This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1709 The joint guard mission ends

Time passes by second by second.

Soon, the one hundred breath time announced by Xiao Zhi passed.

Xiao Zhi followed his words and stopped the teleportation service for all players present.

"Emperor Yongchang, are you okay?" Emperor Cang Yan, who had just finished a battle, stood in the air like a burning torch and shouted into the air.

"It's okay." Xiao Zhi's voice responded.

"It's okay." The flames burning on Emperor Cangyan's body quickly extinguished, revealing his original appearance.

He exhaled softly and said: "Emperor Yongchang, you are now the pillar of our heaven, so nothing can happen to you."

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm so strong, how can anything happen to me?"

Soon after, Luo Yiyi and his party also killed all the monsters around them.

Luo Yiyi said: "The most powerful people outside the world have retreated. I will kill the monsters alone. You can do whatever you want."

After saying that, before anyone else could respond, Luo Yiyi turned into a black stream of light, fled into the distance, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Lu Zhong looked a little silent as he watched Luo Yiyi leave.

"Are we acting together or separately?" Zhu Changwu said.

Zhao Yan said: "Let's act separately. I'll act alone. You can do whatever you want."

Lu Zhong frowned slightly and said: "Luo Yiyi is strong enough to act alone. If you say..."

Zhao Yanxin said: "My strength is not weak, so I can act alone without any problem."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded: "If we want to divide into groups, Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, Gorea, and Zhu Changwu will be in one group, and Yang Xu, Yang Xi, Hu Yang, and Mai Ti will be in one group. Do you have any objections to this?"

The voice that suddenly appeared was Xiao Zhi's voice.

"No objection." Lu Zhong was the first to speak.

"No objection." Yang Xu said dullly.

Next, other people also spoke up and expressed no objection.

Zhao Yan opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out.

Xiao Zhi's power in the world of Dachang has long been unparalleled, and even Zhao Yan, the "thorn head", dare not explode in front of him.

The voice belonging to Xiao Zhi said: "Since no one has any objections, it's settled."

"Yes." Everyone nodded.

Under the somewhat dim sky, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on a group of black clouds, closing his eyes as if to rest his mind.

Xiao Zhi seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, but in fact, everything that happened in this space could not escape his perception.

Next, other players can leave this area, but he cannot. He must continue to stay here to prevent the strongest people from other major realms from returning and killing him.

Not only Xiao Zhi, but also Emperor Meng Tian must continue to be stationed here.

It is the duty of powerful people like them to stay here.

In Xiao Zhi's perception, there were no more intruders emerging from the three huge bloody cracks in the central area of ​​the mission space.

As time went by, Xiao Zhi's anxious heart gradually relaxed.

After he relaxed a little, Xiao Zhi thought of Emperor Mengtian again.

He still firmly believed in his judgment and felt that Emperor Meng Tian must have secretly taken refuge in a powerful realm.

This is not just a figment of his imagination. He made such a judgment based on many facts.

He could even guess that the powerful realm where Emperor Mengtian sought refuge was most likely the Eternal Realm!

Because the eternal realm is strong enough, it is the strongest great realm among the nine existing realms. With the temperament of the Emperor of Heaven, if he wants to surrender, he must choose the strongest great realm to surrender.

It was also because Yongtu Realm had sent representatives to try to recruit their Heavenly Realm. If Emperor Mengtian was looking for Yongtu Realm, then there would be no need for Yongtu Realm to come here.

Judging from Emperor Meng Tian's performance at that time, it was not like the Yongtu Realm he had taken refuge in.

At that time, when he had just guessed this, Xiao Zhi felt as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

But later, after he fought side by side with Emperor Meng Tian for a long time, he felt a little relieved about Emperor Meng Tian's choice.

In this world, who doesn’t want to live and who wants to die?

When the Heaven Realm was weak and almost destined to perish, in order to survive, Emperor Meng Tian chose to secretly seek refuge in a powerful realm to leave himself a way out. This matter is actually understandable. .

Frankly speaking, he, Xiao Zhi, is not a very noble person.

