This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1796 Return to the world of living beings

In the sky, above the clouds, Xiao Zhi looked down at the mansion below, silent.

With a flash of purple light, Si Wei's figure appeared next to Xiao Zhi and said softly: "Have you seen it all?"

"Yeah." Xiao Zhi nodded.

"I didn't expect them to be like this." Si Wei lowered her head and said, "If I had known it would be like this, I wouldn't have told them the truth about the world."

Seeing that Xiao Zhi didn't speak, Si Wei continued: "My father now has hundreds of wives and concubines, and the number of children exceeds 200. He wants to take over all these people, and he also wants you to give them the heavenly realm." Identity, he... what does he take himself for? What does he take you for? I told him that every one of the quotas for admission to heaven is extremely precious, and he still said that, which really pissed me off!"

Xiao Zhi gently put his hand around Si Wei's slender waist and said, "Calm down, there's no need to be angry about this kind of thing."

At this time, he felt quite helpless.

Si Wei was right, every quota for introduction to the heaven was extremely precious. Even if the most powerful people defected to the heaven, they could usually only get thirty quotas.

His prospective father-in-law wanted 300 recruitment quotas at the drop of a hat. He was really brave.

If it weren't for the sake of his daughter, Xiao Zhi wouldn't even bother to take a second look at such a person who doesn't know how high the sky is.

Si Wei's eyes were a little red and she whispered: "Husband, are you unhappy because of this matter?"

"How could it be?" Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "He is him, and you are you. What I like is you, not him. If he is easy to get along with, we will have more contact with him. If he is not good, we will have more contact with him." If we want to get along with each other, then we should interact less and be out of sight."

"Yeah." Si Wei nodded.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "He is your father after all. Although you have no relationship with him, there is no need to make the relationship too tense."

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "I definitely won't be able to get the three hundred quotas. So, you tell him that I can give him one quota. This quota will be regarded as a betrothal gift. ”

"What is the betrothal gift?" Si Wei was a little confused.

"Well, this is a custom in the world where I live. In the country where I live, if a man wants to marry a woman, he usually gives a gift to the woman's family. This gift is called a bride price." Xiao Zhi explained.

"Well, some places in the Dongyuan Realm have similar customs, but in the Dongyuan Realm, it's not called a bride price." Si Wei gently leaned her head on Xiao Zhi's shoulder and said, "Husband, your What are your parents like?”

"My parents..." Xiao Zhi had a recalling expression on his face and said, "My parents are very good people and treat me very well."

Si Wei whispered: "I want to meet them."


"I just don't know if they will like me." Si Wei said anxiously.

Xiao Zhi said: "You are so beautiful, they will definitely like you. If they see you, they will probably brag to others every day, saying how good their daughter-in-law is and how beautiful she is, haha."


"Of course it's true." Xiao Zhi gave Si Wei a very positive answer.

After Si Wei joined the Heavenly Realm, she automatically obtained the identity of a player, but what she obtained was the identity of a player in the 'Principal Kingdom', and was not among the twelve heavens in the world of living beings.

Under normal circumstances, Si Wei cannot enter the world of living beings, let alone enter the Chentian District.

But this was not a problem for Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi is now a senior manager of Tianjie.

In heaven, as long as he is willing to pay the price, he is omnipotent.

Soon, the figures of Xiao Zhi and Si Wei appeared in the world of living beings, in the territory of Dachang Kingdom.

This is a green forest that stretches as far as the eye can see, with no end in sight.

A two-story-high colorful giant tiger was walking in the forest with long strides.

A middle-aged man with a strong physique and dark skin, wearing a somewhat shabby military uniform, sat on the back of the colorful giant tiger, gnawing on a piece of barbecue.

A few miles away, beside a stream, a woman was doing laundry. Next to the woman, a large dog with fiery red hair lay lying on her back. The big dog was also nibbling on a piece of barbecue.

These two people were none other than Xiao Zhi's parents.

High in the sky, Xiao Zhi looked down at the scene in the mountains and forests below, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

In the heaven, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on the floating boat, had the same smile on his face.

He hadn't gone back to see his parents for a long time. Therefore, when his clone came to Dachang with Si Wei this time, he temporarily gave up his practice, extended a ray of thought and took over the clone. body of.

