This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1638 Seventh level authority

The number of special tasks is increasing.

And this was also within Xiao Zhi's expectation.

Xiao Zhi glanced at the three lines of blood words in front of him, then reached out and pointed on one of the lines of blood words.

A second later, a system prompt popped up: ‘You have accepted this mission. '

Immediately afterwards, another system prompt popped up: 'Mission accepted successfully, transfer is about to begin...'

Soon, spatial ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on Xiao Zhi's body, and then Xiao Zhi's figure turned into a transparent bubble and dissipated in the air.

A new round of special tasks has begun again.

In the following time, Xiao Zhi spent almost all of his time performing special tasks.

With the blessing of [Tianji Holy Body], so-called away battles almost do not exist. Almost all world planes are home games for him, and his efficiency in performing special tasks has also reached an extremely exaggerated level. Degree.

When he was fast, he only needed a few minutes to complete a special task.

When it's slow, it only takes him a few hours to complete the task and return to heaven.

He found that in most of the world planes, he could borrow enough power of the world for sensing and space teleportation.

But there are also some world planes, perhaps because they are far away from the original world of heaven. In these world planes, he can sense and borrow very little world power. Once he lands in such a world, he can only rely on Use your own hard power to perform the task.

What's more, in all the player worlds, the power of the world that he can sense and borrow is very little.

After discovering this, Xiao Zhi deliberately avoided those missions that existed in the player's world when he took on special missions.

After all, what he's after is efficiency.

It is more appropriate to entrust other people with such tasks that he does not perform efficiently.

Now, it's not just Xiao Zhi who is taking on special tasks one by one.

Other players, including Luo Yiyi, are also racing against time to perform various special tasks.

Permission points are very important to Xiao Zhi, but why not to other players?

Now such a good opportunity to earn authority points, no one wants to miss it.

During the imperial guard mission, Xiao Zhiyou contacted Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan through his Kunyu token. After some communication, the result he got was: Luo Yiyi was already performing a special mission. Hu Yang thought He wanted to perform a special task, but was afraid that he was not strong enough, so he was a little entangled. Zhao Yan really wanted to perform a special task, but was stopped by Lu Zhong.

Apart from Hu Yang and Zhao Yan, Zhu Changwu, Goreya and Mai Ti were also eager to try.

After knowing this, Xiao Zhi issued an instruction: "Luo Yiyi is strong enough and can do whatever he wants. Hu Yang and Zhao Yan are pretty good and barely qualified to perform special tasks. They can try to perform that kind of task." Special tasks with rewards within 50 authority points. As for the other god-level players in Dachang World, they are not strong enough and they all practice honestly, so don’t go into this muddy water..."

Time passed by every minute and every second.

With the completion of special tasks one by one, the authority points under Xiao Zhi's name are increasing rapidly.

Before that, he was already a Level 5 authority.

In addition to being a Level 5 authority user, he also has 8326 authority points under his name.

According to the rules of the sentient beings system, for a person with level 5 authority to be promoted to level 6, the required authority points are 10,000 points.

In other words, Xiao Zhi only needs to earn 1700 authority points this time, and he can upgrade his authority level to level six.

Of course, level six cannot be Xiao Zhi's goal this time.

His goal this time is to become a level 7 authority!

And with the speed of performing special tasks that he has shown now, the possibility of him becoming a level 7 authority is still very high.

Time passed day by day.

A few days later, when Xiao Zhi completed another special task and was transported back to the heaven, the special task panel of the sentient being system had become empty.

"It's over..." Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly, and sat down in the void.

With a thought in his mind, he called out his own character attribute panel, and looked at the authority point option in it.

Authority point: 39926.

'good. ’ A smile appeared on Xiao Zhi’s face, and he looked at the sky point option in the character attribute panel.

Sky Point: 305892.

‘This is okay. ’ The smile on Xiao Zhi’s face became more intense.

Next, is the most exciting upgrade moment!

