This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1692 Discussion

In the vast and boundless Buddhist kingdom, the projection of the mighty Buddha emits thousands of feet of golden light, standing in the high blue sky, looking down at the vast land below.

On this vast land, there are vast mountains and forests, endless blue seas, plains, snow-capped mountains, swamps, Gobi deserts, and human settlements of various sizes, all existing on this land.

Among these large or small human settlements, temples and pagodas can be seen everywhere.

In these temples and pagodas, there are monks chanting sutras, and believers praying devoutly to the various Buddha statues in the temples and Buddhas.

The incense is burning brightly and the sound of chanting is booming.

This is a Buddhist country, and everyone here is a believer in Buddha.

The scene in this Buddha's kingdom is vastly different from the hell-like scene in the Pure Land of All Lives.

When the projection of the mighty Buddha appeared, the golden Buddha light shone everywhere, reflecting the entire sky in gold, and dyeing the vast earth below also in gold.

At this moment, countless people were bathed in the golden Buddha light.

At this moment, countless people subconsciously looked up.

They saw the mighty Buddha that was shining brightly in the sky.

"Heavenly Buddha! It's Heavenly Buddha!"

"It's the Heavenly Buddha who has come to this world!"

Countless believers cried with joy and shouted loudly at this moment.

In an instant, the believers knelt down in front of the Buddha they revered, touching their foreheads to the ground, shouting the name of the Buddha, and their faces and eyes were full of reverence.

The Buddha has not been alive for decades.

As a result, most of the people living in this Buddhist country saw the Buddha coming to the world for the first time.

No matter which realm you are in, ordinary people make up the vast majority, and the life of ordinary people is extremely short. A few decades are enough to turn a young man into a gray-haired old man, and turn a young man into a gray-haired old man. The middle-aged and elderly people have turned into handfuls of loess.

At this moment, from this vast land, more than twenty golden streams of light rose into the sky from all over the land and flew towards the mighty Buddha.

These golden streams of light are all immortals who have achieved fruition status. Among them are Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and even two Buddhas.

Not long after, these more than twenty golden streams of light gathered around the mighty Buddha, surrounding the mighty Buddha like stars holding the moon.

For a time, the glow was brilliant, golden auspicious clouds were rising, and faint Sanskrit sounds were singing endlessly in the surrounding space.

"Heavenly Buddha!" ​​These twenty or so golden figures all saluted respectfully towards the mighty Heavenly Buddha.

The mighty Buddha nodded.

"Heavenly Buddha, that alien has been controlled by you?" A Buddha with a bun on his head, a glazed golden wheel spinning behind his head, and a golden robe, spoke respectfully.

The mighty Buddha glanced at him and said, "The situation has changed. I am no longer prepared to control Xiao Zhi, and I cannot control him."

As soon as the mighty Buddha said this, the faces of the more than twenty Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats all changed.

"Heavenly Buddha, why do you say that? What happened in the outside world?" Another Buddha spoke up.

The mighty Buddha sighed lightly and said: "I have been sealed for too long, and the situation in the outside world has become different from before. Now, in the chaotic void, there are only nine realms left. At the beginning, After destroying the four major realms of my Pure Land, only the Heaven Realm will still exist; the Star Mark Realm, Barong Realm, and Holy Spirit Realm will all be destroyed and cease to exist."

Next, the mighty Buddha carefully explained the situation in the outside world to the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in front of him, and also explained Xiao Zhi's invitation and the conditions offered by the heaven.

After finishing speaking, the mighty Buddha looked around and said in a majestic voice: "I would like to ask you to tell me what to decide next."

As the saying goes, if one person is short-term, everyone can think long-term.

Although the mighty Buddha has the supreme status in his Buddhist kingdom, his next choice is of great importance. Therefore, he still wants to hear the thoughts of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in his Buddhist kingdom.

As soon as the mighty Buddha said this, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arhats present fell silent and thought.

After a while, a Bodhisattva spoke: "Heavenly Buddha, the heavenly world and my pure land have a hatred of destroying the world. This hatred must never be forgotten. We will never join the heavenly realm!"

