This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1657 Looking for Xumi Space

After leaving the sealing place of the mighty Buddha, Xiao Zhi held the black umbrella and flew forward tens of thousands of miles in one breath before stopping.

He is thinking about one thing, that is, can these powerful supernatural powers that he evolved by swallowing the Buddha's status in this pure land of all lives be used in the heaven?

It would be fine if it could be used, but it would be funny if it couldn't be used...

As soon as this idea came up, it was unstoppable. Soon, Xiao Zhi's mind was filled with this matter.

‘I have to go back to heaven, I have to go back to heaven to test it! ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

He has not returned to heaven for a long, long time.

The main reason is that after he merged with the Buddha's fruition status, the karma points required to return to the heaven were too much.

Fortunately, now, after killing a large number of evil Buddhas, he has accumulated a lot of karma. If these karma are used to buy a 'return ticket', 1 million will be enough for him to return to the heaven. More than a dozen times.

After making a decision in his heart, Xiao Zhi took out two walnut-sized, shimmering crystal beads from his arms, spread them out in the palm of his hand, and looked at them carefully.

These two round beads are both the Buddha's fruition, the highest level of Buddha's fruition.

Precisely because these were two top-level Buddhas, very rare, Xiao Zhi felt a little entangled in his heart.

He was struggling with whether to take these two Buddhahoods back to the heaven, or to devour these two Buddhahoods to enhance his own strength.

If he takes these two Buddhahoods back to the heaven and gives them to Luo Yiyi and Hu Yang for use, he will spend an additional 2 million karma points. After giving up these two Buddhahoods, his Strength will also increase less.

If these two Buddhahoods are swallowed up and used to strengthen oneself, it would be a pity to use such a top evil Buddhahood as nourishment.

After some weighing, Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

'Just take a Buddha's fruition status out. The black-robed evil Buddha is very powerful. He is unique among the evil Buddhas. Just keep his fruition status. As for the gray-robed evil Buddha's Fruit position, I might as well devour it. ’

Although the Buddha's Attainment Stage looks exactly the same, this time Xiao Zhi was more careful and did not confuse the two Buddha's Attainment Stage.

Soon, Xiao Zhi held the Buddha's fruition status exploded by the gray-robed evil Buddha in his hand and began to absorb it.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi completed the fusion and absorption of the Buddha's fruition, and then without hesitation, he dissolved the eight-power Buddha's fruition into his own body.

After doing this, he could feel that his strength had increased a little compared to before.

‘Okay, it’s time to go back. ’ Under the black umbrella, Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, feeling inexplicably uneasy in his heart.

After all, returning to heaven this time means a lot to him.

If his glazed golden body, the hand to overcome misfortunes, and the universal mantra can be used normally in the heaven, then he will have an extremely powerful helper, which will become a trump card in his hand, no, it should be said It's ace.

After having this trump card, both his Dachang world and the entire heaven will become much safer.

But if these powerful magical powers that he has worked so hard to use cannot be used normally in the heavenly realm, then all the hard work he has done over the years to conquer the pure lands of all living beings may be in vain...

‘I remember that when I returned to heaven before, my Buddha’s hand seal could not be used in heaven. ’ Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi’s heart suddenly sank.

The rules in heaven are different from those in the pure lands of all living beings.

Therefore, some magical powers can obviously be used in the pure lands of all living beings, but once they reach the heavenly realm, they become unusable.

The fruition levels, various heavenly materials, earthly treasures, magical powers and magic that players obtain from the Sumeru Realm of All Beings have all been 'localized' through the transformation of the All Beings System, so they can be used normally.

As for the fruition statuses obtained by players from the Sumeru Realm of All Lives, the magical power of Buddha's hand seal does not exist among them.

'No, it's different. The most powerful magical powers are different from those ordinary magical powers. Ordinary magical powers will be limited by rules, but the most powerful magical powers should not be. After all, no matter which great realm the most powerful person goes to, they are all The most powerful! ’

‘This is true for the most powerful, and the same should be true for magical powers at the level of the most powerful! ’ Xiao Zhi growled in his heart.