Xiao Zhi couldn't help taking a deep breath, with a hint of excitement on his face.

There was both anxiety and expectation in his heart.

What he is worried about is whether the authority points under his name are enough to make him a seventh-level authority.

What he is looking forward to is, what kind of new authority will he be able to obtain when his authority level is upgraded? Can he become a system administrator like Kong Tiandi and Meng Tiandi?

All this will be revealed soon.

Soon, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient system rang in Xiao Zhi's ears: "Player, you are a fifth-level authority. Do you want to spend 10,000 authority points to upgrade your authority level?"

"Promote!" Xiao Zhi nodded.

The system prompts: "The authority points under your name are higher than or equal to 10,000 authority points, and your authority level has been successfully upgraded."

The system prompts: "Congratulations, player, you have become a Level 6 authority!"

Immediately, lines of golden text appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision like flowing water:

'As a Level 6 authority, you will have the following authority. '

‘One, you have acquired the ability to identify players in this world. When you use this ability, players in this world will be marked with green lights. '

‘Two, when you return to the real world, come to other players’ worlds, and stay in the real world, the number of sentient being points required is reduced to 40%. '

‘Three, when you use Sky Points to redeem items, you will enjoy a 30% discount. '

‘Fourth, you have gained the right to hand over some valuable items to the sentient system for recycling in order to obtain sky points. '

‘Five, you have obtained the right to teleport back to the world of living beings for free in non-mission and non-combat conditions. '

‘Six, you are qualified to redeem the Tianyuan Chaos Array. '

‘Seven, you are qualified to exchange for Tianyuan Taoist weapons. '

‘Eight, you have obtained the authority to voluntarily give up the mission in an emergency. To voluntarily give up the mission, you need to consume 100,000 Sky Points or 10,000 Authority Points’

‘Note: 30,000 authority points are required to upgrade from level six authority to level seven. '

‘Note: Those with level seven authority are senior authority. Becoming a person with level seven authority will have partial management rights of the system. Players, please continue to work hard! '

Xiao Zhi stared at the lines of golden text in front of him. It was not until several seconds passed that he let out a breath.

Compared to those with level 5 authority, the increase in authority for people with level 6 authority is not obvious, and is just some routine upgrades.

This newly added permission for level six permission holders is quite good. After having this permission, there will no longer be the situation where the real world is invaded like before, but the player is trapped by the mission and cannot return to the real world for rescue. Can handle urgent situations.

Xiao Zhi had experienced this situation once before, and after experiencing it once, he didn't want to experience it a second time.

'It's just that the price of giving up the mission is a bit high...' Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

Voluntarily giving up the mission will either consume 100,000 sky points or 10,000 authority points.

Whether it is 100,000 sky points or 10,000 authority points, it is an extremely huge number.

Take Sky Points as an example. 100,000 Sky Points, including the discount, is almost enough for him to exchange for a 7-star magic...

The good news is that judging from the notes on the Sentient System, the seventh-level authority will be a watershed. As long as the player becomes a seventh-level authority, he will be able to have some management rights of the All Being System! And this is what Xiao Zhi has always expected.

The bad news also comes from the note. To upgrade from level six authority to level seven authority, you actually need 30,000 authority points!

This was somewhat beyond Xiao Zhi's expectation.

Xiao Zhi's previous guess was 20,000 points, but no one expected it to be 30,000 points. This was a bit of a trap.

Xiao Zhi glanced at his character attribute panel.

Authority point: 29926.

The authority points in his name were 74 points short of the 30,000 sky points required for upgrade.

74 authority points is not a lot. For Xiao Zhi, it is just an ordinary special task that can be completed.

The problem is that the special mission interface of the All Beings System is now empty, and there are no special missions to pick up.

This is very annoying.

'It's almost, it's almost, it's so damn...' After Xiao Zhi complained a few words in his heart, his mood gradually calmed down.

