This Game is Unusual

Chapter 171 Gift (3 updates, 1000 order plus update)

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, just take it. I don't need the money now, and it's useless to put it on me."

Xiao Zhi talked for a while.

Father Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, just leave the money with me and your mother. After the new year, my mother and I will go and look at the house for you. This one million yuan is worth a lot. In our county, you can buy a 200-square-meter house with all the money, plus fine decoration. When you get married, Xiao Zhi, you will still need a wedding room."

Xiao Zhi had a headache, so, as he was talking, he talked about his life's major events.

He doesn't even have a partner now, this wedding room has been arranged...

Xiao Zhi was very helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

After chatting with his parents for a while, Xiao Zhi also sent his sister Xiao Fanghua a Chinese New Year red envelope worth 366,666 yuan through WeChat.

In today's society, it is not easy to start a small business and make some money.

My sister and brother-in-law are all renting houses now, and they have been wanting to buy a house in the county for several years, but they have no money in hand, and they can't even make a down payment. Xiao Zhi also knows about this.

The red envelopes of more than 300,000 yuan were sent out, and they still had some spare money with them, so it should be no problem to pay a down payment.

Soon, brother-in-law Fan Xun called Xiao Zhi on WeChat.

Fan Xun's tone was full of surprise: "Brother, what are did you transfer so much money to your sister? Could it be a wrong transfer?"

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "I made some money recently, so I thought about brother-in-law, don't you want to save money to buy a house, so I sent a red envelope to my sister, it's my kindness."

Fan Xun carefully probed: "Brother, this is for us? Didn't you borrow it?"

Xiao Zhi said: "Yes, it is for my sister, not for borrowing."

Fan Xun laughed loudly and said, "It's ok, brother. After making money, I will think of the difficulties between me and your sister. I have made a lot of money in games recently, right?"

Xiao Zhi said: "It's okay, I earned a little, not a lot."

The phone seemed to be snatched by her sister Xiao Fanghua, and the voice of her sister Xiao Fanghua came from over there: "Brother, we can't accept so much money. You haven't married a wife yet. Marrying a wife requires money, and a new house also needs money. Everywhere All money."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling warm when he heard this.

Although she is married, she is still her elder sister after all, and she is still very considerate of her younger brother at critical moments.

After a lot of talking and talking, my sister Xiao Fanghua reluctantly accepted this gift.

During the whole process, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother sat aside and did not interrupt. After Xiao Zhi and the others finished talking, mother Hu Lanzhi snatched the phone from Xiao Zhi's hand, and said to the daughter on the phone: "Fanghua, You have also seen how your brother treats you, if there is a suitable girl, please introduce it to your brother, he is not young anymore, he can no longer be single, it is time to get married."

Xiao Zhi sat on the side, feeling the urge to cover his face, but he could only pretend that he didn't hear it, holding his game-specific mobile phone, and manipulating the characters to cultivate innate skills.

My sister Xiao Fanghua's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mom, don't worry, if there is a suitable girl on my side, I will definitely introduce it to my brother."

Mother Hu Lanzhi was still a little worried, and continued: "Your brother is promising now, and he can earn several million a year, which is much more promising than other young people. He is not a vagrant, and you have to be truthful about this. Tell the other girls, lest your brother be looked down upon, the girls don't want to."

"Mom, it's getting late. I'm going to bed. I'm going up." Xiao Zhi really had no face to stay any longer. After saying this, he ran away from the door and went upstairs to his own Room.

The next day, the brother-in-law's family drove over to pay New Year's greetings.

Xiao Zhi gave his nephew Fan Jiang and niece Fan Xi a big red envelope of 1666 each.

"Thank you, Uncle." The older sister, Fan Xi, who was two years older, smiled when she took the red envelope from Xiao Zhi. She was almost 5 years old and already knew what the money in the red envelope meant. It was so delicious. things.

As for his younger brother, Fan Jiang, he wasn't very interested in the big red envelope Xiao Zhi handed him, and just threw it on the ground, since it was inedible, so he didn't want it.

After my sister's family came over, at noon, the family got together and had a lively lunch.

After eating, Xiao Zhi listened to his parents and the others while manipulating the character to practice innate skills. After waiting for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, Xiao Zhi stood up and said, "Parents, sisters and brothers-in-law, I have to gone."

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, the lively table suddenly fell silent.

"Go? Where are you going?" Father Xiao put down the wine glass in front of him, frowned, and asked.

Xiao Zhidao: "In the game, we have to organize an operation these days. The time is a bit tight, so I have to go."

"Can't you stay at home for a few more days?" Mother Hu Lanzhi also asked.

Xiao Zhi opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Just as he was thinking about what to say, his brother-in-law Fan Xun said at this time: "Dad, Mom, you all know that my current job is to play games. In this world, money is not easy to earn. My brother works with the big boss for a year. He earned several million, and that was all earned by working hard. Since the boss wants to organize an action, the younger brother must also follow suit. This is his job, but it can't be sloppy."

The elder sister Xiao Fanghua on the side also echoed: "Fan Xun is right, this is my brother's job, work is the most important thing, parents, now such a lucrative job is not something that can be found just by looking for it. "

Xiao Zhi was a little dumbfounded while listening.

Before he explained it, his sister and brother-in-law explained it clearly to him.

The point is, his sister and brother-in-law don't know the real relationship between him and Li Pingfeng, they only think that Li Pingfeng is his benefactor and boss.

But his parents knew about it.

Father Xiao Yi didn't say anything after hearing what his daughter and son-in-law said. After looking at Xiao Zhi for a while, he said, "Since there is something urgent, we won't keep you. When you get to your residence, remember to call Come back and say hello to us."

Xiao Zhi nodded: "Dad, I will."

"Wait, I'll get you something to eat. When you get to your residence, you can eat it." Mother Hu Lanzhi looked at her son with a bit of reluctance, but she still spoke.

"Mom, no need, I can't eat anything by myself..."

"Take it if you tell me! If you can't eat it, eat it slowly!" Mother Hu Lanzhi was very tough.

"Okay then..." What else could Xiao Zhi do, he could only choose to give in.

In the afternoon, Xiao Zhi drove back to his rented house in Shao City.

Next, except for 5 or 6 hours of sleep every day, he devoted all his time to the cultivation of the character.

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