'Let's go back! It's useless to be suspicious here now. You'll know the result when you get back. ’

Soon, Xiao Zhi's figure became illusory and transparent.

The next moment, his figure completely disappeared into the pure land of all living beings shrouded in black mist.

In the sky, under the dim sky, Xiao Zhi was still sitting quietly on his floating airship. His surroundings were covered with layers of camouflage and restrictions based on the laws of water to prevent prying eyes.

Suddenly, a bright golden light bloomed from his chest.

Then a wisp of golden smoke emerged from the Gate of All Living Things hanging on his chest, and instantly transformed into a figure.

This figure looks exactly like Xiao Zhi. It is the split soul belonging to Xiao Zhi that returned from the Pure Land of All Lives.

When the split soul returned, a smile appeared on Xiao Zhi's face. He could feel that his split soul was very strong. In terms of basic attributes alone, the foundation of his split soul was compared to his own. Much stronger!

As soon as the split soul returned, Xiao Zhi stood up and said, "Let's get started."

"Okay." The split soul Xiao Zhi nodded, and then he saw a little golden light with a glaze color blooming from the center of his eyebrows. Like golden water, it quickly spread to all parts of his body, covering his entire body. All dyed gold.

At this moment, the most powerful magical power 'Glazed Golden Body' was successfully used by Xiao Zhi, the soul splitter.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face and said, "Continue."

The split soul Xiao Zhi nodded, suddenly opened his mouth, and spat out a golden stream of light towards Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he instinctively wanted to avoid the golden stream of light hitting him. However, before he could make a move, the golden stream of light had already hit him.

Xiao Zhi's body suddenly froze, and his body was covered with a layer of glazed golden light, making him unable to move at all.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's body erupted with extremely terrifying energy fluctuations, but even so, his body was still frozen in place, unable to move.

It wasn't until almost a second passed that he suppressed a blush and finally broke free from this layer of glazed golden light.

Although he looked a little embarrassed, after breaking free from the glazed golden light, Xiao Zhi's face was full of smiles.

"This move of Universal Mantra is good, next one." Xiao Zhi stood up straight again and said.

"Okay." The split soul Xiao Zhi nodded and gently raised one of his arms.

And as he raised his hand, a huge palm glowing with glazed golden light appeared out of thin air and hung in the air.

Xiao Zhi looked up at the huge golden palm in front of him. The smile on his face became even stronger. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

In this heaven, all three powerful magical powers are available!

In this way, his strength will be greatly improved!

As long as his three most powerful magical powers can maintain this intensity when facing the most powerful gods, and will not collapse at the first touch, then he will have the power to fight even if he is facing the most powerful ones. !

It can be said that after possessing these three most powerful magical powers, the strength of his split soul has completely surpassed his own body.

If we were to give his split soul a strength rating, even if the strength of his split soul could not reach the level of the strongest, it would definitely be more than enough to rate him as nearly the strongest.

Next, Xiao Zhi conducted a more detailed test on his split soul.

The result of the test is: the magical power of 'The True Buddha Appears to the World' can also be used in this heaven, and the clone of the True Buddha summoned through the 'True Buddha Appears to the World' has also successfully displayed the Soul-Splitting Xiaozhi. The three most powerful magical powers he possesses.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Xiao Zhi!

This means that once a war breaks out, he will have two quasi-powerful levels of combat power!

This made Xiao Zhi's anxious and crisis-ridden heart feel a lot more at ease.

Not only the true Buddha's magical power of coming into the world, but also the magical power of Thousand Hands, the magical foot power, the clairvoyance power, and the golden cicada's magical power of escaping from the shell. The Guangyuan Great Buddha has a total of eight kinds of magical powers. In this heaven, these eight All these magical powers, without exception, can be displayed!

What makes Xiao Zhi feel a little regretful is that the "Buddha Kingdom of All Living Beings" he learned from the Mighty Heavenly Buddha cannot be used in this heaven.

