This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1706 To release or not to release?

At this moment, Xiao Zhi suddenly thought of the former temple again.

At that time, when Supreme Mingyu of the Holy Church was surrounded and killed, in order to rescue Supreme Mingyu, two strongest men from the Holy Church rushed over. Later, even the strongest man in the Holy Church - Supreme Mingshen, rushed over. .

Compared with the Holy Church at that time, the rescue efforts of Super Star Realm this time were much smaller. As of now, only a powerful person like Li Xing has come.

Are other powerful people from the super star realm on their way over?

Or has the Super Star Realm learned the lesson from the last temple, and in order to prevent a fire in the backyard, it only plans to send Li Xing, the most powerful person over?

What exactly is Super Star Realm’s plan? You’ll find out later…

Just as Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, Li Xing, the most powerful person in the super star realm who looked like an asteroid, only paused for a moment before crashing through the void with a rumble. , at an incredible speed, continued to fly towards the light flame that was being refined.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but have a surprised expression on his face.

He didn't expect that Li Xing, who was in the super star realm, would pursue the split soul Xiao Zhi without hesitation. Wasn't he afraid that if he chased too deeply, he would be surrounded and killed like Guang Yan?

‘This Li Xing feels a little reckless. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

'Since you behaved so 'heroically', I can only try to see if I can keep you here forever...'

While Li Xing was flying forward through the sky at an incredible speed, he shouted: "Everyone in the heaven realm, as long as you are willing to let go of the light flames, our super star realm will retreat immediately and will never invade your heaven realm again. If you dare to kill If Guangyan says so, my super star realm will flatten your heaven realm and make your heaven realm perish!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sneer when he heard this, thinking that Li Xing was just farting.

There is no way he would let Guang Yan go.

How can there be any reason to just let go of the fat that reaches your mouth?

This is a full 1 million sky points plus 100,000 authority points.

Besides, even if he listened to Li Xing's words and released Guang Yan, would Super Star Realm really keep its promise and never invade Heaven Realm again?

Don't be naive.

Xiao Zhi would never believe such a verbal promise.

At this time, Emperor Meng Tian sent a message to Xiao Zhi: "How long will it take you to refine the light flames?"

Xiao Zhi sent a message and replied: "In ten breaths at most, the light flames will be completely refined."

Emperor Mengtian sent a message and replied: "Okay, after you completely refine the light flames, we will take action against Li Xing!"

"Okay." Xiao Zhi sent a message: "How should we deal with the other powerful people in the great world?"

Emperor Meng Tian sent a message: "The two people in the temple, after stabbing the Transcendent Star Realm in the back, it is no longer possible to cooperate with the Transcendent Star Realm. As for that Lingao..."

When it came to Ling'ao, Emperor Meng Tian's face became gloomy, and he said through a message: "This Ling'ao, there is a high probability that we will just watch the show and not take action. After all, the more fierce we fight against the Super Star Realm, the more powerful we will be against his Ao The Yun Batu Realm will be more advantageous."

"Yeah." Xiao Zhi hummed.

Time passes by second by second.

Xiao Zhi and Emperor Mengtian communicated with each other quickly.

They are discussing their next course of action.

While communicating with Emperor Meng Tian, ​​Xiao Zhi was still using his absolute control over this space to teleport groups of players, including Luo Yiyi and the others.

At this time, the battle between players and invaders is still fiercely going on throughout the mission space.

No, as the defensive restrictions of the sentient system were broken, the war at this time had already burned outside this mission space.

If it were Xiao Zhi before, once the war spread outside the mission space, he would no longer be able to teleport these players.

But things are different now. Xiao Zhi is no longer what he used to be.

Xiao Zhi now controls a space with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. Even if the war has spread beyond the mission space, he can still provide free 'teleportation services' to his players.

However, if these outsider invaders leave the heaven and go to the chaotic space, then there is nothing he can do...

In Xiao Zhi's induction, Minglong Supreme was already approaching the huge bloody crack belonging to the temple.

Then they saw that Minglong Supreme did not stop at all, and with a flick of his tail, he rushed into the huge bloody crack and disappeared.

