This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1711 Pure Land Fragments

In the heaven, above the floating flying boat glowing with jade light, Xiao Zhi took out a gray-black bead.

This gray-black bead soon glowed with black light, and black mist overflowed from it.

The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian came out: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Zhidao: "Emperor Mengtian, just now, Emperor Kongtian has arrived at the Pure Land of All Lives."

"Okay." The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian said only one word "good".

Although Emperor Mengtian only said one good word, Xiao Zhi could hear that Emperor Mengtian was obviously relieved when he said the good word.

Obviously, not only him, but Emperor Mengtian was also worried about Emperor Kongtian.

After realizing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but have a smile on his face, and said: "I have one more thing to report to you."

"What's going on?" the voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian asked.

Xiao Zhi said: "Yangxi has made a breakthrough, she is now a high-level god."

The voice belonging to Emperor Meng Tian fell silent for a moment and said, "That's right, let her continue to practice well."

"Okay, I will convey your words to Emperor Meng Tian," Xiao Zhi said.

The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian said: "What does Emperor Kongtian mean about the proposal of the mighty Buddha?"

Xiao Zhidao: "Emperor Kong Tian has the same idea as ours. He also thinks that this matter can be tried. However, the Pure Land of all living beings is vast and boundless. It is not an easy task to bring such a huge original world back to the heaven. ."

The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian said: "Using the Pure Land of All Lives as materials to repair the original heaven was proposed by the mighty Buddha himself. He must have a way to bring the Pure Land of All Lives here."

Xiao Zhidao: "What the Mighty Heavenly Buddha means is for us to measure the size of the damaged area in the original heaven, and then tell him so that he can be prepared."

The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian said: "Does he want to cut off a part of the Pure Land of All Lives and bring it back to the heaven?"

Xiao Zhidao: "Yes, that's it. The Pure Land of All Lives is really too big. If you want to bring the complete Pure Land of All Lives to the heaven, it will take too much time. We can't afford this time. Bringing a piece of Pure Land with us is too big." Bringing the fragments of the Pure Land over is the best choice for us.”

"Yes." The voice belonging to Emperor Meng Tian said: "Have you ever been to the damaged areas of the original heaven?"

"I haven't." Xiao Zhi said, "I'll go over and take a look now. This won't take much time."

"Okay." The voice belonging to Emperor Meng Tian said: "Then let me go over and measure it."

"Okay, no problem." Xiao Zhi agreed.

After finishing the call with Emperor Mengtian, Xiao Zhi received the gray-black ball as a token. His figure instantly turned into a vapor and disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he was already hundreds of thousands of miles away. .

Not long after, Xiao Zhi teleported across a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. At this time, he was already in the sky above the huge gap in the heaven.

High in the sky, Xiao Zhi's eyes were filled with extremely bright green light, looking down at the huge gap below.

This is an incredibly large hole, enough to hold hundreds of Earths.

Through this huge hole, Xiao Zhi can almost have a panoramic view of the entire sky cave...

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the heaven, under the dim sky, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on a floating flying boat glowing with jade light, and began to practice again.

In the pure land of all lives shrouded in black mist, the earth is shaking violently at this time.

This kind of vibration has been going on for some time.

This is the mighty Buddha, who is cutting up the pure land of all living beings.

Even if the mighty Buddha is the most powerful person, even if he has the supreme authority over the Pure Land of All Lives, it is not an easy task for him to cut off a piece of the Pure Land of All Lives.

This can take up to several days.

Xiao Zhi stood side by side with Emperor Kongtian, watching this scene from a distance.

Xiao Zhi sent a message to Emperor Kongtian: "The Mighty Heavenly Buddha has just said that it will take a year to send this fragment of the Pure Land of all living beings to the heaven. This time is a bit long. Emperor Kongtian, you can't If you waste your time here, you have to rush back as soon as possible."

Emperor Kongtian nodded and replied through a message: "Then everything here is up to you."

"Don't worry, Emperor Kongtian, nothing will go wrong with me here." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

When Emperor Kong Tian heard this, he didn't say anything more. He just stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Zhi's shoulder heavily.