"Dad, Mom, when did you start raising pets? They are still such fierce pets." After floating in the sky for a while, Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

His voice was not loud, but it reached the ears of Father Xiao and Mother Xiao clearly.

After hearing Xiao Zhi's voice, the colorful giant tiger that Xiao's father used as his mount suddenly stood up with its colorful hair, turned its head and looked around, and roared again and again.

The big fiery red dog lying lazily next to Xiao's mother also stood up in a moment.

In an instant, the big red dog ignited into a torch.

The reactions of Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were completely different from those of the two demon masters.

After Xiao's father was stunned for a moment, his face showed joy and he shouted loudly: "Son, is that you?"

"It's me." Xiao Zhi flashed and appeared in front of his father Xiao Yi.

Also appearing with him was Si Wei.

"Uncle." Si Wei said a little cautiously with a smile on her face.

Not long after, in a large wooden house in the forest, his father Xiao Yi greeted him warmly: "Sit down, everyone, sit down. The conditions here are a bit rough, so please don't mind, Xiaowei."

"No, it's very nice here. It's full of vitality and close to nature. I feel very comfortable here." Si Wei said hurriedly.

"That's good, that's good." His father Xiao Yi nodded, and suddenly turned to face the door and shouted: "Monkey, hurry up and bring me a jar of monkey wine! And those spiritual fruits you planted, Check to see if they are ripe. If so, pick some for me!"

"I'll be there right away." A monkey with golden hair, after hissing in agreement, turned into a golden stream of light and fled into the distance.

Xiao Zhi could tell at a glance that this was a demon-level demon monkey, with strength equivalent to that of a human Nascent Soul Overhaul.

The colorful giant tiger he saw before was the Demon Lord, the big red-haired dog was the Demon Lord, and the golden-haired monkey was also the Demon Lord.

In addition, within a radius of dozens of miles, he also sensed the auras of dozens of other demon masters, including even terrifying peak demon masters.

Under normal circumstances, in this kind of forest, within a radius of dozens of miles, it would be good to have a few ferocious beasts. But here, the demon lords are almost gathered together.

Xiao Zhi asked: "Dad, where did these monsters around you come from?"

Xiao Yi smiled when he heard this and said: "These monsters were all given to me by that boy Lu Zhong one after another. Your mother and I like to stay in the woods. We think it is more comfortable to stay here, so he tamed them." I brought some monsters over to accompany us and protect our safety by the way. This guy is really thoughtful."

Xiao Yi smiled and continued: "Actually, your mother and I don't need the protection of so many monsters. We are old bones, and we don't have anything valuable on us. Who has nothing to do when we are full? Come to harm us?"

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "What do you mean by old bones? You and mom are young now. Look, you are as strong as a cow now. It won't be a problem to live for thousands or tens of thousands of years."

"Hahaha." Xiao Yi laughed, showing off his muscles quite proudly, and said: "It's not bad, I spent a lot of time and worked hard to achieve this."

"Okay, okay, very strong." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

Si Wei sent a message to Xiao Zhi: 'In addition to the monster beasts, I also felt several god-level auras around here, but they should not be the original ones, but clones. ’

After Xiao Zhi received the message, his expression changed slightly.

'Is it the breath of a god-level clone...'

He was just a junior god-level clone, with limited strength, and he didn't investigate it carefully, so he didn't sense this.

In Xiao Zhi's mind, the faces of Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, and Hu Yang could not help but appear.

‘It should be a few of them. ’

‘If it’s the clones left behind by them, then they must have known about my arrival. As expected, they will come over soon. ’

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

Mother Hu Lanzhi, who was sitting next to her father Xiao Yi, was always staring at Si Wei.

The more I watch it, the more satisfied I am, and the more I watch it, the more I like it.

She said with a smile on her face: "Where is the girl from? She is so beautiful."

Si Wei politely replied: "Auntie, I come from the Blue Sea Continent."

"Coming from the Blue Sea Continent..." Hu Lanzhi smiled and nodded.

‘Where is the Blue Ocean Continent? ’ Hu Lanzhi had never heard of Blue Sea Continent, so she secretly sent a message to her father Xiao Yi and asked.