Another second passed.

"It's almost ready. I will completely refine this light flame now." Xiao Zhi sent a message to Emperor Meng Tian.

"Wait a moment." Emperor Mengtian said in a message.

Xiao Zhi turned to look at Emperor Mengtian.

Emperor Meng Tian sent a message: "Let him go deeper into the heaven."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi seemed to sense something, and his expression changed!

Not only Xiao Zhi's expression changed, but Emperor Mengtian's expression also changed at this moment.

At this time, their eyes were all looking at the same place.

Wherever they looked, there were terrifying figures emerging from the bloody cracks that belonged to the Transcendent Star Realm.

The first thing to come out was a fiercely burning crimson fireball. The crimson flames burning on this crimson fireball burned and distorted the surrounding space.

The second one to emerge was a towering gray-white giant, with pale flames burning vaguely on the gray-white giant's body.

The last one that came out was a small black dot.

In Xiao Zhi's perception, this small black dot was only the size of a sesame seed, but with the appearance of this small black dot, the surrounding space was violently distorted. Around this small black dot, a radius of more than 100,000 square meters was formed. A hundred feet of twisted zone.

Whether it was the first red fireball to emerge, the second gray-white giant to emerge, or the last small black dot to emerge, they all exuded an extremely terrifying and aura of transcendence. The Qi movement fluctuates.

This is a terrifying energy fluctuation that can only be possessed by the strongest!



The star messengers who existed near the bloody crack all knelt in the air and shouted loudly, their voices full of fanaticism.

"Yao Yang, Hui Jia, and Hei Sha, they are all here." Emperor Mengtian said in a message. At this time, his face was extremely serious!

Xiao Zhi's face also looked extremely ugly.

He thought that after such a long time, there would be no more powerful people coming from the Super Star Realm.

Who would have thought that this super star realm would either not come over, but when it came over, it would turn out to be overwhelming!

There are a total of five strongest people in the Super Star Realm.

At this time, the five most powerful men from the Super Star Realm all appeared in the Heaven Realm!

"Damn it! They came out in full force this time. Are they...aren't they afraid that their hometown will be raided?" Xiao Zhi said with an ugly face.

Guangyan has completely lost his combat effectiveness at this time and is nothing to be afraid of.

But the other four strongest men invaded by the Super Star Realm did not suffer any loss in combat effectiveness. They were all at their peak state!

The threats they can pose are completely different between the four most powerful people who belong to the same realm and the four most powerful people who belong to different realms.

The strongest people who belong to different realms have their own thoughts and agendas. It is difficult for them to truly unite together to fully unleash their strength. They are like a piece of loose sand.

But once the four strongest men belonging to the same great realm come together, the situation will be completely different.

The four most powerful men from the super star realm gathered in the heaven, and it was really possible for them to destroy the heaven.

At this moment, the faces of Xiao Zhi and Emperor Meng Tian became extremely ugly.

At this moment, even Ling Ao, who was sitting cross-legged next to the bloody crack, looking like a melon-eating crowd, waiting for a good show, was a little uneasy, and unknowingly, he had stood up.

At this moment, Li Xing, who was like an asteroid, once again shouted: "Everyone in the heavenly realm! I will give you one last chance. Release the light flames quickly. As long as you are willing to release the light flames, I will be the one who transcends the star realm." All the Super Stars, immediately withdraw from the Heaven Realm. From now on, the Super Stars of my Super Star Realm will never set foot in your Heaven Realm again! If you dare to kill Guangyan, I, the Super Star Realm, will trample your Heaven Realm, and we will do what we say! "

Li Xing's voice was like muffled thunder, rumbling throughout the sky. Even though he was hundreds of thousands of miles away, his voice could be clearly heard.

Beside the soul-split Xiao Zhi, an extremely weak voice came from the big golden hand glowing with glaze: "Emperor Zhi Tian, ​​have you seen it? All the super stars in my super star realm have come to save me. Release me quickly. As long as you release me, we will never set foot in your heaven again. If you still insist on killing me, just wait to be destroyed."

Xiao Zhi said nothing, his face looked a little uncertain.