Soon after, Emperor Kongtian left the Pure Land of All Lives, entered the void of chaos, and embarked on the return journey.

The split soul Xiao Zhi, as a representative of the heaven, continues to stay in the Pure Land of All Lives.

Emperor Kongtian's coming this time was not only a sign of sincerity from the heavenly realm, but also issued a special mission to the mighty Buddha.

Next, the Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha only needs to bring the fragments of the Pure Land to the heaven, and use these Pure Land fragments as materials to repair the huge gap in the original heaven. Then the Great Mighty Heavenly Buddha and the gods and Buddhas in his Buddha Kingdom can You can automatically obtain the brand of heaven and become a person in heaven.

What Xiao Zhi needs to do is, firstly, to supervise the mighty Buddha, and secondly, to help the mighty Buddha pull the fragments of the Pure Land to the heaven...

After a few days, the earth in the Pure Land of All Lives finally stopped shaking.

A small fragment of the Pure Land of All Lives was finally successfully cut off by the mighty Buddha, relying on his supreme authority in the Pure Land of All Lives and the power of the Supreme Buddha.

It is said to be a fragment of the Pure Land, but this so-called fragment is not small at all, but is extremely huge. Even if Xiao Zhi has used his clairvoyance, and even if Xiao Zhi has blessed his eyesight with the ability of 'speaking out the law', it is also very big. It's hard to get a full view of it.

"Heavenly Buddha, what should I do next?" Xiao Zhi performed the "Freedom of Heavenly Travel", and in one step, he crossed thousands of miles and came to the mighty Heavenly Buddha, and asked.

The mighty Buddha glanced at Xiao Zhi and said, "Follow me."

As he spoke, the mighty Buddha gently waved his hand forward, and the space in front of him was instantly torn apart. What appeared in front of Xiao Zhi was pitch black.

Immediately afterwards, the darkness was torn apart, revealing an even darker color.

After seeing this darker color, Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank slightly.

Although Xiao Zhi had never been in contact with the Chaos Void, he could tell at a glance that the pitch black in front of him was the legendary Chaos Void!

Xiao Zhi stared at the chaotic void in front of him, hesitating a little.

The mighty Buddha smiled and said: "Don't worry, you have a glazed gold body to protect you. My glazed gold body is in the chaotic void, which is enough to protect you. Come with me."

Having said that, the mighty Buddha stepped towards the darkness in front of him. As he stepped forward, a glazed golden light bloomed from his body. Soon, the glazed golden light covered the whole body of the mighty Buddha. Dip dyed golden.

Xiao Zhi also displayed his glazed golden body, followed closely behind the mighty Buddha, and stepped towards the darkness in front of him.

Soon, the two figures disappeared into the darkness in front of them.

After the two left, the space healed instantly and returned to its previous appearance, as if nothing had happened.

In an endless deep and dark space, there are two groups of glazed golden light floating here.

These two groups of glazed golden light are none other than Xiao Zhi and the mighty Buddha.

This is the first time Xiao Zhi has entered the chaotic void.

How to put it, in his feeling, the feeling of entering the chaotic void is similar to the feeling of entering the chaotic space.

The difference is that this place is more dangerous and more open and deep.

What's more, while he was in the chaotic void, the connection between him and his deity was sharply reduced.

If there were five 'signals' between him and the deity before, then now, there may be only one 'signal' left.

This is because he is currently next to the Pure Land of All Lives. Once he is far away from the Pure Land of All Lives, there is no doubt that he will be 'disconnected' from the deity.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's eyes bloomed with bright light, and he looked in all directions.

His gaze finally fixed on the direction behind him.

Wherever he looked, there was a huge black outline without any light. This black outline almost blended into the surrounding darkness. If Xiao Zhi hadn't been blessed with the ability to 'speak with words', his eyesight would have been greatly enhanced. , he may not even be able to see this black outline.

Obviously, the huge black outline in front of us is the Pure Land of All Lives.

At this moment, black lines shot out from this huge black outline.

Faced with the black threads coming one after another, Xiao Zhi did not move to avoid them, nor did the mighty Buddha, they both allowed the dense black threads to wrap around their bodies.

These black threads are regarded as drawstrings.