Xiao Yi had never heard of it either, so he sent a message to Xiao Zhi and asked the same question.

Xiao Zhi sent a message and replied: "The Blue Sea Continent is far, far away from our world of sentient beings. It's just far away anyway. I haven't been there either." ’

Very far indeed.

The Blue Sea Continent where Si Wei was born is a small world in the Cave Abyss Realm. The distance between it and the world of living beings is almost immeasurable.

Next, her mother Hu Lanzhi asked Si Wei some questions, and Si Wei answered them all.

At this moment, the golden-haired monkey came back with monkey wine.

In addition to monkey wine, it also brought a lot of crystal clear, gem-like spiritual fruits.

The big red-haired dog brought a large pot of roasted meat that was full of aroma.

Suddenly, the wooden table in the wooden house was filled with food.

"Come, eat. The food is a bit rough. I hope you don't mind it, Miss Xiao Wei." Hu Lanzhi greeted, and as she spoke, she picked up a bunch of crystal grapes and stuffed them into Si Wei's hand.

Si Wei hurriedly reached out to take it and thanked her in a low voice: "Thank you, aunt."

"Come, son, drink some with me. This is authentic monkey wine. You can't drink it anywhere else." Xiao Yi placed a large porcelain bowl in front of Xiao Zhi and picked up the jar of monkey wine. , smashed the mud seal, and wanted to pour wine for Xiao Zhi.

The moment the mud seal broke, the strong aroma of wine overflowed and immediately filled the entire wooden house.

"I'll do it." Xiao Zhi stood up hurriedly, took the wine jar from Xiao Yi's hand, poured wine for his father first, and then for himself.

"Si Wei, do you want something to drink?" Xiao Zhi glanced at Si Wei and asked.

Si Wei shook her head gently.

Xiao Zhi smiled, stretched out the wine bowl in his hand, touched it with his father, and then poured the monkey wine in the bowl into his mouth.

Houer wine is a fruit wine, with a smooth mouthfeel, a hint of sweetness, and a very good taste.

At this moment, Si Wei seemed to sense something and said, "Someone is coming."

As soon as Si Wei finished speaking, a voice came from outside the house: "It smells so good, Uncle Xiao, you are unkind. I asked you for monkey wine some time ago, but you didn't give it to me. I'll drink it myself now." ”

Xiao Zhi instantly recognized that it was Zhao Yan's voice.

As soon as the voice entered the wooden house, Zhao Yan's figure appeared at the door of the wooden house.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyan, you're here. I'm not as stingy as you say. When you came here some time ago, the monkey wine had not been brewed for long and the taste was not good, so I didn't let you take it away. Now the monkey wine has been It's almost brewed, I'll get it for you later if you want as much as you want." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Zhao Yan, you're here." Xiao Zhi stood up and said with a smile.

"Brother Zhi." Zhao Yan stepped into the wooden house and his eyes fell on Si Wei sitting next to Xiao Zhi: "Who is this beauty?"

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "This is my fiancée Si Wei."

fiancée? !

When he heard the words 'fiancée', Zhao Yan's eyes suddenly opened wider than a bell, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Zhao Yan, what's your expression?" Xiao Zhi said with some displeasure.

Zhao Yan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm just glad to see you suddenly enlightened, Brother Zhi."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his head was filled with black lines...

After Zhao Yan came over, not long after, Lu Zhong also came over.

Immediately afterwards, Hu Yang also came over.

Whether it is Zhao Yan, Lu Zhong, or Hu Yang, they all appear to be very familiar with Xiao's father and Xiao's mother.

It can be seen that they come here relatively frequently.

This made Xiao Zhi feel ashamed and guilty.

The people who live here are his parents. As a result, Zhao Yan and Lu Zhong often come to visit his parents, but he, the son, has been late in coming until now. What's going on?

‘From now on, let’s leave a clone in the world of living beings. If anything happens, you can come and take care of your parents. ’ Xiao Zhi thought.

‘Brother Zhi, the sister-in-law you found is okay. Where did you abduct her from? ’ Hu Yang was sitting on a stool, drinking monkey wine and eating barbecue while transmitting messages to Xiao Zhi.

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