His "Freedom to Heaven" which he obtained from the mighty Buddha cannot be displayed in this heaven.

Although there are some regrets, in general, Xiao Zhi is very satisfied with the series of results achieved by Xiao Zhi in the pure land of all living beings during this period of time.

"Go back to the Pure Land of All Lives, keep up your efforts, and strive to evolve the fourth most powerful magical power as soon as possible." After the experiment, Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay." The split soul Xiao Zhi smiled at Xiao Zhi and nodded.

One split soul and one true self. After the two Xiao Zhi glanced at each other, the split soul Xiao Zhi's body turned into a ball of golden smoke and floated towards the Gate of All Life hanging on Xiao Zhi's chest...

After the split soul Xiao Zhi returned, only a moment passed before he was sent back to the Pure Land of All Lives by Xiao Zhi to continue fighting.

Although the split soul Xiao Zhi is already very strong now, he can still become stronger.

After sending away his split soul, Xiao Zhi shook off the heavy disguises and restrictions placed around him, and thought to himself: 'The split soul has made a major breakthrough, and now it's up to me, the real person. ’

‘It would be a joke if I, as my own self, could not defeat even one of my own souls in the end. ’

Soon, Xiao Zhi abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart, his heart sank, a rich jade light emerged from his body, and he began to practice his [Tianji Holy Body] again.

In the pure land of all beings shrouded in black mist, Xiao Zhi, who had returned from heaven, was flying towards a certain direction with a black umbrella, as fast as the wind and lightning.

In the conversation with him not long ago, the mighty Buddha pointed out a direction to him.

In this direction, there is a huge Sumeru space. Those Pure Land bosses below the Buddha, and monsters that walk on earth and fly in the sky all exist in this huge Sumeru space.

As long as he can find this huge Sumeru space, then he may be able to kill these Pure Land BOSS and all kinds of monsters in one pot!

This is a huge amount of fruition status and a huge amount of karma!

Although the Golden Congo Stage, Arhat Stage, and Bodhisattva Stage are not as good as the Buddha Stage, as long as there are enough of them, they can still strengthen his body and make him stronger and stronger!

While flying forward with a black umbrella, Xiao Zhi would use his eyesight ten times every once in a while to scan the surrounding sky.

Previously, when he had just mastered the 'Glazed Golden Body', he discovered that he could already vaguely see the existence of different dimensions.

Nowadays, both his basic strength and absolute strength are stronger than before. In this case, if there is a different space near him, he will definitely be able to detect it after using ten times his vision. To the existence of this alien space!

According to what the mighty Buddha said, once he discovers a different space, he only needs to use his hand to tear this different space apart, and entering it is a piece of cake.

Time passes day by day.

A few days later, the heavenly guarding mission participated by Xiao Zhi and other Dachang World players finally came to an end.

In this defensive mission, Xiao Zhi only killed a wave of monsters at the beginning and did not participate in the battle later. Therefore, in this defensive mission, he did not receive many sky points, and even It can be described as very little.

After the mission, Xiao Zhi and other Dachang World players reunited.

"Brother Executive."

"Zhi Shen."

"Great Emperor." Everyone greeted Xiao Zhi.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xiao Zhi smiled and nodded to everyone.

"Brother Zhi, seeing you smiling so happily, have you made a breakthrough?" Hu Yang said after sizing Xiao Zhi for a while.

"It's not that easy to break through." Xiao Zhi smiled and shook his head.

He looked at Yang Xi and said, "How about it, Yang Xi, are you still adaptable to such a guarding mission?"

"It's okay." Yang Xi pursed his lips and nodded.

After a slight hesitation, she added: "It's just... I don't like fighting very much."

As soon as Yang Xi said this, everyone present looked at her.

The smile on Xiao Zhi's face slowly disappeared, and he said in a deep voice: "To be honest, I don't like fighting either, but I have to fight, and so do you, because we are the strongest in this world. Now Under this situation, if we powerful people don’t come forward to fight, then our world will be doomed, and by then, all of us will be doomed!"

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