Next, what Xiao Zhi and the mighty Buddha need to do is to use the ropes to pull the divided pieces of pure land to the heaven like donkeys pulling mills.

To be honest, Xiao Zhi was actually somewhat resistant to this errand.

But when he thought that the mighty Buddha also had to do this, he had nothing to say.

When Xiao Zhi's body was covered with black threads, he showed an expression of relief.

Because at this moment, the connection between him and the deity was greatly enhanced, and the 'signal' returned to about four bars from the previous one.

This means that the connection between him and the deity will become smoother, and he will also be able to obtain a more sufficient and stable energy supply from the deity.

"Okay, let's get started." The mighty Buddha, whose body was covered with black threads, sat down in the air. His golden body turned into a dark color visible to the naked eye. At the same time, a shadow appeared under him. A group of golden auspicious clouds, after this auspicious cloud rose into the sky, turned into pitch black color visible to the naked eye.

The golden light is too conspicuous and may attract chaos beasts, so black is better.

Xiao Zhi also imitated the mighty Buddha and turned his glazed golden body into a dark color.

Just changing a color was too simple for him.

Next, you have to grind... no, I should say pull the pieces of pure land.

Xiao Zhi used all his strength and began to fly forward. The dense black threads wrapped around his body stretched straight at this moment...


Xiao Zhi sat quietly on the floating boat.

After being distracted for a while, Xiao Zhi once again took out the gray-black ball as a token from the storage ring.

Soon, he contacted Emperor Mengtian through this ball.

Xiao Zhi didn't waste any time and went straight to the point: "Emperor Mengtian, Emperor Kongtian is already on his way back, and the mighty Buddha is also on his way to heaven with a piece of pure land. According to the estimate of the mighty Buddha, , it will take about a year for him to come to heaven with the fragments of the Pure Land."

The voice belonging to Emperor Mengtian said: "Okay, I understand."

After ending the call with Emperor Meng Tian, ​​Xiao Zhi's heart sank and he began to practice his [Tianji Holy Body] again.

In addition to practicing, Xiao Zhi also needs to continuously provide divine power to his split soul that is responsible for pulling the fragments of the Pure Land.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi, who is in the original heaven, has no shortage of energy at all. Although the energy consumption of the split soul is large, it is nothing to him.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, two more days passed.

On this day, Xiao Zhi, who was practicing, seemed to sense something. He turned his eyes and looked at the edge of his field of vision.

At the edge of his field of vision, there was a tiny translucent light curtain floating.

At this time, a line of blood-colored text appeared above the translucent light curtain.

'coming! ’

‘The wave of special missions is finally here! ’

At this moment, Xiao Zhi didn't hesitate at all, and directly sent out a ray of spiritual thought, and clicked on this line of blood-colored text.

As for what this line of bloody text actually says, it is no longer important to him.

With his current strength, no matter how difficult these special tasks are, they are still child's play for him.

After clicking to accept the task, Xiao Zhi began to wait.

A second later, a system prompt appeared in front of him: ‘You have accepted this mission. ’

Immediately afterwards, another system prompt popped up: 'Mission accepted successfully, transfer is about to begin...'

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but have a smile on his face, and thought to himself: 'It seems that Emperor Meng Tian has made concessions this time and has no intention of competing with me for these special tasks. ’

Emperor Mengtian is the most powerful person. If Emperor Mengtian wants to compete with him for a special task, it is impossible for him to defeat Emperor Mengtian.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's figure turned into nothing and disappeared into the air.

He was transported to the mission execution place by the sentient being system.

At this time, in the dark and deep chaotic void, Xiao Zhi sent a message to the mighty Heavenly Buddha not far away: "Heavenly Buddha, I have something to deal with. I need to rest for a few days."

The original Xiao Zhi is in the original heaven, and his energy can be said to be inexhaustible, but once he goes to other world planes, he will not have this treatment.

Therefore, in order to prevent the divine power in the body from being drained by the divided soul during the execution of special tasks, Xiao Zhi, the deity, can only suspend the energy supply to the divided soul.

When the mighty Buddha heard this, he did not ask for the reason. He just nodded slightly to Xiao Zhi and replied through a message: "Okay."

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