At that time, when the envoy from Yongtu Realm appeared, he actually had some thoughts about recruiting Yongtu Realm.

At that time, the reason why he did not accept Yongtujie's solicitation was mainly because the conditions offered by Yongtujie were too unfriendly and could not satisfy him.

Also, he is confident in his potential.

He always firmly believes that with his potential, as long as he can continue to hold on and given enough time, his strength will only become stronger and stronger.

The strongest level of combat power is far from his end.

When his [Tianji Holy Body] reaches the Great Perfection level, and when his divine world evolves into a real world, his strength will become stronger!

When the time comes, when he faces the incoming strongest outsiders in his original world, it won't be a problem to fight one against two, or even one against three!

Not only himself, Yang Xi also has great growth potential, and he also has the appearance of being the strongest!

There was also the mighty Buddha who had been convinced by him and was about to join the heavenly realm.

According to his speculation, the mighty Buddha's combat power in its heyday should have been extremely strong, and its strength might have been on the same level as the Supreme Ming Shen of the Holy Temple and the Black Killer of the Super Star Realm...

These are the motivation for Xiao Zhi to persevere and his confidence.

Thanks to his efforts, the situation in heaven is getting better and better.

The future is promising!

‘Judging from Emperor Meng Tian’s performance just now, Emperor Meng Tian is still thinking about the heaven and his heart is towards the heaven. ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself as he carefully recalled the scenes when he fought side by side with Emperor Mengtian just now.

'After all, if he hadn't been forced to do so, if he hadn't lost all hope, would he have done nothing but abandon his Cangmeng world and become a dog in the eternal world? ’

'He must have seen the hope of heaven in me, so he gave up Guangyan's head to me without hesitation at that time, and then he found a way for me to get the 180,000 needed for promotion. Permission points, let’s see if it is possible for me to be promoted to level nine authority after collecting these 180,000 authority points, and obtain advanced management authority for the sentient system...'

‘It can also be seen from this that not only Emperor Kong Tian speculated that the promotion conditions for the ninth level authority may be related to the Holy Body, Emperor Meng Tian should also guess the same...'

'My [Tianji Holy Body] has been cultivated to the perfection level. Although it has not yet reached the Dzogchen level, the perfection level can be regarded as a very advanced realm. If the ninth level authority of the sentient being system is really related to the Holy Body, , then I am undoubtedly the player in this world who is most likely to be promoted to a ninth-level authority, not one of them...'

'As long as Emperor Meng Tian still cares about the heaven, is working for the heaven, and has not done anything to betray the heaven or endanger the heaven, and he secretly leaves a way out for himself, what can I say to him? ’

Xiao Zhi was thinking about this silently in his heart. At the same time, he was still wary of the three huge bloody cracks in the distance.

At the same time, he is still sensing and paying attention to all the players in this area, and continues to act as a 'firefighter'.

Although he has clearly announced that in the coming time, he will no longer provide teleportation services to the players present, but when a player encounters fatal danger while fighting, he will still choose to take action to kill the player. Teleport away.

He will not allow his own players to be killed by monsters under his nose.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Unknowingly, both players and monsters disappeared from Xiao Zhi's sensing range.

Xiao Zhi was still sitting cross-legged on the black clouds, as if he were a sculpture.

Emperor Mengtian was hiding in a huge building complex. Although Emperor Mengtian was the most powerful man and had extremely good concealment methods, his presence still could not escape Xiao Zhi's perception.

Since Emperor Meng Tian likes to hide in the dark and is unwilling to come out, Xiao Zhi pretends that he doesn't notice.

‘I hope this joint guard mission can go through smoothly and nothing will happen again. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

'The real thing can't be fake, and the fake can't be real. After the fake light flames condensed by Emperor Mengtian are transported to the super star realm, it is inevitable that they will be revealed. By then, the most powerful people in the super star realm will be Thunder is furious and comes to kill again? Or should we stay rational and swallow this anger in our stomach? ’

‘Hopefully it will be the latter. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

In a flash, three more days passed.

During these three days, nothing happened. Xiao Zhi just sat like a sculpture for three days.