Soon, another Bodhisattva spoke: "Let's not talk about the hatred between my Pure Land and the Heaven Realm for the time being. Heavenly Buddha, according to what you said, among the existing nine realms, the Heaven Realm is too weak to rely on. Even if we can If you want to join a certain major realm, you have to choose a powerful realm to join, such as the two major realms of Eternal Realm and Yongtu Realm. These two major realms continue from the previous era, and their background is unfathomable. If we can If you invest in these two realms, you will have a worry-free future!"

A Bodhisattva said: "It would be great if we could go to the two great realms of eternity and eternity. I am afraid that the heaven will not give us the opportunity to go to other great realms..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the gods and Buddhas present changed!

Even the mighty Buddha's expression changed slightly.

"The world of heaven shouldn't be like this, right?" an Arhat said.

"This is not necessarily the case." A Bodhisattva said: "If you were a person from the heavenly realm, what would you do if we were sent to other great realms under your eyes?"

Arhat stopped talking.

"This worry is not unreasonable." A Buddha said: "The heaven is weak, and we are even weaker. It is easy for the heaven to deal with us with the strength of the heaven."

"Actually, our choice to go to heaven is not without benefits." A Bodhisattva said.

Including the mighty Buddha, all the gods and Buddhas present looked at him.

This Bodhisattva said: "It is precisely because the heavenly realm is weak and urgently needs the power of the heavenly Buddha that we can negotiate conditions with them to obtain the greatest benefits and continue the inheritance of our Buddha. In exchange for powerful realms such as Eternity and Eternal Pictures, We are not qualified to negotiate terms with them at all. If we join these powerful realms, and if they ask Tianfo to participate in the most dangerous battles and fight against the most dangerous enemies, will Tianfo go or not?"

All the gods and Buddhas present fell silent upon hearing this.

After a while of silence, an Arhat spoke up and said: "The Heaven Realm is willing to give us thirty places for introduction. Those powerful realms should not be able to give us so many places."

"Thirty quotas are enough for us, but what about all the sentient beings?" A Bodhisattva looked at the vast land below, with an expression of compassion on his face.

The gods and Buddhas were silent again.

At this time, a Bodhisattva looked at the mighty Heavenly Buddha: " Heavenly Buddha, you said you can no longer control Xiao Zhi?"

Dawei Tianfo nodded: "Yes, Xiao Zhi has matured and become very strong. Even if I take back all the power I gave him, he will still be very strong."

"How strong is it?" a Bodhisattva asked.

The mighty Buddha glanced at him and said: "Compared to the strongest."

As soon as the mighty Buddha said this, the expressions of all the gods and Buddhas changed!

In the Buddhist kingdom of the mighty deity, the mighty deity is discussing countermeasures with a group of Buddhas, bodhisattvas and arhats.

Thousands of miles away from the huge Buddha statue, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the black clouds, silently thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

His true self was cultivating the [Tianji Holy Body] in the heaven and had no intention of thinking about these things. However, he was free and had time to think about these things.

At this time, Xiao Zhi had already rebuilt his defenses, so what he was thinking at this time would no longer be spied on by the mighty Buddha.

'Whether it is a transaction or a negotiation in this world, what you want is nothing more than benefits. The mighty Buddha doesn't want to talk to me anymore. It's just that the benefits I offer are too few to attract him, so he hesitates. , will waver. ’ Xiao Zhi said silently in his heart.

‘Then, apart from the 30 quotas, what other valuable things can our heaven give? ’

‘What does the Mighty Heavenly Buddha want? ’

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

However, after thinking for a long time, Xiao Zhi still had no clue.

There is a saying - late will lead to change.

Things like this can't be put off for too long, because if they are put off for too long, chaos may occur.

A moment later, Xiao Zhi's voice in the mission space in the heaven realm suddenly rang out in the information network: "Let's brainstorm and help me think of something."

Not only the mighty Buddha, Xiao Zhi also thought of his friends.

These friends of his may not be strong enough, but their IQ is unquestionable.

It would be better for more people to discuss things like this.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yan's voice asked.

"Brother Zhi, please tell me, we are listening." said the voice belonging to Hu Yang.

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi coughed lightly and said, "This is what happened..."

