found that these special tasks were all tasks to eliminate intruders from outside the boundary. The difference was that some tasks gave less rewards, and the rewards were only a few dozen points Permission points, some missions give very generous rewards, reaching hundreds, or even thousands of authority points.

The amount of this reward should be linked to the difficulty of the task.

The higher the difficulty of the task, the more rewards, and vice versa.

'So, should I choose a special task with a high difficulty? Or choose a less difficult task? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

After thinking quickly in his heart for a while, Xiao Zhi already had a decision in his heart.

However, before accepting the special mission, he still has one more thing to do.

With a thought, Xiao Zhi began to contact Luo Yiyi through his Kunyu token.

As a result, more than ten seconds passed, but Xiao Zhi did not get any response.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning.

Xiao Zhi quickly contacted Lu Zhong through his Kunyu token.

Lu Zhong responded quickly.

Lu Chong: "Brother Zhi, I heard that you have returned to the world of sentient beings. I was about to contact you, but I didn't expect you to contact me first."

Xiao Zhi: "Well, the temporary guardian mission ended early, so I came back, Lu Zhong, and I want to ask you something."

Lu Chong: "What's the matter, Brother Zhi, you can ask."

Xiao Zhi: "Luo Yiyi is practicing now?"

Lu Zhong: "No, she is not practicing."

"Then what is she doing?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Lu Zhong: "She is on a special mission."

Going on a special mission?

Xiao Zhi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then he figured it out.

'That's right, there are so many missions popping up on the special mission interface, Luo Yiyi only needs to pay a little attention to these missions, and it is reasonable for her to go to perform special missions. '

‘I was thinking of reminding her to take part in these special missions, but now it seems that I was doing too much. '

With that in mind, Xiao Zhi asked, "Didn't you participate in these special missions?"

Lu Zhong smiled bitterly: "I didn't go, I'm weak, I'm just a beginner, it's better to stay in the world of sentient beings to practice honestly."

"Then how many of them are Zhao Yan?"

Lu Zhong: "Zhao Yan and the others didn't go either, they are practicing just like me."

Xiao Zhi: "I see, your idea is right. Authority points are indeed very attractive, but safety is more important. After your cultivation reaches a higher level, you will have the opportunity to participate in these special tasks. "

After finishing the conversation with Lu Zhong, Xiao Zhi was still a little worried, and contacted Zhao Yan through the Kunyu token.

Xiao Zhi asked straight to the point: "Zhao Yan, what are you doing?"

Zhao Yan: "I'm practicing in seclusion. I'm going to fight it out this time. I won't leave the seclusion until I break through to the middle god level!"

Xiao Zhi: "Okay, not bad, then you can continue to practice, and I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhi ended the communication with Zhao Yan.

‘Zhao Yan has grown up. He knows that strength is the most important thing, and he knows that he can calm down and practice hard. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

In this regard, he still feels quite gratified.

'With the strength that Luo Yiyi has shown, it should be no problem for her to carry out these special missions of eliminating intruders from outside the boundary, as long as she does not accept such difficult missions. '

‘As for Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan, they are all practicing honestly, so I don’t have to worry about it. In this way, I can also perform special tasks and earn authority points with peace of mind. '

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and pointed at a line of bloody text on the task interface.

The one selected by Xiao Zhi was a mission to wipe out intruders outside the player world, and the reward marked by the sentient beings system was 180 authority points.

Among these special tasks, such rewards are neither high nor low, just to test the waters.

After clicking on the task, the next step is to wait.

Xiao Zhi didn't have to wait long, and after less than a second, a system prompt popped up: 'You have accepted this task. '

Immediately afterwards, another system prompt popped up: 'The task has been successfully accepted, and the transmission will begin...'

Regarding this, Xiao Zhi was very calm.

After all, there is no shortage of tasks in the current special task interface, and no one is competing with him at all. It is almost inevitable that he can successfully receive this task.

Soon, Xiao Zhi felt a sense of being pulled away from his mind, and then his consciousness became in a trance.

This feeling of trance lasted only for a moment, and then disappeared.

But at this time, what Xiao Zhi saw in front of his eyes had become completely different.

At this time, he was floating in the sky, and what he saw was a vast land.

The sky is blue in color.

On the land, there is a building complex covering a very large area.

The styles of these buildings are brutal and rough, which are obviously different from the buildings Xiao Zhi has seen before.

A huge seven-color light curtain, like an egg shell, enveloped this rough building complex that could not be seen at a glance.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that this seven-color light curtain was an imperial city-level heaven and earth nine-condensation formation.

'This world actually still has the Heaven and Earth Nine Condensation Formation. It seems that the strength of this player world is not bad, at least it is a player world that has already walked out of Novice Village. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'What about the intruder? Where is the intruder? '

Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly burst into a bright green light, and he looked in all directions.

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