Emperor Mengtian didn't speak either, his face as gloomy as water.

Before, they had only faced Li Xing. They could dismiss Li Xing's words because just one Li Xing could not cause much damage to the heaven.

It's different now.

Now, the four most powerful beings from the super star realm have invaded. They are really capable of destroying the heaven realm.

Under this situation, they had to treat what Li Xing shouted and what Guang Yan said with caution.

Because if it is not handled properly, the heaven they are in may be destroyed!

Originally, at this time, Xiao Zhi could completely refine the light flame with just one thought.

But now, he hesitated.

"What should I do?" Xiao Zhi sent a message to Emperor Meng Tian and asked.

Faced with Xiao Zhi's inquiry, Emperor Meng Tian remained silent and did not speak.

Obviously, this issue is also a difficult decision for him.

"Everyone in the heaven, I will give you three more breaths to decide whether to release the light flames or choose destruction." An extremely low voice came from the small black dot.

This little black dot is a black assassin from the super star realm.

This black killer seems extremely mysterious. It is said that he is the strongest person in the super star world.

After Xiao Zhi heard Hei Sha's voice, he just pursed his lips and said nothing.

Emperor Mengtian also had a gloomy face and said nothing.

Xiao Zhi sent a message to Emperor Mengtian again with some bitterness: "Emperor Mengtian, what do you think we should do?"

Emperor Mengtian was silent for a moment, and then he transmitted a message: "The super star realm is coming out to invade our heaven realm. The powerful realm behind Minglong Supreme will never miss such a good opportunity. There is a high probability that they will instigate people, even... I personally go out and invade the Transcendent Star Realm on a large scale. When the time comes, these most powerful people in the Transcendent Star Realm will have to go back."

Xiao Zhi thought about lightning and thought about Emperor Meng Tian's words quickly in his mind, and said via voice: "Emperor Meng Tian, ​​what you mean is that we just need to try our best to delay the time. When the time is almost delayed, the crisis will be solved. ?”

"Yes." Emperor Meng Tian said in a deep voice: "We only need to avoid the war and delay as much time as possible. It is not that easy to destroy a great realm. They don't have that much time to destroy our heaven. "

Xiao Zhi sent a message: "I know this, but if they wantonly destroy my original heaven, will our original heaven be severely damaged? Will the origin of our heaven be quickly consumed?"

Emperor Mengtian was silent when he heard this.

Silence means acquiescence.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart, and said through a message: "Otherwise, I'd better let Guang Yan go..."

The reward for killing Guang Yan was indeed very tempting, but compared to the safety of the heaven, Xiao Zhi still felt that the latter was much more important.

Although Xiao Zhi does not trust what these powerful people in the super star world say.

But what if?

What if these powerful people in the super star realm keep their promises and become true to their word?

Emperor Meng Tian sent a message and said coldly: "Yongchang, you are too naive."

Xiao Zhi smiled bitterly: "I..."

Emperor Meng Tian said in a deep voice: "Teleport me to your clone and let me take a good look at the light flames."


The next moment, the figures of Xiao Zhi and Emperor Mengtian turned into nothing and disappeared into the air.

When they reappeared, they were already beside the separated soul Xiao Zhi.

There was a large ink-like shadow that overflowed from the body of Emperor Meng Tian.

Almost instantly, this ink-like shadow enveloped a large area around it.

"Emperor Mengtian! What are you doing?" Li Xing's voice was like thunder.

Li Xing is still flying through the sky.

The distance that the split soul Xiao Zhi sent with the light flame this time was too far. Even if he was the strongest, it would take a long time to cross this distance.

The voice belonging to Emperor Meng Tian came out from the deep shadow: "Don't be nervous, we are just discussing things."

"There are still two breaths left," Yaoyang said.

"There is still a breath of time." Hui Jie said.

"The three-breath time has come. Everyone in the heaven, what are your thoughts?" Hei Sha asked.

No one responded to his words.

"Li Xing!" Hei Sha said.

Li Xing continued to fly forward through the sky.


The size of Li Xing is skyrocketing.

In just one breath, his size had doubled.

Then two times, three times, five times... ten times!

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