Xiao Zhi said slowly.

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, the information network became silent.

"Everyone, please tell us what we should do to allow the mighty Buddha to join our heavenly realm." said the voice belonging to Xiao Zhi.

A few seconds later, the voice belonging to Zhao Yan said: "Brother Zhi, I suddenly realized that you are so miserable. The strength you worked so hard to obtain from the pure lands of all living beings ended up being a wedding dress for the mighty Buddha. Well, if I were you and faced with such a scheme, I would never be able to swallow this breath. I have to find a way to kill him. Brother Zhi, it would be better for you. After suffering such a big loss, you still want to win over him and want to let him go. He joins us in heaven.”

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and a helpless smile appeared on his face.

Before he could speak, Lu Zhong's voice rang out in the communication network: "What do you know? How can you have a situation like Brother Zhi? If Brother Zhi wants to express the breath in his heart, of course he can think There is a way to kill the mighty Buddha, but for the sake of heaven and for our Dachang world to survive this era and continue to the next era, doing this is undoubtedly the best choice."

The voice belonging to Zhao Yan said: "Of course I know Brother Zhi's good intentions, I just feel so angry that I can't help but complain here."

The voice belonging to Hu Yang said: "Okay, the matter has come to an end, there is no point in talking about this. Let's discuss how to win over this mighty Buddha."

The voice belonging to Luo Yiyi said: "This mighty Buddha is obviously hesitant. The reason why he hesitates is also very simple. Our heavenly realm is not strong enough to give him a sense of security. The conditions we have given him have not been met." His expectations cannot move his heart.”

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

His voice rang in the communication network: "Roy Yiyi, what do you think we should do?"

The voice belonging to Luo Yiyi said: "I think we should show off our muscles and potential in front of this mighty Buddha, so that he knows that joining our heaven is not as dangerous as he imagined. Our heaven plus Including you, Zhi Shen, we can be considered to have three strongest combat powers. Our strength is actually not too weak. With him, we have four strongest combat powers. Other great realms want to destroy us. , it’s not that easy. As for potential, your potential is close to that of a demon, and your growth rate is unmatched. Once you fully grow up, your combat power in the heavens will be comparable to that of several powerful people. Yang Xi’s potential It is also extremely strong and has a great possibility of growing into the strongest person."

"I..." Yang Xi's voice mumbled, but in the end, he stopped speaking.

"Go on." Xiao Zhi's voice said solemnly.

Luo Yiyi has always been a bit taciturn, but her willingness to stand up and speak at this time was, to be honest, somewhat beyond Xiao Zhi's expectation.

The voice belonging to Luo Yiyi continued: "In addition to showing off muscles and potential, I think we should also be tougher. Tell this mighty Buddha, tell him that his choice can only be our heaven. He can either choose our heaven or Go to hell, there is no third way.”

Luo Yiyi's voice was full of indifference, even with a hint of murderous intent.

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The voice belonging to Zhao Yan said: "Sister Yiyi, you are really decisive in killing, but I like it."

The voice belonging to Zhu Changwu said: "Will being so tough be counterproductive?"

The voice belonging to Yang Xu said dullly: "At this time, there is nothing wrong with being tougher."

Xiao Zhi pursed his lips.

Yang Xu is no longer the Yang Xu he used to be. He is the reincarnation of Qian Jizi, and the words that come out of his mouth are still very worthy of attention.

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said: "Then what conditions should we offer to make the mighty Buddha feel moved?"

In the following time, in the information network built by Xiao Zhi, the discussion was still going on fiercely, and it even became more and more intense. Everyone spoke out, offered various suggestions, analyzed the situation, and analyzed the pros and cons. .

In this atmosphere, even Yang Xi was infected, and occasionally he would jump out to say a few words and express his own opinions.

Xiao Zhi liked this atmosphere very much and learned a lot from this 'meeting'.

This 'meeting' lasted for several hours before it came to an end.

After it was over, Xiao Zhi took out a white jade ring and a gray-black bead from his storage ring, and 'summoned' Emperor Kongtian and Emperor Mengtian. The three of them were in the floating spaceship glowing with jade light. Above, another small meeting started...

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