‘Wait, if nothing else happens, there should be special tasks. By then, I can just complete one more task and I will be promoted to a seventh-level authority user. '

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Zhi quickly minimized the special mission interface in front of him to the edge of his field of vision, then calmed down and prepared to practice his [Tianji Holy Body].

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Three hours later, a line of bloody text appeared in the special mission interface of the sentient system.

coming! Xiao Zhi couldn't help but perked up, and immediately sent out his spiritual thoughts and clicked on this line of blood-colored text.

As a result, a second later, a system prompt popped up: 'Failed to accept the task. This task has been accepted by another player. '

Xiao Zhi was slightly startled, then smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The one who could make him fail in accepting the mission was either Emperor Kongtian or Emperor Mengtian.

‘These two guys are still focusing on these special tasks. It’s really too much! ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

Two hours later, another line of blood-colored text appeared in the special mission interface of the All Beings System.

Xiao Zhi immediately sent out his spiritual thoughts and clicked on this line of bloody text.

Then, he waited with some anxiety.

The results came out quickly, and a system prompt popped up in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes: 'You have accepted this task. '

Immediately afterwards, another line of system prompts popped up in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes: 'The mission has been accepted successfully, and the transmission is about to begin...'

'success! ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but reveal a smile.

The special task he received this time, the reward for completing the task is 100 authority points. This reward is not much, but it is enough to promote him to a seventh-level authority.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's figure became transparent and disappeared into the dim heaven.

About an hour later, in the dim heaven, the space fluctuated like water, and a figure emerged out of thin air. This figure was none other than Xiao Zhi!

After returning to the heaven, Xiao Zhi immediately called up his character attribute panel.

Authority point: 30026.

‘I finally have enough authority points to upgrade to level seven, upgrade, upgrade quickly! ’ Xiao Zhi shouted in his heart.

Soon, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient system rang in Xiao Zhi's ears: "Player, you are a level six authority. Do you want to spend 30,000 authority points to upgrade your authority level?"

"Promote!" Xiao Zhi nodded and said.

The system prompts: "The authority points in your name are higher than or equal to 30,000 authority points, and your authority level has been successfully upgraded."

The system prompts: "Congratulations, player, you have become a seventh-level authority!"

The next moment, lines of golden text appeared in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes like flowing water:

‘As a seventh-level authority, you will have the following authority. '

‘1. You have gained the ability to identify players in this world. When using this ability, players in this world will be identified with a green light. '

‘Two, when you return to the real world, come to other players’ worlds, and stay in the real world, the number of sentient being points required is reduced to 30%. '

‘Three, when you use Sky Points to redeem items, you will enjoy a 35% discount. '

‘Fourth, you have gained the right to hand over some valuable items to the sentient system for recycling in order to obtain sky points. '

‘Five, you have obtained the right to teleport back to the world of living beings for free in non-mission and non-combat conditions. '

‘Six, you have obtained the qualification to redeem the Tianyuan Chaos Array. '

‘Seven, you are qualified to exchange for Tianyuan Taoist weapons. '

‘Eight, you have obtained the authority to voluntarily give up the mission in an emergency. To voluntarily give up the mission, you need to consume 80,000 Sky Points or 8,000 Authority Points’

‘Nine, you have obtained the primary management authority of the sentient system. '

‘Note: The primary management authority of the Zhongsheng System can be viewed and operated in the management interface of the Zhongsheng System. '

‘Note: To upgrade from level seven to eight, 60,000 authority points are required. '

‘Note: Those with level eight authority will have intermediate management authority for the sentient system. Players, please continue to work hard! '

Xiao Zhi stared at the words in front of him. There was unconcealable joy on his face, and he thought to himself: 'After being promoted to the management level, the treatment is really different. '

Not to mention anything else, even the sentient being system’s name for him has changed, from ‘you’ to ‘you’.

‘The junior management authority of the sentient system... I want to see what the situation is like with this primary management authority. ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

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