On the other side of the Super Star Realm, let alone a large-scale invasion in order to retaliate, they did not even send a minion to yell a few threatening words to vent their anger.

It seemed silent.

As time passed, Xiao Zhi's mood became more and more relaxed.

After all, the longer time passes, the lower the possibility of a large-scale invasion from the super star realm.

The possibility of invasion from other major realms will also become lower and lower.

Time continues to pass day by day.

On this day, under the dim sky, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged and with eyes closed on a group of dark clouds, seemed to sense something and suddenly opened his eyes.

Wherever he looked, tens of thousands of miles away from him, a huge bloody crack began to slowly shrink, becoming smaller and smaller.

Soon after, another huge bloody crack also began to shrink.

After some time passed, the last bloody crack across the sky began to shrink.

Under Xiao Zhi's induction and gaze, these three bloody cracks became smaller and smaller, from tens of miles long at the beginning to several miles long, and then to a hundred feet long, It was several feet long until it completely disappeared from Xiao Zhi's induction.

"It's over." At this moment, Xiao Zhi breathed out gently and slowly stood up from the black clouds.

Soon, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient system rang in Xiao Zhi's ears: "This joint guard mission is over, and you have received a fixed reward of 200 sky points."

Immediately afterwards, one after another system prompts sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears.

When these system prompts disappeared, Xiao Zhi bowed slightly into the void and said loudly: "Emperor Mengtian, the joint guard mission has ended. Farewell. See you another day."

A few seconds later, a somewhat ethereal voice sounded: "See you another day."

This is the voice that belongs to Emperor Mengtian.

After Xiao Zhi bowed, his figure immediately turned into nothing and disappeared into the air.

With a flash of black light, the figure of Emperor Mengtian appeared on the dome of a huge building.

Emperor Mengtian stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

After a moment, the figure of Emperor Meng Tian also turned into a vapor and disappeared into the air.

The world of living beings, Dachang Kingdom, Dachang Imperial City.

In the inner city of the imperial city, in the Yongchang Palace belonging to Xiao Zhi, the air fluctuated like water, and figures emerged out of thin air.

"Congratulations to all the True Lords on your triumphant return!" The staff stationed in the palace all stood up at this moment and shouted loudly.

The figures that emerged out of thin air were none other than Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and others.

Zhao Yan glanced at everyone present and said, "Brother Zhi didn't come back this time, and neither did Luo Yiyi."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, a trace of space fluctuation appeared in Yongchang Palace, and a figure emerged out of thin air.

This figure is none other than Xiao Zhi.

"Brother Zhi, you are back."


"Zhi Shen."

"Great Emperor." Everyone greeted Xiao Zhi one after another.

The staff stationed in the palace stood up again and shouted to Executive Xiao: "Welcome the emperor back."

Zhao Yan smiled at this time and said: "Don't call me the Great Emperor anymore. Brother Zhi's strength has already reached the level of the Emperor of Heaven. You have to call me the Emperor of Heaven!"

As soon as Zhao Yan said this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

"Welcome back to the Emperor of Heaven!" A Nascent Soul player stationed in the palace shouted loudly, bowing deeply to Xiao Zhi, with an expression of excitement on his face.

"Welcome the return of the Emperor of Heaven!" Seeing this scene, other staff members also shouted loudly, and they all saluted Xiao.

Xiao Zhi said helplessly: "Okay, okay, don't do these vain things. It's just a title. It's the same no matter what you call it."

"That's not okay, you still have to have the proper etiquette." Yang Xu said in a muffled voice. When he said this, the expression on Yang Xu's face looked very serious.

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help showing a helpless expression on his face.

Although Yang Xu is now a player, his inner thoughts have not changed.

Especially after he recovered the memories of his previous life, his thoughts became closer to the "traditional thoughts" of the world of sentient beings due to the influence of those memories of his previous life.

Xiao Zhi had nothing to do about this.

At this time, Yang Xi said: "Brother, this joint guard mission is over. The imaginary objects you used to protect me..."

Before Yang Xi could finish his words, Xiao Zhi waved his hand and said, "Let those visualization objects stay with you. I will take them back after you become the most powerful person."

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